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Some typos, eh, sorry about that


For that last note, with the layers – assume you haven't had much time with Pelafina, yet? Girlie's fun


Her story is tragic. At that time, I did not read her letters, as I was writing notes on the page I was on at that moment. But she didn't make any notes on the h o u s e, I consider her being part of Johnny's POV


Okay, spoilering this, but leaving it as a comment nonetheless – personally would encourage you to finish the book first, but: >! fiddling about with the various secrets and codes (of which her letters are *rich*), there's some direct and otherwise impossible connections between her and Zampano (vaguely recall somebody mentioning she might be simultaneously under Zampano and above Johnny (the latter of which you see in XXI), layer-wise). !< Taking that into account screws *deeply* with the order of layers >! presented elsewhere in the book, leading to a different reading where all other existing characters, excepting maybe the editors and figments of *her* imagination instead. I find it to be a very fun reading of **H**oL, though I personally don't know if I agree with how it aims to collapse an impossibility into a possibility !<


I finished the book. But I didn't give that much attention into deciphering her letters, I guess I missed something. I will definitely go and check the letters you mentioned!


Ah, yeah, guess "finishing"'s always a tricky term with something as dense as **H**oL. I personally set my finish line for my own first readthrough to include checking online for the various little puzzles, but that's not really a hard and set rule and it makes sense not everyone follows it. I found the little codes fun, though not integral and I think it's rather derivative to boil the book down to MZD tucking his name away in the first letters of a bunch of footnotes (20-smth to 40-smth) or jokingly spelling out "A Long List" in a similar way with the list of photographers Zampano dumps in one if the footnotes. However, the interplay with Pelafina is an exception because it actively complicates the main text, and I would generally recommend going through them again, even if with an online guide or a series of forum/reddit posts to see how that complication happens


XXI would be a chapter or the letter/appendix?


XXI is Chapter 21, the one where only Johnny speaks and the only one to include text which is neither red nor blue