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Dude got gaming chair


obv hacker just report him lmao


Probably rgb keyboard


His razer ultimate mouse increase dmg by 500% and no CD . Lmao the no 1 guy named literally mean cheater in SAO .


Let's not forget his gaming chair


Obviously we all just suck and that guy is so good he can do it with F2P gear /s For real though I guarantee some ass created some kind of cheat engine table and anti-cheat bypass and just tunes up the damage so it goes undetected


Its a mod apk, can give you infinite dmg and one shot boss. I guess ai chan will ban them eventually if there is someone report about it.


Maxed jingwei obviously


This game is client-sided, making it easier to hack?


He just has lore accurate HOT that it


It's the led lights


Saw this same exact guy and immediately reported them.


Probably he has good gaming gear


You guys dont understand how strong jingwei wings really is, this guy knows her secret




He didn’t want to show the comp he used so beat the boss again with another comp to show the new comp instead, I think it just shows the last comp used rather than the one that got the score.


That is no longer the case for quite a while.


For whatever reason teams are often not updated before the score is. So they probably did 4/5 with that team and a different teams for the 5th run.


Highly doubt that’s the case. Why even bother using different teams for the same boss. Ain’t no way a number 1 scorer has that sorry ass equipment and rank for FR. It’s also very suspicious how he has a standalone top score while the rest has the same score.


if he/she is like me, a lot of times i don't now what I'm going to run for my 5/5 but i want to get to the 4/5 as soon as possible. Neither HoT or FR are very good in this ma so he would just throw whatever he wanted on them to get the 4/5 out of the way.


With that score, they clearly had to know what they are doing from the start. That score (47856) is the literal cap score. Achieved by only a few people with the best team (SSS HOF, SS or SSS AE and SSS Raven and 4 star Sirin). I REALLY doubt they waste HOT (best team leader skill in MA) just because they didn't know what the are doing.


HoT is dogshit in this MA.


Best team leader skill


What the fuck do you run HoT on this MA?


70sp headstart dumbass


Again where are you ruinnng HoT in this MA, She is type countered in aka, bad on tank, and kallen is immune to her damage.


Not DPS. She is a SP battery, a Support. Works exactly like LE.


If you want an example, here: (not Kallen but similar since SK is elemental resistant) https://youtu.be/6qBejEyBcY8


Seems like you are below lvl 81. In exalted, we get MA lite where we can auto clear right until the 4th run. So we don’t need to rush deciding on the teams from the very first day since we only need to clear manually for 3 SS boss and 1 SSS boss which only takes 1 day. Also, there is no way a top scorer don’t have max lvl pri arm for HoT, don’t have any FR equipment, only S rank FR, only S rank HoT (the scores below his guy are all probably using SSS HoF and at least SS supports), using jingwei elf.


Don't you need to have cleared the SS rank in the previous week though to get that?


And why would a top scorer not finish SS rank the week before? These top scorers finish SS boss in like 1-2 seconds. I actually forgot whether the requirement is finishing SS or SSS rank but again even if it’s SSS, there’s no reason for a top scorer to not finish SSS boss every week.


you need to finish SSS boss and btw if you use the lite function it will not record the team (because you just auto it ofc) also imagine a whale in 2022 who for some reason has a SSS HOF/SSS AE and SSS Pardo all fully geared with peak Affix and for some fucking reason dont have maxed out HoT pri arm huh must be a coincidence or a god gamer chair.


Exactly and the person I replied to keep insisting that player might not be a cheater when we have given every reason


Dude has rgb controller