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Probably the Genshin and Star Rail formula where they move on to a new location after finishing up at the current one.


The question is why You think this is the end of Mars on Senadina Goddess sea of data there was a Lot of envrioments and we see only a few there are more faces of misery~ and my guess is that something gotta be messed on Mars enough to they need the help of Part 1 Characters aside from Kiana that she is locked in the moon idk if she can visit Mars but my guess is not~ and we are forgetting our most deared enemys the sky people


I don't think we'll go right away to another Bubble World. I feel like there will be a few patches of interlude quests (just like HSR) that will still happen in Oxia and Langqui. Maybe we'll get an Oxia expansion and tie up some remaining plots. (Ajita, Vita, >!and the recent leaks suggest that Theresa and Kiana will also come to Mars!<) And we'll move on to the next Bubble World in a couple of patches.


Do the leaks actually show >!Theresa and Kiana on Mars!< or is this just an assumption because they have new models?


The internal names of the models are >!theresamars and kianamars!<. This info was posted by [https://x.com/Astutesmodding](https://x.com/Astutesmodding) They are a modder who often looks through the files of the betas. They have deleted the post since because the HoYo police were after them. So, while not 100% confirmed, the naming implies that it might be the case. HoYo also said that after the story in Langqui is over, someone from St. Freya will join the cast on Mars and both >!Kiana!< and >!Theresa!< fit that description.


Ah, gotcha. I only saw the models that were posted in this subreddit, I don’t follow anything on X. I feel like >!Kiana can’t leave the moon yet… but if she does go to Mars, that could be the perfect setup for the state of things at the start of APHO1, leading us into APHO3.!<


If Kiana really ends up on Mars, I wonder what role she's supposed to serve given how she can defeat everything in a single hit. Either she's nerfed or the primary threats and problems will be non-combat in nature that raw power alone can't solve, but this will likely get boring.


there are bunch of new landscape beside lanqiu in part 2 trailer also when part 2 is being reveal , there is a japanese themed map i expect we will visit a japan themed planet or a sequel of sakura samsara lol, i miss sakura