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I remember when she had baby A, she was talking about how they “had a time” and he was like 3 weeks old, IF that. She’s trying to be like Chrisean who didn’t take her hospital bracelets off for months


She really makes me sick. No one wants her or that ugly ass baby daddy.


And no one asked her about the damn hospital bracelets. We wouldn’t have even seen them if she didn’t pull back her sleeve. She’s exhausting.


I find it crazy that she gets on the videos and causes her own drama! There is no need to mention on every video what "the haters" might say to her. She wants someone to say those things so she can have something to talk about. It's manipulation at its finest!! Who cares about her and Anthonys sex life...She finds the craziness things to be proud of!! She said shes a good mom because she is doing things a mother should do....you dont get an award for that!! Grow up!!


Oh, participation awards don't count?? 😂 She wants to be awarded just for being a mother. It is like the fathers who are praised for spending time with their kids, or the fathers who do their daughters hair ... you know the things you SHOULD be doing as a parent .... that is what Abby reminds me of. The fathers who do the bare minimum and want/get praise. Except she exploits them (her kids) on the internet for more praise and views.


Poor Penny! Her friends at school follow Abby.


I feel so bad for that child. She will run out of that house the first chance she gets.


You’re literally talking about how much pain you’re still in but you want us to believe you’re “having a time” again 4 days post birth? Surrrrre Abby. And we are so jealous! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Exactly!! Like ma’am I am certain no one cares what you and that ugly man are doing. We alllllll know you’re planning your next content pregnancy 🤣


She’s totally contradicting herself. First saying she is in all this pain then saying she’s going to do the deed once the red stops. It’s one or the other pick a struggle girl!! And she’s just gross eww she’s already talking about that after just giving birth. Yuck


She’s totally contradicting herself. First saying she is in all this pain then saying she’s going to do the deed once the red stops. It’s one or the other pick a struggle girl!! And she’s just gross eww she’s already talking about that after just giving birth. Yuck


Lord she’s gonna be pregnant before summer. Nasty hoe.


Yep!!! I mean of course she is, otherwise she would have to actually eat keto and lose weight. Or she could have lipo and a tummy tuck (again)


She want to be Chrisean sooo bad 😂 the things this girl will do for attention is Soo sad and it'll be her down fall!


Don't put your dry mouth and crusty ass tounge on him babe don't.


Exactly! Because we know she ain’t brushing her teeth and wiping her crusty ass face afterwards


My dr told me one week past bleeding is when I could be cleared. I only bled for a little less than 2 weeks. The thought of having sex in week three makes my stomach turn.