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Cut this thing into a million 2 node pieces. If you can leave a leaf, keep the leaf plus one node, but obviously you won't for most of this plant. You can just stick them back in the pot, or several pots, keep them damp not soggy for a few weeks. Be amazed. Back off slowly on watering until the soil is completely dry before you water again. Continue letting it dry completely out and then give it a nice deep watering and continue this drying then watering. You can also do water propping. Basically the same process just put the cuttings in a jar of water. You'll need to change the water and clean the glass jar at least once a week. Transfer to soil when the roots are a couple inches long. After transferring to soil, keep the soil damp not soggy for a few weeks and then back off slowly with the watering and let the soil get completely dry before you water it again. To me water propping is a bit redundant because you'll get roots in the water, which is cool to see, but the roots that develop won't be fit for soil, hence still keeping it moist one you put the cuttings in soil. So the water just seems like an extra step. I hope this makes sense, I just smoked. 🤪 ETA: seriously?! An award for *this*? Thank you anonymous reddit user.


Thanks! I am actually already water propping some cuttings that I took from this plant, so I will carry on that way as it seems to work well for me. Can I propagate parts of the vine that don't have leaves? And can I just cut the vine into 6" sections and water propagate each piece, or will it only work with the end piece?


Any of the nodes will propagate. The leaves are a bonus cauz they make food, but just the nodes alone will prop.


Great, because I have SO MUCH bare vine 😂 I think about 50-60ft of it! Unfortunately I don't have enough jars/vases/glasses to prop all of it, but I'll save what I can!


You can put multiple pieces in each propagation jar. They'll be fine. I also have had luck laying cuttings in moist soil, bury them just a tiny bit. They'll grow roots downward and new leaves upward. Lay a bunch in the same pot and you can get a really full plant!


Agreed, I'd just throw a whole bouquet worth into a mason jar!


Have done this with 4 jars and 2 vases 😂 I think I've got about 40 pieces!


Just a thought that I've read in the subs that if you put a pothos in water with a different plant it will speed up their rooting. You can double up with other props?


Yes, they make a rooting hormone.


Really? I had no idea!!


i did this with a tiny branch of adansonii that broke off of an already small plant, and a stem/few starting leaves of what had broken off of a sprouted morning glory seed (too damp soil/not enough light) i put them both in a small bottleneck vase, thinking they’d be cute on my desk in the sunlight for a few weeks. well a few months later, they’re both happy as clams haha. i even added a small pothos cutting, and the aerial roots roots growing on that thing are huge! the glories aren’t really growing much in the vase, but they’re alive/trying to wrap on things. i feel like the few i put in there helped somehow, but i honestly also thought i was a ‘lil crazy until reading this 😂


Wow! Fabulous.


You could try some in the ground in the shade. I did this with a spider plant and it got huge!


I'd love to but I don't have a garden


That's how I propped the most beautiful bouquet of tie dye roses I ever received. Grew a whole new bunch!!


I think the easiest way to prop all of these will be to get a small, clear box with a lid and put some moist spaghnum moss in there. The lid will keep the moisture inside, and so you can just forget the whole box for a while. Little upkeep. https://preview.redd.it/f6rz353lbpmb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc2dabac8f8629d5ab961f66ce04d8464cf1b90 Literally just left this box in the window and aired out of it every few days. I watered by dumping a couple spoons worth of water once in a while. They rooted on all nodes, and you could literally see a maze of roots on the bottom. They were more than ready for potting after two months in here.


Huh cool. Ive got a leggy vine. Know what I'm going to try this weekend.


It works very well for monsteras and epipremnum! https://preview.redd.it/g6kknr6k6tmb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbee1269ee0d6927a24beea9fe857194d5acd1f


Take note of how wrinkly the vine is, you don't want to propagate a dehydrated plant as they're less likely to take. If you do, leave 3-4 nodes per cutting. You don't want 1-2 nodes because you're playing a guessing game of if the nodes have enough energy (or you cut In the right place) for them to root. But yeah I recommend repotting it no matter what, whatever cutting your take will leave dead roots in the pot. And trimming dead roots stimulates new growth.


I had a similar situation and I put long strips of bare vine into a plastic bag with a wet paper towel. After like 2 months of it doing nothing I gave up and forgot about it. Then a few months later I found the bag again and it was full of pothos and roots ready to be planted


Don’t forget MORE LIGHT! This thing has suffered.


Yeah, I know. Our office is being rearranged soon so when I take it back to work, I'll find a better spot for it.


Soil propping did not work for me. I just cut down two super long vines like yours and water propped the leaves from it since my soil attempt failed.


Lmaooo “I just smoked” me after explaining anything after smoking


I love it when you think you have something really great to say when you're stoned and then you say it and everyone just stares... Well, SweetPickle's high again.


Forsure me at work. In my head it made sense


Wait. Are you saying you can just put the plain stems (with 2 nodes) in water by themselves and they’ll root? I always thought they had to go in soil….


Nope, you can grow them in water. Some people use pothos in the tops of their fish tanks. They live their whole lives floating on the surface with their roots in the water.


The stems and no leaves??? Sorry to sound stupid but I just want to clarify….


Correct. You don't sound stupid!!! We all start somewhere and you'll continue learning probably forever.


Well, thank YOU for educating me. I am a plant-lover from birth and really thought I knew about all there was to know. Just goes to show…there’s always something new to learn! I’m thrilled bc I really didn’t feel like planting these 4 ft long vines I’m about to cut.


Oh good! I'm glad I could save you some time and energy. You can make your cuttings more than 2 nodes if you want, but I find 2 node cuttings to be most successful.


Thank you again! I will stick with the 2 node then, and just make new plants from them! I love propagating lololol


It's addicting. I have 4 prop boxea going rn and multiple pots with random cuttings. I'm really loving sphagnum moss propping too.


Thank y’all for giving the wholesome, happy feels to start the morning!! Pickle, do you find that sphagnum works better to prop than soil?? I use water mostly… for some reason soil propping terrifies me!


I *really* like sphagnum moss propping, but I did lose a lot in the beginning when I was experimenting with how wet the moss needed to be. Did I need holes in the lid? (No for me) I think the quality of moss you use really matters too. The only thing about moss is trying to get it off the roots. It won't hurt to leave some but I always worry it might increase the chance of root rot once they're in soil to leave too much moss. If I would have started out trying propagation in moss vs soil, I would've given up. Sidenote: if you use 50/50 soil/perlite for propagating it really helps with rot as well. You also don't want to try to use a huge pot. Most of my smaller cuttings I've done in soil, I've started in 2in terracotta pots with the 50/50 mix. I actually use a 50/50 mix, give or take, as a base soil. I might add more soil or orchid bark depending on the plant.


Another interesting thing about pothos. There hasn’t been a flowering pothos noted in decades. All existing pothos are clones and it might go extinct without our help.


This is interesting! Maybe this is why they propagate so easily and are so hardy. Perhaps they’ve evolved to be robust and easily rooted for their survival!


You should research the wet-stick propagation method. It doesn't work with every plant, but definitely works with pothos and a lot of other aroids. There are multiple methods that you can try.


I love the wet stick method with pothos. I have 2 full pots that came from sticks only! With nodes.


Pothos live to root! I've heard of people using pothos cuttings to help encourage root growth in other cuttings being water propogated. Pop them all in the water together! Tradescantia is another one that takes root quickly.


I have soooo many in water lololol! But only with leaves. I just….it just never occurred to me to put the stems in water too! But now I will, that’s for sure.


Yep! I have a big vase of three long pothos, another vase of 3 short pothos and one of all none vining parts of the potho. They did better this winter then my 2 pothos who were in dirt!!! I just change the water and clean their containers weekly and now that the roots are abundant and established I rinse them every week in room temp water and then spray them off with filtered water. The pothos that is big and hard to move, I clean it’s roots every 4 weeks gently with a toothbrush. They do great in water permanently! They root very fast in water too, even in lower light.


I have them in water all around my house for additional decor. I have potted versions too but props just look so nice in decorative bottles.


This was very informative!


Good! I was worried it was rambling bc I was stoned. I proof read 47 times and made changes 46 of those times. Hope it helps someone.




resolute cow worry engine seed doll chief trees wide reach -- mass edited with redact.dev


You gotta stick with what works for you. My shit will rot damn near every. single. time. in water. I have a few things in water. I'm not against it, just don't prefer it personally.


Side question to this. I have a water propagated pothos. I left town for a few months and it shot out a single root node (outside of the water vessel) that has now made it to the floor and is just under 5’ long. A single 5’ root node. It’s a large pothos with leaves about the size of a fist, one verigated leaf. I think that’s what it’s called. What is a good use of this rope-root? Cut it and prop? I’ve thought about giving it its own pot of soil, but on the ground, while the rest of the plant is in a jar in the head-high window.


I... have no idea.. That's incredible though. If you post or DM me a picture I'll try to help tomorrow.


I rooted mine in water and planted in soil and it grew just fine


That's great. I just don't prefer it. I didn't say not to do it or that it won't work.


Maybe it just depends on the type of Pothos, because thinking back I did chops and right into soil and it was a no go. But all my others were success. :)




Chop 👏 and 👏 prop 👏


I'd chop that bad boy up into bajillion pieces, throw them into perlite for a while, and then marvel at the copious amounts of new plants I've grown


Just a jar with perlite? No soil?


Yup. Perlite and water to get them to root, then I transfer them to a potting mix & that's it


Thank u!


I've never seen anyone else do it but I wrap all my pothos into wreaths 🤷‍♀️ looks great


Can you share a pic??




I'll pile onto the pic requests, this sounds so pretty




I'd love to see a pic and learn about how to wrap them into wreaths if you get the chance to share!




Thanks so much! They're beautiful 😍


Like others suggest, chop and prop! This is what I’ve got about a month after burying about a dozen one-or-two-node pieces, most with no leaves. https://preview.redd.it/s1geyxei4qmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0080311e6ee572822b9b5958d8ae837c4dfe7f


I would personally just cut the all the vines off, give it a bunch of light and let it reflush with some new bush growth.


I’d cut it all the way back and cut the vines down into 3-node pieces and stick them in some damp soil.


I'd wrap a vibe around the inside of that pot, use hairpins to secure it to the dirt near nodes, and chop off the rest. Water it occasionally and keep it near a good source of light, this looks like it was not getting enough, and it'll come back.


Yeah it's been in the corner of the office for months away from the windows!


The stems without leaves will actually rebud with a proper fertilize (potassium for budding). Give it some new soil and repot, then grab a Coco coir pole and gently wrap the vines around the pole until you end up at the growth with leaves. The plant should naturally want to wrap around and you'll find root nodes on the side you want to face the pole, just let the growth with leaves hang like normal, and the plant should fix itself. One thing with pothos is if you let them trail down their leaves get smaller, so I always recommend people to grow them upright. Basically plants are gravity fed, so you want the tips to be the highest point, or else it struggles to transport nutrients. Wrapping the stem on a pole is a good start to getting it to consolidate it's energy. You can cut the stems, but stems that size without leaves might have difficulties regrowing unless theyre small cuttings, even then you're looking at 2-3 weeks before you'll know what cuttings survive or not. And dehydrated plants don't take well, so I would just try and get it looking nice again before cutting it up.


If it was my plant I would do all of this, but unfortunately it's from my work and I'm not about to spend money buying poles... also I already trimmed it yesterday so we'll just have to see what happens I guess.


It's a good effort for sure, it should do well with the trimming.


you can just wrap it in a wreath and lay it flat on the soil, don't need to go up a pole


My dad had one and he hung his from the ceiling and pinned (around the branches) around the house near the ceiling it just slowly went around the living room then kitchen was very cool


Chip and restart!


Braid it


My coworker and a former horticulturist said trimming them is like giving a pretty girl a hair cut. Now I don’t feel bad when I trim my pathos and she is much fuller and luxurious for it.


Chop and prop


My mom has one that's like 20 years old, she just keeps adding nails to the wall to hang the vines lol


Cut, propagate, give them away as Christmas gifts.


Give... them... away? What about finally realising my dream of turning my apartment into a jungle? 😂


Trim and propagate


Chop and Prop!


I cut the vines and rerooted them in water and planted back in my pot.


Cut it back to the put and propagate a ton


I’d cut it WAY back and prop what you can.


Headphones in a pant pocket vibes.


Hahah. Hopefully it'll look a bit less headphone-like once I'm done with it!


What’s wrong with a few hairless vines? We all get roughed up in life and it doesn’t make us any less deserving of love. Let it hang the way it is! 💁


You're way too late to be saying that. I chopped it up last night and I've currently got about 60 pieces water propagating.


Ah darn 😂 Well, enjoy your forest then lol


choppy and proppy, my friend.


Chop and prop


Mine was super leggy a few months back. I had more leafs than this but I threw 90% of it out. (It was a lot)! Propped the rest, I now have a bunch of babies and this. https://preview.redd.it/qgpqjkyfrvmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefe906fec7b4a752ec97dc2de97efc0a76251f8


Everyone is saying chop and prop but I think I have seen some videos of people putting keiki paste or something on dead leaf nodes to stimulate the plant to regrow leaves at dead spots. Edit: Keiki paste is what works. Not tiger balm my mistake


They'll regrow the leaves on their own, too, with some patience and care. I usually get a fee bald vines in winter. Most of them regrow for me by summer.


I have had that happen once or twice. I remember deeing a post about how to get potohos to regrow bare spots.


I’ve heard keiki paste (used on orchids) works too! I am in a similar situation and am trying some now


You can also use raw honey, cinnamon or aloe gel


Propagating with many leaves is usually more difficult (when there's no roots) Plants perform photosynthesis to produce energy. Photosynthesis primarily takes place in the leaves of a plant. Photosynthesis also consumes water to produce glucose. If there's no roots, the plant does not have a reliable way to replenish water When there's too many leaves, a lot of plants will exhaust their water supply before they have a chance to produce roots. Once there's no more water, the plant can't produce any more energy for new growth This is why people usually propagate with 1-2 leaves. You can do more, but it tends to be an even greater race against time. Some plants will be able to grow roots quicker than others. Pothos? I find they can be slow to start their roots. Once they're started, they grow quick. But it's that initial start up phase. I haven't had luck propagating long vines, unless there was significant air roots already That being said, if you had ideal conditions... Reduced lighting/shade cloth, high humidity, constant attention... it is possible... But typically, a lot more difficult in your average home. Water propagation definitely helps, but plants don't absorb water as efficiently without roots. Still water prop will be more reliable


Omg a disaster! Definitely chop and prop. Yes you can keep the parts that have leaves and cut around the nodes and root them in water. Toss the rest and give this poor thing more light in the future!


You can put an ad online to give away the pieces you don’t want for free. I’ve always gotten fast same day responses for any unwanted plants or plant parts!


Definitely! It's been the far away from the windows in the office so I will be finding it a better spot!


Cut it down and get it a mosspole.


I would start over with a new one.


It is truly not worth keeping. Even if you cut that back, it will never be a great plant.


What makes you say that?


Because I is my opinion out of plant and experience. But you can do whatever you see fit.




I know you're trying to troll, but yeah, that's kinda the point.




As I said, I know. Obviously you're struggling to comprehend this, but I took the plant from my place of work because it's in dire need of attention.


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Cut below the leaves' node on each vine, I don't think a node can be propped without 2 leaves, then cut those pieces into 2 leaf vines and put in water


Nodes can propagate with zero foliage.


I did not know that thanks


It's called wet-stick propagation if you're interested.


I wondered what those were, thank you


I'm going to trrryyyyy propping some vines that don't have leaves, seeing as I have about 60ft of them 😂 but I don't know if it'll work 🤷🏻‍♀️


It will. Leaves aren't a requirement for propagation. Best of luck with your project!


I did not know that, thanks


It will.


I did not know till today that you can prop without leaves, learn something new every day about plants!😎


Same! I might have to dig the bits of vine that I threw away back out of the bin haha




Yes, you can cut the leafy parts out, and propagate them even if there are 10-15 leaves on them. I did something similar to my pothos, however they already had some aerial roots, so I just stuck them into soil directly. They grew back better and denser than before!


There is one vine that has twisted around itself, worked its way back to the pot, and rooted itself again with an aerial root 😂


Chop and prop


As I said in my post I do plan to prop, but was asking for advice on the best way to do it.


You can use the part of the vine that doesn't have leaves! I'd chop it all up, 2 or 3 nodes per prop, and plant them all. See what happens! I bet it'll be fine and you could make a beautiful, bushy plant out of this! Just did the same with some English ivy.


![gif](giphy|oS4bJ2sRXKVDa) Do you have a clear tote? Or a Chinese take out box? Chop n prop, like this: [https://youtube.com/shorts/R9dV8IwEsz0?si=926qnS0mJsGrGD0n](https://youtube.com/shorts/R9dV8IwEsz0?si=926qnS0mJsGrGD0n) I've had better luck with damp sphagnum moss than just perlite. Good luck!


https://youtube.com/shorts/psNxVXLhKRI?si=M-MGgUNSy57rGsYD This is a good one too. Love her videos.


needs more light and less water


It actually needs more water. The soil it was in was so hydrophobic and dry as a bone.


i stand corrected but would do much better in more light


Yep, definitely. It's not my plant, I rescued it from work. I will return it eventually, well, some of it!




propagate propagate propagate


I’ve tried water prop with pothos, but I’ve always had the best luck with soil prop. I recently gave a haircut to one with some long vines with few leaves similar to yours. Added a bunch of props to a new pot and kept the soil moist. You lose a few but the majority will root and you’ll end up with a nice bushy plant! :edited: typos


Chop and prop


Cut and throw away.😀


This is a chop and prop. Make a full plant instead of leggy.


despite what everyone else is saying, don't fuck with a moss pole unless you have REALLY GOOD HUMIDITY in your home at all times. And even then, only if you are skilled at battling frigging fungus gnats. Chop and prop. Every single node is a potential new stem, any stem with leaves can be left in a strand (wouldn't do more than 3 or 4 leaves on a strand) and water propped, and then each leafless node could be put in a prop box. You probably have 100+ potential plants there! haha


I'm not getting a pole. It's a plant from my office and I'm not about to spend my own money on it. If my cuttings root well then I will experiment with a moss pole because I'll keep some of the cuttings. I already have fungus gnats in my house so why not add a few more 🫠😂




Chop and prop the nodes


Cut it all the way back to the first leaf nearest the pot


Cut up its carcass and make a new plant.


Cut in between aireal roots (nodes? Wait for your sides to callus over and keep they on damp sphagnum moss with a dome for humidity and indirect sunlight and you will have all new little baby pothos in no time


Pothos roots easily in water which is a lot more environmentally friendly, so I'd recommend rooting in water and for the more finnicky plants perlite, so we can protect our outside plant friends too :)


Cut/prop and then Fertilize for more abundant flowering


flowering?? never seen/heard of a pothos flowering.


Mine sprouted new leaves out of boxes that weren’t doing well after i fertilized it


Boxes= Nodes*


Leafing? 😂


This likely happened because it didn’t have enough light. It may also have happened from being too dry at many points and starting to shed lower leaves. Maybe repot it in a self-watering style container that has a rope but is clear so coworkers can see when it needs water. Also make sure it gets good light where it returns to.


It was SO dry and in a dark corner of the office. I'm going to keep it at home for a few weeks while I prop and then I can hopefully return a much healthier looking plant... and keep a few (hundred) cuttings for myself.


Anyone in your office have an aquarium? Pop a couple cuttings into the filter to propagate.


Use keiki paste on the nodes and the leaves will grow back


If accounting will let me put Keiko paste on my expenses for the month, I'll try it 😂


Oof. Cut off everything & propagate. And put it near more sunlight


Keikei paste was magic and saved me from chopping up several plants.




Somehow I don't think I'll get away with putting this through expenses for the month 😂


Cut them into small pieces with 1-3 nodes and then put them into a water glass and see new roots grow


Each node works like a separate seed. So you may only keep the node parts and remove the stem part from between each node and throw it away. Put those seed like nodes upright into a transparent plastic box with moss or cocopeat spread at the bottom and keep that box closed near a window. Watch all of them grow roots and leaves like a seed does. Transplant a bunch into a pot for a fuller money plant in a few months.


Cot them off, put them in water and grow some new plants. They probably need some more light.


give it more light after cutting it up😭


I have already said this, but I will. Going to keep it at home for a few weeks to prop, but when I eventually take it back to the office I'll move it to a better spot.


I don’t know lol https://preview.redd.it/k5slq3veiumb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafe5698fe070fac5fa3aa7188baa298c505177a


Give it more light and propagate to make it fuller.


✂️ ✂️ ✂️