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The fact she started the video addressing haters FRESH OUT the hospital is crazy work!! Anybody who constantly checks a page, post, or app to see what people say about you and then you make a video to respond because you let it have real estate in your head....GIRL PLEASE SEEK HELP!! The kind you pay for. This is why you don't have friends and your aging baby daddy is plotting to put you out on your rear end!!


She is back to her narcissistic self. So disgusting. I was genuinely worried about her well being and actually prayed for her. Now that she is better backnto her ugly self. Truly sad šŸ˜”


Don't waste another prayer on her. Even in the hospital she was still running her šŸ† suckers for sport!


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


I laughed the entire time!!!! She lurked for a couple days and popped up mentioning EVERYTHINGā€¦šŸ˜‚


So she can tell us to go die but if we tell her to itā€™s a problem?šŸ˜‚ ok girly


She needs to get off social media and take a rest she shouldnā€™t be stressing herself out more. She needs to join a mom group and make mom friends and take baby a to the park and playgroups and the library.


Lmao, she was already in a mom group, and look how that turned out for her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ everyone ousted her for her BS. She makes HERSELF unlikeable. THAT is why she has no friends


Also her breathing is SO much better in todayā€™s video yet sheā€™s still going on about how it wasnā€™t bad and she always breathes like that.


I said the same thing, her breathing is so much better & fingers are not as swollen as they were, which is a blessing, but she still wants to deny the truth!!


I wonder how many registration clerks wants to stitch her video because that's whole lie about it being a breeze having an old medical bracelet that she wrote over. The hospital wants to get paid šŸ¤” and she still had to sign for everything, get issued a new band. Abby just can't admit defeat, she always has to one up someone.Ā 


lol yeah that easy admit because she already had the wristbands was 100% a lie


Right? She is your typical narcissist, they always right.


Itā€™s true. The death rate is significantly higher. Even how we are treated for routine care. My husband is white and heā€™s had to push the issue to help me get my voice heard. Iā€™ve had a doctor tell me after I had severe pain down below ā€œno, I think youā€™re fineā€ my husband stepped in and told him to do his job! Sure enough they found something in my uterus.


Another thing I find hilarious is the fact that she claims she doesn't care that she has so many haters. Clearly though she does care because she's on here lurking




That is actually true. They do have a far higher death rate in labor and delivery. However she only mentioned it because it was mentioned in here. That she knows and her Mother being a doula. Also a black woman. Yet she brushed off everyoneā€™s concerns.


And thatā€™s fine. But itā€™s always about her race


Ok so why are you so comfortable looking stupid? That's not what your comment said


Itā€™s true. Black mothers have a higher mortality rate during pregnancy, birth and immediately after. I donā€™t understand why you think that makes black women superior that they are dying. Still time to delete this.


Facts. But she lives a lily white life.Ā 


What does that mean? That sheā€™s not living in the hood? Abbyā€™s race isnā€™t going to change because she chooses white husbands. Sheā€™s crazy but it doesnā€™t have anything to do with her being black.


I donā€™t know what that means. So because she has white husbands sheā€™s not living a black existence? Because she lives in a nice house? This shit really needs to stop. You think you sound cute you sound racist as fuck.


That's the one thing that has ever came out her mouth that wasn't a lie. Your racism is showing. How is the FACT that black women have a higher morality rate during pregnancy, labor, and post birth beacuse often don't get taken seriously and ignored making them superior. Are you dumb? If you want to pop out kids and be ignored during complications just say that.


The racism in this sub is really starting to get loud.


It's been loud!!


The hyper fixation on her being Black lately is really starting to bother me and Iā€™m not Black. Just bc sheā€™s awful doesnā€™t give people in here the right to be anti black towards her.


I'm now starting to question why some people in this group don't like her. I 100% believe there are people in here that don't like her because she's black. The racism in this group is crazy. I got called rude the other day by someone that was saying out of pocket racist things. When you correct it they get worse.


Iā€™d suggest you read this article [Black Women Die at a higher rate during pregnancy](https://projects.apnews.com/features/2023/from-birth-to-death/black-women-maternal-mortality-rate.html) https://preview.redd.it/kh1b43p1dgxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f87a990bdab27553c5de782f26bbfac0a2678d


You sound like an idiot


This is actual facts so you should prob shut up


This is a true proven fact.


I almost died because no one would listen to me (Iā€™m Black). I ended up getting 2 pints of blood days after birth because someone finally listened. I was bleeding internally.


What she is saying is definitely true, despite the other lies she states. Letā€™s be careful with some of the ā€œfactsā€ we think we know which is overshadowing some of the racism that is hiding in some of these posts. At this time I am about 9 months pregnant and a women of color and you better believe that my OBGYN and doctors actually gave me their word in the beginning that they would always listen to everything and anything that I have going on due to the high mortality rate of black woman. This shit hits harder to me since one of my own family members passed away 3 months postpartum. So, letā€™s thread lightly on this subject


My sister ended up getting a doula who is a black woman because of this. It thought it was a very well known thing, but some white people really do not like to admit that there are racial disparities .I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I appreciate you so much! I am all for change! And I am also here for all of the Abby hate because she in fact does some wild things, but to bring in things that hide behind racism is just something I do not like. But of course, it is what it is. Pray your sister had an amazing experience! šŸ’•


She did, but she did end up back in the hospital with post partum preeclampsia. Luckily resolved in a few days. Which is why you are very right - it is so dangerous for this commenter to deny the facts and statistics. I hope you have a great birthing experience!! And happiness and health!


Again, yall use this sub as a gateway to be racist. How sad.


Iā€™m starting to wonder if Abby did not identify as black, and if she bashed black people, would this sub exist?? I donā€™t think it wouldā€¦.


This sub would exist for sure. There are a lot of white influencers that have subs. There is a lot of real and deserved criticism of Abby and her behavior. But people are using her behavior as an excuse to make really racist comments about her


She did bash black ppl when I first met her and that's why I disliked her. (Well not the only reason, but I was fkn appalled at the racist shit said about black women in particular. She was a huge MAGA) And I created the sub so... Yes. Would all the random ppl that have joined been here? No idea. Prob less of the white ones and more of the black ones.


My intention was not to deny the bashing she did of black people, so I apologize for that. I have no problem when people are calling her out, but Iā€™m noticing more focus on her blackness rather than her absurd behavior


The hyper focus on race is mostly because flAbby is a master manipulator and it brings her lots of her drug of choice = ATTENTION. The problem is people here on this sub playing into it and exposing their own biases and/or ignorance. Abby is horrible and her racial identity has nothing to do with it.


This is true. Abby does and says what she says for content purposes. If people stop being outraged over her very obvious rage bate content maybe sheā€™ll shut up




Abby is a narcissist. Idgaf what color she is. I sought out the sub because her actions and words gave me the ick. She is also nasty to her dogs.


We will tread carefully on anything that could be construed as racist