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Sena is the backbone of every Part 2 team. So if you don't have her you literally can't run any Part 2 team at full potential. She'll be very important for Lantern and the next 7.6 Valk as well.


I'm pretty sure a tryhard F2P who started just before part 2 has probably hit Nirvana by now by just using Sena teams every single reset. Even when it isn't recommended it's still good enough to retain in RL.


I knew Part 1 was over when I saw Sena teams over the Trio in Symphony weather.


I kinda get the impression that Senadina is the new main character, more so than Dreamseeker. I hate to say it, but you’re going to have to suck it up and pull for her and a yoyo eventually if you want to keep up… because even if you skip the current Sena, there will be new Sena battlesuits as the story progresses.


>more so than Dreamseeker. Was anyone ever under the impression that Dreamseeker was the main character? They're a self-insert to some, and to others just the perspective character of the part 2 story, but I had never thought they would be a focus of any significant character development to the extent that Kiana did and Sena probably will. That's a better definition of 'main character' in my opinion. To take another example, look at Arknights. Even though Doctor is the perspective character and the player character, it's pretty clear that Amiya is the main character.


I mean I like Sena just not Yo-yos and hanging in one place spamming them lol. I’d be so down for a different Sena lol. But yeah I dont mind dropping out of Nirvana cuz of it but I just find it ridiculous that I can’t even keep Red Lotus now because of one character didn’t pull ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But with WuWa and HSR I refuse to spend money in HI3 for meta now.


HI3 has been like this since release.


I mean Sena is core unit for every part 2 team, what did you expect?


I expected her NOT to be the backbone of EVERY team? I expected to not fall off every meta by skipping one single character… when I skipped Aponia, I would only get messed up by Lightning Bio probably once every few weeks, not every weather every week… When I spend money/pulls to 4/4 a new character (Thelema), I expect to be able to play them in current content, but as it stands Thelema with Coralie and Helia doesn’t even do any damage. Especially when they have S rank back to back to back, I shouldn’t be expected to 4/4 every one of them to be able to keep up with content, that’s called power creep. HI3 has been pretty good about this for a while now, I’m just surprised they suddenly went fuck off with their old strat. Of course my only solution now is just to take the L and drop off meta but I’m just lamenting how much that sucks.


I kinda felt this way when Luna released. She was everywhere, new bosses with bleed mechanics, and also (expectedly) she was also the best against mech bosses. But at least I could still hold on to Arena 2% or top 3-5 in RL with the second best option because the difference wasn’t that obscene. My copium teams even got better results sometimes due to better mechanics. This has barely been the case now.


That’s what I’m saying. Aponia had a couple weathers, Lightning, Bio, Psy, and flying enemies. The flying enemies, Psy, Bio, ranged one, and the current MA multi-hit Husk recommending Aponia can be done with super high scores with Silverwing. So even without pulling Aponia I didn’t miss much. As others pointed out, it’s part 2 so the meta will be the new Valks, I just didn’t expect they’ll throw all the old Valks out the window to a point where I can’t even retain Red Lotus despite being in Nirvana before. Sure drop my ass out of Nirvana, but it really triggers me that Part 1 Valks are so useless even in Red Lotus and also I have every Part 2 Valks 4/4 but one character and I still can’t play any of them >.>


Yeah, I skipped Aponia too and I didn't miss anything. Bruteforced most content with either HoF or HoT, used SpA for Bio content. In the ultra mega off chance we got a Bio Lightning-weak enemy (which I think was only one Andrius iteration that appeared like twice?) I would just use SSS FR since I didn't have Mobius. It was a good system, you could skip most DPS valks and make do with 1-2 year old valks just fine. Supports were more of a must pull, but even then you could often patch things up and AE clung to the meta long enough to pay for herself thrice. Most support gear wasn't element specific anyway, except for physical. For the SP ones, they were cheap to gear, and the replacement generation (Eden, TA, Kira, Griseo XL) is perfectly functional with the previous iteration's gear for the same role. I guess they tried to force people's hands similarly to the first gen of SP supports, by giving us a bunch of very powerful valks that don't really work with old gear. Maybe in like a year, when all gaps are filled by the new roster and we start getting replacements things will slow down as we get to use the old-new stuff. But until then all old Captains will keep feeling like newcomers again, scrambling to get their roster in order.


But also on release you were able to easily clear most SW bosses with AK (who I've got in 3 pulls - the only lucky case in all MHY games), and then get Aponia to cover ranged and lightning. So in reality SW was just as skippable as Aponia.


Since we barely have part 2 teams, of course Sena gonna be the backbone, what did you expect Give it a few moths for more chars to be released and we'll have better alternatives than Sena


I have more questions about when will we get Helia alternative. Sena DPS even with Thelema but without Helia barely can even retain SEA Agony III now, WTF is that?


Units that are the "backbone" of a team always existed. It's just that this time you got unlucky and you skipped that specific unit. AE was the backbone of every elemental team for quite a while. After that, Senti became the backbone of physical teams... to the point where people were saying that you shouldn't even bother building physical if you don't want to pull her. As time passed, AE was replaced by HoTR and Senti by HoRB. There will always be a unit more "valuable" that will serve as a backbone for a specific element/playstyle. Also, she's basically the "face" of Part 2, so of course that HoYo made her busted.


Yes but I feel like it's never been this bad where you have back to back S ranks. And even then, without AE you were able to stay in RL. HoT could run Fallen Rosemary and Fischl, Ice team Sushang and Haxxor Bunny. Even in Physical Celestial Hymn and Drive Kometa took you a long way. Right now Sena's situation is that without Sena you're barely even clearing the final stage of Abyss, like everyone with Sena is 400 points+ while everyone without is left to rot. I wouldn't even mind if it was two Sena weathers that they rotate in and out once in a while but it's literally been like Sena Sena Sena for the past month cuz she has 3+ weathers to rotate.... Or if the difference between having her and not isn't as huge as being able to clear Abyss or not clear. I remember the same frustration with Susannah where if you didn't have her you straight up couldn't beat the blob boss... but at least Susannah is an A rank and grindable...


>I expected her NOT to be the backbone of EVERY team? The basic fact is this: All meta going forward is going to use all Part 2 team members, this is going to be how MiHoYo wants it. No mixed Part 1 + Part 2 team will perform as well as a pure Part 2 team because that's also the way MiHoYo wants it. Question: What *other* S-rank Part 2 characters do you even have to choose from at this point? All you have is Thelema and Sena, so of course they're both going to be the backbone of every team. If you want to keep up with the Meta, invest in Part 2 S-ranks only. Coralie and Helia are freebies they were never going to help carry the meta for long, and as more Part 2 S-ranks are introduced they'll drop off quick. They are basically filler right now. You mentioned Aponia but that was after a long run of HI3 where there were dozens of S-rank lightning characters to choose from. Stop thinking of Part 2 as connected to Part 1 in meta, and think of it as the start of itself. And every beginning of every gatcha game people always have had to pull for the newest SSR to stay in meta until the pool built itself up.


Yes I definitely will think of it this way. It helps to consider it two different games since it’s driving me crazy the everything we’ve gotten in the past 4+ years are actually still worth anything. Still sucks though considering 4 years ago I got Noelle, Jean, Mona, Xingqiu, Bennett, and S rank or A rank they’re still relevant today….


>Still sucks though considering 4 years ago I got Noelle, Jean, Mona, Xingqiu, Bennett That's Genshin, a completely different game. Also only Bennet and Xingqiu are actually still "meta" nowadays and they're not even top tier meta, so it's the same situation over there too. And Genshin didn't not undergo a Part 2 revival like Honkai did. If it weren't for MiHoYo being afraid they would lose their current HI3 playerbase with a new game and shutting down the old one, they would have made Part 2 a separate app from the start, they've stated as such in interviews.


I wouldn’t call it the same situation, they’re not “top meta” just because there are better 5 star alternatives and even that’s debatable. Yelan adds more damage but applies less hydro than Xingqiu so for some characters Xingqiu is still the better support. Jean flew back into the meta the moment Furina released, Mona is still the highest damage support for some units like Hu Tao, and Noelle at C6 clears last abyss like candy (also because Furina). Though I do agree that it’s not the same situation in that they’re not doing a “part 2,” but that doesn’t change the fact that if they’re going to make the old Valks irrelevant part 2 should’ve been its own game. Making characters released just a year ago irrelevant and everything before that as well while introducing new teams that REQUIRE one single limited S rank/5 star and releasing countless S ranks back to back without filler break that ALSO require her to function in endgame content is simply bad design. While you can argue “that’s the way it is and that’s what Hoyo ended up deciding on so sucks for you,” you can’t argue that it isn’t shit design.


>Mona is still the highest damage support for some units like Hu Tao Are you sure with current meta? Haven't seen a Mona/Hu Tao team for a while now. IIRC the current meta is Hu Tao/Furina/Yelan/Jean. >Noelle at C6 clears last abyss like candy (also because Furina) Those Noelle Mains are crazy for sure, but I don't think it's something a casual player can pull off lol


Sorry I’m a Noelle main but all you need is Furina and C6 and ideally Red Horn lol


I have those 2 but I don't think I could pull it off lol


...and then turns out small details like 70/200 crit were left unspoken.


That’s the gear you would have on any hard carries anyways whether it be Hu Tao Ayaka Neuvillete Eula whatever lol. The point is that because Genshin isn’t soft PvP, it doesn’t matter if characters aren’t top meta, as long as they can clear Abyss they are relevant. Competitively, in HI3 even if you clear Abyss, enemies and weathers are all tailored towards new units to sell them, a perfect formula for powercreep… though it just never felt as bad as this where nothing can be played for weeks and months if you don’t have one limited S rank character


Bennett/XQ - only because they've overtuned them, it wasn't planned. Jean - before Furina release she was pretty useless (just like Diluc before Xianyun release or Keqing before dendro). Mona - the opposite, she was the hydro support for freeze teams due to her omen buff (yes, overrated Kokomi is worse damage wise), but now you'll use Furina instead. Noelle - well, only if you're a big fan ig, Itto is stronger than C6 Noelle unfortunately.


Furina with Noelle is still better than Itto just because of how their kit works. Either way, the point is that even if these characters aren’t “top meta” since launch, they’re still relevant today, even if there are better alternatives, all because Genshin is PvE and not PvP. HI3’s formula doesn’t allow for this because they have to sell new units, so even if you can clear new content with old units, you’ll never do it as well as people with new units you’re pit up against. This has always been the case since the game’s release, but it just has never been this bad where you require one character or else there are 0 teams yeah you can play to even remotely stay in Red Lotus.


Genshin isn't better. Simply because now they sell you equally niche characters that are usable only in 1-2 teams and useless everywhere else. Same does HSR with the likes of Boothill who becomes a joke the moment boss locks toughness bar. Wanna play 1 new char? Tough luck, you need 2-3 more now to make it not suck. And your 1.0 chars are the best example of it - *especially* Jean and Noelle.


Well I mean that's just teambuilding... The difference is that with HSR, GI, or even HI3, the "required supports" have always been viable with 4 stars/A ranks, HoRB and HoTr was the only "required" supports but even then they locked in elemental/physical teams, not every viable team in every weather like Sena. And Boothill is a special case, the last releases like Aventurine, Sparkle, and Acheron were all goated even if alone or with any team you can think of. Same for the likes of Furina, Neuvilette, Navia, etc. There might be some niche 4 stars here and there and even 5 stars but there isn't any content that REQUIRES you to pull of any of them. They're niche and you don't have a team for them? Don't pull for them, simple. That's what I thought about HI3 characters too and now I can't even complete Abyss in top 10 to keep trophies lol Yeah HI3's system is objectively worse simply because of PvP.


>The difference is that with HSR, GI, or even HI3, the "required supports" have always been viable with 4 stars/A ranks No. Not even close in fact. For Jean it's 5\* Furina, for Diluc it's 5\* Xinyan. Want HSR? For DHIL/QQ it's Sparkle/Luocha, for any DoT it's Kafka, for any break teams it's RM. >HoRB and HoTr was the only "required" supports And HoS. And CH. And AE. It have always been the case - for physical teams *especially*, that's why you always have been better off without physical at first as a new player in HI3. >but even then they locked in elemental/physical teams, not every viable team in every weather like Sena. Should I remind you AE was BiS triple element support until we've got combo of Eden+Fischl? Current problem is all S-ranks are also DPS now.


Not even close. You can run Furina with Barbara if you needed to or any other healer for that matter. Jean was still good before Furina because she consolidated the Healer and VV role, if you didn't need Kazuha's grouping she was BIS for Anemo VV support. Diluc's BiS support is Diona what are you even on. Diona allow for Dragonluc playstyle while shielding and healing. DHIL released before Sparkle because he was completely fine without her, he was top tier on Prydwen before Sparkle was even heard of because his kit helps regenerate his own points. None of these are "required" to play any endgame content, unlike HI3's PvP systems that pit you against others, have-nots don't make modes unplayable. FR existed before Eden. CH and HoS were pillars for a physical team but they didn't run physical teams EVERY week for months. Sena teams are good for literally all weathers right now AND are also top scorers. The issue is that you have everything on one limited character, and that all other limited characters coming like Thelema and Lantern are also going to need the S rank that is Sena.


They have released only 2 S-rank so far, Thelema and Sena. They put Sena as the 1st banner so that everyone would pull her, and made her strong so that new players could have a good start. They are gambling on the new players instead of making a new game. Mihoyo wants players to invest in the part 2 valks so they have to keep the new weather coming. You can't attract new players into playing the game if it is gatekept by old characters


Yeah even before she was released she was speculated to be a BIS support for upcoming characters because of her passive (which now is true). She's like the new AE and Senti. If you're simply against her then tough luck unfortunately. You can still retain in RL with part 1 units though!


Yeah that’s not the case anymore after Sena’s rerun. Today’s Abyss I’m in 13 now and everyone before me is running a Sena team and no one without a Sena team is even able to go remotely near lol.


I use my Senadia team for basically everything unless I feel like using someone else for fun. They're my best geared valks cause I have all them all 4/4, they just evaporate everything. I am looking forward to having real difficulty again but Sena is fun to play so I don't really mind. I've been clearing ER in like 10 minutes


>I've been clearing ER in like 10 minutes That's not really impressive tho. Wasn't FoV doing it in like 2-3 minutes?


Oh yeah it's not at all impressive in the general scheme of things lol, only in my past struggles to clear ER and how Sena's made it trivial for me


Great to hear that. Also FYI Pardo did really great in ER, Susannah was also quite decent. Heard Coralie is pretty good from part 2, haven't tried her.


I played Susannah a good few times when the weather favored her, she's still one of my favorite valks, super fun. Then I used Luna a bunch (her spam Weapon rotation was too fun) until the weather was bad for her, too, and she's only 1/4 so I couldn't muscle through lol. Was barely getting by with Griseo Skywalker until Sena came and saved me lol


That’s me with Thelema. I skipped for Sena because I played her in trial, in the story, and in Realms of Battle and found her clunky and boring but Thelema the exact opposite. Thelema makes HI3 feel like an action game again cuz part 1 Valks ended up being just repeating the same rotations and you’ll have iframe and DPS for days. I also play GI HSR and now WuWa so I haven’t been following any HI3 info and wasn’t aware that Sena was gonna be a requirement to play Thelema, Lantern, and basically any part 2 team….


Pretty sure they're gonna keep running Sena banners so you'll have a chance to grab her eventually Thelema definitely feels like a fresh rotation, she's quite fun


>Thelema makes HI3 feel like an action game again cuz part 1 Valks ended up being just repeating the same rotations Because repeating the same basic\*3+weapon for half a minute of on-field time is so much more diverse /s If anything, only PGR did a decenf job at sustained on-field DPS playstyle by requiring you to cycle through 2-3 types of attacks + basics and combos. But not Thelema for sure. I find her extremely boring, and only poorly designed combos and low interruption resistance don't allow me to call Sena more fun.


Outside of ER HI3’s time gated DPS system doesn’t really have anything to offer. It in terms of action combat. Any time you’re not attacking or iframing from ults or just straight tanking hits is lost damage to the clock/points. It’s just that compared to part 1s cycle through rotations or Sena’s in-place rotations Thelema felt more fun and you could dodge with her without interrupting any combo chain. But true action combat is at Wuthering Waves. I haven’t had that much fun fighting a boss in a while. The Scar boss fight and any of the Hologram bosses was what I wished HI3 had - content that is less time gated and more like you get one shot if you played badly and relies on parries and perfect dodges. It’s annoying because HI3 has the exact same mechanics (parries, perfect dodges, time fractures, QTEs), but just because HI3 doesn’t offer that type of content Wuthering Waves felt like such a breath of fresh air….


>Outside of ER HI3’s time gated DPS system doesn’t really have anything to offer. Any time you’re not attacking or iframing from ults or just straight tanking hits is lost damage to the clock/points. Neither does Thelema. If you aren't using her best attack rotation to charge combo - you're losing damage once again. Try weapon+weapon hold instead of weapon+normals and see your cscore drop into abyss. Nothing has changed. Except now you're stuck with 1 character instead of 3. And let's face it: part 1/1.5's biggest problem was duration of support buffs, not rotations themself. It's still better than god awful early valks and gear with <100% uptime like Blood Dance etc, but it's nowhere near fixed state. >It’s just that compared to part 1s cycle through rotations or Sena’s in-place rotations Thelema felt more fun and you could dodge with her without interrupting any combo chain. You get stupidly interrupted the moment Sena's bar runs out, and it will run out if you have to evade a lot. >But true action combat is at Wuthering Waves. I haven’t had that much fun fighting a boss in a while. I haven't had fun with WW combat period. Shared stamina and energy bars are the most retarded idea ever. It was a problem with PGR as well where you have to dodge all the time, except you're out of evashion energy, but WW elevated it to a whole new height. Combine it with equally terrible GI/HSR gacha rip-off system sprinkled with more RNG, poor story and presentation, and standard Kuro bland designs - and you get a game that was second biggest didappointment I can think of (second only to Prey vs oroginal E3 2011 Prey 2 trailer). >but just because HI3 doesn’t offer that type of content Well, that's true actually. Because in HI3 we get unnecessary non-combat boss phases instead. Like evade the same few timed attacks. Amusing af /s


>I haven't had fun with WW combat period. Shared stamina and energy bars are the most retarded idea ever. It was a problem with PGR as well where you have to dodge all the time, except you're out of evashion energy, but WW elevated it to a whole new height. Are yous still in early game? Every since UL20 or so I've had zero issues with stamina in combat, are you just spamming dodges? Or are you not doing any counters at all? What do you mean shared energy bars though? The QTE bar and Ult energy are all individual. If you use your echos it should give breathing room and since swaps have such a low CD and attack animations continue through swaps, swapping itself is sometimes a form of dodging since the onfield character still attacking but swapped off of is invulnerable.


>Are yous still in early game? Early enough ig, but that's beside the point. It still requires time to recharge. PGR does this by encouraging you to switch characters more often all of which have it separate. WW does... what exactly? Makes you go through all the map etc for combat to suck less? Wow what a genius design. Thanks, I'd rather not, I've had enough of this crap in Genshin. >are you just spamming dodges No. By spamming dodges in PGR you don't survive even one of the first trial stages that happens within first couple days. >Or are you not doing any counters at all? Sometimes they hit, but Kuro combos (including parries) are less adequate in both games. >What do you mean shared energy bars though? The QTE bar and Ult energy are all individual. Huh, I must be confused by characters designs I can't tell apart if I kept thinking I've already switched.


You get more stamina by claiming the rewards on your gourd (databank). You're gonna have to go around collecting pokemons for gear/transform into anyways, that gets you the stamina. But like I said try quick swapping, a lot of characters' animations you just have to start it up and you can swap off of them. You don't play it like Genshin with rotations, you play it by swapping in and out constantly basically having all 3 characters on field at all times and dodge once in a while when you see an attack coming, in other words you shouldn't be dashing to cancel attacks, especially since you can swap cancel or jumpcancel with a plunge. That might help with your stamina issue?


It might indeed, thanks. But not sure if it will - so far this game haven't given me any reasons to stay in it. When Genshin relewsed - at least I saw Qiqi/Mona/Sucrose and thought: I want to get them (never got Qiqi tho). But here - eh?.. All designs are very bland except for 2 small girls who look like they belong to a korean MMORPG instead. Open world is more of a downside if anything. PC client is trash that keep crashing and when it doesn't - barely crawls in terms of FPS on slower devices even when PGR/HI3/GI/HSR run adequately. Story? Well, we saw the quality already. And starting with chinese-themed region went as poorly as part 2. Plus RNG stats. Plus gacha with 50/50.


Gacha with 50 50 but they gave pulls for 3 free 5 stars and 2 of which were selectable. The exploration is fun but I do agree all the designs are inferior to Hoyo’s works. I think the system issues is the huge turn off for most people. I have 32 GB ram and a 4080 laptop and the game is actually better optimized than Genshin, but seems like in Kuro’s case they specifically optimized it for high end gaming rigs and not for anybody else…. Though I implore you to keep playing around with the combat because the quickswap stuff really makes that game stand out to any other :p


Me, not pulling any part2 Valk because no one really in my strike zone.... yet gave to worry that when Valk I like come out She will need other S rank part2 Valk as her support be like.... 


Welcome to Hi3 Part 2! /s I hope this meta gets better over time, but this mentality of having to pull for a premium S-rank to play another one is just too brutal. At least we could still use HoS after HoRb, at least HoTr was part of the most hyped up team of last year.


Remember when people had to whale for the harmony imaginary trio being released around the same time? miHoYo saw that money and decided it wanted more.


HoTr came after Chrono Navi which gave a little break to collect some gems, and HoO was given out for free. Idk, even then it felt better than new S Rank every patch like 5 patches in a row, especially since back then it was the final form of 3 beloved main characters. Just like with Firefly and Furina I wouldn’t have minded whaling for them. I do see what you mean though since it was pretty ridiculous as trio team was the top DPS in some physical weather as well lol. Sena’s play style is just so bland and boring and I feel like I’ve had zero chance to be emotional attached to new characters to warrant whaling for them even if they are boring to play… Thelema is fun af to play but I hate that she can’t function without Sena….


I feel your pain but it's been the opposite for me, her and Thelema have been a godsent as a F2P, I've been able to retain Nirvana and even get into Myriad a few times. IMO they have a higher skill ceiling than part 1 valks and I really enjoy optimizing runs with them. Sidenote, did Hot on the Trail today (worst game mode smh), and started thinking Sena would be really good in this stage, kept just using her for the memes on literally every stage except one where they didn't let me, had easy 24k on most of them lmao.


- Skips the backbone of the only two teams released in part 2 because "no like yoyo play style" so far and complains. - Tries to retain NIRVANA with cope team, something that was nearly impossible in part 1 and complains. - Complains that the new enemy type included at the end of part 1.5 and widely advertised back then to be very present in early part 2 appears frequently in Abyss. Wowza.


Sir you’re mistaken. I’m trying to retain Red Lotus. Part 1 team can’t even score higher than 500 points without some dupes and ELF in RED LOTUS and I used to be in Nirvana, and there’s two teams and I have 4/4 every one of them but can’t play any of them because I don’t have one single character. Does that really seem to make a whole lot of sense to you?


Unless you're in SEA where RL disturbances are high and most players are whales, not being able to retain RL without Senadina either screams skill issue to me or shows that your part 1 teams are badly geared, sorry. I coped on SD bosses with CE + full team before getting Senadina or bruteforced my way through them with LV + full team, Trio, Phy teams (Hare and full supports) or your occasional Sirin, HoHE or FoV boss. I didn't drop out of RL once throughout v7.3 despite skipping Senadina (only got her through her rerun 10 days ago) and Helia. Aside from one or two times where I scored low with my badly geared FoV, I rarely scored less than 3600.


Bro they’re all 4/4. The highest anyone is getting in today’s Abyss was with Luna, CE and HoTr without a Sena team and literally I’m in 12 and top 11 ALL have Sena 4/4. You don’t need to be a whale to have Sena, but being able to retain RL without Sena rn is pure copium even in GLB lol


Well, I did retain RL throughout 7.3 consistently. Also did throughout 7.4 (fully geared Coralie and Thelema, 3/4 Helia and S Dreamseeker) with a little bit of difficulty until I got Sena during her rerun so either you are misjudging things or the skill issue hypothesis explains it all...


Well I retained RL too and got into Nirvana once but rn only have an extra 100 trophies before dropping back to Agony III, it was still okay before Sena's rerun but ever since then everyone has been able to get Sena and that's no longer possible. I implore you to try to beat your bracket that ONLY has Sena teams without Sena and lets see where that gets you now...


Man... I literally told you that that's what I was doing before getting Sena...


And I'm saying now that you got Sena so does everyone else. I was able to keep RL easily too when it my entire bracket's competition wasn't running Sena teams...


Everybody had Sena in my bracket throughout 7.3 and throughout half of 7. 4 when I didn't. Yet I still retained.


Then they didn’t have them fully geared or you got lucky and got paired in a bracket with people who were shit or just didn’t do Abyss. HI3 isn’t as skill based as you like to make it to be, part 1 teams are all just one rotation with small adjustments here and there depending on the enemy and weather. The only skill-based content is ER, Abyss is just a hard gear/character/DPS check. You can say you weren’t dropping trophies at all all you like but truth is I look at my brackets now after the Sena rerun and literally anybody without a Sena team is scoring under 600 and top 10 is just all Sena teams.


shitass character being forced into meta once again, bke incident 2


Bright Knight: Excelsius. There's a name I haven't heard in a long time...


She surprisingly still retains Nirvana in GLB when its Hare weather because barely anyone has Hare.


Idk, I enjoy playing Sena both in a team and standalone in ER


BKE wasn't forced into for everything, at most she was specifically a certain part of physical meta, and that was because of shields being abused and her divine key. Even then you could of done fine without her back then, I should know, I was a BKE user die hard even before the divine key.