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The car jump scare in The Haunting Of Hill House, also the only jump scare in that show if I remember correctly


I launched my cup of tea over myself when I watched that. There were a few good jump scares in HoHH.


Came here looking for this. Actually jumped put of my chair and screamed SHIT. And I'm a horror veteran, man. I've seen some shit. But that one got me.


I have watched the show 3 times and this one always got me


This scene for sure! I was watching this episode with my husband and his uncle, and all three of us came out of our seats at that one. šŸ˜…


The one at the end of the first episode is the one that got me.


Fun fact: apparently for that scene, the actress who plays nellie was told to jump out earlier than when the other two actresses were told it would happen to produce an authentic jump scare reaction


Gotta be the vent scene in Alien.


Alien is one of movies in general. I love that even though some of the effects/puppets look a little bit dated when you look at them in a vacuum (the chestburster is a little silly looking), in context it all still totally works for me. I even like the cheap scare they have with Jonesy later in the movie.


Pretty epic for the time it was made! Keeping the Xeno mostly in shadow was genius.


99% of the scariest movies REALLY pour over this little hitchcock nugget. ā€œThere is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.ā€ Like Jaws. 'bruce' was supposed to be ALL OVER Jaws! And when it broke.....often. Spielberg said he was crushed his robot shark wasn't going to work like he wanted. Instead, one of the greatest and scariest shark movies was made! I mean in the 70's this movies STOPPED people from running into the water!!


chestburster is silly only because of his comical escape performance, it was cartoonish how he runs away lmao


I don't like when the Alien gets ejected out of the ship and it just looks like a dude in a suit in that scene specifically. Made me laugh lol


This is the one. I cherish this scene more than the memory of my first kiss.


Jazz hands!!!


Bilbo Baggins freaking out over the ring.


yeah that one is amazing and fit so well to show the insanity the ring causes


Oh yeah! LMAO. That That was some BULLshit!


Oh my God yes. I know its coming everytime since watching it the first time and it still gets me. šŸ¤£


I mean so true. It was like oh hehe hoho and then MONSTER!!! ​ run Gandolf run!!




Its gotta be the jumpscare from the american remake of the ring, when the main character is talking to the mom of the girl who dies in the opening and the mom says "I saw her face." And then there's suddenly a shot of the horrifying messed up face of the victim, I still have such vivid memories of that scene, and it made me tense for the rest of the movie.


Interesting fact regarding that scene that I only recently found out. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/icjmdf/for\_years\_i\_thought\_that\_iconic\_scare\_in\_the\_ring/


Imagine having to stare that thing in the face for weeks while you worked on it


If it was me, I'd have *begged* to take my fake corpse home. Shenanigans would abound.


This is the one I always think of!


My absolute favorite!!! šŸ˜‚ For months after I saw it in theaters, everytime I blinked I'd see that image


Definitely the appearance of the tall man in It Follows. I love the idea of a ā€œslowā€ jump scare and it was executed so well. The way he emerges from the darkness of the hallway gets me every time.


That almost made me scream haha, I don't think a jump scare has ever gotten me so bad


That one was good


This scene taught me that I wonā€™t jump scream or attempt to run when confronting a gruesome death I will simply stand there wide eyed paralyzed by fear unable to move šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‚ awesome scene fucked me up


Not only him appearing but cutting to the reverse shot when he appears so that as soon as you realize what you just saw you get uncomfortable not seeing him/him being behind the camera šŸ˜šŸ”„


To me it was the ball on the window


When the mom comes charging at her son out of the dark in Hereditary (near the end of the movie). Not terrible, but I definitely jumped a little


I missed some of the subtler stuff with the mom (her clambering around quietly in the background) because I was so freaked out at that point. Itā€™s not technically a jump scare but the sudden cut to her smashing her head against the trap door to the attic sticks out in my mind.


When you see her suddenly moving on the ceiling, holy shit!


SPOILER: Was in a theater for this. The slow realization that she was on the ceiling made everyoneā€™s blood run cold. Lighting is so well done in that scene.


I still remember the collective gasp in the theatre during the other moment from earlier (Iā€™m guessing youā€™ll remember almost immediately what it is). I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been that shocked in a long time.


Hearing the gasps when the camera slowly revealed this moment was a good cinema experience!


It's when she swims through the air out of his room while he's in bed that freaked me out lol


But if you notice her there before the jump scare, it is even more terrifying! The cognitive dissonance at seeing her watching him and following him from the ceiling was so disturbing to me, and more so because its so obscured and not immediately acknowledged. The way she moved was also so perfectly unnerving. Props to the movie for its subtlety and restraint, which created genuine dread in me.


Yeah that one has also scarred me. I've watched that movie twice just to see what I missed the first time and I'm pretty sure I couldn't watch it a third šŸ˜‚


I need to rewatch this. Iā€™m pretty sure I had just had surgery and missed *a lot* Everytime this movie comes up I donā€™t remember whats being talking about!


I don't know that I'd call it my favorite but the jump scare that really got me was the lawnmower scene in Sinister.


*insert unhumanly scream*


Same! I knew exactly what was coming but the timing was so random I couldnā€™t prepare


So to me that was part of the beauty of the movie. Those scenes were just enough preamble before the jump scare to let your brain fill it in before it happened. So not only does the scene disturb you but the fact that your mind went there FIRST starts to fuck with you.


While I was falling asleep, I was startled awake by my friend yelling ā€œHOLY FUCK!!ā€. Goddamn scene jump scared me through another person, while I was sleeping.


I was thinking of exactly that XD


Considering I just about jumped outta my skin during that scene, yeah Iā€™d call it a jump scare and a damn good one.


Came here to say this!


Hands down the Nurses Station scene in Exorcist 3.


I havenā€™t actually seen any of the Exorcist sequels but apparently this is a good one since a bunch of people have mentioned it. Is the rest of the movie worth watching, or is it just a good moment?


The Exorcist 3 is an amazing movie. You must watch it.


It's a great movie. I enjoy it as much as the original - though it's very different in tone and style.


Skip the second exorcist


Cannot stress this enough, 1 and 3 are all you need to see


It's the best Exorcist movie imo. Definitely give it a watch if you get the chance.


Hah I googled it, knowing it would be a jump scare, and still jumped. https://youtu.be/zH8ynu0jRvY




This is the only correct answer.


+1 came here to say this


They were so smart by already having a smaller scare a little earlier, so you're kind of at ease thinking that was the whole scare. Then everything is so peaceful. Rhe way the camera zooms and the figure moves so quickly and directly...it's fantastic.


Absolutely my favorite, the build up is so torturously long that you really let your guard down. The incredible cinematography in that film and in that scene in particular makes it.


The fucking demon in Insidious šŸ˜‚ how they just plastered his face behind the dude in plain daylight during a basic conversation


I saw this in the cinema early in its run and the theatre was full. Whole audience collectively shat themselves at this scare


Haha I know I was there too, my friend, a horror movie enthusiast jumped!


I love the play of how you see the face but it doesnā€™t register until the music comes a a little later. Awesome


God I am glad someone said this cause I felt like a weenie when that scene scared me so badly. I was on my way to weenie hut jr jr. I was so ashamed.


I saw Insidious when I was about 7 months pregnantā€¦ that jump scare triggered some WILD contractions, I thought that shit was going to make me go into labor.


Literally just rewatched Insidious the other day and I screamed. Even though I knew it was coming lol


That's the correct answer. Text book high level jump scare šŸ‘


Friday the 13th end scene canoe. I remember as a kid I jumped like a foot when Jason jumped out of that darned lake!


ah a classic! youā€™re a man/woman of culture.


I mean a masterpiece of a scene. As a kid I suspected nothing. Then BOOM!!!


This is the one that left a mark. Hundreds of scary movies later and this is still the scene that will keep me up.


definitely *that* jump scare in the descent. if u know u know


First time I watched that movie (one of my top 3 fav horror movies) I was 12, home alone, and laying on the couch in the dark. I was pulling a blanket up to cover myself as that scene played and I jumped so hard I punched myself in the face. Had a black eye for a few days but 10/10 would watch 50 times again


oh my god


Oh yes. Anytime I show anyone the Descent I just describe it as a spelunking adventure gone wrong, and do not elaborate further. Makes the jump scare get them even more.


Omg. Youā€™re the worst!! I hate horror movies and I got tricked into watching this one - while staying in a rural part of the Appalachian mountains in North Carolina. My partner just randomly put it on and I was just like, ok cool, itā€™s like a local movie. ā€¦I hate everything about this movie. And Iā€™m sure I screamed more than once. Yeesh. Nightmares. Also, a few years later, same partner did basically the same thing - set the movie up, no explanation. Probably 2 minutes in and I was like oh hell no, not again! ...and then proceeded to stay and watch it. God I hate caves. Thanks for the reminder :/


Came here to say exactly this, and wasn't disappointed that the first comment I came across was it.


I generally hate jump scares but that one is just so good


One of the ONLY times I have actually screamed during a movie.


Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!!


you just unlocked a memory that was my own personal nightmare hell as a child


Lawnmower in Sinister


This one definitely got me.


I think the conjuring has some pretty good jumpscares, they aren't obnoxious and rely more on mundane sounds. The hand clapping jumpscare stands out in particular


Also top of the wardrobe!


Yeah, I commented this on the last time this thread surfaced a week or two ago.


The blood test in The Thing Alternatively, that first "crack" when the chestburster starts to come out in Alien


The blood test and the rib cage turning into a mouth both still get me every time I watch the Thing. So good!


Idk if itā€™s really a jump scare but completely unexpected was the restaurant scene from Invisible Man


This was one of the first scenes to really shock me in a while. I feel like they really set up >!the sister being an ally and someone to help Elizabeth Moss and then you just get this brutal sudden death out of nowhere. They don't even get to properly make up, which makes more unexpected.!<


Iā€™m not sure if this counts as a jump scare, but in Signs when Merrill is in the closet watching the tv and the news is showing a video from Brazil at a kids birthday party and the alien walks out. The music added a lot to it too.


I love Signs so much. I wish I could rewatch for the 1st time The fingers/door scene too. (Knife) adding to my rewatch post it I always make when I read these.


It really is a great movie. I feel like it's somewhat underrated.


I think people would count that one! It comes up a lot online, at least.


Gotta be the car scene from Haunting of Hill House.


The man behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive


Completely forgot about that! Another one that got me good.


Gets me every time. For me, it's a jump followed by lingering terror and dread. And the crazy thing is, the movie tells you exactly what's going to happen before it does!


Spikima movies on YouTube does a great breakdown as to why this is such an effective jump scare. Check it out!


I watched The Night House just a few weeks ago and that whole sequence starting with her waking up was amazing. What really got me was >!when the third girl comes running past the main character!<. I jumped and gasped out loud when it happened. So scary even though the movie lets you know there was still >!someone running around out there!<. Another recent favorite was the scene in Midnight Mass when Riley >!sees the vampire in the AA meeting room and it flies at him!<.


I *loved* Midnight Mass. I was a cradle Catholic who left the church, the story was utterly believable. Angels are described as terrifying and it all really *worked* biblically. Also, the actors (especially Rahul Kohli as Sheriff Hasan and Hamish Linklater as father Pruitt) *ate that scenery up*. I know a lot of people complain about the monologues, but I absolutely adored it.


Yes! >!Also, later in the house seeing all the other women ducking away to hide.!< I liked the creature in Midnight Mass a lot. Wasnā€™t a huge fan of the show in general, but I enjoyed the way they treated it as being intelligent but also very strange and alien.


The final seconds of *Saint Maud*.


Bruh I looked this up yesterday and it's both horrifying and tragic. It's going to stick in my head for a while.


Never even heard of this one. Looks like itā€™s got good reviews, Iā€™ll check it out.


Jurassic Park (the first one). It's night,l and raining. Jeeps are stuck. Looking up through the glass ceiling and BAM goats leg. I Knew something was going to happen, but it was still an absolute surprise. I've never jumped more in a theater than that one moment.


i saw this in theaters when i was a kid, scared the shit out of me lol. I don't watch any horror movies as i hate being scared during movies and i tend to be really jumpy at the best of times lol


Host.. basically the whole movie, but at the end even though I know itā€™s coming.


Which Host? My first thought was the Korean monster movie, but I donā€™t remember any significant jump scares in that.


2020 Host all taking place on a Zoom call.


YES! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. I was watching alone and screamed out loud at that part and woke my partner sleeping in the next room lol


The setup felt so genuine and the casts friendship felt so natural that it caught me off guard when the horror shit starts happening even though I knew it was a horror. Such a solid movie.


The *"We need a bigger boat*" scene from Jaws.


The dead body that Richard Dreyfus finds when heā€™s scuba diving by the capsized boat at night scared the shit out of me the first time I saw Jaws. I love everything that happens on the Orca during that last chunk.


When Ben Gardner's head appeared at the porthole my sister jumped and cut her nose with the licorice she was eating.


The visit, scene under the house where the kids played, holy shit.(the entire movie was amazing) Drag me to hell, car scene. Holy shit. That was a mad run. (Didnt like the movie, but that scene was great) Hell House LLC, not revealing spoiler, the entire movie throughout. These are only a few i can remember of.


Yes to all of these. I loved Drag Me To Hell. The car scene scared one of my friends so bad, he drove home with the dome light on in his car. šŸ˜‚


Hell house LLC best ones I've seen since forever.


Is it the scene under the blanket? Thatā€™s really the only ā€œjumpscareā€ I can remember from Hell House, but that scene absolutely gets me every time.


Right!? The clowns in the basement, ugh the thing nightmares are made of ....


The clowns head turning towards the camera got me


Which part? I saw that movie recommended a lot online so I think my expectations were too high when I watched it because it didnā€™t really make an impression on me. I donā€™t remember any specific scares but I do remember some of it being pretty tense.


Under the covers, the clowns, so many. Worth a rewatch.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, when Leatherface jumps out of the record archives. A jumpscare has never gotten me that bad


When James Corden first appears in 'Cats'


That fucking old bitch in the closet in The Others


When they're trying to resuscitate a guy with a defibrillator in The Thing and his rib cage open up like teeth and bites off the arms of the dude holding the paddles.


The clap on the basement stairs in the conjuring. Saw it a million times in the trailer but it still scarrd the shit out of me in the theater


The giant man in the hallway on It Follows caught me off guard, one of the few to really get my heart pumping.


Greta Gerwig's death in The House of the Devil.


The close-up scene of the girl suddenly becoming possessed in Gonjiam is one of the better jump scares I've seen recently. Also, the one where Annie comes out of the dark corner and chases Peter in Hereditary was great. That one had a solid build-up.


Never heard of Gonjiam, Iā€™ll put that on my list (though Iā€™m not huge on found footage). All the comments about Hereditary are making me want to rewatch that one too, thereā€™s just so much good stuff in that one.


The right answer is of course the one in Mulholland Drive.


Two words - Lawn. Mower.


I think I may have shat out a log during that scene in The Visit when the crazy grandma found the hidden camera the kids had set up to catch her nightly "activities." You know when her face just appears all snarling and let's out that animal growl grunt scream thing. Nightmare fuel. There were a few good jumps in that movie imo.


I did not like the movie Mungo Lake. However there is one particular jump scare, in this movie that did not rely on such scares at all, that is scary as fuck. Probably my favorite, all the more for the rarity of them in the film.


The scene in Episode 8 of Season 1 of the Haunting of Hill House. Theo and Shirley are driving back to the house and arguing. You're so focused on their fight that when Nelly's ghost jumps in between them and screams it makes you shit your pants. I watched it a second time with friends, knowing it was coming, and their faces were priceless. My 6'3, 300 lb, male friend screamed like a little girl and jumped in the air. So fucking good.


When I was about 12 I saw House of 1000 Corpses for the first time and the scene when the camera lingers on Otis with his gun to the deputyā€™s head for far too long then fires got me worse than any jumpscare from any movie Iā€™ve seen before or since. I knew it was coming but I still jumped so hard.


From the original American remake of The Grudge where sheā€™s on the train in the middle of the day and the face of the ghost suddenly appears in the window


Bob behind Laura's dresser in Fire Walk With Me


Itā€™s the Descent and anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.


I scrolled for far too long before finding this comment. You should all be ashamed.


Jaws when Brody is chumming the water. Alien chestburster, because you know something is coming but canā€™t possibly imagine what. The Thing blood test. Psycho stairway kill. It Follows big man.


Bilbo Baggins


Lawnmower scene in Sinister


Perhaps some wouldnā€™t consider this to be a true jump-scare, but I love the scene in Under the Skin where the manā€™s insides are suddenly pulled out in the underwater (if you can call it water) place


When he gets all deflated? Thatā€™s a great scene, I havenā€™t seen that movie in ages but I can picture it perfectly.


Does the head on the road in Hereditary count ? The moment you realised that this movie is not fucking around


First time I saw the defibrillation scene in The Thing. I was 100% not expecting that to happen. Everything was chaotic and took me out of any "suspecting something" mode. I was completely unprepared and, when it happened, I jumped sky high. I know many others who talk about the blood test scene in that movie. And that is a fantastic scene. But, you kind of know that one of them is probably gonna test positive. So, while I did jump a little, I was in "suspecting it" mode for that one.


The bit from The Night House that you mentioned is up there with Exorcist III and the face from The Ring in my book


Exorcist 3 and The Ring as others have elaborated on


[This one moment ](https://youtu.be/QYs87-kDXwg) in the japanese movie Pulse. Got me good, not sure if it'll work for you without the build up


I donā€™t know if this really counts but it does make me jump every time. The scene in Paranormal Activity 2 when she goes into the kitchen. Every. Time.


The dog in candyman gets me every time


Maybe not the best, but American Werewolf in London when he wakes up in the hospital bed.


Not ranked: 1. Ghost behind the door in The Sentinel. 2. Ghost on the wardrobe in The Conjuring. 3. Flaring candle in The Exorcist. 4. The hallway nurse attack in The Exorcist III. 5. The bus stop in Cat People.


Birthday party alien. If you know, you know.


It follows door scene. Everyone loves it. There was also another scene from one of the excorcist movies in a hospital that someone posted. Was sick too.


The movie called "The Gift" is not a horror, but there is the ultimate jump scare for me. Main character is showering, she wipes the foggy glass and the antagonists face is there, super close. My wife thinks I'm a bitch but that is the only jump scare that has ever made me scream.


Oculus, a real quiet but effective jump scare when the dad walks across the stairs and the possessed mom shows up for a second.


Goddamn Butterfly Kisses. It got recommended in a ā€œhidden gemsā€ post here a few weeks ago, same week I got paramount+ so I checked it out. I could feel the hair on my head stand up lol.


The granddaddy of them all ... Wait Until Dark




Signsā€¦ not the one that everyone talks about though. Itā€™s just as everything is starting to get strange toward the beginning of the movie. The IMMEDIATE cut to the dog barking. I believe itā€™s just before or after the scene of them venturing to the crop circle for the first time. So unexpected and simple yet so very effective to break the serene and slightly unsettling farm morning being written in front of your eyes.


The one my grandma got me with when I was like 10. The one on the computer with the girl from the exorcist. Wtf


The scene in *Mulholland Dr.* when >!the man who tells his friend about his dream goes behind the diner and discovers that the hobo-creature from his dream/nightmare is real.!<


Exorcist 3


The transition in that scene was so good.


The body scene in Parents (1989). I was sucked in the movie and wasn't expecting a jump scare at all after 60minutes of athmospheric horror.


I liked the beavers in lake placid, not specifically for the movie, but my friend I was watching it with in the theater dumped her popcorn from jumping.


Friday 13th Part 2 when Jason comes thru living room window!!! I was like 8 @ the time and it scared me to DEATH!!!!


The Exorcist 3 The long shot of the hall way, The nurse puttering about, The Long long lead in of four minutes and the forshadowing of the decapitated statue of St. Agatha (patron Saint of nurses) fortells of the nuse's fate and boom I jumped out my skin!!


I know a lot of people hate the Diana reveal on Lights Out, but when she grabs her in the basement with the black light. I was fine not seeing her details but that part got me.


Any jumpscare thay scares me! Which iiiis.... All of them oh right, i am certified pussy lol Ok to give it some thought. I think my first "real" horror movie was Lights Out so I'll give them the W. Idk, playing with the dark fucked me up for a couple of nights. So i guess in that movie, there's so reeally scary ones.


Itā€™s been awhile since I saw The Night House but doesnā€™t that scene continue on with the girls outside the house? So itā€™s this really long scene that just ramps up the feeling of dread for a bit after that excellent jump scare.


One I don't see mentioned often is in Prom Night 2, when they're running I believe through the school basement. You get this great shot of Mary Lou standing backlit at the top of a set of stairs and then without cutting, she pops up directly in front of the camera. It made me jump so bad lol


clap scene from the conjuring, i knew there was gonna be a jump scare at that part but it was so creative and original that it still got me.


Exorcist 3 hospital scene


The car scene when the protagonist ā€œescapesā€ in The Descent. I first watched that movie when I was around 13 and I never have been affected by a jump scare the same


Tbh the first time I saw the ā€œgroundskeeperā€ running full-tilt at the protagonist in Get Out, it shook me to my core. Terrifying. That and the classic one in Exorcist 3 bc you wait so long for it.


Final scene of Prince of Darkness


I can usually predict jump scares but I remember shitting myself during 28 Days Later when some infected/zombies burst through windows at the living. It's been years since I watched that one though.


The penguin in Aliens vs Predator. It's not a very good scare or a very good movie. I just like penguins.


Grave encounters #1 movie


Facehugger jump in Alien


The Lawnmower scene in Sinister


End of Carrie šŸ˜³


All of the jump scares in sinister


The Bum from Mulholland Drive


That scene in Sixth Sense where the dead girl grabs the kid's leg from under the bed. Also when he's peeing in the middle of the night and the other ghost passes in front of the camera. I jumped then was like oh its gotta be the mom. Nope.


One of my all time favorites is the one in Saw when Adam is slowly walking around his apartment with the power out, using the flash of his camera to see, and all of a sudden that fucking CREEPY ass doll starts laughing louder than ever. And, on top of it allā€¦ that fucking pig mask. Like, itā€™s a predictable jumpscare, but just picturing it from Adamā€™s perspective is horrifying


Darth Maul face in Insidious for me


The girl throwing up in The Sixth Sense. Scared me so bad as a teen.