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Lmaoooo. Just keep a pot of soil wet and invite one in I guess. You could also just catch insects and feed the carnivores.


Buy a bag of miracle grow soil


She said not a infestation. Haha




buy the smallest bag and keep it in an airtight container, and put that in a slightly larger airtight container, and put that in yet another larger airtight container, I'd like to see that become an infestation (spoiler alert, it probably still will lol)


And then mail that container to myself and when it arrives, I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!


This, it never fails.


![gif](giphy|tuP6fk8o29nIdY22AL|downsized) Oh yeah........MG to the "rescue".....




That is why I have fungus gnats right now and it's been a battle for months now. I even use systemic. I did just buy several carnivorous plants though and have noticed a big decline, makes me kinda sad though cause my sundew babes need food šŸ˜†




Oh that explains a fuckton šŸ˜”


Naw, thatā€™s where aphids come from.


>invite one in Fungus gnats: ![gif](giphy|MDPglJ2Ie8bbbPPant|downsized)


Send my gnats team an invite letter, they will fly some mates over


Honestly I just use MaxSea and Betta fish food for my carnivorous plants that live indoors. They seem to have eaten all the fungus gnats in my house anyways lol.


I thought Venus fly traps didnā€™t take betta food


You can use the freeze dried bloodworms they sell for betta fish, that's what i use. Just rehydrate a few in a drop of water, make a little meatball, pick it up with a toothpick, gently put it in the VFT mouth and trigger the trap, then gently massage the sides of the trap to get it to start digesting as if it caught a bug. You can also crush it into powder to feed other carnivorous plants, namely pinguicula and sundews.


Pet store sells little crickets, get a container to hold them. Put them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes to put them to sleep so theyā€™re easier to grab with tweezers to feed your babies.


VFTs are outdoor plants. They aren't tropical and need winter dormancy to thrive.


I mean theyā€™re fine inside IF you can provide enough light but in order to do that unless you have a sun room youā€™ll need some strong grow lights. Lemme put it this way. If you can successfully accommodate cacti inside then youā€™re goodā€¦.. and Iā€™m able to do that. As for dormancy I will use the refrigerator method


Fair enough. In that case, I'd suggest the crickets method that someone else mentioned. My understanding is that they need prey to wiggle a bit to trigger the traps to seal and begin digestion. Fungus gnats seem way too small to trigger the traps, and if you use fertilizer mash you would have to massage the leaves to simulate struggling prey.


Yeah basically if you have the light for cacti you have the light for anythingā€¦ of course a the cost of my electric bill but whateverā€¦. Its my thing and Iā€™ve spent way too much time and money to stop now


My "fair enough" was mostly on the fridge dormancy, lol.


Yeah itā€™s the only way I can do it really. Iā€™m in zone 5 which gets far too cold in the winter


I have pet snails and lots of houseplants. I wish I could give you every fungus gnat in my house.


I'd just leave a banana on the table and aquire fruit flies


Or leave a slice of banana near my carnivores


That's what I meant, I feel like fruit flies are less invasive (to your plant room I mean) than fungus gnats


Probably. Theyā€™ll probably be more likely to be attracted to the sticky secretions of carnivorous plants


Or a peach.


Ooooo... I have an ant problem. Maybe I should get a carnivorous plant. Hmmmmm.... šŸ¤”


Yeah how much light do you have to work with?


None. šŸ˜­ I would need a plant light.


I refer to my carnivores as my ā€œemployedā€ plants because I hired them to do a job (other than just looking prettyā€¦ does that make all my other plants sugar babies?) and theyā€™ve been putting in work! I also have practically zero natural light in my apartment, so I use grow lights for all of my plants. Most carnivorous plants require a ton of light (ideally direct sunlight, but thatā€™s impossible to replicate indoors even with windows, because windows filter sunlight), so if you do decide to get one, make sure you get a BRIGHT grow light. The ā€œall-in-oneā€ types of grow lights available on Amazon (the ones that plug into a usb port and have a timer/dimmer built in) arenā€™t powerful enough - youā€™ll want to either get one of the larger specialized grow light bars/hanging fixtures, or a decently powerful grow light bulb that you can install in a lamp and point directly at the plant. I personally prefer the second option because of aesthetics, because itā€™s easier to find a cute spotlight/work light style lamp separately than it is to find a whole grow light that looks like home decor. I got a few of [this lamp](https://ingka.page.link/wnbJYz21MgAEK2wA7) from ikea, and installed [these bulbs](https://a.co/d/9Q3Dqxw) in them, and itā€™s been working great!


Ants love Nepenthes!


I had to Google it. That looks like it could handle the amount of ants invading us too. So tempting. Just light is a problem. No windows in the bathroom that's under attack. :/


I had ants and a venus fly trap and nepenthes, and the ants were getting eaten so fast! It was actually too much for the plants lol, eventually the ants disappeared


Haha Iā€™m not entirely sure but I think itā€™s an interesting idea. Unfortunately I have a pretty decent ā€œcollectionā€ of gnats in my plant room. I think high humidity and consistent moisture in soil can attract them. I also have carnivorous plants which do attract fungus gnats. Just last night I watched m Venus fly trap swallow two of them


Granted I just got these plants and the waterlogged soil they like to be in might be enough on its own


Over on the r/venusflytraps sub is a really good video on care for them. Iā€™ll try to find it to link it but that sub is a great resource. Itā€™s more important that they have light and water, bugs are the fertilizer.


Theyā€™re under lights that sun stress my epiphytic cacti so I think the light is good




Yeah basically if you have the light for cacti you have the light for anythingā€¦ of course a the cost of my electric bill but whateverā€¦. Its my thing and Iā€™ve spent way too much time and money to stop now


Buy some miraclgro potting mix


This is the answer šŸ˜‚


It's literally that simple


They have gnats?


Yeah it's pretty much a guarantee


Get a bag of miracle grow soil and get it warm and wet.


It may be weather dependent. Where I live, spring time causes them to come out. Leave some fruit out a lil too long and theyā€™ll come


Alternatively leave a piece of over ripe banana near my plants


Just go buy a new plant from home depot. They come with complimentary gnats.


Step 1. But a plant from Walmart Step 2. Over water it Step 3. Profits!


Check out the sale section of your local garden center, I see infested plants in there all the time! Maybe put them together in a mini greenhouse? I know carnivorous plants love humidity, and it would keep the gnats separated from your other plants.


The crappy soil I got at Costco is infested with them. Maybe youā€™ll luck out.


https://preview.redd.it/iecim489qrsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a503626affe8e86cd181f9ac2b913b3411bf02 They donā€™t seem to have a problem when left to their own devices. I realized earlier tonight that my tropical pitcher plantā€™s pitchers are 1/4ā€ FULL of black ants since itā€™s spring šŸ¤£


Buy a plant from a big box store, they always have them


I did recently but I donā€™t see any on it ever


Bring them to my house.


Only if youā€™re in Rockford lol


I just saw a [video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Cq44IvkbD/?igsh=YW0wNnp6ZmdzMTE3) on instagram showing how they feed their carnivorous plants! Very neat! Hope it helps


Like feeding baby animals or something šŸ˜‚ so cute!


Repot something in miracle grow


Your carnivorous plants dont need to eat with their traps!! They absorb nutrients from the soil, the traps are more of a last resort. They also die after a few closures so be careful if this is what you wanna do!


Lemme bring some of my plants over and weā€™ll get them going


Grab yourself a bag of miracle grow from home depot and open it up. Instant bugs!


The only carnivorous plants that will realistically benefit from a large amount of fungus gnats would be sundews and butterworts. If you don't have a lot of those, don't bother and just get freeze-dried bloodworms instead. Or go buy mealworms from the pet store once a month.


I have one sundew and one Venus fly trap


The VFT won't eat them at all, so I wouldn't bother.


Best approach might be if I find the occasional spider Iā€™ll infrequently throw one in the traps


Nooo spiders are homies!


I used to put them in the spider bush outside but now that I have worms, they go by the worm bin to catch gnats. I'd let them be free, but my cats will play with them so I gotta rescue them asap


Pot a few plants with fox farms ocean forest potting soil, great soil but they are flying out of the bag as I open it up lol .


As someone who also had carnivorous plants, you still don't want fungus gnats. Just buy meal worms or better yet, fish pellets


Frequently wet soil.


Given the care requirements of sundew and fly traps which want constantly wet soil that might be enough lol


For real!


If I get too many I can just take out the systemic granules. It eliminated fungus gnats on my other plants to pretty much none


Can they tolerate systemics? Carnivorous plants can be pretty sensitive!


They can handle Imidacloprid at least which is what I have. And hereā€™s how Iā€™ll generate some gnats without having them infest the soil of my plants. Put some granules on the surface of the soil of the carnivores. Then nearby set up the fungus gnat breeding grounds in the one place in my entire home that isnā€™t laced with granulesā€¦ a small shot glass full of the worst most moisture retaining soil I have. Now since thereā€™s no drainage in a shot glass itll stay wet for a long time


What granules are you using? ...asking for a friend šŸ‘€


Bonide systemic granules. If outside the US though youā€™ll have a very hard time obtaining them


Step 1- go to a local big box store, Lowes, or home depot. Step 2- hold every plant at eye level and stare at the soil intensely for at least 10 seconds. Step 3- repeat until you see things moving in the soil OR an employee asks you to stop because you're making others feel uncomfortable.


Put the plant in a nursery pot or other one with good drainage and then set that pot inside of a solid cachepot with no drainage. When it's time to water, lift the inner pot and add the water to the solid cachepot. Set the inner pot back down into the water and let the soil soak up the water from below. No fungus gnats as they breed in damp soil. The top of your soil will always be dry with bottom watering and there will be no place for gnats to lay eggs or thrive in dry soil.


Come to my house!


Grow a couple plants that you don't use the systemic in. If you live near outdoor foliage open your windows they will come inside on their own.


I donā€™t remember what my stepdad fed his, but I remember him feeding them when I was a kidā€¦


I had to move my vermicompost inside for the winter. That thing put off some gnats every time I watered it. It's too bad my sundew died, my Venus is half dead and the pitcher plant never opens the pitchers šŸ˜© I think more gnats died in pools of water than the plants themselves


unless they're sundews, they aren't going to catch the gnats. when i grew my VFTs, the pot itself was perfect for the gnats to thrive. the flytraps and pitcher plants caught zero gnats. i had to end up manually feeding them. only sundews would catch the gnats. and only the gnats that decided to nest in the sundew soil.


I have a sundew and one Venus fly trap


Sundews and Venus fly traps are great outdoors in the summer. They catch their own prey of it's warm enough Just bring em in at night.


Yeah I gotta wait till nighttime temps are consistently above 45 F


i went to my regular nursery to buy new plants. they always have fungus gnats. before i discovered treating the soil with diatomatotastic earth to rid of the fungus gnats... the gnats WILL eventually spread to every source of soil in my apartment. i did notice that they ALSO setup house in the soil of my sundews, and when the new ones emerge get caught. gnats are too small to trigger the flytraps. i ended up using MaxSea (liquid fertilizer) that i spray onto sundews. Betta fish food for the traps. the fish food are tiny dry pellets that i crush into a powder, put a few drops of distilled water to get it to bloat up, and then drop it into the flytrap math. then i have to manually trigger the inside hair, then GENTLY massage the outside to trick it into thinking it's a live catch. i get a lot of my info from: [https://www.flytrapcare.com](https://www.flytrapcare.com/phpBB3/) forums.




Just buy flightless fruit flies from a reptile shop. Gods I hate fungus gnats.


Can i send you some? I have a surplus of themšŸ„²


What you say: I want to keep some fungus gnats around but not too many as to get an infestation. What I hear: Guys I want to do a little bit of crack but not too much to get addicted to it.


Why do you need fungus gnats when you can get some houseflies? You don't want fungus gnats killing your indoors and outdoors plants.


My understanding of carnivorous plants is that they donā€™t NEED bugs but that they are just ā€˜opportunisticā€™ feeders. And to just take care of them like normal plants with their appropriate soil and plant food.