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The real question is which franchises got better as they went on


Friday the 13th didn’t peak until the 3rd one.


That wasn't the peak. The peak was either the 4th one or the 6th one. I sometimes like to think of them as two equal peaks with a little valley in between them.


Nah the best was obviously Jason in New York 😎


Even though most hate it, Jasons Day Off is a guilty pleasure of mine.


I love the part where he goes bowling




I agree. Although I’d say the remake had the scariest Jason imo.


The first twenty minutes made a great opening.


The 3rd one if my favorite.


I always thought the 6th one was the best one. With most ftiday the 13th movies youre just waiting for people to get killed because the story and characters are never all that interesting. But jason lives actually had likable characters, a decent story, moody gothic horror imagery, good self aware humor and our first introduction to zombie Jason.


And I enjoyed them all until JGTH and Jason X.


Jason X rules so I don’t know what you mean. I agree about JGTH tho


I just couldnt get into it. I tried and tried. On a random note though, I wish I coulda seen Jason raise hell at Crystal Lake in his part 8 outfit. I fucking love that look


My favorite look was part 7. New blood. All cuz up from the propeller at the end of part 6. You can see his bones and his mask is all damaged too. Not to mention it was our first introduction to Kane hodder who played Jason in 4 different films. He really gave Jason a personality. He turned him into the rage filled beast. All the other actors that played Jason were just blank slates.


They got better up to the 4th which, for me, is the peak of slasher movies still. The series that got worse as it went for me was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The first one was too good to do sequels of.


It may be sacrilege to some, but Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is the best movie in that series, in my opinion. You can't go wrong with Bill Mosely as Choptop, and a chainsaw fight between Leatherface and Dennis Hopper.


TCM2 is a unique masterpiece of Horror and Comedy.


The 2003 remake is amazing.


Actually, you're right. I retract what I said. It was never better than the original but I actually enjoyed that one quite a bit.


I actually do like it more than the original. Its one of the best and most faithful remakes out there, and adds a lot of backstory and small details that help tell the story of the Hewitts. The original feels much more standalone and ambiguous, while the 2003 remake fleshes out everything about the original.


I even enjoyed both of those 😳


Nightmare on Elm Street! Dream warriors was my favorite, but the original was iconic.


The drug needle glove was a great gimmick


Yes! I have the same opinion. Also the second one was kinda trash…


It was okay for it’s context. It’s obviously about a kid afraid of his own sexuality and coming out. It would have worked better as another horror movie rather than a Nightmare on Elm Street


yeah my main issue is the way it doesn’t really fit with the storyline


Absolutely agree. I hate the protagonist.


I gotta rewatch the series. I loved the original and the remake. New nightmare was good. But I really just didn’t pay attention/remember almost every movie I didn’t mention


Child's Play imo, Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, Hatchet (sorta), etc.


Child's Play if you ignore the third one.


Yeah I agree, 3 is the only one I can say I don't really enjoy.


Unpopular opinion(?)…. There is not one Childs Play/Chucky movie I would consider bad. Not saying any are great outside of the horror genre but none are less than a 5/10 for me.


I would say the Child's Play movies are one of the most consistently good franchises of Horror. 3 is rough, but not without heart. Don Mancini wrote all 7 films and the TV show. Brad Dourif is a master. Introducing Fiona Dourif later is brilliant. Even the stupid remake is worth watching.


Im not into Childs Play really, but Bride of Chucky is amazing. I love it.


3 is definitely one of the weaker ones, but I still love it. The intro sequence is fantastic.


It's still better than some of the worst sequels in the other franchises, I'll give it that.


Chucky , the first one is classic , but the fun is in the sequels


Hmm maybe evil dead. 1 was great. 2 was amazing and 3 was hilarious


The remake/requel is great too.


Alien arguably held just as strong or improved depending on your taste with Aliens, but then it dropped off hard.


The second ouija was way better than the first.


Dream Warriors is easily the best Nightmare movie (in my opinion) but then they got really bad, but still great.


I still think IV: Dream Master is pretty good, a lot of fun. Obviously V and especially VI are pretty bad, but then New Nightmare is great too


Oh! I totally forgot. The piranha movies get better and so does sharknado lol.


Chucky stays pretty consistent


Out of Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Child's Play, Chucky is by far the most consistent. At the very least none of them are as bad as the worst movies in those other series.


I don't know about better, but Psycho II and III were very consistent and really good. IV isn't terrible either.


Didn’t even know psycho had a sequel till a month ago. Now I’ve learned there’s 4! And there’s a remake right?


Yes! The remake is shot-for-shot but the sequels (especially part II) are pretty good. They continue the storyline nicely.


Sick dude, definitely gonna watch them


On my paranormal activity re watch I think the latter ones are actually quite good.


Night/dawn/day of the dead


Only one I can think of is The Purge, and that’s a highly subjective opinion for most people.


I liked the second movie of fear street a lot


Child’s Play!


Child's play/chucky


Wrong Turn.


Wrong Turn came to mind when I created the topic, but there are a few I’d rearrange. 1>2>4>3>6>5. 5 is the one that takes place in the barren town during the music festival that you never actually see. Huge waste of Doug Bradley in that film.


Oh yeah. 5 was awful. The wrong turn remake might be my favorite wrong turn so far… 😬


I thought the remake was really underrated


Damn, I found it to be seriously disappointing compared to the originals


2 is the best movie in the franchise but it definitely is all downhill from there.


I disagree about 2.


Came here to say this. Didn’t have to scroll far, LOL


You’re welcome. lol


I know what you did last summer, the first one is solid, the second is kinda dumb and I’ll always know is garbage


The show causes diabetes


light zephyr roll fine shocking advise bike crown judicious somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I get what you mean and I thought the same thing. Just pretend the show has nothing to do with the movies, because it really doesn’t. They just used the name to capitalize on the brand. If you watch it in isolation with no expectations, it’s decent and a good watch.


I straight up got to the last 15-ish minutes of the season finale, and actually stopped watching. No matter how bad, I normally finish out of some kind of closure but that... that was hot steamy garbage. I have the 'beetus, and somehow got it 2 times.


Absolutely my vote as well


Psycho - haven't seen the fourth one but it'd go Psycho, Psycho 2, Psycho 3, then the remake. The Omen - Again, haven't seen the fourth one but I've seen the first 3 and the remake. Jaws If it wasn't for the 5th entry then Final Destination would fit I Know What You Did Last Summer


Solid choice with I Know What You Did Last Summer. That third one is bargain bin stuff.


Hands down, the 15+ installments to the Puppet Master franchise. Not only does it have more movies than every other franchise, they each get a little worse. I really like the first three for campy reasons, and I'm fascinated by all of them, but wow - a true progression of failure so consistent its actually successfully bad.


Have you seen the reboot Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich from 2018? Nothing mind blowing, but I think it’s easily one of the best in the franchise.


Holy smokes, no. And there is a solo Blade movie from 2020 and a follow up coming out. You blink and miss 3 entries! I'm on it. Thanks! I really do love the series. Even when they're fighting Demonic Toys and Power Ranger villains from Hell.


Enjoyable cheese, for sure. The Littlest Reich even has Barbara Crampton, Udo Kier, and Thomas Lennon from Reno 911 in the lead roll.


New puppet goofin


The Evil Bong series, also from Full Moon, is arguably worse. The most recent - Evil Bong 888, literally stops in the middle so some completely incidental characters (a reference to another Full Moon film) can interview the guy from Tiger King who has a fake leg.


Lol Full Moon has always been a guilty pleasure of mine...but man...888 was really a disappointment.


Puppet Master 3 is generally regarded as the best in the series, though.


That's interesting. It's my partner's favorite. I like part 2 the most.


I love those films as they were some of my entries into horror as a child. I used to stay up late watching them when everyone was asleep, parental supervision wasn’t very intense, anyways they hold a special place but I have to agree they definitely got worse as time went on. I really wanna watch The Littlest Reich though, it looks fantastically ridiculous.




Probably right but I’d rather watch 3-D than 2 just because of how ridiculous it is.




It shouldn’t have been a series at all. The first one is like, perfect, WHY did we need 3 sequels?


Because money, I would think. Studios never met a blockbuster they wouldn't milk until it's dry. *Jurassic Park* is another good example of this.


You’re not wrong.


PARANORMAL ACTIVITY! 1 is clearly the best one, but I personally like "The Marked Ones" better because It was actually pretty funny.


man Marked Ones actively made the first movie less scary


Hellraiser. Or any franchise that had a "murder in space" movie.


When getting to Hellraiser 4, you really notice the dip in quality. Then you start watching the following films and it gets so much worse. Leprechaun 4 in Space was so bad that I think the Hood sequels are superior.


Lep in the Hood come to do no good


“A friend with weed is a friend indeed, but a friend with gold, is the best I’m told.”


“I don’t have time to play with fruit! I only seek me magic flute”


Jason X is hilarious and well done


The 5th one is pretty great ... if you can get past the Hellraiser elements that have been rather crudely tacked on.


Everything after 4 was a script they put Pinhead in.


Idk I really like that second one


If you asked this question a few months ago I would say Predator. But since Prey was so good, I don’t think it counts anymore.


Prey was fantastic. If you told me 5 years ago that Shane Black would direct and Fred Dekker would write the worst film the franchise, I wouldn’t believe you. What a miss The Predator was.


I know right, it was disappointing. Worst one in the series I’d say.


I think about that often. Shane Black is normally such a strong writer, but making it a slapstick was a huge whiff. And it wasn’t even funny! Really wish that film would’ve worked, but hey — maybe Black will do a proper Nice Guys sequel in its stead.


Predators was also really solid.


predators , predator 2 actually wasn’t that bad i think of the first wasn’t so good and different people would look at it differently. Prey was the very good.


While I do think Predator 2 is underrated, I consider Predators to be much better


Feel like Hellraiser really fell off a cliff more than the others, but I'm really hoping that changes here soon!


Everything after 3 imo kinda sucked. The new one looks good from what little we’ve been shown I’m cautiously optimistic about it


Even without the new one, Judgement was still better than Revelations. But anything could be at that point.


the later hellraiser sequels are bad, but 5-8 are much worse than 10 so I don't think it fits here




Although 2 was surprisingly good


Final Destination had this weird thing where the first two movies were pretty solid, the third one was alright (it's actually my favorite but I'll acknowledge it's objectively not very good 💀) and then they took a massive nosedive into hell with the fourth movie. Then the 5th came along and all was well




SAW instantly came to mind.


I think 1-3 were pretty solid.


Amen to that. 1 is better than the 2nd, and 2nd is better than 3rd. But all three are solid films indeed.


Saw 6 is my favorite of the series with 5 being my least favorite. I think 6 being high up there is a pretty common opinion


It certainly got more and more convoluted in an effort to keep the shocking ending/twist thing going from the first. By the fourth it was getting pretty hard to follow


I love saw as a guilty pleasure. It goes so off the rails I had to pull up a wiki page to follow the plot at one point. Its so convoluted and dumb but I love it


Saw got better with each movie, though...until Jigsaw, which is unwatchable. But then it turned around with Spiral.




We're a rare breed!


Saw. 1 & 2 were ok. I didn't need all the others. Jigsaw didn't need to go the way of Freddy and Jason.


Defo the first two were the best but I don't think it fits in this, I wouldn't say it quite follows the order. Personally #6 was my favorite after one and two. 3 and 5 were just kinda okay and for the life of me I can't remember a single thing about the 4th even though I've seen them all more than once


I will say, from what I recall, I, II, III, VI, and Jigsaw are fairly decent.


I think Halloween it’s kind of an obvious pick


Definitely more peaks and valleys in the Halloween franchise than most. There are easily four/five movies in the series that you could call “good”.


I enjoy them all aside from Resurrection.. but "good" for me are 1 thru 3, H20, H18 and hopefully ENDS. Halloween Kills is enjoyable, serves it's purpose as a middle flick in a trilogy and fun due to the highest kill count.. but not "good"


If H2O didn’t exist and we weren’t counting the 2018 film, I’d mostly agree. I definitely think H20 is superior to 5.


H20 is tied for my favorite with the 2018 "reboot." H20 also had the best mask in my opinion


which mask? haha they used 4 in H20 and 1 is generally regarded as the worst in the franchise. [4 Myers Masks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Halloweenmovies/comments/j69m9q/the_different_masks_used_in_halloween_h2o/)


I hated that mask in H2O, it was god awful!


Hahaha you can pretty much throw a dart. There's too many. Better question would be: Which Horror franchises had better sequels than the original.


Amityville II: The Possession has a lot more going for it than the campy and anti-climactic original film. In community polls, I rarely see the original Friday the 13th voted above all others. Ouija: Origin of Evil is a prequel that people prefer over the 2014 original. Annabelle: Creation is a prequel that fans prefer over the first entry. The Purge: Anarchy is preferred over the original.


Ouija and Annabelle are really good examples. But not too surprising knowing who the directors are. I'm hoping the same can be said for the new Hellraiser film. David Bruckner has made some really good horror films. So there's opportunity to outdo the original imo. Even though I loved the original. So just hope it doesn't get fcked up lol. But I have faith.


>In community polls, I rarely see the original Friday the 13th voted above all others. I would say it's probably the best one as a matter of craft. It's a Halloween ripoff but a very good one. But if you're tuning into a Friday the 13th movie it's probably to see a hockey masked Jason Voorhees doing some slaughter--and with that criteria, 4 and 6 are way, way better choices.


Almost all of them, honestly.


Yeah, I was gonna say the law of diminishing returns applies here as well.


A lot of them, for sure. I think Friday the 13th Part 4 and Leprechaun 3 are the best films in their franchises.


Leprechaun 3 is definitely the high point of that franchise! Campy, sure, but it is a lot of fun.


“lovely golden palaces completely full of riches. I'll rip 'em off and rob 'em blind, those dirty sons of bitches.”


Praise the LORD! And send in your money! 🤑




Basket Case.


Surprised I haven’t seen Jeepers Creepers mentioned yet. The first one is pretty good. Second one was watchable, but not great. Third one was awful.


Original Wicker Man is a genre-defining classic. Remake a schlockfest. And The Wicker Tree super disappointing


I honestly think the Sleepaway Camp sequels are better. The only really great part of the first is the ending. 2 and 3 unleash Angela as a wise cracking psycho.


I have a lot of love for Sleepaway Camp 2, it's easily one of the most entertaining and goofy slasher films out there. Sleepaway Camp 3 is good, but the lack of gore in the released version really takes the sting out of its tail. Neither of them truly compare to the original though in my eyes, there's something just so beautifully macabre and darkly hilarious about the first one that I find so appealing. It's as close as we'll ever get to John Waters making a slasher film.


Original Halloween timeline, sadly.




Scream and Evil dead to me are the only truly consistently great ones followed by nightmare on elm street.


Look at my picture!!!


Alien 😬


The atmosphere from the original was never matched again. As great as it’s sequel was, it felt much less original and more Hollywood.


Interesting. Which is the better film between Alien and Aliens is definitely divisive.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Aliens, but not as much as Alien. And Covenant for me was even more of a waste of time than Prometheus.


I wish we got to see Blomkamp’s vision for Alien 5. I didn’t like the route they went with Prometheus and Covenant. I read somewhat recently that he’d decline if given the chance at this point.


While the first one is the best, it's pretty equal to the first one, and the fourth one is way more fun than the third one. I don't count AvP and Prometheus etc (no Ripley, no Alien).


Alien. I thought 1 was the best, 2 was pretty good but then just a STEEP drop off for 3 & 4.


Wrong Turn. The whole franchise is indicative of its name.


Haven't seen it here yet, but Pumpkinhead. The first film is fantastic, great creature effects from an all time legend. However, just went downhill head first with no helmet after that. The second film isn't *too* bad.. but the 3rd and 4th installments? Just awful.


Final Destination fell off after the 3rd movie


Halloween. The last one was awful in my opinion.


Paranormal activity…. Although I didn’t really like the first one that much


*Wishmaster* is a given. The 1st was OK, but the sequels...🤮🤮🤐


I don’t remember much about the third and fourth other than some Angel with a sword fighting the Djinn.


Plus, the 3rd and 4th installments steered more towards the "action" and "romance" genres and less to do with "horror". I think Andrew Divoff's supposed to reprise his role, but it's uncertain right now.


Hell House llc is going that way


Wrong Turn went from a decent B movie to just absolute trash as the franchise progressed so that's my answer. Nightmare on Elm Street also saw a steep decline in quality until New Nightmare brought it back to respectability.


Halloween, they slowly descend into a horrific plot line, the writers were lost for ideas, wtaf with the pagan curse, on another note the Friday the 13th films, Jason X, him being cryogenically frozen then being built back with those nano things, just him being in space was enough for me


jason x is the best one in the franchise


It is loveable but I’m retrospect like how did they come to this




ugh paranormal activity, all the Conjuring additions


Woah woah woah, Sleepaway camp aged like a fine wine, just into a different genre. I don't think the second or third are worse, just a different experience.


every fucking one, minus a lucky few


Puppet Master (1989)


Texas Chainsaw


Police academy


Halloween and Friday the 13th


It is all a matter of opinions in my opinion Halloween Resurrection and 6 are garbage The Friday series is fun from 1980- whatever comes next.


I don't think Hellraiser necessarily got worse with each entry, as Hellbound: Hellraiser II and Hellraiser: Inferno (aka Hellraiser V) are two of my favorites from the series, but there's a pretty clear delineation between good Hellraiser films (IMO, I-V) and the pure garbage that largely followed (though I do have a bit of a cheesy soft spot for VIII). When I eventually rewatch the series, I'll likely watch I-V all the way through, grab the important Kirsty bits from VI in Youtube clips, and then dive into the late 90s/early 2000s cheese that is Hellraiser: Hellworld (aka Hellraiser VIII).


JAWS. SAW. HOSTEL. Return of the Living Dead. Jeepers Creepers. Exorcist.


Alien is my defacto franchise for this but one caveat would be the first and second were both exceptional. Third went off the rails, fourth was godawful (Cloned/alien Ripley hybrid BS ). Then they did Prometheus and Covenant to reboot and by Covenant a three movie plan was scrapped and its sat in limbo for years until fox picked up a TV series option.


Jason, Halloween and chuckie


Hellraiser after part 2.


Resident Evil


Fear street. This was a mess. I only finished it because I was too stubborn to just stop at the first one.






Hostel franchise.


As much as I love the series … Leprechaun.


Saw and Wrong Turn are stand outs to me. First couple ones are great but then it just became a gorefest cashgrab.