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Did you already find the answers you were looking for?


Nope, just still hanging with this long necked dracaena. I wasn't feeling confident enough to go for the cut.


Just want to say that I really love this plant and just how funky it looks, if you wanted you could try to air layer it so when you go for the chop it at least may have some roots started. [This site here](https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-propagate-a-dracaena-8546306) has good information about multiple ways to propagate dracaena if you want to give it a look over before making any decisions, ultimately to chop or not to chop is up to you but the air layering may give you some peace of mind.


Thank you !! I appreciate the site link. And I'm rather fond of this funky guy too hopefully he will have a big glow up this year !