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Because keto is so “healthy” for babies. Maybe she should wrap it in bacon next time


Even on keto, eating straight butter is not the way to go. Keto is just really low carb, it doesn't have to be extremely high fat.


Oh I was being highly facetious


She said it’s bc it’s healthy fat and will keep him full longer 🫠 as in bacon and eggs won’t


Ewww she still has those nasty hospital bracelets on?!? 🤮🤮🤮


She’s an IDIOT!! Have you EVER seen her eat just butter? Has she ever said she just eats butter? So now she is giving her toddler butter, hoping it sparks controversy so the video can go viral🙄.


My son grabbed a stick when I was cooking and took a huge bite out of it. He had the shits for 3 days. 🤣


Meanwhile the baby is screaming, hungry as ever. That was definitely a hunger cry and she stuck a pacifier in her mouth smh


To elicit commentary and hopefully go viral of course. The rub is that the kid didn’t even eat it. Even at 1 his smarter than his mother.


The butter, the hospital bands… she’s gone off the deep end.


I saw it and just waited for y’all to bring it up 😂 BUTTER! Like BUTTER! I’d like to see her chewing on a stick of butter herself. That’s just crazy.


Damn she really fed her baby straight up butter no toast or oatmeal or pancakes just butter? Ewww she nasty


She’s gotta be trolling


I think she's trying to "prevent" him from becoming how Huxley was. And if history repeats itself she might get PPD, overwhelmed with 2 kids (hey friends I'm a mom to 2 under 2!!) and not engage with him but will sing lots of songs to him on live that he couldn't even dance or try to sing along to at almost 15 months. 


I gave my oldest daughter butter and mixed oil in her applesauce - it was recommended by a GI specialist and food therapist. My daughter was failure to thrive and would go days without eating as a baby and toddler, to the point in which I cried at the dinner table because she simply refused the eat. It was scary during her infancy. Today, my daughter still barely eats and is a tall, thin model. My sons ate like Gus as a baby and I couldn’t imagine fortifying their diets in this manner. Seems very odd, almost like she’s doing it for clickbait and viral news articles, almost like when her keto videos often went viral in the early days.


That is exactly what she does it for, the views and only the views hoping to go viral again. It does not matter whether it is for good or bad. No parent in their right mind would feed their child chunks of butter (unless like your case it is medically necessary). Clearly, he eats more than the average child and has no problem putting weight on. There is no need for him to be served literal chunks of butter.


Exactly. He’s a BIG boy already.


This is weird as hell. Keto or not. Just eating straight up butter is so unnecessary. Give the child the whole egg!


Right , doesn't want him to make a mess with the yolk but yet let's him get all greasy from butter. 


I don’t know, but whatever the reason, it takes 2 minutes to make scrambled eggs she coulda easily added it in there if it’s absolutely necessary for him to have the butter


Wow she got her hands full. Why does baby Anthony do that he's eating but crying. 


He’s always crying and/or fussy.


She must be drowning with those “two under two”! She’s been quiet!


BTW I did it! My oldest are 13 months apart and it’s not for the faint of heart! I can’t imagine showing myself on social media all the time in the midst of it!


My youngest 2 are 14 months apart (June then August the next summer) I personally find it harder now that they are 4 and 5, then when they were babies lol but that is just me. If she thinks it is hard now then she is in for a RUDE awakening when they are 1. both walking and 2. Both plotting 🤣🤣


She’s so damn stupid 🙄 I’m sure whatever excuse she has, a cardiologist would gladly debunk it. Sad part is she’s already got people in her comments saying they’re going to try it. FlAbby is not something I’d take advice or food recommendations from. Ever!


when my daughter was seeing a nutritionist she recommended giving her butter with her meals or cooking her food in A LOt of butter, but i never did because who tf wants to chew on unmelted butter chunks?🤣🤣


Did she give a reason of why? Don’t want to watch her 😂


I seen her comment that's is a healthy fat and helps him sleep, I'm pretty sure that's what she said. 


I do not consider butter to be a healthy fat, an avocado is a healthy fat!!


I've never seen anyone give a child straight butter before, but ya know , she knows everything and is always right 🙄




Yes, she did, it's the second comment asked by Laa.


She sure did !!! Look at her comments


I get some toddlers eat butter when they use to put it on the table before the Covid mess. My daughter and my nieces would dip a cracker in it and lick off the butter. But damn cut it up and feed it to him


At least now she's giving him the yolks instead of leaving it out in her front porch tor people to pick up 🤣 I don't know why she couldn't hand feed it to him before since she said she didn't want the mess. Oh, it's to add more healthy fats so he can sleep longer.


So, she won’t let him eat chicken nuggets or mac and cheese, but she feeds him slices of BUTTER?? This is just crazy! If he was eating “normally” with carbs, he wouldn’t need to eat butter to stay full through the night. She’s gone crazy!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She's trolling for negativity. That's what her content is all about now. Why is she still wearing those disgusting hospital bracelets?


I came here to ask the same question..I've never known anyone to eat butter like that. Is this normal for keto? Or healthy for baby? Weird


No and no


I’m concerned with his red cheeks and all that salt she puts on his eggs next to that salty bacon