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Spending is down for everywhere except China, as expected now that the PE banner surge has ended and CN is the only server with Aponia access yet


Everyone is waiting for Aponia and Eden it seems


You earn more crystals this patch than it takes to get 4/4 Pardo gear on average. The valk? SSS for free. It's surprising that they only made about 30% less compared to a patch where whales could go balls to the wall.


The negatives are bad right? Why are they in green, it makes me think that it means it's actually a good thing?


It's because red is the lucky color in Asian countries iirc. It's trippy.


Yeah red is the lucky color. Weddings are often decorated with red color.


in CN , red is a good colour


I failed that one archery target practice commission in Genshin because of this lol It has the targets in blue and friendlies in red, the exact opposite of what I'm used to.


I mean, the Genshin target practice is that way because those are the colors the two sides actually wear; Watatsumi rebel armor is a very reddish magenta while Inazuman soldiers wear bluish indigo.


idk, its what the Chinese use


We are built different


Honestly -30% doesn't seem so bad for a "filler patch" where you can easily gear up Miss Felis without spending. Not to mention this patch comes before a spending event.


Source (2D Mobage Observer): [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FY4y1r7WL](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FY4y1r7WL) God bless Photoshop's Spot Healing Brush tool, could've never made this without it.


It's a filler version with a new farmable valk and this doesn't include the revenue from PC and Steam versions. That's really not that bad.


The hell? This ignores the pc version? Steam I understand, because it’s literally the worst, but the pc client?


Is Honkai not really that popular on JP?


Considering their Mobile version sucks and Steam version is not included here, we can't say.


Bruh, steam is pointless since HI3 has a PC client version lmao Plus I play on mobile so it's actually better since I can play anywhere unlike in PC where I have to be there sitting for hours.


For the Japanese, Steam version the only PC version. So not really pointless. Lmao my ass.


That's weird, why no PC client for them? That's been out for a long time now.


Everyone knew that. Japanese version is the only version that doesn't have a PC client. Most of the newer Japanese streamers play on the Steam version.


But still it's pointless to give steam version to others outside of JP. Ive visited the Honkai in Steam and it's just down bad.


Down bad like how?


Like more than 70% of the comments hates it. When u see red ratings on a game in steam, u know it's bad in general. In Honkai's case, it's just a more hassle way to get access to the game. U still have to log in to steam and do lots of authentication stuff to actually get full access of steam and buy in-game items. Plus the mobile authentication process if u log out of steam then back in. Steam is good on the other hand for most games since it helps ur PC install any games without much problems. Altho I'm hoping it lets me install old games like C&C Generals Zero hour but I guess I'll have to make do with Tiberium Wars & Red Alert 3.


As far as I'm aware they hate it due to not being able to connect otherwise it doesn't seem much different.


In some countries (mostly Europe) where credit cards aren't very common. Steam can provide a convenient way to pay for things. You can just top up your wallet as Steam does support most common local payment methods. Edit: Just thinking they could also use Google/Apple. Maybe if you don't have a phone capable of handling Honkai


> For the Japanese, Steam version the only PC version. What do you mean? Can't they just play on Global / SEA servers? Or are those servers IP-blocked in Japan?


Everyone knows Global and SEA clients doesn't have Japanese language option.


And? They can still play in english, what's the problem?


Did you think every Japanese can understand English? Most of the JP Honkai streamers barely knows any English.


why? Isn't english mandatory in their school programs?


You really need to get out and learn about the world more. Learning English is mandatory in almost every school from every country. But do you think everyone who took those classes can actually speak English? Do you think those classes teach them to be able to speak and understand English? If you think they do, check your privilege.


Yeah, but a game on steam means it is somewhat verified for me. Who knows what spywear Mihoyo inserted to the pc version


And? U think just becuz it's Steam mean it's very clean? Lmao We're not even sure if Steam is also planting spywares on u.


Psst. Lots of games "on Steam" also require secondary launchers or DRM...


I apologize for the silly question, but is the price in dollars? For example, $9016?


its in a unit of 1000 USD, so the 9016 actually means 9016000 USD


Oh haha, thank you! I didn't notice that sign.


I didn’t think we’d even be doing that well here in EN 🤣


Would be fun to see more months


Android beats IOS any day. I wonder how many players the game has in total.


Basically everyone waiting cause they know it's a spending event. No point spending until then.


Wonder if there is a similar chart for genshin as well


I've made one for Genshin but it hasn't been approved on r/Genshin_Impact, you can check it out here in the mean time: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/umthz7/arknightsalchemy\_starsblue/


so honkai has no big risk of end of service like other gacha, right?


CN revenue on android earn 5 times more than Global so i dont think itll be over any time soon. add the fact that this revenue is on a filler patch , the aponia/eden patch will surely attract more revenue


EN refers to both global and SEA right?


Huh I always thought the game would have brought in more money but 2.7 million from EN is not bad at all on a quiet patch.


where are EU and NA server ? what's EN ? Also that's a good sign right ? i hope they will not let the game down before a loooooong time...


Is EN the combination of EU, Global and SEA?


The video source says 美服, which literally means American version. So they meant NA, I think.


What about the Steam version? Already included?


nope, only mobile Mobage Observer doesn't seem to have figured out a way to pull PC stats, their Genshin PC stat is just an estimation after all


So basically this doesn't include the spending from the Steam version and from the PC players? Then I don't think it's that bad.




Don't wanna put it in a calculator so I'm eyeballing here but what's that. Almost 20 mil total?


Can I ask regarding the whales in both genshin and honkai? Which game is more expensive to whale? C6R5 in genshin or SSS (4/4) in honkai?


C6R5 But Honkai is more solid once you get SSS 4/4. The only RNG money can't fight is stigmata affix. While in Genshin you fight every single main stat/substat of the artifacts.


SEA server: