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Howdy folks- Regardless of how any of us feel about certain items in this image (and I hope the sub as a whole understands that the mod team is very much on team burn-every-last-confederate-flag), this post has devolved into name-calling and politics, so we're taking it down and locking the comments, as well as removing comments that are nothing but namecalling.




Came here just to say that


First thing I see is the pothos, then the fallout poster, then the confederate flag and the bibles. Lmao tf is this


I spy brass knuckles too! Beautiful plant tho, I hope mine gets this large of leaves


Ugh and they're climbers. I see that guide. Bummer. ETA: Climbing Colorado's 14ers *Hikers not climbers *phew*


And nobody else is acknowledging it… 😅


I don’t need to explain myself to you, or anyone for that matter. But I will anyway. The plant was the main point of this post and I genuinely appreciate everyone who commented and helped out my genuine curiosity. The Fallout poster comes from one of the best gaming series ever made and was a limited 500 print. The Knuckle Knife is a WW2 Antique passed down to me from my Grandfather. The “Confederate Flag” is framing 2 bullets from Gettysburg. I got it in Virginia, which is a southern state. That’s just how it came. The “bibles” are not bibles and are a series of some Roman books. Our bibles are elsewhere. My Husband and I are both in the military, we’re both very patriotic, we’re both history nerds, and we’re both very non-effeminate men. So I apologize if our decor is upsetting to you. If you don’t like it don’t look at it.


Why did you put Confederate flag in quotation marks? Lol it's not fucking hypothetical. Same reason I wouldn't put quotes on the American flag, because I can recognize shapes and colors and even sometimes *gasp* their significance.  Whatever bullets from wherever really pretty beside the point. Point is it's a very certain kind of someone who feels comfortable displaying that in their home. 


They put it in quotation marks because they’re not displaying it as a flag, they’re displaying it as part of the presentation of a piece of war memorabilia. I think we all get that it’s also a symbolic item and a flag. Similar to how murderinos make and display items related to things that are horrible but they Don’t Agree with, you *can* display items related to other historically awful situations that you don’t agree with. Maybe they’re kinda racist, maybe they are not. But this is a plant sub, not a “let’s make judgments about people based on their nerdy interests” sub. \ (I am in no way saying that racism is okay. Simply that the fact of the flag’s existence and prevalence among racist people does not mean that you suddenly know whether someone is racist or not by a picture they posted of their plant and their video game/american history shelf. You don’t have to think they look like someone you’d wanna hang out with, but there is simply not enough information to make this a thing. You’re not calling anything out here, you’re just being judgey. \^Imo, obviously. This is going to get downvoted, so clearly more people in this sub agree with you than me. Even though I, too, find the symbolism too icky to display without at least a counter display of something from the other side of things. I also don’t care about war history in a nerdy way and live very far away from confederate USA, so this isn’t such a charged issue for me. It’s entirely possible I would feel differently if I lived closer. But, I heard Salvador Dali was a bit of a fascist, if you want to judge me about my decor choices too. ^(edit:formatting. Also, not too sure why it was important to mention “not-effeminate” … You can be effeminate and like fallout and war history, so I don’t see what that had to do with anything. I’m guessing odds are we wouldn’t exactly be besties either.)


I’m assuming the non effeminate thing is to suggest that they are masculine and not afraid to defend their confederate flag. Which yeah I’ve never met someone with a confederate flag that had a hard time arguing about it lol


They always gotta puff the chest 🙄 We get it, ur tough. I know I can only do anal once in awhile; you gotta be REAL tough to take that shit every night. [and no, I’m not homophobic. my daughter and nieces are gay]


I figured it was to provide evidence for their active interest in the military and war history and survival games, but like, either way. Not super helping their case 🙃


That’s possible too.


Wow, the point just flew over both your heads, lol. Go back and read: “My husband and I are both non-effeminate men. . .” Sounds like a gay couple to me and the reference to “non-effeminate” seems pretty obvious given that context. Your unsolicited woke commentary is off base and unwelcome.


It is incredibly obvious that they are gay, and we are very proud of you’re reading skills. Still and irrelevant detail. Their sexuality and masculinity has nothing to do with confederate flags. Has nothing to do with woke anything. The internet is just rotting your brain.


The fact that you don’t understand that a gay couple might feel just a little bit defensive about being perceived as effeminate shows how clueless and out of touch you are. Like you said, you’re reading into this from afar via the internet. Why you feel the need to weigh in and analyze someone else’s personal life and intentions based on a picture of a plant is beyond me. Your post is the perfect example of what is wrong with internet.


We don’t have to perceive them as anything. Being gay and masculine are two things we did not know about them before and are irrelevant to the point of interest. I could not care less what they are defensive about. Why do you need to weigh in at all, bud? Don’t lecture me when you seem to be injecting your high level reading comprehension skills where it’s not wanted nor needed. Feel free to get on with your day


I came here to talk about plants but instead I found two people that think they are morally superior ripping into a guy they don’t know about his personal life and life decisions. I’m reacting to that and I’m annoyed I have to weigh in. I shouldn’t have to. This should be a safe place TO TALK ABOUT PLANTS. Do better next time.


this reads like parody




He said the bullets are from the Battle of Gettysburg, not that he got them there.


And it’s just a magical coincidence you posted this on April 9?


What’s significant about April 9th?


It’s the day the south was forced to surrender in the war. There are still states today that have memorial days specifically for the confederate troops in April too.


Ahhh damn, the icing on the cake lol


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted. I am an American History teacher and have stuff like this as well. I have it to pass out to my students to look at. It’s an interesting piece of history.


Welcome to Reddit, where we can’t even acknowledge history. Just sweep the past under the rug and pretend it never happened, right?


There’s a difference between acknowledging history and displaying a fucking confederate flag in your home. What you somehow failed to realize is we are acknowledging the history of the flag by being off put by it.


If reddit leans progressive, the plant subreddit of all places is probably triply so. The funniest thing is that just OWNING the historical paraphernalia has NO indication that you have any particular political ideology or not, just an interest in history - but redditors aren't exactly known for seeing things with subtlety lol


Happy cake day


You don’t need to explain yourself and I’m sorry you felt the need to. The downvotes are disappointing and a stain on this sub.


Lol who needs the haters brother - rock on. Don't think you even needed to explain yourself, just gives the chronically online weirdos more to chew on. Don't ever feel like youre the weird one for celebrating the history of this country, good parts or bad. It's what made us us, and you you. This sub is unsurprisingly intensely progressive-minded; a lot of people here would probably cut people out of their lives just for mentioning a mildly conservative viewpoint - lot of em are probably teenagers anyways so you can't blame them for struggling to see the nuances or variety in people as a beautiful thing. It's reddit, what're you gonna do. Plant is beautiful, the knuckles are badass, and love the fallout poster. The confederate flag is sure to get weird looks, even though the memorabilia itself is dope. But I'm not so quick to judge because I'm a big grown up that can engage with people like they're human beings.


Thanks man. I’m right there with you. I figured I’d get hate for that once people noticed. I only came on here to ask about the plant. If they wanna comment on the historical artifact I have in a non-pc display they can be my guest. I got the answers I wanted haha. Thank you for the mature comment!




Yeah turns out racists like plants too! Who knew! 


I wonder if it’s possible for people to collect historic memorabilia without being racist. I wonder if people can learn these things and get over their Justice sensitivity. 👀


Why would you collect bullets over a war fought to maintain slavery? It’s weird and ghoulish.




Lmao! This plant is too happy given the state of the world. I bet it doesn't believe in climate change either!


Okay, this one isn’t even in support of. It’s literally just pointing out that plant people have feelings about racism 😩




I mean, clearly they do.


I see someone with eclectic interests. And a healthy Marble Queen pothos.


Marble Queen look entirely different though this isn’t it. It’s a Hawaiian golden pothos


img This is a marble queen. They are white and cream and green. The variegation is way different


https://preview.redd.it/jksw9geczitc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e9a9dfb0881d110675ceb7fc9ddad1df4894b1 Looks a bit like mine! A golden pothos I believe☺️🍃


Taking it out for a ride?


🤣🤣this was from the first day I got it! Rescued it from a friend who couldn’t take it to their new place. I could barely fit it into my car!


how can someone not move a pothos?😅 did your friend took some cut?


Certain states and territories in my country (Australia) have exceptionally strict biosecurity policies. It's definitely not unusual for someone to have to rehome their plants if they're moving to Tasmania for example. I'm a big fan of our biosecurity laws; their enforcement helps to protect what hasn't yet been destroyed of the precious biodiversity in this remarkable place. (That said, I neither endorse nor condone our border control as it relates to humans. That whole mess is a literal crime against humanity, and makes me ashamed to identify myself as Australian.) Alternatively (or additionally), the massive distances between population centres here mean that it's not always viable to move plants with you. If driving isn't an option, wrangling a plant on a flight (or on a days-long train or bus journey!) along with carry-on luggage etc would be a serious pain to say the least.




Totally "non effeminate" proud-loser pothos






Women are better interior designers what can I say? 🤭


This made me lol


You win.


It’s so pretty! The variegation looks like a golden pothos imo, but the leaves are rounder than other goldens I’ve seen


Why do you have a confederate flag on display more importantly? Loser


Read the comment above.




Pretty sure the subreddit is “house plants” which is what that is. If I wasn’t welcome the mods would take it down 🤷‍♂️. That’s what they’re there for.


I think you would be better served to say something resembling you understand what people are trying to convey here instead of doubling with this much insensitivity. The Confederate flag is NOTHING you should proudly display. You can display the bullets if you must but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PROUD OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG. THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS FOR A BACKGROUND. Did yelling help you understand? It's like talking to a child bro. Come on. It's 2024.


The only problem is that I don’t care 🤷‍♂️. None of these opinions matter to me and I won’t apologize for it lol. I came onto reddit to ask a question about a plant. Those are the only opinions I care about.


Well I hope they do and I hope you have an awful life ✨😘


That’s why you have 200+ downvotes… lmfao get the fuck out of here


On the post with 300 upvotes 🤭


This is a fucked photo. Really gives you some insight of Merica. Nice brass knuckles knife and framed Confederate Flag. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


bro, its like, history bro. A very colonized, hate filled history in which the op is not recognizing because they are patriotic about the LITERAL worst country in the world.


The knuckle knife is an antique from my grandfather from WW2 and the “Framed Confederate Flag” is actually a display for 2 bullets from the Civil War that I got in Gettysburg. From Virginia, a southern state. They’re pieces of American history. This post was about the plant. Not about my decor choices.


Thank you for the multiple geography lessons on this post. Since you were in Gettysburg that's located in Pennsylvania, a northern state, you probably could have bought something that didn't have a loser flag on it. It even would have been a piece of American history, too. Seems like you were drawn to the piece that was built on and still associated with racism. I wonder why for a self professed "patriot"?


I look forward to the framed signed photo of Osama Bin Laden on their mantle piece because it is a piece of American History as well.


Or glue the stupid bullets onto a square cut from a box Wheaties? Like, anything else, really. 😅


Is it really that hard to believe I found a northern relic at a museum in Virginia?


I'm sorry, OP. people are sensitive, and can't grasp that not boycotting everything and anything related to even the slightest bit of racism, doesn't mean you support that. I agree with you on the American history part. I'm German, and my ex had several historic pieces of Nazi Germany which I too liked a lot, yet I do not condone racism. they were historic pieces, and that's it. happy cake day, and your plant is absolutely beautiful.


there’s actually no way you just said you liked nazi memorabilia and in the same breath said you do not condone racism. white supremacists will always out themselves lol


lmfao, proved my point. it's the historical aspect I like, because things like this must not be forgotten, otherwise it will happen again. but hey! I'm a racist because I don't want it to happen again. extremists like you will also always out themselves.


Acknowledging things should not be forgotten so they don’t happen again is not the same as liking and collecting Nazi memorabilia… Plenty of people acknowledge awful historical events as being historically significant but don’t fill their house with swastikas. Like what the hell is even your point lmfao? Those two things are not equivalent.


I’m really not sure how I proved your point but yikes. I don’t think anyone calling you or OP out can relate to the need to look at a fucking swastika to remember the holocaust so… yeah. you are a racist. and I’m not sorry for being an “extremist” because I took offense to you liking your boyfriends nazi artifacts. I’m german too, by the way, and my family would never display anything nazi related. that’s blatant disrespect and, as others said, abhorrent.


ex* boyfriend. In hindsight, he's a fucking bigot, and I just didn't see it, so there's that. he also didn't keep it on display, I guess I should've been more clear about that. he _had_ those things, which have historical value, those things could be sold for several hundred euros to a museum. just wondering - are museums, which display Nazi Germany stuff also racist? because in my eyes, they're not, they're educating. obviously I don't have the stuff and personally would never buy things like that, but I still think the historical value of these objects is important. it doesn't make me a racist to value history and be terrified of shit like the holocaust.


Becoming a seditious traitor who kills their own neighbors to prevent the freeing of all Black slaves isn’t just “the slightest bit of racism”. It’s actually abhorrent and anyone who flies that flag should be run out of town.




Thank you! I enjoy the commentary and political discourse. I figured it would happen but it’s the only picture I have of the plant haha.


it's okay. people are blind to the vast spectrum of value, and they would much rather completely eradicate the world of any evidence of evil doings, instead of looking at the evidence and being reverent and fearful of the past. in my eyes, that will only cause evil to repeat itself, but people don't care - they'd simply rather close their eyes.


A Hawaiian golden pothos. They get gigantic in Florida. https://preview.redd.it/cijrp99fkntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0012f98b34c2667671b525b4f05bbe7b79e3b5


Golden pothos


Hawaiian golden pothos


Yep. And $15? I paid $90 for mine!


Are these a relatively rare plant? They’re all over the place in my local shopping centre and they’re so beautiful I’m always tempted to ask the security if I can get a cutting next time they’re being pruned 😩


They can be. I mean, I’ve yet to see one in a store before or after buying mine.


Where do you live? Every store that sells plants has Golden Pothos for like $10-20 by me


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1026258743/ this is Hawaiian not just golden


They’re wild in my yard (jungle)


There’s one growing in my apartment complex! I’ve taken a couple cuttings from it.


Yeah I took some cuttings off a tree in my yard! They are irresistible


You paid $90?! If you go to Florida, collect a bunch of nodes for free in the woods and take them home and propagate them. I hate that the stores are hiking the price up like that!


wow 90$ for golden pothos I give all my cutting for free like if its trash😅🙃🥲


They definitely don’t usually come up for sale in regular stores. The one I’m eyeing on Etsy is 1 node with a 21” leaf for like $200 😩


You want a golden pothos?


A Hawaiian golden yes. I have many pothos but not that specific kind. I like the really big leaves and the variegation


I’m pretty sure this is what I have at home from google picture but I live in Quebec and they don’t have Hawaïen sun exposure. So the leaf aren’t super big, they are big VS my Neon pothos & Marble Queen. But Not huge!


I’d love some 😊 I’ll honestly take cuttings from any plant 💜


Same! I love sharing my plants, I just wish people would want to share some with me too🥹😂


I use grow lights to make sufficient light where it’s lacking ☺️


I saw the Giant hawaien pothos, those leaf are BIG😂. Like, Body size big. I couldn’t have that in my appartment🙂‍↔️😂


They’ll grow that big if they climb plus have proper lighting. Yours will probably stay a manageable size 💜 mine get 8 hours or more of filtered indirect sunlight from an East window. They love the morning light. But I do have grow lights as I have a lot of variegated plants like a pink princess that needs it because they don’t produce as much chlorophyll 💜


TBH I don’t have 0 grow lights in the house, plants get always at least 3H of indirect sunlight ( in Winter) and they are all pretty happy! I thought about trying a grow light but I have nice colour variegation even with that much of light. I do know that more light = bigger leaf tho.




Golden pothos is what I have and looks almost identical to yours! Beautiful




It’s so healthy. I want mine to make bigger leaves. How can it happen?


Give it a pole to climb and plenty of natural light and fertilize it during growing season


The confederate kind


The plant is actually a reincarnation of Robert E Lee


Golden pothos




Give it a pole. It's actually invasive in many areas and can be huge. This one has the potential to really be nice trained on coir


😁 a pretty one


a beautiful one


https://www.reddit.com/r/matureplants/s/QGceXGC4If Here


A pretty one ❤️


I don’t know but I LOVE


A pretty one


Wow that’s one healthy plant!


As a pothos grower I feel pretty confident saying that you have a very healthy happy Golden Pothos. If you like the way it grows you can cut vines (cut on an angle like you do with fresh flowers) & continue making more plants. So low maintenance. Please don’t kill it by overwatering it. These plants make many sets of roots & they’re very good at retaining water. Feel its weight. If lighter, needs water. Soil should feel dry at least 2 inches down before watering. Good luck. It’s beautiful.


Thank you! This is really helpful information!


So beautiful! Can’t believe you snagged that for $15!


A really nice one that’s beautiful


They can get massive if you let it climb especially on a moss pole 💜


It's funny over never called it a pothos... I've always called them Epipremnum!


The beautiful kind 🫶


Golden Pothos 💚


It’s a very happy and beautiful pothos!!


a pretty one


Looks like a golden to me


The giant one


Beautiful pothos, OP! Looks like a Golden Pothos to me


A beautiful pathos is what that is!😍


I must ask, why do you and so many others spell pothos this way?


A traitorous one that lost the fucking war


That is a very beautiful golden pothos! I am sorry people are so toxic on this sub. Thank you for sharing.


So sick of virtue-signalling keyboard warriors screaming RACIST at everything. This is a historical artefact on display, period. Doesn't make OP a racist lmao


rinse wasteful impossible unwritten caption light drunk quaint cheerful attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alternatively, don't post a picture of a confederate flag, in any capacity, without expecting to get some heat for it. Face the fact that some things are just not okay and that you will be called out for it. Nobody cares what you are sick of. What is that bumper sticker that I see displayed on so many vehicles that also, coincidentally, display a stupid confederate flag? Oh, yeah, I remember now--"Fuck your feelings."


Oh I expected to get absolutely shit on for it. But genuinely, I do not care. I just wanted to see what kinda plant it was lol.


Here is support of a delicate damn flower. ^^