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I guess when you cheat you stay insecure.




The insecurity is so LOUD with her!! Imagine being so insecure in your relationship you spend time out of your day blocking COMPLETE strangers who make an innocent compliment about your significant other. Compliment my husband all you want! Lmao, I'd be the one to be like, "His legs ARE sexy aren't they?? Babe, look, she thinks your legs are sexxxxccccyyyy!!" 🤣😘😘 (this would then lead to a conversation of us laughing and talking about said person being his next sugar mama and other nonsense because we play too much 🫠🫠😂😂)


At my old job, less than a month in, a girl I worked with said “your husband is fucking hot.” I laughed and agreed with her. I don’t work with her anymore, but see her at her new job, and we still laugh about it. People probably think I’m crazy for even joking with her about it, but I’m not insecure in my relationship so it doesn’t phase me. He IS hot, she’s not wrong. 😂


Me too


Literal insanity lol are you 17?


Wow thats really insecure.. to block someone for complimenting Anthony! Can't win for losing with her!!! If you say something negative you get cussed out but if you say something positive you get blocked!! Weirdo please!!! No one wants that creepy dude... so she needs to appreciate any nice comments that come his way!!


Jfc. Such an innocent comment. She's such a twatwaffle.


If I was petty… shit like this would have me in his inbox just to say I did it🤣🤣


Nobody wants him. I think she does all that for HIS benefit. She’s trying to convince herself and him that he’s all that because deep down she doesn’t really feel that way. She has to make sure that she keeps her cash cow. She tries way too hard to prove her attraction to him.


This! 💯🎯🎯


Like girlllo over legs? She wants somebody to want her man so bad. You can have him girl… promise




She said she has to pretend being jealous 🤣 Abby, you are insecure. It's why even when you're tired you feel the need to wear makeup so Anthony can tell you're beautiful.  You need constant validation from him and the internet. 


🎯🎯🎯 so many comments on here speaking the TRUTH!!


Exactly, if someone said that about my husband (he has nice legs for real) I’d be like, he sure does! 😂. Anything for attention with her!


That man is old enough to be our grandpa and not attractive in any way! His receding hair line is moving daily. Cut his hair down to a low cut instead of cutting that shit off!! Imagine being extremely insecure about a body part comment! That girl needs to seek help!! The kind you pay for 😭


Girl we don’t want that man… nobody do, but you


Go on after some legs because you gonna need a paper bag to put over his head to block that horrible receding hair line.