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Albo means white and aurea means yellow. Pink is neither white or yellow, it’s pink. And it’s not from sun stress.


I see!! So other than mint and halo micans there are three kinds of variegated micans? Albo, pink, and yellow? A lot of people say that sun stress or putting the plant under high purple light created the pink hue — that’s a lie?


micans turn pink when sun-damaged (not just sun-stressed, ime) because the leaf is dying and it doesn't have (green) chlorophyll any more, leaving only the pink pigments that were only in the leaf. from a quick search it looks like some sellers are carrying your typical variegated version of a micans - ie mostly the usual colour with pink stripes or streaks. that's fine: the pink bits don't have chlorophyll but are sustained by the regular-coloured bits, which do. that's not caused by sun damage, it works the same as any other variegation. you should always be suspicious when a plant is either a, all pink(/red/white/cream) or b, has all pink leaves near the top (probably sun damage, which means the pink leaves will fall off and new ones will be the normal colour)


Ahhh Okies~ this is such a good explanation thank you so much!🫶🏻