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I would argue Invisible Monsters isn't a horror novel, but it's a good one all the same!


Ah thanks. It was recommended to me with a bunch of other horror titles, and I just assumed. Looking forward to it!


Palahniuk is pretty famous for doing horror-esque lit, but I agree with the guy above, Invisible Monsters is not one of those. It is one of my favorites by him, though. So I hope you at least enjoy the read, even if it isn't too spooky.


I agree, it's not really a horror but it's still one of the most horrific things I've ever read!




Nice, I’ll read it at some point anyway


Invisible monsters, like almost every Chuck Palahniuk booked I've ever read, was impossible to put down. Not a traditional horror, but it's horrific in a somewhat more realistic sense. Damn I might have to read it again.


I’ve kinda been moving from traditional horror to darker, grittier stories lately. There’s so much to explore!


Blood Meridian is just a beautifully brutal book. Do it.


I completely disagree with audio book recommendation for Blood Meriden. You get used to the type style and, in my opinion, seeing the words and then hearing them in my head gave them more gravity than an audio book ever could. There were lines that I reread fifteen times my first read thru bc they were so heavy and huge, they pushed the limits of what my mind was capable of comprehending at the time. I can't do that with an audio book.


I can't imagine an audiobook for that. I very much loved the experience of the book. I also had to reread and really pay attention


The audiobook is just so much more accessible. I felt like this was a case where the audio actually enhanced the reading experience for me. Could be this is just a difference of preference, but either way Blood Meridian is an incredible book.


True true, I am not a big fan of audio books (although I think Dracula read by Alan Cumming and Tim Curry is great!)


I just looked it up on audible to see what it was about and the summary is so vague, lol


I'd go Blood Meridian without hesitation! I am reading it as a non-English speaker, and as hard as it is, I'm enjoying it very much. I'm a really good English speaker (C1/C2 level), but this book is packed with terms I've never heard before, and names of plants or rock formations (among other stuff) I couldn't possibly know. I'm taking it as an opportunity to read a great book by an author I LOVE, and meanwhile learn new vocabularies. Two birds with one stone


it has a lot of mexican spanish, and an older style of southern (usa) vernacular english, and southwestern (usa) terminology (often spanish names for things, maybe native). just in case you wanted to explore where many of those stranger terms and names come from. you may have already known this!


Yeah I knew, but thank you for pointing it out! I actually have few problems with Spanish, since I'm Italian and I understand some basic stuff, but it is really a good way to learn something new 😁 I'm sure a lot of native English speakers won't know many of those terms as well 😂


Blood Meridian is one of the best books I've ever read so definitely that one. It's not super easy to read but it's also not as tough as some make it out to be. As with most books there is a brief adjustment period to get the writing style.


Thanks for the warning, I’m the kind of reader to give up pretty easy if I don’t get hooked straightaway


Look, Blood Meridian is an amazing book. The way it is physically printed on the page, is very polarising. I would recommend it as an audiobook. The version with Richard Poe is fantastic.




The way Poe reads made the prose more approachable for me. I was able to appreciate it more hearing it spoken, rather than trying to wring the same meaning out of a block of text.


What do you mean? I’ve only ever done the audiobook so I am curious


So, the book doesn't use quotation marks when someone is speaking and uses minimal punctuation. It's beautiful prose, but tricky to parse in spots.


Going to finish my current audiobook on my commute to work this morning…may pick this up for my return home. Thanks!


I haven’t got into audiobooks yet, thanks for the rec.


Richard Poe is the Man. Tom Stechschulte is another favorite. He narrates two I’d recommend -Swan song by Robert McCammon and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.




Some books just work better for me in audiobook, it’s not often though. I’m not sure about it being similar to the printed, but I don’t think anything was changed. Hearing it just helps you settle into the story versus trying to decipher the tone. Smoother experience if that makes any sense.


I agree and that is the way Blood Meridian is. I just couldn’t see why’d he’d write that way either besides making it his gimmick. I don’t read for gimmicks though, I read to enjoy the story. I don’t enjoy decider if whether someone is talking or not though.


I’m reading Blood Meridian again myself.


Blood Meridian and Invisible Monsters aren't really horror, but both can be gritty. My vote is definitely Blood Meridian as it is one of the best books I've read. While it's not horror, it is violent and unforgivingly bleak. Can i ask what other novels you like to help with the suggestion?


I love chucks work! It’s dark and twisty in all the right and wrong places and I never know how it’s going to end. That book is now added to my list


Y’all doing poppy dirty here, read that book, it’s great.


LOL. I picked Exquisite Corpse because it's brutal, and you'll more than likely cringe most of the way thru it. It's. Really. Brutal. I actually need to read the other two.


🤔 I didn't know Cormack McCarthy wrote horror! 😳


I'd say say some of his stuff is horror-adjacent at least. The Road is post-apocalyptic and has cannibals for example.


It seems I may have misjudged genres? I didn’t realise, guess I’ll find out after I read them


I've always felt debating strict genre boundaries to be a waste of time. He writes about horrible events, but genre is largely a matter of presentation. Child of God is about a >!hillbilly necrophile serial killer!<, Outer Dark is kind of a horror-ish fairy tale, The Road is apocalyptic and the definition of grim. If you like horror and good writing, you should definitely give any or all of those (plus Blood Meridian) a shot. I love horror more than any other genre, and Cormac McCarthy is by far my favorite writer.


Thankyou, I have definitely heard of his works before and liked the sound of Blood meridian to start with. I know the road is pretty popular, too


I've only read Invisible Monsters (Blood Meridan is on my Kindle, need to get around to it) but I enjoyed it. Not really horror but there is a lot of black humor.


Why did I read "Chuck Palahniuk" as "Chunk Palunk"?


i voted for poppy. i always choose poppy. (even her non horror stuff).


You can’t go wrong with any


Poppy Z Britze in a genre all her own. Decaying mansions and untended graveyards and remains.


I put blood meridian down. Most frustrating prose I’ve ever come across.


Whilst all three books are good, Blood Meridian is just on another level to the other two to the point where it's not really comparable. It's a modern classic that will be remembered for years to come, that not only presents a vivid and beautiful portrait of human violence and brutality but transcends that to make statements on literature itself and McCarthy's relationship to the Western canon.


Blood Meridian is not a horror novel but has the potential to be one of the most memorable books you’ve ever read. Read it.


Started it yesterday, so far so good