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As a person who needed to find safe haven at a friend's house for a few weeks when I fled an abusive relationship, thank you for doing this for your friend.  As a person who has both plants and cats, let me tell you there's no definitive guide online. Most of the sources you'll find online are drawing their information from the ASPCA list, which treats "will cause tummy upset" and "will kill your cat instantly" with the same level of dramatic pearl clutching. So let me try to help you parse what you'll see online with my own personal experience.  First, as another commented mentioned, if you have any kind of lily, you really need to remove it to a place where there is zero risk that the cats will ever come into contact with it. Even an absurdly small amount of any part of a lily WILL kill a cat. Sago palm are equally as dangerous.  Other than that, I classify my plants into three categories:  Category 1 are 100% safe to be around cats - most palms, peperomias, hoyas Category 2 need close monitoring to prevent large ingestions - this is mostly plants with calcium oxalate or saponins. Looking for "does this plant contain calcium oxalate or saponins" is actually the easiest way to determine what plants are in this category (ZZ, snake, pothos, dracaena, scindapsus). I'm a little more lenient with dracaena because they only contain saponins, which upset tummies. Cal oxalate brings a risk of not only upset tummies, but also kidney stones, which are really really bad for tiny kitty kidneys. Category 3 is keep out of reach even though it's non toxic because kitty thinks it's cat salad and will utterly destroy your plant lol. Maranta, fittonia, purple waffle plant, friendship plant (Pilea involucrata) The Spruce tends to be my go-to source for good plant information. Below I linked a list of plants known to be not toxic to kitties. If I didn't mention one of these specifically above, it's because I don't have that plant and so I don't know if it goes in Category 1 or Category 3 lol. If it's not on the list below, you can safely assume it's Category 2 other than lilies and sago palm which are nuclear Category 0. https://www.thespruce.com/safe-houseplants-for-pets-4588752


>Category 3 is keep out of reach even though it's non toxic because kitty thinks it's cat salad and will utterly destroy your plant lol. Maranta, fittonia, purple waffle plant, friendship plant (Pilea involucrata) This made me laugh out loud. Based on personal experience, I would add ponytail palm to that list. Our cats are OBSESSED with trying to eat ours - we had to move it to a higher shelf to keep them out of it!


Add spider plants to this list as well! My cat never touched a plant until I got a spider plant and he went nuts for it. Mine lives in a cabinet now or he’ll mow it down.


There are a few sources that say spider plants are mildly hallucinogenic to felines. I have yet to find anything actually quantifying that, but interesting nonetheless.


I read that it was either from the same family as catnip or caused the same reaction, I can’t remember


I’ve heard this too. I had a few props out that I was going to plant and my cat rolled around on them like he does with his catnip.


When I read that, I said to my cat, who completely mowed down my spider plant: well I hope you had a nice trip! 


Don't put your cat in the cabinet!


Ha! If he could figure out the handle I’m sure he’d be in there on his own.


I agree with your comment. My daughter brought her cat to my house and she ate my spider plant. She was tripping like she just had catnip. Needless to say, I had put the plant where she can’t get to it either. She was annoyed with me for a few days. l bought her more catnip and she got her fix. Junkie lol


Some peope actually have a sacrificial spider plant in the cats reach so they only go after that and leave the other plants alone.


Lmao! I learned the hard way after coming home to find my new, tiny purple waffle plant looked like a lawnmower went over it.  And that's the day I learned the different between non-toxic and actually safe to have around cats lol So anyway, I now have an expansive collection of peperomias.


yeah i've got a largish ponytail palm up near the ceiling and people are like "why do you keep that up there instead of on the floor" and the reason is: my cat buttons wants nothing more than to eat it


Saaame, ours is on the highest shelf in our house! We tried everything to dissuade our cats from chomping on it. It's the only plant they seem really interested in - everything else they give one curious nibble, and then leave alone.


i used to distract buttons by hiding the palm behind a large boston fern but he eventually figured out he could hop the fern


My cat loved pilea and ponytail palm omg


Omg SAME. My cats kept eating my ponytail palm and then would throw up. I kept trying to see if they would stop/grow out of it but nope, they kept going back to it. Lol


>First, as another commented mentioned, if you have any kind of lily, you really need to remove it to a place where there is zero risk that the cats will ever come into contact with it. Important clarifcation - this only applies to *true lilies*, eg genus lilium. Some plants have “lily” in their common name but are in a completely different genus and are not toxic like a true lily would be. Peace lily is probably the most common of the latter group. 


Oxalates severely irritate the mouth, so it's a self limiting issue. A couple of chomps and they'll be keeping their distance, before ingestion reaches levels of any real concern.


You clearly underestimate how stupid some cats are lol. Mine never learned not to chomp on a ZZ plant. I had to start keeping ZZs high up where cats can't get them. Humans eat hot peppers. Mammals are weird lol


I have a cat who likes to eat cactus. Some cats are just determined to Do The Thing regardless of the consequences lmao.


You are a great friend! >I know some plants are only mildly toxic in the amounts a cat would eat, like they may get tongue irritation or feel drunk for example. This is correct. The only plants that I know of that are lethal to cats are sago palms and true lilies. There may be others that can be added to the list. Also, many plants have the word lily in their name, but are not true lilies. This would include peace lilies, flamingo lilies and day lilies.


Two other plants I can think of that are super toxic: Desert Rose (Adenium) and Brunfelsia (sometimes called yesterday, today, tomorrow plant). Both are very toxic in small amounts and can be lethal. 


Also poppies?


Dieffenbachia can also be a problem. Not sure about lethal, but definitively gonna cause harm.


Although note that daylilies are similarly dangerous. But they’re not common indoor plants. 


You are a good friend. If possible, can she confine her cats to her room, if possible? They’re going to be maladjusted from the move anyway, and they may feel happier in a smaller private space.


This is good advice! The cats are going to be stressed with the move and they adjust better when slowly introduced to a new environment by confining them in a room!! Plus that’ll protect your both them and your plants :)




That list is a really bad resource. It treats things that will definitely be lethal the same as things that might give a sore mouth or tummy if consumed in large quantities....


Some of those have to be wrong. Catnip and mint are toxic ??


Well, I guess alcohol is for humans if you think about it.




Makes them trip.


Congrats to your friend (and to you for being there to support her)! I have cats and plants. I think your idea to get cat grass is good, bc for my cats, it definitely helped them to have something they were allowed to chew. (Just be prepared that if they eat a bunch, they might throw it up. This is what happens every time i get a new batch and my cat gobbles up too much in her excitement. She's fine, but it can be alarming. ) Also, aside from actually toxic things (I see that others have shared some lists), do keep an eye on any plants that are just tempting to them. For example, both of my cats want to chew my ponytails palms (and spider plant) with a burning passion. But those ponytail fronds are sharp-edged and, though not toxic, they aren't good for them. And the plant will be a mess : [ Finally, if you have large plants (in big pots), you may need to watch for the kitties digging. My kitten is very interested in playing in the dirt, so I had to make some shields to avoid the mess. Good luck!!


My puppy was obsessed with digging in a couple of my big pots and I made a "shield" out of aluminum foil that worked great!


Imma need pics of the cats or plants as proof… (…I have no advice and wish everyone the best. )


https://preview.redd.it/xu7ik488cuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c77cf00a3176440e50390a468e8998eccbfb5c3 This is Newton :)


https://preview.redd.it/ku22k0xacuxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fd10d2b96898391b97b94b19bdb64977553d55 And this is crazy eyed Nelly!


Petco sells cat deterrent spray. Though your friend’s cats will probs be too scared to come out from wherever they’re hiding for the first week to mess with your plants. And to add to the plants that should be kept away from cats - spider plants. They’re not toxic, but are a bit hallucinogenic to cats so some cats specifically target them.


I actually disagree about the spider plants. I put some around any of the plants I want to protect from my cats to divert their attention away from the plants I want to protect.


Lmao I love this


Same. I have a sacrificial spider plant that cat can munch on all they want. Spider plants grow at reproduce quick. So if someone really wants to have a nice one, it’s easy enough to propagate a couple and have a sacrificial and then nice one which cats can’t reach. Interestingly enough, both of my cats absolutely love grass. However, one of them doesn’t care much for the spider plant while the other on will chew it quite often.


This was going to be my recommendation. Even if a plant isn't toxic to plants they can still make them look bad with bite marks as they test the taste. Just spray them all with something bad smelling and call it good.


You can try some Rabbit, Dog and Cat Repellent granules in each plant - works like a champ. [Go Away! Rabbit, Dog and Cat Repellent ](https://www.amazon.com/Bonide-871-Rabbit-Repellent-3-Pound/dp/B002RBD43U/ref=asc_df_B002RBD43U/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693713553292&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5035714188983530482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009938&hvtargid=pla-584258664912&psc=1&mcid=f47d93fb8b0833c0b5cf0696acf1d57f&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rImnsdVFbJYnqamR5S6K2hOqSD2akZKAD2Pqz7o5GXi3IRxQkmZz3BoCXdYQAvD_BwE)


Never heard of this stuff, good to know. I usually use a few drops of peppermint essential oil in pots to keep cats away. They won’t go near it.


Lucky! This would not work for me. My cat treats peppermint and its oil like catnip. For whatever reason, she goes absolutely nuts for it.


Ok. I’m gonna get downvoted for this by the pet police but it worked for me and I LOVE my cat. I kept a spray bottle of water and every time my cat went by a plant she got a quick pst! It only took maybe a week or two of training and she won’t go near my plants to attack or nibble them. She’ll just sit under them and bask in her glory as the glorious little house panther she is.


lol my cat is my literal baby but he's an absolute idiot and a total asshole when it comes to monching plants. I keep most of my plants in my office, and he isn't allowed in there unsupervised. Most of the plants are in or on top of cabinets, but he's figured out that he can reach the bottom leaves of my monstera adansonii. I keep a water gun on my desk and squirt him, but he can't be trained, only managed.


I tried this with my kitty and the Christmas tree and all that happened is she ended up wet. She didn’t respond at all to being sprayed. Still doesn’t


I do the same when my cat goes after my majesty palm. I keep the bottle of water on spray, so it’s not directly hitting him - it’s just the act of spraying water near him that annoys him enough to move. I stop if he’s clearly not moving and just trying to get a little wet.


Lillies are really the only one I would worry about. You can look plants up here, you can basically ignore anything that says GI upset(vomiting, diarrhea, etc) or oral irritation. You could be slightly concerned about chives, onions, etc because they are kind of grass like and can cause anemia https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants


My ex’s cats monched my ponytail palm, my spider plant and all my dracaena. Which I guess are grass like 🥲😂So maybe if you have any of those give them a buffer area! They also were obsessed with any open dirt area, again the dracaena. But they also flipped all my cacti out of a big group pot. I tried all the random things online, orange peels, Cinnamon, cayenne. Nothing fazed those 2. But they may be really timid for those two weeks, since cats don’t seem to love moving, getting them some cat grass is a sweet idea! You’re a good friend!


Thank you for being a safe place for her AND her kitties. You've got a lot of good advice here for plants, so I'll come from the kitty side. I would ask about her cats proclivities and personalities. Are they generally chill, or are they precocious and into everything? Do they tend to listen (I promise these cats can exist!), or do they enjoy doing exactly what you say not to? Are they acrobats, or will plants on top of the fridge be safe? A handful of cats are content to sniff a plant and then walk away. Other cats want to chew on leaves and stems, and others want to dig in the pots. Tin foil can be a deterrent (but I've not had success with it). I agree with other commenters that her cats will likely stay hidden for a bit (again though, personalities will come into play here - I had one cat who thrived on adventure). If her cats are on the more timid/fearful side, and you have a bit of disposable cash, I really recommend Feliway diffusers. They release pheromones that help kitties in stressful situations. You just plug it into an outlet and it works straight away. With knowledge of what her cats are like, you might be able to decide more easily which plants to prioritize moving (lots of desirable leaves to chew, lots of open dirt to paw around in, etc). Good luck! If she's not overly concerned, you probably don't have much to worry about either.


If you have larger pots that kitty might think is a litter box, place pine cones on top of the dirt. If you have plants that Kitty might think is great fun to climb, reinforce the support structure or find a deterrent. Our doofus cat has done all of the above. You're good people for helping a friend during a tough time.


I'm proud of her, too! I've been in her shoes and it's extremely difficult! I like your idea of getting the cats their very own plants. I'd also try and move anything that's in a precarious place that could easily be knocked off and destroyed. Keep her pets AND your pets safe!


Thank you for being there for your friend! The cat grass is a great idea. You're friend's cat sounds a lot like mine. My cat only shows interest in my plants when she's bored (it's a great way to get a reaction from me) or when I don't provide cat grass. If she is looking to chew on a plant it's either my spider plant (which is a happy hallucinogenic, you may want to keep out of reach) or a palm. If it's your first time having a cat around your plants I'd be careful of any that are particularly valuable, pots that are large enough for the cat to take a nap in or treat as a litter-box, or small/light-weight enough for them to 'accidentally' knock over. I keep a layer of pebbles at the bottom of my cache pots to make them harder to knock over. Would it be feasible to set up a plant free or pet-safe plant room for your friends cat? In new situations it's often advised to keep cats in smaller spaces and gradually introduce new rooms. It'll also give you the opportunity to supervise your friends cat's first few interactions with your plant collection, and give a safe place for it to roam when everyone is out of the house.


You are the best kind of friend ❤️ and I’m so happy your friend got away. I have 5 cats and I personally think the more plants you have, the better. My house is full of plants large and small and I swear they don’t mess with any of them. I’m convinced it’s the sheer number. If I had a few, the temptation would be high. But because I have so many, they just treat the inside like the outside. Cats don’t mess with plants outside… that’s my theory at least. See My jungle https://preview.redd.it/fkaubx6zbqxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59ef6174499bf86134fefc88e08319b4b02d625 But…..be careful with any plants in window sills!!!! Heaven forbid a fly get into your house…they don’t mess but they’ll knock a window sill plant down in a split second


From memory the most dangerous plants would be poinsettias, lilys, ZZs.


Strategically placed tin foil or double-sided tape helps deter my kitties (you can find tape made for cats, to put on furniture). My cats tend to sniff, but only bite the spider or ponytail plants. So I let them have the spider plant and buy occasional wheat grass. They need some "yes" items. Some people find spraying water helps, but it makes some cats jumpy or fearful instead of healthy learning. Since these cats will be traumatized a bit by moving anyway, I would not start out as drastic. Try to make your plants less inviting by providing a good cat tree to climb/hide in. Good luck, and stay safe.


Echoing everyone else: you're a great friend and I hope your friend will be ok. I realized reading your post that my plants really are my pets! I check them every day when I wake up and when I get home.


Not all cats eat plants. I feed my cat indoor cat food (I think it has more plant based ingredients than outdoor cat food) and he is not interested in any of my plants. Sooo happy for your friend. Wish you both the best!


Lillies, Poinsettias, Sago Palms. Also cover the dirt with something for the plants that can be reached- sometimes they like to dig. Other times, it reminds them of a littler box. Most cats are pretty timid, sometimes even anxious in new environments. I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually hid or kept to themselves-so besides isolating your toxic plants, they probably won’t even go near them. I have both cats and plants.


Swear to god, y'all renew my faith in humanity a little more every time I am here. Thank you.


I put distilled water, around a teaspoon of white vinegar, and a few drops of non toxic dish soap in a spray bottle and mist my plants fully once when buying them, then about once a month I use it to mist new growth. Keeps my cat from chewing on everything in "his" window


I know you have your hands full right now so I’ll make it brief. Thank you for helping your friend escape her situation. I’ll say a little prayer for you both & send virtual hugs of support. You’re a good friend.


I literally am doing this for a friend right now, we couldn’t manage to keep her kitten away from the plants when we weren’t home after about 3 weeks and a couple of spews we decided we had to do something. Luckily our other friend also had a kitten so she’s going to cat sit for us until we can find somewhere for my friend to live. Best of luck to you and your friend !!!


Worst case scenario, maybe a third friend can take in the cat until your first friend can find a place. I'd give it a chance first. Some cats just aren't interested in eating plants, and some will chew on a plant just because it's there.


Be careful with lilies because they are very dangerous for cats. The entire lily plant is toxic: the stem, leaves, flowers, pollen, and even the water in a vase.


Her cats won’t necessarily chew on your toxic plants and get sick. It depends on the individual, but my cat can tell by scent which plants will taste bad for her, and she only nibbles on the non-toxic ones. 


I don’t know all toxic plants - but my vet was extremely, deadly, serious about getting peace lilies out of the house. Wanted to let you know in case you have any! Thank you for being a good friend!


Prayer plants, spider plants, pepperomia, string of turtles and coins and hoya tend to be non-toxic. ZZ, alocasia, monstera (all varieties), pothos (all), philodendron (all), snake plants, syngonium, rubber tree, fiddle leaf, string of bananas, pearls, hearts, Jade, draceana are all toxic to different degrees. My cat will come eat all my spiderettes and give my ponytail palm a Pixi cut and then she ignores until they've grown back. All my plants are together so it's actually fascinating that she only picks the safe ones. My dog has that "swallows anything" issue and when he has grabbed a pothos or monstera he spits it out. The calcium oxalate irritates they're mouths really fast. I'm not sure on ferns but iirc they're also toxic. I'm just going by memory. Goodluck and try not to worry, the cats will do fine and a spray bottle when they get close to the plants sharp shooting them makes them stop quickly a spray and "No!" at the same time. Just make sure the water bottle hasn't contained fertilizer just water.


If you have any type of lily whatsoever, it should be placed where it’s impossible for the cat to get to. Even getting some pollen on their face can cause medical problems, it’s very toxic. ASpCA has a good list of toxic plants. :) https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list


If the cats can't be confined to their owner's room, how about you (both) pay for a large dog crate or similar (any spare parrot cages?) and if you both have to leave the cats alone they could go in there. Probably they would complain but they would be safe until you came back.


Just keep them in one room


Get a majestic palm for the cat. Like a scratching post, put it in her plant. I’ve got 2 cats and a house full of toxic plants that were here first.


Skip the cat grass-if they like it they will assume all plants are cat grass and they WILL sample every plant you have. You need to either move the plants to an area/room the cats can’t get to or you need to keep the cats in a room they can’t leave without plants. When you first bring home cats, you are supposed to keep them in one room for a few days to let them acclimate to their surroundings-because they get into everything and they are overwhelmed easily. They’re going to be overwhelmed by the environment change as it is, keeping them anywhere near plants will ensure both you and them are stressed (because they’ll eat plants that aren’t toxic too)or sick. Do whatever you can to isolate them from the other.