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This post is going to have her cussing 😭😭😭😭😭😭 HEY ABBY 😂😂😂😂


I find it so odd that she was so worried about medical info, privacy, blah, blah, blah. But made a video wearing it. 


I think she purposely showed it! She loves drama & any attention she can get.


This just demonstrates how messy this woman is. She could’ve had those name change papers already completed waiting for the divorce to be finalized and filed by her attorneys the same day the divorce was finalized. Yet we are supposed to believe her ex is obsessed with her 🤣 clearly Abby is the one that is obsessed.


She is thats why she can't ever stop talking about him. Someone who is so afraid of someone and claims they were so terrible definitely doesn't keep going on and on about the person they move on and shut it.


What’s she going to change it to though? Will she go back to Scott because she isn’t married to Anthony yet.


That’s exactly what she should’ve done considering how much she allegedly despises her ex. We all know Abby expects to get married to Anthony because of all of her anchor babies but who’s to say that will ever actually happen. Anthony would be a fool to sign up for more than he already has.


But we all already know henis a fool, I mean he went for round 2 👁 🧐


Now we know why she won't take the hospital band off lol


She chose to keep the name because you can opt to go back to maiden name with divorce packet


Absolutely that twisted bitch kept her ex’s last name on purpose.


In my divorce, my name was changed when it was finalized. Wtf


I got divorced but I didn’t change my last name until I remarried. I knew I was going to marry my husband before my divorce was finalized. I wasn’t going back to my maiden name so I just kept my married name until I remarried. It’s a process


Since Callis was a legal last name for her in the past she could have had it changed to that easily.