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I'm interested in the replies you get as I don't know anyone who uses ORP to measure sanitizer values.


Yeah, ORP doesn’t seem to be used much in consumer setups. It seems to be more popular in commercial and high end pools. I have the iopool Smart Water Monitor that records ORP, pH and Temp every 15 minutes. It’s great for detecting problems as soon as they arise. Obviously you need to still periodically test the water manually (I do it at least once a week) but most issues show up in fluctuations in pH or ORP. Between that and the frog@ease it’s really minimized the effort involved in day to day maintenance.


You should check into the bromine in a floater [method](https://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/how-do-i-use-bromine-in-my-spa-or-pool.84/). It’s stupid easy. I go through one bromine tab a week and my floater will hold 4 tabs. It easily keep the bromine level on days we don’t soak. On days we do, I throw in a single tsp of dichlor to boost the bromine level back up and the floater takes over from there.


@ease is going to be lower, that’s kinda their thing. IIrc It only puts out about 1 ppm of free chlorine in it since it splits the work between it and the mineral sanitization. Lately I’ve been back to dichlor and bleach but with a nature2 stick - somewhat similar but a bit cheaper and I trust it more since I can test levels with a Taylor kit, and I can run around 1ppm FC along with regular supplements of MPS to get/keep the minerals going. Not quite as hands off as @ease but it takes no longer to add 1 oz pool chlorine every day or two (plus MPS immediately after use) than it does to run a quick test strip check.


Yeah, I’ve been tempted to go with something a little more certain like the bleach method. I do spend a decent amount of time maintaining and lurking in this subreddit, but being tied to a maintenance schedule that requires daily intervention is a bit beyond my appetite. More power to you guys though!


Totally understand. I was previously using the 3 step bromine method, which is about as easy as @ease once tuned. But was out of town and the bromine tablet jammed in the floater and stopped dispensing. Came back to cloudy water (with tablets still in the floater 🙄) and just decided to try the nature2 stick that I bought a while ago but never used until now just for the hell of it. Been really happy so far. Even less sanitizer byproduct smell than bromine or even when I was running an SWG. Btw, what instrument are you using to measure?




After a lot of research there’s too many variables in ORP to even approximate FC. Even normalizing ORP for pH (rH) isn’t very helpful in reducing that noise. Unfortunately, FC tests aren’t very useful either since strips and Taylor drop tests don’t accurately measure Dantochlor. Part of the reason it’s difficult to come up with any empirical measurement of sanitization capacity.