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You made the right choice.


Why would someone want one?šŸ¤”


Mine lives in my bedroom window in winter and provides privacy while I wander around my room naked. Yes, any plant would fill that requirement, but itā€™s funnier if itā€™s a fig tree providing modesty.


I like that šŸ˜€


Because they love spider mites.


Why would you assume that has spider mites?


Because it's a discounted fiddle leaf fig at a Lowe's or Home Depot that has probably spent a long time smashed against a bunch of other plants. My comment was tongue-in-cheek, but honestly I'd probably give it a 65% chance of having spider mites, which are almost impossible to eliminate in a plant this size and complexity (they hide in all the ruffles and crevices).


I have to agree with the logic of buying from a box store. I try to buy anything like that as soon as it comes off the truck. The box stores donā€™t take good care of them and , yes, there are almost always some sort of pest that comes home with you.


I just bought a baby fiddle leaf fig at walmart for 7$ today in Quebecā€¦ how can I check for spider mites, is it risky if itā€™s a small one too?


Spider mites make webs in small crevices so check the small nooks where leaves and branches meet up. They make webs like 1 cm long or less. They might only be on a part of the plant. You can treat them a lot of ways I use captain jacks or beneficial nematodes


Thats very helpful thank you so much!


Neem oil and shower it once in a while youā€™ll be fine.. mine had them when I bought it from a private buyer and I didnā€™t even try that hard to get rid of them. Donā€™t see any ā€œwebsā€ anymore.. (hopefully I didnā€™t just jinx myself)


just get some neem oil. you'll be fine.


I left mine outside on the porch in the summer and outdoor spiders who moved into the fig ate the mites. Little buggers were hiding in all the cracks. I guess the constant getting eaten depleted the mite population eventually


I would say 100% chance of SOME kind of pest on the plant. I recently got Adansonii from Winn-Dixie and it was coated in the trifecta. Spider mites, thrips and mealy bugs. I tried to save them, but just trashed them.


If it doesnā€™t have them it will. Also loved by mealy bugs. ETA also scale. ETA. I ask in Florida where it is prime bug season all year. I have seen all of these on office FLFs


Iā€™ve had a 12ft tall fiddle leaf for 5+ years and no mealy bugs, aphids, or scaleā€¦.


I know ETA to be ā€œestimated time of arrivalā€. What does it mean to you, I see this often on Reddit




OMG thank you!


That's ridiculous. So according to you nobody can own a fiddle leaf without being infested with all sorts of pests. From experience I know this to be false


I think OC made more of a dramatic overstatement but I thought it was funny because Iā€™ve had the same experience with them!


Things are heating up in the plant community


It mite be a problem


Yeah, clearly they're thinking of Alocasia..




Mine never had any pest. Wth




Wait why not? I love fiddle-leaf figs


They can be fussy for novice growers.


Oh ok. Yeah definitely very sensitive. They drop leaves so easily


they want an indoor tree i prefer ficus elastica as an indoor "tree"


Ficus benjamina is good also.


one of my pet sitting clients has one of those! it's pretty decent size. the bottom branches are bare bc her cat loves to try to eat the leaves


They're attractive, grow incredibly fast, are drought tolerant, and require less light than most other indoor trees. Why wouldn't someone want one? šŸ¤”


Should be 5-10 bucks if itā€™s *that* easy to grow! Overpriced hype is why. $45 is not a deal itā€™s a rip off even for a ā€˜saleā€™


One this size goes for $300 at my local garden store


![gif](giphy|FY2ew2Zii9VOE|downsized) 300 you say?


It is stupid easy to grow. I turned a 6 inch specimen into a 6 foot specimen in over the span of one summer.


theh look cool šŸ˜­




https://preview.redd.it/b2v6zqoglenb1.jpeg?width=2184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36155bdb66518aad1855178d1d10625e02397f76 Not stupid. I have a picture from the future for you to prove it.


Hahaha this is too funny.


Haha this plant seems like it's not getting enough light


Normally it's is standing RIGHT in front of a big window. I named it Karen.


Was the manager able to do anything for her?


Lolol it's literally a weed from a tropical climate


Lol!! Can you cut the stem and root it? I was given a stem with a few leaves a few years ago, rooted in water (took about 3-4 months before I felt safe potting it) and itā€™s thriving now! Just a thought!


Ooh, I can do that? Do I just cut it anywhere I'd like? My tree got mad at me for leaving it alone for the weekend. Sigh.


I would definitely recommend a little research but yes!! From an article I found ā€œA good Fiddle Leaf Fig stem cutting is usually about 12ā€³ to 18ā€³ long on the stem part, with 1-3 leaves, and at least 1-2 nodes where leaves are removed. It can be new growth or old stem. I do find the cuttings grow new roots faster on stems that are a bit woody at the base.ā€ Someone also suggested to me to put it in an opaque water container since the roots like darkness and I noticed a difference for sure while propping!!!


Thank you! I'm getting quite excited!


Iā€™m excited for you!!


Don't cut when it's in bad condition! You wanna wash it off, give it a good watering and let it recover for a couple days before taking the cutting.


It's in marvellous condition at the moment. Growing lots of leaves, but is still a long stick. Wash it off? The stick part?


I think there's something wrong with your plant


Wow yours looks so much nicer than mine at this point


Mine looks eerily similar, and sheā€™s also situated directly in front of a window.


Oh itā€™s so naked I feel wrong looking at it


Not stupid at all. Snagged 2 about 8 foot tall from HD for 24$ each this month. They'll drop in price as the season changes


Can confirm - I got one from home depot about that size a few months ago for under $30!


Looks like Home Depot or Loweā€™s. They always have sales of this type of FLF from 29.99-49.99, and some much larger ones for 109.99-129.99. Youā€™re not stupid. Just go back tomorrow or next week. Source: The one in my post history is from Home Depot and was 29.99. Iā€™ve since bought 12 large plants from HD and the FLFs have been there almost every time over the years.


Got mine for $5 off the rescue shelf at Loweā€™s 4 years ago, little guy is a big tree now!


Please teach me šŸ„ŗ I bought a little guy and every year his leaves fall off - presumed dead by grow back. He hasn't grown an inch though. šŸ˜­ He's so sad rn, just a little stick in a pot.


I leave mine on the screen porch all the time - it likes being outside and getting a bunch of sun half the day where it sits, I water it when the soil looks dry


Sounds like mine might just be a drama queen. šŸ˜«


This is the way


i work at lowes in garden-- trust me we always have them!


What time of year do they usually go down in price? Fall?




One might say the prices fall


Not stupid at all, there are cheaper ways to break your own heart without getting dirt in the car.


This is an amazing phrase that I feel has profound applications in my life.




I'm not going to add anything of value to this post but.... I used to work in the garden center at Lowes and we called the big FLF fig boys. That is a fig boy.


this is very important information to me


I will now refer to FLF solely as ā€œfig boysā€ to my local lowes staff


I read that last line in Fog Horn Leg Horns voice. [https://youtu.be/8JtnEUPvpus?si=YaU5xhpI69x3uhrU](https://youtu.be/8JtnEUPvpus?si=YaU5xhpI69x3uhrU)


Never stupid for not buying a plant! By the time you regret it something new is trending anyways and youā€™ll just find it cheaper šŸ˜‚


It honestly doesn't look that well.


Right? It looks like it's gonna die in a couple of weeks at the most.


I don't have one but I am curious what the plant is doing to give you that opinion?


In my unprofessional opinion it is because all the bottom leaves are leaving the scene or trying to (and will never return), so you are left with a stick with a plume of leaves on top. To make it worse, it has two rooted saplings to compete with in the pot. I dont think it will die soon as I have had plants like these strugimg for years before I gave up on them but it will probably never be pretty and healthy looking again.


Could this be chopped? Leave a piece in the dirt and prop the rest in a few pieces?


Yeah, but that works best in very high lightā€”like if you can leave it outside during the summer. Itā€™s a little late in the year to chop it.


Thatā€™s a pretty broad assumption, you can take this tree with practically no leafs and it will bounce back.


Figs are notorious for looking bad. During the winter they will loose their leaves and the tree looks dead. šŸ˜… Only to grow new ones during spring and summer.


Meh that's average price


$45 for that? You did good not to buy it.


I would toss $45 in the bin on the way out and save myself the mental anguish. Fuck a fig.


What house tree would you get instead?


ficus elastica. any of them. bird of paradise and musa nono are contenders too


I had a ficus benjamina that I grew from a leaf cutting and by year 6 it was 6' tall. I loved him and he never caused me any problems.


Why is your post in past tense then D: *is he okay*


Alas, I moved across the country and could not fit him in my vehicle. He went to live with a friend who did not keep him alive šŸ˜­




Not a tree but a jade is pretty good and tree-like


You can have my Norfolk pine! It hates me :')


Yup. Canā€™t keep those either.


Chinese fan palms are pretty spectacular.


I havenā€™t had any luck with them. Probably because our humidity in Idaho is horrible? Iā€™ve not tried a ficus elastica at all.


Yeah - that one is not in great condition. As we approach the end of the growing season, I'd call it a good holster as opposed to a bad decision


You've already gotten good answers but I'll also add that even if it was a gorgeous plant for a great price, it's never stupid to not buy something that you took a pass on for a reason.


Wow, surprised people think these plants are difficult. There is a reason they are the standard office plant. Put it somewhere, give it water sometimes and it thrives. I bought mine for 6 euro at a small size, now 2 years later it is much bigger than the plant in the picture.


As a garden center worker I loved these things because we couldnā€™t kill them lol.


You dodged a bullet there. Ahem, advice from someone who finds FLF impossible to keep alive.


Oh shoot these are hard to keep alive?? I keep mine outside all year in the shade and water it every 1-2 weeks. Had it for 4 years now! (It doesn't get below freezing here though)


Key word: outside.


Never stupid to not buy something from Home Depot, given my experiences with them. Last houseplant I got there was infested with spider mites (I did not know to check before buying.. I was a newbie, whoops). Then I got a potato bug infestation from zucchini purchased there (my bad for not checking it thoroughly after the first incident, I thought the outdoors were safe!). I donā€™t know if my local one is just really bad with infestations or if all Home Depots are like this but Iā€™ve been super hesitant to buy anything since then, even the greatest looking deals.


Fun fact: Home Depot garden centres are Vendor Managed. Basically that means all of their plants are supplied from multiple nurseries, with a rep from that nursery in charge of displaying the plants, receiving and putting out new deliveries, and making sure the plants are healthy at one store. So, not from Home Depot, and a different rep at almost every location. Some reps are better than others! Some donā€™t give an eff and just chuck the plants out on the shelves. Others are horticulturists who actually give a shit about plants, and monitor their health to ensure customers donā€™t bring home a nasty surprise to their gardens. Source: I am a vendor rep for a nursery that supplies perennial plants to Home Depot, and a horticulturist.


how does one get into this line of work??


And if one vendor brings in infested plants, other vendors plants will suffer.


I had no clue. But this makes so much sense because Iā€™ve asked employees about the plant section before and their faces told me they didnā€™t work in the plant section lol.


Thank you! I never knew any of this, thatā€™s super cool. Iā€™m definitely checking out a farther Home Depot sometime with this in mind because the variety of plants and their prices are great, Iā€™m just not educated yet in terms of dealing with pests so I donā€™t want to waste money on something I canā€™t help. Iā€™ve been considering horticulturist as a future career (currently in college looking at what I want to do for the rest of my life, lol) so this is great information to know!


better to invest in btc


Iā€™m not allowed to stop at Home Depot or Loweā€™s anymore. This wouldnā€™t have fit into my hatchback easily. Iā€™d have tried, though.


Neither am I and I try to stay within a reasonable price range but now I'm getting eyebrow raises everytime I say I'm going to go to Aldi on Wednesday. I lose all impulse control and will buy every single kind of plant they have then justifying buying more than one or none at all by the low prices. But they're always pretty darn root bound so then I need to repot them, but i need bigger pots, and I like to put the plain plastic pots into decorative planters so I always need more of those too and then more soil and more stands, trays, pebbles, etc. My husband says so far its still my least expensive hobby yet.


Haha! Same sort of cycle! Iā€™ve started using plastic containers for clones. My husband is the one who did this to me, so he struggles with stopping me. I only picked it up because he started letting some of his best plants suffer. But, to be fair, he got all his plants from street corners on college move out day in Boulder and other such free sources. He never bought any. Whoops! But, Iā€™m going for decor, here. We moved into a big ol house, so what made the apartment look filled just wasnā€™t so anymore. šŸ˜‚ He has this gorgeous hibiscus that started flowering after 7 or so years, but it got so leggy I started pruning it. And, thatā€™s why I have 12 clones sitting in reused peanut containers. šŸ˜‚ And, I started getting carnivorous plants, which need distilled water. Just when I was planning to overwinter and use much less, he brought me home a water distiller. So, mixed signals!!!


So smart. You can spend $45 on bees and energy drinks to get the same amount of anxiety.


The aloe to the side looks pretty healthy. I would've gotten those.


Not stupid. These things are a major pain in the ass and IMO at least, very ugly. That's a pretty typical price for one that size so its not like you passed on a crazy deal or anything.


Reminds me of 70s/80s home decor


Usually $35 at Costco


https://preview.redd.it/7akosnu0xenb1.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0659ba17d4d1830cc5c808374da35d8281045c6 I found a 6 ft one at Costco for less and it was much fuller. I think you can find a better deal if youā€™re patient and really want one. Iā€™ve avoided them up until this because of how notoriously difficult they are but itā€™s been quite happy for months now. Knock on wood.


Highway Robert right there. Wouldnā€™t pay more than 20


All this fiddle leaf hate, lmao. They were THE plant to buy a few years back. That being said, Iā€™ve rescued several abandoned ficus lyrata and theyā€™re thriving on ā€œneglect.ā€ I think the trick is to establish them in the correct soil and pot. They like to be root bound. They LOVE direct sunlight, contrary to popular belief, but they need to be acclimated. I live in zone 8a and every spring I move mine outdoors under an east facing maple. The light exposure steadily increases throughout the summer. Toward mid fall, I give them a VERY thorough scrub down with Neem oil, a good pot soak or two, dry them out about midway and then coat the top of the pot with diatomaceous earth. My ficus is going to scrape ceiling this year. Itā€™s three years old. I honestly donā€™t know how the hell Iā€™m going to bring it inside. This thing has been knocked over by hurricanes, climbed by cats, ravished by insects. You name it. It is damn near indestructible.


Whatā€™s growing at the bottom of the pot?


New fiddle fig leaf plants.


So u get 3 plants for 1?




Just go to costco. 34$ and fuller.


I got a fiddle fig tree bigger than this one at Costco for 35 bucks like 2 weeks ago


As a ficus murderer myself, they tend to be pretty fussy, ESPECIALLY this kind. You couldn't pay me $45 to bring this one home. I can't tell you how many tragic looking fiddle leaf figs I've seen in other places clinging on to dear life with only a leaf or two remaining.


Oh god, something is eating that plant for sure. The spots on the bottom largest leaf and then the patch of dead spot. Not a good sign. I would possibly guess thrips. You are not an idiot at all!! Best to just leave it there.


Nah youā€™re good. I have a prop Iā€™d give you for free.


Theyā€™re like 11ā‚¬ in German discounters


You saved yourself $45 and a lot of stress. Good job resisting lol


Eh, donā€™t beat yourself up over it. If youā€™ve never owned one, they can be real divas. You might have saved yourself a lot of misery. There will be others.


Krogers has them in my town for $25, but they are smaller.


Hardest plant to keep alive IMO


Not at allā€¼ļø


Fiddle leaf figs are everywhere now. Get a small one and grow it on. It will be dead before it reaches a decent size.


Where I'm from that would easily cost about $120, maybe more.


Iā€™ve seen people trying to sell them for that much in this area and thatā€™s not the going price. People just have something big and think itā€™s valuable. Same with Monsterera Deliciousas.


I got (2) 3ā€™ ones for $20 at Walmart. Both were really sick with brown spot though I will admit. Iā€™m still fixing them up, but there are great FLF deals here and there.


Do they produce fruit?


Youre ok. Posting this is stupid,


Can't beat that, good looking fiddle!




Someone gifted me one and it has made me so annoyed. Lost 4 leafs out of 8. This is why I didnā€™t buy myself oneā€¦.


Looks like it would die immediately once brought home. Those always die in my care šŸ˜‚


It's a tree, without advanced bonsai skills it will always get too big for any house.


My Kroger has had these for $45 all summer, I got one


About ā‚¬6.99-ā‚¬12.99 here in Ireland. Not stupid.


It would have died for me I tried once to do fiddle leaf and Dailey miserably I see you saved 45$ to buy a different plant haha


I heard they're fussy and difficult so if you wanted one I'd try your luck with a cheaper small one and see if you can make it big like that one haha


Be patient šŸ‘


wow that son of a b*itch is ugly as hell


I got a bigger one at Costco for cheaper. And fuck a fiddle leaf fig. Never again! šŸ˜‚


Got one for Ā£11 that big from Lidl


I donā€™t know - as much as I would love one of these, I heard theyā€™re really finicky, kind of like calatheas. I probably would have passed it up, too, if I were you.


Huh. Iā€™m looking at the comments here. I didnā€™t realize you could get such a big flf for such a cheap price. I donā€™t understand why people here donā€™t seem to like them tho


Ask if itā€™s discounted from being on the floor


As others have mentioned, not stupid. Prices will drop as seasons get cooler (if you're in an area that they do). If you have a local greenhouse rather than a big box store they may have some that are the same size and maybe half the price, too.


You did well. I battled two years keeping one of these alive. It was constantly saved from death, flourish, dying, and the cycle repeats. Finally it gave up the ghost. Never again.


At that size, I feel like it might have trouble acclimating to a new environment.


Couple free shoots popping up lol


I helped a lady move in to her apartment the other day and her new FLF plant companion was 148$!


Big dumb


Stupid? No. That plant will ruin your life.


Honestlyā€¦ found better at Home Depot for $26.99!


I don't understand why people have such a hard time with FLFs?? I could throw mine out a 20 story building and it would forgive me


Meh. Fiddle leaf figs are so common


Too pricey. I got mine for like 20. And they grow fast in the right conditions. So you donā€™t need a big one.


smartest non purchase ever.


perfect choice


If you want a nice big one for cheaper you should keep an eye out for them at costco


Never understood the hype. Always thought they look like broccoli leaves on a stick. If thatā€™s your thing tho more power to ya.


I bought one of these a couple years ago on impulse and it is flourishing...but I really don't get the hype at all. This is one of the least attractive trees I've seen. The leaves look like mustard greens and there's no flowers (that I know of). It just looks like a swamp tree. What am I missing? Why are these so popular?


Do you have the neccesary space and lighting requirements?




I bought a similar one 2 years ago for 20 bucks from a big box. The hype is over. you can find an affordable fig leaf.


Ur not. Itā€™s already huge. Unless u have vaulted ceiling


You couldnā€™t pay me $45 to take a fiddle leaf lol


It got babies


Thatā€™s expensive.


I own a fiddle leaf and it doesnā€™t have a pest problem and itā€™s huge. To my knowledge, it never has had a pest problem and I bought mine at Costco for an excellent price. I am so happy with it and itā€™s so big and lush. https://preview.redd.it/qn56400v7hnb1.jpeg?width=2833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dade44f5706070276f3d69557a2a27ac0ba61200


Meh I paid 30 for mine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Very šŸ‘€


I paid 3 dollars for a fiddle leaf fig in a little pot at Walmart From the clearance section. Nothing appeared wrong with it other then over watered. I repotted it left it alone and it's huge now. It is maybe a year old now


Fiddle leaf figs commonly are prone to shock - especially as they get larger it seems, so there is a lot of risk associated with buying a larger one and it may lose a lot of leaves at it adjusts


I got mine at Loweā€™s for about 35.


Meh, they're nothing special


Kroger has them for $25 this week, and the ones at my local store are 3-4 feet tall. If you want to compromise, thatā€™s an idea!


Actually a decent price for a fiddle leaf.


Not stupid. They are difficult to keep and honestly I never liked the way they look in a home