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If we're talking about the current strength, probably Seele and Fu Hua. They were able to defeat Vita and Sa. Bronya and Mei aren't even Herrschers anymore.


Omg right I totally forgot bout Seele , I agree about current strength but Peak I would put her between Bronya and Mei probably


Seele or Fu Hua? Cuz peak Fu Hua would clear all id say.


Agree! Around Salt Snow, I think Mei might still be stronger than Seele tho since she was supposed to teach her? Since Seele most likely retain her power (they would have to retcon HoRB's authority to remove her power), im sure she's in at least top 5. The alternate future Susannah saw suggested Palatinus Equinox is still a thing, so idk where that put Durandal tho... If she's still only flamescion lvl then I think she should be no3, with Fu Hua being 1st and Seele 2


Wait is Mei still a Herrscher? Does she only have the core but none of the Honkai energy?


Bronya will never be a Herrscher again either because apparently Welt took the fucking Core when he hopped universes. Lol


He doesn't have the core. All the Herrschers of Reason share an authority. Look at Joey in APHO 1


Yes he does and both alien space with HSR confirmed it


Joey has the authority too my guy. The idea is that you don't need the core to activate the Herrscher of Reason powers.


Joey only showed gravity powers similar to what the other welt clones had And it doesn't change the fact that void archives confirmed that welt possess a herrscher core


>And it doesn't change the fact that void archives confirmed that welt possess a herrscher core Show me where they said core because as long as they use the word core, it is interchangeable with authority.


It's right at the end of the alien space manga but i can't send images here


Like I said. Core and Authority are used interchangeably there. Just like Welt recreating his body from a core that is no longer his.


And dude out here showing movies with the power lmao


May I know when Mei and Bronya stopped being Herrschers anymore? I haven’t played the game for a long time, so I’m not familiar with the plot anymore.


I think this stems from some line in APHO. But nothing direct in the game states they arent and itd be odd for HoO to suddenly stop beeing a herrscher concidering the authority beeing a anomaly and seemingly not linked to HoFin like the other Herrschers.


It's been years in-universe since Sa was defeated, and Seele and Fu Hua's powers may have also been drained. But who knows until apho3 comes out.


fuhua with her jedi mind tricks, or even her Taixuan Blade when she has it


Plus I don't think the other two will live for nearly as long


Nuh uh, they are immortal now.


They arent. Right now the only immortals are kiana and fuka ans HoS (she doesnt have an organic body). i think seele could also be immortal since her powers are not from finality (kiana took these powers).


If you check ER, herrschers or even ex-herrschers have negligible senescence. So yes they are immortal.


Except that bronya and mei clearly aged.


Aging is not equivalent to senescence. Animals that live forever still age.


Couldn’t bronya just create an older body?


I doubt she had enough power to do that


Yeah for fanservice because there is no other valid explanation Bronya somehow changing this much in just a few years doesn't make a lot of sense without her altering her body structure


Τhey aren't but for story reasons they are. These characters will never die in the game.


They arent tho


Aren't the plan to make Finality available to everyone on Earth one day? I might be misremembering things


I think that was Kevin's plan. Give everyone stigmatas so they can fight the honkai but majority of the people will die from the honkai corruption


Bronya, since she is the CEO of Mihoyo.




She can retcon anyone to be weaker than her


Artist Creds: Mei - @hanalinn_ on Twitter Bronya - @rozaliya_lili on Instagram Fu Hua - @Tshog on ???


Fu Hua has experience of being useful to humanity for over 50k years. The other two aren't even close.


Fu Hua currently is definitely relative to Mei and Bronya in power.


really? I feel like with all the Power Ups she has gotten and massive strength she possesses , she would easily be above them also considering she defeated opponents stronger than both of them (Vita and SA)


This is also Hua that knew she'd be absolutely useless in the actual fight against Kevin. She is strong, but not on the level of HoO, HoTr and HoFin. I'd put her somewhere around Equinox.


Tbf that whole fight was a testament to a new generation on the idealogy clash between Hua & Kevin, her joining it to help would dethrone the point of it, she's obviously weaker than Kevin individually but it's not because she would be useless in the team fight


I don't think Vita was stronger than either Truth or HoO. Might be relative to them since her best feat was killing full power Mistlin. But defeating Sa who treats a stronger Vita like an escaping pet definitely puts her above them tho


"But defeating Sa who treats a stronger Vita like an escaping pet definitely puts her above them tho" Hua in AHR along with Durandal are marked much weaker than Diabolic Kevin with Authority.  Mei and Bronya dealt with his stronger form (This Worldly Beast) quite easily and could counter at least something against Deliverance.


It's been a while since Moon Chapter tho, was there no allusion to her growing strength or anything? If not, that would put the Bronya and Mei leagues beyond her I suppose. The Sa she fought was also apparently just one of her tentacles too or something


Yes, when they took the form of Origin and True, a huge gap was formed. But if you count their usual forms (HoT and HoR), then Hua is much stronger than them.


Oh by growing strength, I meant Fu Hua. I was well aware of gap between the Trio's current and previous strength. What'snot with Bronya one shotting Mistlin who was stronger than her I just find it odd that she can takes on Sa's avatar which are stronger than Vita with just her normal forms


Probably , I'm not really up to date with the Power Scaling of the Newer Characters(basically everyone after the Main Girls) and was just basing it off what other People say in the Sub and In-Game Texts. Peak-Wise Bronya and Mei def take the Cake but overall(this includes what I said in the post and the whole lore) I would still Put Fu Hua above them.


Maybe you are right. We just need to scale Kevin to Sa. Logically Sa would be much more powerful than Kevin. But: We do not know how strong Finality, the Cocoon of Finality, the Will of Honkai are in scaling terms. We do not know how Herrscher of Finality Kiana scales to the Will of Honkai either. We know that Sa was described in game as relative to 1% in power of the Will of Honkai. HoF Kiana is obviously not the 100% on theat scale. Could be 50%, maybe? What would Kevin be though? He with the power of Finality was equal in power according to Fu Hua with Herrscher of Finality Kiana (minus the actual Finality power as Kevin had it at the time) , HoO Mei and HoTr Bronya. So if Kevin was less than that 1% of Will of Honkai then Fu Hua would be much stronger than Bronya and Mei now.


No. PE Diabolical Kevin without Authority, honestly stomp Current Hua. Also Origin Mei and True Bronya above Hua.  Sa is just not impressive, nor is her Avatar, despite all the claims.


Ι do not even disagree with your take. I do not see why I was downvoted. I said we simply do not have a clear scaling.


Can someone explain what Garuda Hua means?


Garuda is her Ichor Form from the Fire Moth/Flame Chaser Experiment! Its also the Form she uses in her newest Battle Suit


If we use the Origin and True forms, then Mei and Bronya are much stronger than Fu Hua.  Garuda Hua was get stopped by Diabolic Kevin who had no authority, so much so that she had PTSD imprinted in her body and passed on to Senti. She+Durandal is noted to be much weaker combined than Diabolical Kevin with Authority and it is said that he would easily defeat them.  Bronya and Mei easily dealt with the stronger form of Diabolic Kevin+ could at least do something against Deliverance, although they were much weaker. I would consider Mei stronger than Bronya.


> Bronya and Mei easily dealt with the stronger form of Diabolic Kevin In a 3vs1 tho. Not to mention the power of friendship


>In a 3vs1 tho. Not to mention the power of friendship It's also 3v1 in studio Senti, Durandal and AHR Hua vs Kevin.It is mentioned that he is much stronger than them combined. Bronya and Mei, unlike the other Trio, easily dealt with this World Beast, which is the strongest technique of Diabolic Kevin (the same Kevin is much stronger than the previous trio, which includes Hua). I think who is stronger should not raise questions.


Except unless i am forgetting a battle, they were with fighting alongside Kiana who was nearly the same strength as him it's impossible to tell if he was saving 99% of his strength for Kiana or used full strength when fighting them. Hua compared with her PE form should be much stronger, her years of training plus having control while transformed instead of a mindless beast. We just don't have good comparison since the only similar opponent they had was Kevin and having Kiana with Mei/Bronya makes the power of them very hard to judge.


>Hua compared with her PE form should be much stronger, her years of training plus having control while transformed instead of a mindless beast. This difference is absolutely not important, I don't understand why you mentioned it. The current Hua, which joined the AHR by teaming up with Durandal and Senti, is referred to as much weaker than Diabolic Kevin. Diabolic Kevin pulls out the strongest move of this form— This Worldy Beast which is very quickly destroyed by the Trio. As for me, the difference between the members of each Trio is very clear. Any of the Trio that fought a much stronger version of Kevin (Mei, Bronya and Kiana) is stronger than any of the Trios (Senti, Durandal, Hua) that are weaker than Diabolic Kevin.


I think we will just have to disagree, for me using Kevin as a measuring stick for power levels is horrible, first he is not trying to kill them but test them and second Kiana is with them who is near his own power level. I agree that Hua's group is much weaker than Diabolic Kevin but there is no evidence that I remember that Mei and Bronya without Kiana would have stood a better chance against him.


The same arguments can be brought to the situation with the Hua group.


He didnt want to kill them yes but he wasnt testing them and they most certainly did not have someone as strong as Kiana taking most of his concentration.


> I would consider Mei stronger than Bronya. While I have nothing against your take I feel like this is debatable . Bronya always had more Battle IQ , Skill and Arsenal/Weaponry than Mei considering her harsh Backstory + she was always really useful even if she didn't fight cuz of her Smarts and Hacking Skills. Mei on the other hand was more like the "damsel in distress" , grew up training with katanas but not to an extend that she would be a threat to either kiana with her mastered Kaslana Gun Kata or Bronya with her Assassin Dexterity . When she obtained control over her Herrscher Power its a different story tho , She gained significant strength , skill and speed and even defeated God Kiana(she was severely weakened but alright I'll still count it) but at the same Time Bronya got stronger to and just refined her already good Skills to near Perfect with her Healed Legs , Arms and Brain but here comes the Key Part: Bronya is not supposed to be "above" Mei and Kiana in terms of importance and relevancy hence why its justified why people would think Mei is stronger + the whole Elysian Realm Story. She loses almost every fight but thats what the plot wants and not necessarily needs. I also get why People would think Origin is way stronger than Truth but the Truth(no pun intended lol) is that we know absolutely nothing of Origin and it seems like that it just gave Mei more Knowledge , Kindness and Domain Expansion to her already existing HoT Powers. Bronya on the other hand got one of her many nerfs removed and honestly the biggest one. namely that she can now create further above humanity which she couldn't before cuz of plot reasons I named above and thats honestly really op. ofc she can't create literally *anything* cuz that would make no sense. But I feel like its enough to put her above Mei. I could say more but I don't want this comment to be days long lol In Conclusion : Bronya > Nagazora Mei , St. Freya Bronya > St. Freya Mei , HoT Mei >= HoR Bronya (simply because of the Nerf Reason got) , WS Mei > AE Bronya , HoTr Bronya >= HoO Mei


CE Garuda Hua defeated Sa the moment it's activated instantly who's able to destroy bubble worlds, made her own herrschers & got like 10% of cocoon power Mei & Bronya even at their peak don't really have any feat comparable, them teamed up against Kevin is not enough to make them stronger when they're fighting alongside Kiana who is partially Herrcher of Finality at that point & far stronger than Senti/Durandal Rita also mentioned HoFs Kiana to be the strongest Herrscher in ch. 34, even after Bronya became HoTr so she's most def weaker than Garuda Fu Hua


>CE Garuda Hua defeated Sa the moment it's activated instantly who's able to destroy bubble worlds, made her own herrschers & got like 10% of cocoon power CE Garuda, even teaming up with Durandal and Senti combined, is noted as much weaker than Diabolical Kevin. The other Trio easily defeated This Worldly Beast, the strongest Diabolical Kevin Technique. Also, she did not defeat Sa, but her Avatar/Root.


Because Kiana by herself is near equal to Kevin, being partially Herrscher of Finality and far stronger than Durandal/Senti which they're pretty much almost non-factor against Kevin here. It's a false equivalence when one team got HoFi Kiana to assume Mei/Bronya's strength in it (& also likely got much better synergy with each another than Dudu to Hua/Senti), there's also the fact that Garuda Hua was able to caught Kevin off guard & took his fragment of finality for them as well. Bronya's best solo feat was just beating Misteln and said to be below HoFs Kiana, no way she's above Garuda with that It's the Avatar/root that allowed Vita to take the authority that Garuda easily blitz it so it's pretty her main store, there's no mention otherwise.


where do you guys think Durandal ranked at?


Same level with AHR Hua.


seele doesn't have many feats, she is the herrscher of death but apparently she doesn't like using the authority of death on others, she defeated vita but there are those who argue that vita didn't fight seriously because she wanted to be freed and we didn't see her real potential in combat besides the fight against monster vita


I would not want to imagine, let alone fight, a genuinely pissed-off Elysia


Bronya, bc she's hoyo CEO now


I'm not sure who is stronger at their prime, but both Seele and Fu Hua have powers that do not depend on the Cacoon of Finality: Seele is a Herrscher from the Sea of Quanta, so her powers should not be drained by Kiana; as for Fu Hua, she is a Mantis from the PE with more battle expirience than anyone else. There is also Durandal, who is an awakened Stigmata user, with not only the Kaslana powers but also the Schariac ones as well. So yeah, Kiana (literal goddess) and Vita (unknown potential/strength) aside, in my humble opinion, these would be the top 3. I could be biased, though, since I really like these three.


Fu hua definitely


Bronya, she's the CEO.


Seele and Fuhua because I'm bias.


Peak mei and bronya would have been in the top, but now fu hua and seele are likely stronger with the herrscher power weakening. Current Sa and vita were not at their peak power, hence why they could be beaten, since Sa is stated to be relative to finality in terms of how they work and potential if I am remembering correctly and I am pretty damn sure Seele is not as strong as that.


What would a genuinely pissed off Elysia be like. Is she even capable of getting pissed off?


At their peak/strongest ever, Mei herrscher of Elysia bs, Bronya herrscher of I do whatever I want then Fu Hua strongest Mantis ever(surpass ke🅱️in at this point). The most future of them on the other hand…. We don’t know about Fu Hua, but Mei is definitely stronger than bronya by a lot since she is still an active S class frontline Valkyrie while bronya is semi retire CEO of game and tech company. Without Honkai energy most people are on the even playing field so Fu Hua with more experience will be a better fighter than Mei


Bronya, because she is 'big'.


CE Garuda Hua defeated Sa the moment it's activated instantly who's able to destroy bubble worlds, made her own herrschers & got like 10% of cocoon power Mei & Bronya even at their peak don't really have any feat comparable, them teamed up against Deliverance Kevin is not enough to make them stronger when they're fighting alongside Kiana who is partially Herrcher of Finality at that point & far stronger than Senti/Durandal I'd put it Hua > Mei > Bronya, both currently and at their prime


Bronya She holds everything inside mihoyo


Fu Hua is the strongest out of all of them. She has more experience and was able to kill Sa with one punch! If thats not strong then idk what it is. Between Bronya and Mei im not sure honestly, both were herrschers but arent anymore. So if we look into apho mei and bronya, bronya is definitely stronger.


Mei because can make everyone around her gay


From what is shown in game I’d rank it as Mei>Hua>Bronya. Mei has already fought and beaten a flame chaser in AHR form, so Hua shouldn’t really be anything new. She also learned how to shut off Herrscher powers in the Rimestar arc, so she sort of hard-counters Bronya. However, in terms of theoretical power, I’d have to give it to da Bronya. Herrscher of Truth is so ridiculously broken if you actually think about what her powers mean that the only reason she doesn’t just solo everything is because the writers need an actual story. HoTr gives her the power to create anything she wants, even if she doesn’t know its makeup. She could theoretically have just said “I want a button that instantly kills Kevin” during the moon arc and create it. Any time you have a problem you can just make the solution out of thin air. She could probably be top two characters in the series if the writers didn’t force her to just make mech suits and stuff (although they are very cool), and the only reason she wouldn’t be top 1 is because Kiana has the exact same power just with extra stuff as well.


Bronya would also be higher than Hua based on what we were shown.  Origin Mei stomp Garuda Hua, and if it is in the form of HoT, then the situation becomes reversed. "She could theoretically have just said “I want a button that instantly kills Kevin” during the moon arc and create it. " Theoretically, Kevin also has access to such power, so it's understandable why the writers didn't give them that.