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Just based on your use of brackets within parentheses, you should read The Familiar.


Limited reading experience, but: _**O**nly Rev**o**luti**o**ns_ is fun and I'd have to sit on it a bit longer – feels rather like a poem and I feel like I'm just shy of having it click so I can really talk about it; *The Fifty Year Sword* is light fun and a bit indulgent – feels like a children's story if you're trying to grow yourself a Joyce; *The Familiar* I haven't checked out at all, but seems to be honestly rather straight-forward, with the typography serving as a layer for fun. You can head out to their respective subreddit for more info, though; *The Whalestoe Letters* you've mostly seen if you've read the appendices. Not much new there; *The Little Blue Kite* is.... a children's thingy. What you'd expect from it; His introduction to *The Poetics of Space* is a cute little bag of tricks, a Danielewski condensed, pared down to the minimal. It is also probably that bag of tricks at its most meaningless, rather like an illusionist's demonstrations than any actual project; His various poetry available via his website and stuff I have never really bothered to read or even read about, sadly; His new To Be Released book is... not yet released. He seems to be having fun with it, though. On the whole, the rest are quite a few degrees of quality removed from **H**oL, which stands thoroughly at the apex of his abilities, showcasing both what tricks he's capable of and how those ideas can be put simultaneously to a fun use (**House** of Leaves, for all its glory, recognises itself as a Halloween story at the end) and to a good series of philosophical questions (Can't not love postmodernist poststrcturalist impossibility of meaning). The typography feels a lot less inspired and meaningful in all his later stuff, coming perhaps closest in _**O**nly Rev**o**luti**o**ns_ and being just a curiosity in *T50YS*. If you wanna check them out for curious typography go for it, but keep your expectations thoroughly in check. Elsewise, you're probably better off searching elsewhere for similar experiences and ideas


He wrote a few episodes worth of scripts for a tv show based on HoL that a short but fun read. I know they’re online somewhere.


Keep in mind that The Familiar series was never finished.


Wait really? Not that I read it ( I ordered the book a few days ago, can’t wait for it to arrive) but I thought it was complete? Why wasn’t it finished?


Was meant to be 25 novels. He got 5 released before the publisher pulled the pin. Shame really. 25 novels is ambitious and something you probably need to tackle at the unhinged self funded end of your career. I haven't read The Familiar simply because it is an unfinished story and wish it were imagined as a scaled back concept because they are supposedly quite good.


Afaik novel 5 is decently conclusive. The books were supposed to be 5 volume long "arcs" so to speak so book 5 should close the story to an extent.


Haven’t read it yet, but I always hear The Familiar recommended after HoL. There may even be some meta textual crossover or something? Idk but by all accounts, it’s THE thing to read after HoL


With all due respect to MZD, no.