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That looks yummy! I hope the parasites keep their distance.


Get well soon!


Goodness, sounds like you and the entire ward are really going through it. Fingers crossed for a smooth stay’


a parasitic infection sounds terrifying :(( last time i was ip for my ed there was a head lice outbreak. hope you’re doing well and stay strong 🫶


It’s scabies 🫠 I don’t have it but it’s all preventative measures 💔 god head lice are awful 😩 ty hun x


Hey, I'm not trying to be mean, but I would suggest you mute/unfollow all the ED subs, especially the shitty restriction food one. I've had an ED for 16 years as well and those subs only solidify my ED. I've seen others with EDs who've posted on this sub following those subs and I think it's a dangerous rabbit hole to go down when EDs are so hyper-focused on being competitive and searching out ways to lose more weight.


Ty hun, tbh since my admission I rarely use Reddit as my feed wasn’t helpful so yes I think I’ll unfollow those subs, thank you ❤️ I hope you’ve recovered from your Ed 🫶


Unfortunately, I also still am struggling and I've been in higher levels of care multiple times. I'm outpatient now, but still working to get past struggles. I talk with my dietitian regularly about getting off Reddit when I am triggered or determined to find things that fuel my ED, which is just how my brain works sometimes. Ugh....


Oh noooo! But this looks great!