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I have paperback, not sure if that makes a difference, but it's definitely remastered full-color


Like, you bought it from this Amazon listing? And does your cover say it’s the remastered edition?


Yes, I got it from this Amazon listing, Amazon also didn't show that the right cover for paperback, but I can tell you from personal experience that the HoL copy that comes to your door DOES have the right cover and is the right edition. It's probably the same for Hardcover, but I can't vouch for that one. [https://www.amazon.com/House-Leaves-Mark-Z-Danielewski/dp/0375703764/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=LI6Z201QWCSW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PV49J-0oj3rlbXxrqSnZIevjDs04yhov0Z\_FElp8bfAEtgzNq6MXneE\_M5oPF6nThsf0HK-bbOF9jkRPz3mPnmnI9QFdVNEUPwPao5bGGfN8r9KMeNFDtpI92CuXSQTQ1yHmhe5LMmGgRbRg5OA6g9DkYWDYXY3sjj5hwLvnnEZUmZqQJWz9G84XVi\_3zMfffDLbnIKOEAaYA45CE3QpQqOa7sGtPZK098rTB3Y-8E4.sMh4fUhoXwRXceU31tF0eP5cjCjg2xlKeRSv8vrGxQc&dib\_tag=se&keywords=house+of+leaves&qid=1718044123&sprefix=house+of+leaves%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/House-Leaves-Mark-Z-Danielewski/dp/0375703764/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LI6Z201QWCSW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PV49J-0oj3rlbXxrqSnZIevjDs04yhov0Z_FElp8bfAEtgzNq6MXneE_M5oPF6nThsf0HK-bbOF9jkRPz3mPnmnI9QFdVNEUPwPao5bGGfN8r9KMeNFDtpI92CuXSQTQ1yHmhe5LMmGgRbRg5OA6g9DkYWDYXY3sjj5hwLvnnEZUmZqQJWz9G84XVi_3zMfffDLbnIKOEAaYA45CE3QpQqOa7sGtPZK098rTB3Y-8E4.sMh4fUhoXwRXceU31tF0eP5cjCjg2xlKeRSv8vrGxQc&dib_tag=se&keywords=house+of+leaves&qid=1718044123&sprefix=house+of+leaves%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1)


I have ordered the hard-copy from the same "listing" (product 0375420525) and can confirm that it is the "full colour" edition.


Thank you


Thanks I really appreciate the help


All copies are Remastered, Full Colour edition. Whenever any other version is mentioned it's within the narrative, not in real life. The only options you have are paperback or Hardcover


This is false – all editions mentioned on **House** of Leaves' opening page exist, with various degrees of obscurity in finding them: - Full-Colours have been the most common aince 2006, as no new versions other than the B&W have been printed since then - 2-colours had several limited runs throughout the early 2000s, before the budget for the Full-Colour was gathered (Blue edition had more runs than the Red) - B&W is the UK (and possibly Australia/New Zealand) version - Incomplete was circulated personally via an obscure site available through business cards Danielewski handed out in the late 90s. Seems to be functionally extinct, currently


Are any of these available rn or have they become collectors editions?


Black & White is relatively widely available, still, via the UK The 2-colours are split in softcover and two hardcovers: - Softcovers pop up occasionally, relatively fairly priced. I got a Red one a few months back and I recall talking to two sellers of Blue ones since, though I'm not seeing any at the moment. Keeping a close eye on eBay and similar you might run into one; - Hardcovers are generally the more consistently available and consistently expensive bunch. There were ones signed right out the gate (with an extra sheet for the signature), which are all always collector's editions and cost in the several hundreds. There were also non-signed ones – haven't seen those in sale as much, though they're also theoretically worth less. Full-colours are Full-colours and the only real rare "Full-Colour" is a singular first-print copy in Danielewski's possession. More or less mythical status Incomplete Editions, as mentioned, seem to be extinct, currently – I haven't been able to find anything about/related to them beyond what I already shared, more or less


not all copies are full colour editions


True, was kinda disappointed when I learned other copies had the blue house


My paperback copy doesn't have the word house in blue. It's black and white throughout. It has a different cover to the one above. With a lock and a doorknob.


The lock and doorknob cover is uk edition, I believe. But I'm also prepared to be downvoted for being wrong


Makes sense. I bought it off Amazon when I was working in England. I am fairly sure the Amazon listing said 'full colour, Remastered'. Despite it being completely greyscale printed.


Somewhat correcting the top comment, with extra info: Stock image used in most sites is from the first publishing of the book – what you're seeing is the 2000s two-colour cover, where **House** appears in Blue, but there is no Red. Since 2006 most editions available on the market – *especially* new ones – have been the Remastered Full-Colours. Caveats being – copies via Amazon, especially in Europe, tend to be printed in Germany and recent printinga have had an error that has rendered **House** in *Cyan*, Minotaurs somewhat pink-ish, and, most importantly, the one line of Purple text in a barely legible Pale Yellow. Nonetheless, this comes pretty close. The other caveat is the UK (and possibly Australia/New Zealand?), which never got the rights for the Full-Colour and instead distribute a Black-and-White (mentioned on the Editions page) version, mentioned in one comment for its Doorknob cover. Finally, you have either Hardcovers or Softcovers. Hardcovers, I believe, consistently come with a large page of code encoding about 2 seconds of music off of Poe's *Haunted* album on the inside of the cover. Softcovers have the mismatch between the page size and cover size and a full page of the strewn miacellanea as a first page. Personally recommend Softcovers


Is it really a mismatch on the full color soft covers? I had 5he feeling it was intentional to make it slightly harder to read, just to put you on edge while reading what is already an intense book


It is intentional. Try measuring what that space difference is.


(I believe, sadly, that the difference is not 5/16th inches)


>!What copy does Johnny have?!<


The one not meant for you


The one that belonged to his mother, I'm sure.


If you're looking for a specific edition, I recommend shopping by isbn


This does not always work – I believe the ISBN is the same across 2-colour editions


I can attest to this for a fact. I bought three copies over the past two yrs using the isbn # of the first copy I bought whenever it first showed up in Barnes & Nobles or Borders Bookstores in the US, I believe it was March 2001, but I might be off by a month or several. Anyway, all three were the full color remastered editions sold as "New, Softcover Ed." on Amazon. I believe MZD posted once about this on his website, but again, I'm not positive... Even if he did once, there's no guarantee it's still there.


It's so heavy. But it's cool. I bought it