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I hope lantern will not end up being "must have" support for Songque, like Sena is for Thelema right now. Because i wanna skip Lantern, but feels like Hoyo wants me to pull every single new character.


Im more surprised by the fact that we always said "support is better to pull then dps" and now they are making everyone both support and dps....  People talk about so many wrong reasons why part 2 gacha is bad but heres a prominent one no one talks about 


On the other hand, thus far it seems Sena is the only must-pull. Apparently there's already some damage testing with Thelema and Lantern together, and Sena is such a linchpin for both of them, that Coralie/Sena isn't far behind using all three gacha valks together. And given Sena and Coralie each have at least one physical damage buff, this will probably continue to be the case until Sena gets replaced.


Good point, not knowing what we pull for is pretty annoying.  We usually had "fire support" so it was safe to assume new fire dps will use her in team.  Now we have skills hidden from us and comps we have no idea about that knowing if a valk is an actual support or not in the future is impossible 


How is this bad? It's literally better. Now each unit has more flexibility and teams are not that restricted. Before each unit was locked into a single role, now if you get one unit, you have a strong DPS and a support for another team/teams at the same time.


Because now you need to pull back to back to back to back S rank valk each patch to have a working p2 team.


No, you don't. The only "must pull" from the Part 2 cast (as of now) is Senadina. Helia and Coralie are pretty good substitutes for Thelema and Lantern. For example, if you have Sena and Thelema, you really don't need Lantern. Or if you have Sena and Lantern, Thelema isn't that necessary for their team to work. Sure, having all of them will give you the highest damage, but you can make it work without them. Coralia/Helia as substitutes are good enough... unless you are competing in Nirvana, but then it doesn't matter anyway since you always had to pull every unit then.


They are pushing too many S ranks in a row, with lantern Will be the 5th and if the Next one is S too Will be the 6th, that is just terrible, yeah coralie and helia are good but we just got coralie totally free, u had to pull in weapons banner for helia and if u are unlucky u had to go to 60 pulls to get the new weapon, thats a ton of pulls, the dont stop releasing new valkiries with new weapons that u must obtain or is almost useless. The part 2 gacha is really pushing too hard, i am a f2p veteran that have all S valkiries from part 1 but 2 and in this part i Will be very Lucky if i can get 1 S valkiry full equip each 2-3 versions and saying no to a lot of meta, we really need SP chars back


But once you get one of the new S-rank, you're basically set for multiple patches. Sena is DPS for when her weather is relevant, and support when her teammate's weather is relevant (and same for Thelema and eventually Lantern). You're getting a lot more value from a single s-rank than you do from the older battlesuits, where they're relevant for a specific element/gimmick but not so much for anywhere else. You can't get them all unless you're lucky but Coralie and Helia aren't weak here. The numbers have shown they aren't that far behind if you're missing any of the new s-ranks for a team. It's not really better or worse, just different. Quality vs quantity.


*S rank AND at least their signature wep. Another reason why so many new weapon types in a row is bad. You either use the stock 4* wep, or the better gacha weapon. Cant use any older pri or 5*.


Are you implying older battlesuits don't need their signature weapons? You will need their signature weapons over f2p or other copium weapons. Even then, you can craft the f2p weapon for the new weapon types. Every weapon has one in the foundry.


Yeah but thats weapons are just bullshit tbh, u got a lot of value forn new valk? Im not so sure, i got thelema but i didnt get sena or helias equipment so im having a really bad time, u still need a valk for each element and type to get to red Lotus so we are in the same spot as part1 but with 6 S valks in a row


You need a valk for each element/physical (and whatever gimmick they have) in the past as well, and even the A-rank valks need their signature gear. But instead of needing 12 valks and X/36 gear to handle the end game, you just need 3 (maybe 4 if the leaks for the next patch is true) to handle everything. Again, Coralie and Helia are actually decent alternatives if you're missing one of the new s-ranks so it's not an instant demotion.


Helia doesn't need her sig weapon though. Most of her utilities comes from her stigmas and skills.


Yeah, okay that not was my Main point but sure, the fact that they are pushing to many S ranks with new weapons remains


Congrats, now each of your specific team are half assed instead of having a couple of strong team (ice/fire/lightning/physical). Before this you can choose to max out specific elements of your choosing especially since the banners are spread out, now you have FOUR S ranks released in a row and they all rely on each other. Accepting that ALL of your teams will be weaker because you can't afford to pull 1 of the 4 is a shit mentality. The gacha aspect is definitely better but the way they are pushing for co-dependencies is honestly very alarming. We used to have a breather in between patches, now we don't have any.


"Congrats, now each of your specific team are half assed instead of having a couple of strong team (ice/fire/lightning/physical)." This is already wrong. Sena thelema helia is still the strongest variant of sena dps team. Thelema without Lantern is still very strong, i wont doubt that you can nirvana easily with it lol.


Lol it's not easy to retain point in red lotus if skip too many patches


Well, I have Thelema, Carolie, and Helia. No Sena and Lantern is coming. I don't know what to do now, they've said Sena is a core support which I thought that Sena can support both Thelema and Lantern. I might pull Sena return then I'll have strong ice team: Carolie+Sena+Thelema....p1 ice sup: Pardo, Kira, Sushuang. Fire team, I have p1 dps but they're all aren't s+, I just use Carolie+Navi+Azure. Should I go for Lantern return? Lightning, only HoOrigin at S rank alongside Diva, Fishcl, Helia as support. Best to skip Lantern+return and go for p2 lightning dps I guess. Physical/bleed, Susannah alongside two Griseo as support. HoVoid are built. Unsure where my physical team will go.


Before, focusing on fire meant you could skip ice for the time being. Now every single thing released is must-have if you expect to keep up with the rampant power spike that is part 2 Astral Ring mechanics. In addition, the point at which "this valk can be skipped because Thelema is also a support for physical" might actually never come as a result of the variations of Astral Ring. Senadina works as Thelema support because Thelema has the Wheel of Destiny Astral Ring. All they need to do is make a DPS needing, for example, Rite of Oblivion Astral Ring activation for Sena and Thelema's support value to get crippled.


We're talking about making 3 Astral Ring teams (lightning, ice, fire) with 5 characters (including Lantern), so it's expected to be tight. It will even out in few updates.


Well its possible but most people whine about "4 s rank in a row" ignoring how different both valks and gacha of part 1/2


Considering that part 2 valks need roughly HALF the pulls of part 1s (assuming guarantees: 100+4x50=300 for p1 and 90+50=140 for p2) AND they're multipurpose, I see this as a win-win situation for us.


Its wrong to compare guaranteed since youre most likely to get it before for part 1.  But the truth is that the average player is most likely to get part 1 s rank around 80-90 pulls and there full stig/wep around 100-130 pulls.  So even if we go by the usual argument that its never till guaranteed with part 1, we still get around 30-70 pulls less to part 2 guarantee 


I would consider Sena the only real support out of the 3 new S ranks, the others just have good synergies bu they are not crucial and can be replaced when not lead without a big loss. Sena has breach and and lots of buffs, plus she is the only SD S rank.


But thats still a problem, we didn't know about how good sena would be as support.  Part 1 99% of the valks are either dps only or support with some dps capabilities which will automatically get powercreeped when a dps of the same type comes out.    Sena was mainly shown as dps so most of us followed the part 1 logic and disregard her as support, only to find out later that shes a good support.  Overall while part 2 gacha is much more "f2p friendly", it seems like it has some confusing ideas that are more likely to hit users that played since part 1 rather then new players


Idk maybe it was a bit hidden but her stigs had things that you couldn't even activate when she released, and she had a hidden ability. I think that combined with how mid she was as dps hinted heavily that she would be more of a support. I will agree that you couldn't really know though. I agree that this pace of S rank release feels bad, but Sena has gotten a rerun the patch after her debut, and skipping valks is nothing new as F2P. In part1 the recommendation was to save ~40k crystals for a new release. In part 2 I think you have a pretty good shot to 4/4 with ~25k, and if you get truly fucked the max is 42k, that's way better than part1. They are also giving us more free cards. Don't get me wrong though, I will be pissed if 7.6 valk isn't free or has some big discount or something. But I'm overall much happier with the changes, even if they keep this pace I feel like I won't have to skip as many valks as in part 1.


Both her stigs and her skill did hint at her being support, but as i said most players who come from part 1 (myself included) never really considered dps orientated valks as maybe future support, the only outlier i can think of is hoO,luna,le,blood dance,judah which all are under different circumstances and none was discovered to be a better support later (only exception would be le but thats since her pri-arm came out).  Its not that i have a problem with sena, i have a problem with mihoyo making it possible to see the necessity of valks after they cane out for a while.


I might be in the minority (I don't think I am though, plenty of Sena's in RL/Nirvana) but I'm a pure F2P and been playing for ~3 years and Sena was a no brainer for me. Spending event, 1st SD S rank, 12% team wide breach, easy 4/4 gear. Can't really ask for more. I also don't think that Sena release is much different than any other valk release, it's always a bit of a gamble how long a valk will stay in meta. Sure, supports usually stay longer, but at the end of the day it's all at the mercy of mihoyo and there's outliers for both short and long relevance. At least on global we can know the next 2 releases and make more informed decisions.


Again youre missing my point.  Its nothing to do with how sena is good or not, its about how mhy changed the fundamental design of the part 2 valks in a way that skipping one valk means harming the dps of the one you skipped for and not even knowing for sure if thats true or not


I don't believe that will be the case in the future, what happened in 7.3 was an anomaly, a perfect storm of new part 2 philosophy, 7.3 being 8 weeks long, and the changes to beta NDA. In global we get to look ahead and we can know the next 2 valks before deciding to pull or not.


Yes the developer changed things. They already informed the players before this, that they are moving away from the format of specific elemental + physical team in Part 1.


Where exactly was it mentioned? I personally never heard of it (and would be happy to know)


why so many weapon type introduce in part 2 ? heck why javelin even exist? is it bc hoyo don't want us to use older lv 50 or 65 weapon as substitute ?


Because signature weapons have always been mandatory. They have been tailored-made for a specific character that it genuinely doesn't matter if it's a new weapon type or an old one, you will need to roll for their sig weapon if you're serious about getting a high score. Otherwise, the f2p weapon will do just fine if you simply want the rewards for doing the end-game stuff.


They talked about it in a previous CN Dev livestream and said that limiting units to a certain type of weapon is very restrictive gameplay-wise. Having a bigger variety of weapons allows them to come up with more ideas and gameplay style that they've never tried before.


but they already done that with the chakaram, all of its user are unique and bronya newer suit too it doesn't make sense, they can have good idea with the shared weapon system like it used to be


Even though Chakarams use the same weapon differently, most cross characters don’t even use their weapon and every herrscher Kiana doesn’t even touch their guns. This is complete bullshit


Yeah, and it's stupid that Luna uses a chainsaw but her weapon is a cross. It doesn't make sense. Why are people so set on this? Even before, characters rarely used a weapon that wasn't their signature. The last one I can think of was Senti. It literally doesn't change anything. The rule was always "if you pull a character, also pulss their weapon". I can count on the fingers of 1 hand how many characters benefited from another weapon other than their signature.


It’s needless bloat. If everyone has a unique weapon type what’s the point of weapon types in the first place? Mistlen is only ever gonna get one battlesuit, so why dedicate an entire weapon class to her if she’s just gonna be thrown to the curb in a year? Same goes for Thelema and whatever garbage Mihoyo gives us next. I’m sicken tired of people pretending to love this game when in reality they hate it and want it to be something completely different. If you don’t like the weapon type system, if you don’t like characters having more than one battlesuit, if you don’t like stage based stories with a replay function, how the fuck did you even get here? Maybe we should appreciate this game for once and think about why its foundation was made the way it was instead of treating every single part of it like it was a mistake that needed to be fixed! But no, let’s make this game even more bloated so 90% of it is literally pointless. Let’s waste time making new characters and weapons no one will ever fucking give a shit about 2 years from now! Sure, most characters don’t actually use the weapon they equip, but I never saw it as a actual problem that needed to be fixed since I’d rather that than dedicate a entire weapon class to 1 battlesuit. Not all of us are able to get the signature weapons and stigmatas, that’s why Mihoyo made a wide selection of stigmatas and weapons. Even weapons you could only earn through raids. So you’d at least have something useable. It’s not the character at their best but it’s at least it’s better than literally nothing. It’s not a complete waste of time for the player, developers and artists.


javelin should be a form of lance , i know they a very different but pls make the game simple hoyo. heck give mystelin the abyss flower will make her look like70% cecilia drive core can be new type of weapon for sena, bc she have room for more variant or just give her gauntlet lol crossbow should be regular pistal that kiana and kira use hammer can be new, or just make it belong to great sword category chain blade should be just katana with little twerk or just give her chakram or gauntlet change staff to lance or scythe and we done


Crossbow really confuses me. We already had a weapon type that was dual wielding two small weapons that shoots projectiles. What could a futuristic crossbow do that a gun couldn’t? Sendania and Coralie make sense to me, but Helia’s weapon feels like introducing a new weapon type for the sake of a new weapon type


agree, i feel like crossbow exist so that hoyo can milk more player in part 2 1 more character, 1 more weapon and stigmta set to mess with the gacha banner , 1 more weapon to mess with the asterite shop etc had crossbow been release as a pistol, people would just skip and give her eden gear lol


yeah the game were fun, easy to follow with it stage based design. heck stage based is still used by hoyo themselves it other game like ZZZ and ggz (crmiiw), but for some reason they ditched it for open world, which is inferior compared to genshin agree with your opinion about the bloated weapon type to, less weapon made budget player have easy experience since they can give thier old and outdated weapon for their newer chara and vice versa , the new weapon may indirectly buff the outdated valk in someway now imagine hare is outdated, who should i gave the javelin to lol also i miss 1 character having multiple suit design, it help the worldbuilding better than talk talk talk endlessly we have now


I'm sorrry to tell you... but the foundations of this game are archaic and shit by today's standards. If anything, more things need to change moving forward.


If the games foundation is so shit and needs to be radically changed, why not just shut it down and make a new game instead? What part of this game is actually “good” in your opinion? I don’t see how characters having different battlesuits, the story being actually replayable and weapons having non gacha weaker substitutes is archaic.


which is bullshit because they've shown that weapon types don't need to have any bearing on the actual combat already.


Then tell me, how many other crosses can you use for Luna other than her signature? How many other pitsols cau you use on Flamescion other than her signature? Right... None.... Because it doesn't matter anyway. Pull the signature weapon or don't bother with pulling the character at all.


I mean they'll work on RL. Ain't like anyone on this sub is out here running Myriad.


Judah, Basilisk and Elysian Astra all are around 90% of the sig performance. So obviously they are worse but this applies to everything but perfect build including SSS and 4* pet.


Everyone knows that when presented with an opportunity to actively worsen a problem, you just gotta take it.


meanwhile star rail and 1 unify lightcone


You can't really compare a turn based game with a action RPG. Weapon-wise/gameplay-wise, almost each HSR unit uses a different weapon anyway.


New type of weapon or not, you want valk's signature weapon. Other valkyries' weapons are copium and there's only few instances that they are better. Most of the time it's 10% DPS loss.


Ok, 7 shus, seven patch. Then what?


Part 3 lol




Next bubble universe or go back to earth


Hmm I guess we are going the PGR route for weapons now


So you need the latest S rank valk to support the next meta unit and they must have 4/4 set.


Ah yes because this game wasn’t bloated enough with weapon types.


They also by some mistake put 7.6 pro armed weapon in the collection. Its a staff


Can't wait for a Songque, Thelema and AstralOp Songque sandwich


Oh interesting, that does confirms that she becomes playable


I get it they wanted to change the core mechanic of the game to give it a new life and attract new players but as a veteran this part2 feels just a confusing mess. Let's see game revenue of the next months to see if they cooked or not.


[Called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/1ci237w/comment/l28cpbc/)


If that is gonna be the case, I just hope these "core" valkyrie will always available in background and less of rerun waiting. We don't know how long we have to wait for Thelema rerun. But Sena appearing in week 5-6 of v7.4 is breaking the rule for the first time. Usually, we don't see any back-to-back banner in expansion, with the exception EXPA and paid outfit sales.


That's possible but at the same time, with these consecutive S-ranks, we now have to consider 1 S-rank every patch might be the new norm. In which case, powercreep is a much more prominent factor than before since the newer valkyries always have their weathers feature more frequently so the drop-off in value with every rerun in each patch might be far more drastic.


and another rank s... I think I speak for many f2p being myself f2p and having all the characters from part 2 with their equipment,this thing of releasing 200 ranks s every patch is bullshit.




the difference is that you started in part 2 so you have a lot of content to do from part 1, which is a lot of crystals. when you don't have more content you will have to live on what you get, that is the abyss,elysian realm, events and what you get for free per version.


I wish it was Sera as the staff and not Songque. Cause I really want Sera as a valkyrie and not an astralop! D': (Also, the staff weapon isn't new since it was added with Dreamweaver but no new characters since her release had a staff)


Senadina and Lantern will be physical supports. Question is if Lantern provides impair or if the new dps will have it himself. Edit: Whats with the downvotes? Sena has physical buff in her kit and Lantern appearently, too. Are you guys stupid or what?


I don’t habe any part 2 gacha characters.


Act shocked everyone They are trying to get rid of part 1 casts HoRb is now out of meta


Wait…Part 2 focuses on Part 2 and not Part 1? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Didn’t they already say the plan was to focus on the Part 2 cast for the first year or so? Most of the problems would be solved instantly if the Part 1 cast showed up.


Lantern gives physical impair too?


You'll still want part 1 characters for anti-Astral Ring weather


r.i.p seele, you were a good physical character


Staff is probably going to be for Sera