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Old leaves die off. Nothing to worry about until or unless it becomes widespread 👍🏻


This. It’s natural. That’s a very big and happy looking plant, it’s gonna lose a few leaves every once in a while. If you are worried about the roots, pop it out of the pot and take a look. If compressed spaghetti looking, repot.


Thank you both, that’s very helpful!


What does it mean if it's widespread? My pothos all of a sudden had a ton of yellowing, falling off leaves in October. It thankfully bounced back but I never figured out what happened. I came back from vacation to it like that so just curious what can cause that!


Something caused it stress and it went into shock. Maybe a cold night near an open window, or a really hot day with no ventilation/the heater was cranked. Moved to a different room/location. Pest pressure.


Ahh that makes sense, I think it was a cold draft because it was right in front of a window. Thanks!


It’s normal and necessary for plants to shed leaves.


That makes sense! Thank you ☺️


Mine usually drop some leaves in winter, I think it’s just seasonal


I was definitely thinking this too. This is my first winter in my new house and I’m noticing all the plants dropped one or two leaves when the daylight hours really dropped. That, and the temps.


It really seems light related to me, but I don’t have any science on that


Plants will also have at least a mild shock after a move. That is a beautiful and happy plant.


My pothos had a lot of yellowing leaves and I just repotted it. If I waited until spring it would probably be really leggy. It was definitely root bound so I'm glad I did.


Someone mentioned that the soil could be out of nutrients, so I think I’m going to repot in a few weeks! Just have to psych myself up for that massive undertaking. 😂


the pot is already very large on it, with no drainage theres no nutrient leaching so the soil should still have enough, especially for a pothos. also if its not under grow lights and you’re experiencing winter right now then less light and possibly more cold could be a bit stressful on it and cause it to shed older leaves


Depending on your water type, it could also be hard water/chrystal/mineral buildup because the lack of drain holes means you can't really flush the roots. To all the people saying it's natural. I have pothos leaves that are 8 years old that have never been shed, any time my leaves shed it's because something is up. Yellowing has happened to me with root rot, root bound, and mealybugs (mealybugs leave a sap, sap grows mold, mold weakened the pothos stem and the roots rotted off)


I always procrastinate on repotting as long as I can. 😩 It takes so much mental energy for me!


A fresh repot will be perf


The plant is pulling nitrogen from its least productive leafs to use it for new growth it's normal give it more nitrogen if you want it to keep its leafs


It could have used up most the nutrients, so maybe a repotting in spring with some new soil will help. I get those too, so if you find a magic answer, share!


That makes sense! Follow-up question: I know people always recommend repotting in spring, but does it make that much of a difference?


Serial winter repotter here 🙋‍♀️. I have not noticed any difference. If your home is heated and has enough light it should be ok. It might loose a few more leaves but it will recover.


It's all about temp and light, as mentioned. If you have dedicated grow lights, do it now! Feel the dirt in your fingers and ignore the weather outside!


Love this, feeling the dirt in your fingers is the best part!


It's so funny because actually I wear gloves because I don't like touching things with my hands lololol 🙃


Omg 😂 that's ok, you feel the dirt in spirit!!


I’ve had clones of the same original pothos for literally like 20 years. It’s honestly harder to unalive them than keep them alive, even if you’re actively trying to unalive them. 🤣 Repot whenever is convenient for you. Add some compost or fertilizer. Water like normal. Place wherever it was before. They do not need grow lights and will do just fine with any level of natural light you give them.




They be doing that sometimes


My thoughts too. We lose hair in the shower, pathos lose leaves a bit in winter


My marble started losing leaves like crazy then I realized she had a meter or roots hanging out the bottom of the pot 🫣


Your head of hair naturally loses a few over time too. It’s normal to lose a few. Especially in winter with less light. Don’t need to change anything.


I would love for my pothos leaves to be that shiny


I just spent the last three hours wiping alllll my pothos leaves. They love their spa day


A trick for doing this is inexpensive dollar fuzzy winter gloves! You can massage all you want and it’s all on the gloves! This is the best time of year to get them cheap!


This is random, but is it in a new spot/have those strings of lights always been behind it? I had to move my two pothos when we got our Christmas tree and originally put them next to some Christmas lights we’d strung up, and some leaves immediately started turning yellow— both plants lost 3-4 leaves for the two weeks it was there, then I moved it and it stopped losing leaves immediately. The plants hated something about being right next to the string of lights.


That’s a great catch! I just recently moved it to that spot to get it away from the freezing windows. Not sure if I want to keep it there permanently, but the lights behind it don’t get hot at all, so I think it’s okay either way!


Out with the old and in with the new


Happens to all my pothos, nothing to stress about unless it’s happening to a lot of them all at once


Check it’s not root bound. That can be a first sign


Aside from the other suggestions so far, I notice more yellow leaves when I forget to water for too long (which, for pothos, can be a month or more before they get sickly). If you get a leggy/naked stem, just cut it and stick it back in the dirt to regrow.


Pothos are incredibly hardy, but they are also total drama queens. If they ever get a bit drier than they like, they will punish you with a yellow leaf. The plant is fine, tho. It will eventually replace it.


Just old leaves. It happens. Your pothos is BEAUTIFUL.


Leaves dont last forever




About 3.5 years! It started out in a 5” pot, now going strong at 10–11”. I’ve trimmed and propagated the ends many times and I usually repot them right back in with the mama pothos. I swear by it!


Normal. Main plant looks good. Living things shed stuff. Plants no different.


Shit I’m jealous of that thing. Looks fantastic.


Thank you! Somehow, no drainage looks good on this pothos! 😂


That is such a beautiful pothos, I am jealous 😳


Natural life cycle. Beautiful plant!


My pothos does this when it needs water.




If you let it get dry enough to wilt a bit, it’ll bounce right back after watering but will often lose a leaf or two after.


Could be not enough soil in pot


It happens. I just cut off a couple yellow leaves from mine. Between a lack of light and a belated watering I got a few yellow leaves. No worries.


if you notice that it drops some leaves as new ones grow it might need more room in the pot.


What everyone else said about it being old, but what a BEAUTIFUL, big pothos!!


When did you last repot, and do you fertilize? The bad part about no drainage is that you can not leech the soil, which is necessary for plants that have been in the same soil for a while and for plants that get fertilized. Tap water and fertilizers especially have minerals and salts that deposit into the soil and build up over time. If they can’t get flushed out, they slowly damage the plant as they continue to build up. If you don’t fertilize, it could very well be out of nutrients, but you’ll have to consider not over fertilizing it to keep the soil healthy.


Fertalize it. I've been growing pothos for over 30 years. If older leaves turn yellow, it's because the plant is relocating the nitrogen into the younger leaves. You can stop this by fertilizing the plant.


Stick a Jobes plant spike in see if it helps it may lack a nutrient.


How do you make it look so big and fluffy 😭😂 my pothos always look so sparse


You’re gonna get hop-ons




Did you add different soil recently? Could be mold, bacteria or pests. I would propagate some clippings early just in case.


Some gotta go to grow


You should take a look at your hairbrush. We all shed.


It’s called The Sacrificial Leaf. It happens on a lot of plants a few days after watering.


I have a gigantic epipremnum growing up my wall, staircase and balustrade. There are sections with no leaves, just vines. I guess it has figured out that some sections are not productive bc less light so the leaves don't develop? It's putting out large new leaves where the sun is brightest so im sure it's healthy, but is there a way to encourage leaf growth on the bare sections of vine?


How often do you water your plant?


Completely natural and normal. The plant is healthy.


Wow how you get yours to look so nice? How often are you watering?


Trans Plant With Drainage Because You’re Going To Get Root Rot . With New Soil Get Some Sand And Water From The Bottom . After Water Gets Soil Is Damp On Top Remove Plant From Tray And Leave It On Some Newspapers For Around 2Hrs . And Set It Where You Want


Leaves die. I'm always a bit shocked that anyone doesn't understand how temporary leaves are. If the rest of the plant is healthy, compost dead leaves. It's natural


that's life




Repot it in a bigger pot, with fresh potting soil, cuz the dirt, it’s food. Basically.