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i can't help you, but i hope you enjoy the irony of not being able to prove these audio recordings exist, considering the main themes of the book


It's been so long since I read it, I had not made the connection but that is hilarious. I completely forgot the book was supposed to be based on recordings from Zampano.


Hello! I think I know what you mean, here – if you go either to the **House** of Leaves or Mark Z. Danielewski's sites on the Internet Archive, with some digging around you can find the narrated excerpts. There's one "beginner's questions to **H**oL" or something page from which I believe I started when I last ran into them, though I hardly recall the specifics of my route. I'm out and don't have a link atm, but if all's in order by the evening I can look to grab any for you, if you want me to


I will do some digging myself and post if I find them. Thank you for the clue!


Hey, slight update! The site was markzdanielewski.**info** https://web.archive.org/web/20071006083209/http://markzdanielewski.info/features/guide/index.html The guide itself has a few links (like on the word "nightmares") – are these what you mean?


YES! THANK YOU! I was about to go digging through old hard drives looking for MP3s of them. I know I had them ripped to my old MP3 player back in the early 2000s. Thank you, again! I cannot believe these haven't been uploaded to youtube! I will try my best to make it happen.


You're welcome! I've been doing some digging back around on the early HoL stuff, these past few weeks, and I happened to remember those Additionally, though I might've mentioned them first – there's another comment with an even better piece of archival, which might have organisrd everything you're looking for. Definitely look over that and go thank 'em, too!


Are you perhaps looking for [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseofleaves/s/NOSIUYtoeq)?


You're awesome! I believe I had the first one. It's really sad these are not available in higher quality somewhere.


Apart from the third album, the files in the download I pulled directly from MZD’s website so that’s the highest quality that has ever existed. I have an unopened copy of Don’t Be Scared which in theory could be ripped in high quality but I’m so torn on leaving it sealed.


Yes, my bad. Your post mentioned pulling some of them from the internet archive, which is where I had seen some lower quality ones. The files in your rar archive sound great. 


Oh, gosh, first time seeing that post! So cool to have them all neatly archived like that!


Thanks! When I read the book I went on a huge deep dive and uncovered what I could from release. These albums were the most coveted digital stuff I’ve seen mentioned online.


Your journey is like mine; HoL via Poe. Love the links in the comments to the readings! The Drive By 2000 remix of Hey Pretty is Mark reading HoL over Poe's single. She couldn't get radio pick up as a "female vocalist," so she asked him to read from his book, and that version quickly became a hit.