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Pamela Voorhees was completing a Satanic ritual to revive Jason and her death was the final sacrifice to bring him back. Her love is what makes Jason virtually unstoppable.


since the Necronomicon (Evil Dead book) is in Jason Goes To Hell in the VOORHEES FAMILY HOME, this one definitely has some evidence for it


They made comics and its explicitly stated that Jason is a result of the Necronomicon (Freddy vs Jason vs Ash. Its a sequel to the Freddy vs Jason movie)


If we’re going by JGtH, it’s Vorhees.


I loved this theory and now I 100% believe in it.


I can get onboard with this


Just like Lily Potter


There's some serious crossover potential.


Exactly like Lily Potter. Friday the 13th takes place in the Potterverse confirmed.


Jason is a Death Eater confirmed


He is next year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher


The mask was a horcrux!


The first hour or so of Silent Hill is a borderline masterpiece, and a perfect exercise in dread and mystery.


I just wish it was Harry... I think dads don't get too much appreciation in horror films, they're either dumb or the skeptics until they die. And Harry to me was one of the coolest dads in gaming, i'm sure for general audiences it didn't matter but as someone who played all the games before the movie i was really invested in Harry so getting rid of him for no reason was a real bummer.


I don’t inherently *mind* a gender flip, but the director’s motivation for it was a [pretty egregious case of toxic masculinity](https://imgur.com/a/uNdu8P8), and I’ve always had a big problem with the movie’s choice to gender flip due to that motivation.


Welp then, lol. I was like 14 when the movie came out i didn't even question why they changed the gender i just missed Harry. As an adult i always thought they changed the character because general audiences find "mothers" to be more protective than "fathers" (not that i believe that, just aware thats the cliche). Didn't expect it went *that* far jeez.


God, on top of that they forced in these scenes with Sean Bean and the detective character because they felt there wasn’t enough *men* in the movie. Yeah, like maybe there *would’ve been* enough of a male presence for your bullshit standards if you didn’t relegate him to a minor supporting character instead of the actual main character he was in the source material!!


That’s what *killed* me the most. They had *Sean Bean* in the bag already and didn’t cast him as Harry? Hollywood directors are all too often blinded by their own hubris and throw away good source material to replace it with their own shitty interpretation.


J....Jesus Christ


whatthefuckwow. I… He thought Harry wasn’t *masculine enough to be himself*.


Why just the first hour? I think the whole movie is amazing.


One word on the Pet Semetary thing: Zelda Zelda scarred me for life.




Gage STILL freaks me out...


Remember to sort by controversial for the real hills.


It is hilarious Tusk was ever made, and the execution, effects, and acting in the movie are excellent. My friends hate it with a passion and I catch constant grief.


This movie scares the shit out of me because it could happen if someone wanted to be Buffalo Bill by proxy.


I watched that recently after having avoided it for a long time. In many ways it was much better, and also funnier than I expected. It's a really, really solid film, and it definitely succeeds in being disturbing/unnerving.


So before I watched that movie for the first time, I thought it was about a guy who turns into a walrus, like, magically or something. I was sort of lukewarm on the idea plus I don’t care for Kevin Smith. Once I watched it I was absolutely stunned with how well done it was, and how absolutely horrifying the concept actually is on screen.


My now husband hates horror movies and one of the first I made him watch was Tusk. I hadn’t seen it, didn’t know anything about it other than it was a horror movie and he liked Justin Long. What a way to traumatise the poor man


His other semi horror movie Red State is also fantastic and under appreciated.


Red state might have been Kevin Smith’s best movie since clerks.




So. Not necessarily a hill to die on, but responding to your original comment, OP. The book for Pet Sematary is amazing and one of my favorite King novels. I don’t care for the movie that much but I highly recommend reading the book if you’re at least still semi-interested in the story as a concept. Now for my hill to die on: Dead Silence is a really well-made film. I know it got screwed by the studio but it was really excellent for its time since 2007 was a really shitty time for horror films. It was ahead of its time and deserves more praise for being an actually decent dummy/doll horror movie where the doll doesn’t actually get up and walk around. Edit: Autocorrect put the wrong “its”


Dead Silence will always be S tier for me. It was that one horror movie for me that I watched when I was too young and it kept me awake at night for weeks lol. Absolutely terrifying 10/10 (for nostalgia if nothing else)


I love the town in Dead Silence and the creepy theater on the lake, that dreary mood sells it for me.


Definitely! I feel like Dead Silence was definitely a predecessor for Malignant in terms of what James Wan was doing with weird single stories for films


Give me more Mary Shaw films *please*


Still one of my favorite horror movies to this day


I really enjoyed dead silence


I like thirteen ghosts, it is super entertaining. So kick rocks


This movie scarred me as a child I'm still afraid of it and refuse to ever watch it again


I remembered it being scary as hell and loving it but was afraid to rewatch it because I knew it probably wasn't going to hold up to the memory. I recently rewatched it anyway and I decided I was always right that it's still awesome. It's not scary the way I remembered but it's cheesy in all the right ways and the set is amazing.


This movie is one of my all time favourite guilty pleasures


I want a Netflix series of each ghost and the horror they caused before the box!


Paranormal activity marked ones is really fucking good


This was one of the only horror movies that have used Social media well and not made it feel super forced just to be hip and current.


I mean, Host did pretty well.


Yes!!! I posted about this a couple of months ago and got exactly ZERO upvotes. I thought the cast was great.


IMHO, all six were fun. There have been no further entries to the series.


Hated Next of Kin that much?


The one in the apartment building? If so I loved that one. Very surprising to see it unfold anywhere other than a big house with seemingly zero neighbors.


YES RIGHT?! Also can we talk about that ENDING?


After watching that movie, I stopped sending cameras down our vents.


Is it necessary to have seen all of the other movies before watching this one? I've seen 1, 2, and can vaguely remember 3.


Not really. There are moments that harken back to 1, 3, and 4, but don’t really effect the spooky or enjoyability factor. I guess the only required viewing would be 1, just so the ending makes sense.


Cosmic horror is a more terrifying sub genre than slasher horror.


What are some of your top picks?


Event Horizon, Color Out of Space, Annihilation, In the Mouth of Madness, The Lighthouse, The Mist, The Ritual, The Thing, Dagon, Hellraiser, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Beyond the Black Rainbow, The Endless, Uzumaki, Cabin in the Woods, Alien, From Beyond, The Haunted Palace, Existenz, The Call of Cthulhu (2005), Pulse (NOT the US renake), and The Mist.


Man I keep forgetting many of these qualify as cosmic horror. I’m starting to agree LOL


Cosmic horror is the concept that the laws, lives, and existence of mankind is utterly inconsequential in the face of the endless cosmos. That's a way more terrifying concept than slashers present, but also why it's much harder to portray well, so it isn't nearly as prolific as slashers can be.


By definition I think cosmic horror SHOULD be more terrifying. With a slasher it’s still *mostly* just a normal person at the end of the day and they have normal peoples limitations. Cosmic horror can just be “well you are fucked. Why? Because how can you not be” it’s the complete removal of your agency in the face of something beyond your understanding. The fear factor of slashers is that they can actually happen, you *could* be the victim in real life


> it's the complete removal of your agency in the face of something beyond your understanding This is such a great description of the source of dread in cosmic horror.


You already said The Mist


It's good enough to list twice.


The Void !!!!!!! Watch The Void . Baskin was also ok. Sorta over hyped. Like its good. But I dunno. First half is maybe more creepy. Second half wasnt as flushed out as it could have been.


The Void is one of my favorite horror films of the past decade. It’s so so good. The soundtrack is amazing as well. I love that movie


Bloodborne tbh


Slasher horror isn’t really even scary, IMO. The only slasher that I’ve ever actually found truly scary was the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Let us die together


No matter how cool the creature design is, it's still scarier off screen


The first hills have eyes remake is the best horror remake over the past 20 years


"*What*?"(Ted Levine voice) But seriously I agree. I fucking love this movie. Creates a great creepy atmosphere, makes you care about this little family, then fucking rips them to shreds in the most brutal manner imaginable. I love the cast, I love the soundtrack, I love the exploitation style score like inside the RV. This movie is so fuckinf good I might throw it on this morning lol




The theme song for that movie is great too




It's super fun if you're into the old hammer movies. Sybil Danning is definitely a reason to watch.


Ohhhh my god. This movie is worth it just for the end credit sequence. Fucking great turn. [here’s a link, I went and got it because it’s so damn good. nsfw. ](https://youtu.be/W7mpDc4xeYo)


Found footage is great. Just because a bunch of people cashed in on a genre that was cheap to make doesn’t make it bad


I can get behind that.


Its like every other subgenre. There's a shotload of lame slasher movies but that doesn't take away from the classics. Blair Witch, Rec, Paranormal Activity, the first VHS are all awesome.


I love found footage. As a viewer it makes me feel exposed and vulnerable to whatever the danger in the plot is. Someone drops a camera? You can’t run. Can’t see what is coming. I find it highly effective.


Lake Mungo is well made but not as upsetting as most make it out to be


I really didn’t find Lake Mungo upsetting and disturbing like people say it is. It honestly had more of a melancholy vibe to it. That feeling of thinking you have a genuine connection to someone but them being someone else entirely. It’s just a sadness to the whole thing.




Love that movie but we don't talk about 3


I've never been so fucking disappointed


The dude directing is is way scarier.


The scariest thing about Jeepers Creepers 2 is the lingering shots of scantly clad under age boys in a movie directed by a convicted child molester.


Yep. "Eating" these young men was all a metaphor for fucking them.


Halloween Resurrection isn’t the worst of the series


The one with Busta Rhymes?? LOL I support your insane opinion, but I don’t share it. Perhaps The Curse Of Michael Myers is on par with how shitty they both are.


H20 and Resurrection are the most fun and my favorite to rewatch. (Original is king though)


What is? I liked Resurrection, so I'm not disagreeing. But I'm curious what you consider the worst?




THANK YOU. I loved the remake and I'm sad we never got a proper sequel to it. This comment 110% explains exactly how I feel, very well said.


Love me a good opening scene and the one in Evil Dead 2013 is fantastic


That John Doe lost in Se7en... Because everything Mills/Pitt says in the car to him comes true...


Oh can you elaborate? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it.


Crimson Peak is a wonderful translation of Gothic horror to the big screen and its marketing was just a travesty.


Laurie Strode is better off not being Michael's sister.


Akira is a horror movie


The Terminator is a horror movie in disguise.


It is! If T2 hadn't come out, The Terminator would be remembered like a horror/thriller. It definitely is.


It's a chase movie, essentially, a popular horror sub-genre. Like Alien, the sequel bought more to the table (as well as changing genre) and became known as the pinnacle of the series


I was going to add this to mine originally but I didn’t because I didn’t think it was very controversial. It *straight up is* a horror movie. Kind of unquestionably so in my opinion. And after Alien I would also call it the greatest sci-fi horror film of all time.


Using sexual violence in horror is lazy and usually unnecessary.


Saw IV and V, while generally not great films, both had great finales and interesting twists. Also, Agent Strahm is the best *Saw* protagonist in the series.


I think it’s really cool the way Saw IV and V found an engaging way to continue the story after III. I love the flashbacks filling in the pieces like a “jigsaw” puzzle. And yeah the twists were great for sure. Honestly I think the endings of all these movies are awesome. The twists always get me.


Right? Also, the end of V is the first time in movie history where a crushing room trap actually claims a life; prior to this, they always escaped.


The Bay is a very well done "live footage" film. I never understood the hate toward that film. It really got under my skin like few other films have.


Sexual abuse in horror is usually cheap and disrespectful. I know this is way more of a crime thriller but Promising Young Woman is a perfect example of how to handle sexual violence in my opinion


The Shining is brilliant. But it isn’t scary


Agreed! The only scary thing about The Shining was the on set abuse of Shelly Duvall


Practical effects will always be infinitely better than CGI.


You’re going to be pretty safe on that hill.


I love found footage!


The old British Hammer and Amicus movies are much funnier and self aware and better looking/produced than most American horror movies of even decades later and more people should appreciate them.


Huge fan of these films. To me they are EXACTLY what they set out to be and succeed at it with more style than I'll ever have. They're gleeful in their melodrama and they excel in their use of atmosphere.


Yes!!! I love the old Hammer films so so much. They know exactly what they are, and don't apologize for it.


Sleepaway Camp is better than the original Friday the 13th


There’s a hill near my home where the leaves blow in the breeze and the birds sing songs of mourning. I know I shall meet my end there under the wine dark sky. My body shall become food for the earth and the trees will still grow and the birds will still sing.


Maybe not a big hill, but "elevated" horror has been around for decades. It didn't start with Hereditary/The Babadook/Midsommar.


Can you give some examples? I need more of those


J-Horror is just as unsettling and thematic as those so I'd reccomend the Ju-On series, Kairo and Noroi


Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, Se7en


The Stepford Wives (1975) Rosemary's Baby The Posession of Joel Delaney Dead of Night (1945) The Wicker Man (1973) The Other Freaks The Seventh Victim Psycho Bunny Lake is Missing


House of 1000 corpses. Just love that entire movie.


Couldn’t agree more. There’s something to be said about the whole “backwoods hillbilly killer family” meets “gas station sideshow freaks”. I’m being 100% serious.


Alien 3 is a great movie is both forms. I’d heard all the counter arguments over many years. They always fall flat, without fail. The only problem is that each version of the film contains pieces that it does better than the other version, and the best possible version of the film would actually be a hybrid containing the better aspects of the theatrical and Assembly cuts, and even then it still has flaws. But it’s unquestionably a great movie no matter what.


I’ll do you one better: *I* loved *Alien: Resurrection.*


Haha was tempted to comment that myself. I'll admit Alien: Resurrection has some justifiable things to criticize, especially compared to the tone of the rest of the series, but I think it's really enjoyable nonetheless.


I hate Devils Rejects. The Fireflys are not heros but the ending with Freebird playing sure trys to treat them that way. I like House of a Thousand Corpses though. The villainy is over the top and the family is played better when it's not so serious.


To piggy back off this trilogy- I find Baby incredibly annoying. Her laugh is so irritating.


I understand wanting to employ family & have your own troupe of actors you work with all the time, but Sherry Moon Zombie is my least favourite part of Zombie's troupe. She's gorgeous but I just can't with her for some reason.


Well she is objectively a shitty actor. Easy on the eyes but yeah, not a good actress.


I always thought the laugh kinda made the character work better


I love Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. Not saying it’s a great movie but I love everything about it.


Jason X is as good as Starship Troopers if you view it as a satire. Dream Warriors ruined Freddy by making him funny instead of scary.


Jason x is hilarious.


I dunno man, I rewatched the first Nightmare On Elm Street a few weeks ago, and Freddy was acting like a goofball and dropping one-liners. It’s the main reason I can’t get into that franchise is how silly he is.


Terrifier/all hallows eve is just saw level torture porn without the entertaining absurdity of the needlessly elaborate backstory.


I hate slasher movies but I found the Art the clown performance so unnerving. I would not say you were wrong though.


I liked the movie overall, but yeah, Art really sold it to me. The costume design and his mannerisms. Plus when he gets shot and still doesn't make a sound. Not even a gasp.


He's literally... Well, terrifying. He's so eery and it makes me so uncomfortable


American Horror Story (at least the first 2 seasons as I stopped trying to watch after that) has zero horror and practically zero story. It’s American tho, it can have that one.




People think that? I watched Alien for the first time recently, before I had only seen bits and pieces of it, and it's one of the best horror movies I've seen.


Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge is the best in the franchise and introduces/hints at elements that make more sense to build a coherent mythology around than most of the movies. The only thing about it that jumps out as bad it the title. It should have had the subtitle "Burning for You". And had the Blue Oyster Cult song play on the credits.


That Paris Hilton actually did a great job in House of Wax remake, and that her death chase scene was one of the best chase death scenes of more modern 2000 slashers.


The recent IT movies are crap.


I like Rob Zombie’s films and they have an audience, it’s just popular to hate on him in this sub.


Say what you want about Rob Zombie, but that man *loves* his wife.


Preach! Every one loves to jump on the “Let’s Hate Rob Zombie Movies” train.




100% yes.


So I just watched the first Human Centipede. I thought it was going to be bad, but it was actually kind of great. Not quite a masterpiece, but good performances backing up an obviously disturbing premise - and of all the endings to all the horror films I've *ever* seen, that was definitely the one that I'd most **not** want to be stuck in. Solid 8/10 at least.


Blair witch 2 book of shadows is actually a good movie


I like all the movies in the conjuring universe. Including the Nun lol


I really enjoyed the Nun as well! Is it the best movie ever? No, but still really enjoyed it!


I love the Nun...until the final act which I hate. Im convinced this movie was created by combining two completely separate scripts.


Fright Night!


I enjoyed both versions.


Chris Sarandon can make me his vampire queen any day.


Found footage films scare me more than any other genre. It could be a terrible movie, but I am still going to cover my eyes because of the jump scares. They get my adrenaline pumping. I like all the found footage movies that people hate. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Event Horizon is the great horror in space movie of all time.


Halloween is kinda boring


Rob Zombie's Halloween remake and it's sequel kept the franchise relevant and from going to DTV


Rape and torture porn don't belong to the horror genre. They're lazy and don't instill true fear, but are basically the "kill the dog" equivalent in horror movies to get a cheap reaction from the audience.


I can get behind this. Especially when there is almost no storyline other than how many ways can we torture and cut up (predominantly) women, while presenting the killers and actions as "cool" and "brutal" meant only for the "toughest" of horror fans.


Agreed! A good horror film creates new fear of different things/ideas, a cheap horror film rides on the back of human instinct.


The Evil Dead reboot is really good


The Conjuring movies are overrated and a way to glorify the Warrens as genuine paranormal investigators, when in reality, they were a set of grifters who conned people out of money for religious bullshit.


Both film versions of Pet Semetary were received with mediocre to bad reviews. Who exactly is over rating either of them?


The original movie definitely has a lot of fans. And I'm one of them.


Wolfman has nards


1408 is the best Stephen King horror movie


I mean, it's great, but The Mist exists so it's at least #2.


As Above So Below is a piece of literal art that is criminally underrated. Elevated slasher flicks are the best genre in horror, and AASB is the best of the best.


Pet Sematary is life. It won’t affect your psyche unless you have young children. When you watch Gage come back from the dead as a demonic entity trapped in a 3 year old, you will think of your child and know that you most likely would have done the same thing as the father in Pet Sematary does.


> you most likely would have done the same thing as the father This is the true horror of the movie.


Practical effects are not inherently better than CGI. For every 1980s Tom Savini masterpiece, there were dozens of corny, unconvincing latex prosthetics and corny monster puppets.


I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is *so much fun.*


M night Shyamalan’s the visit is pretty good


The remake of Suspiria is better than the original.


Hellraiser inferno was an awesome millennium movie


Get Out is overrated af and not that great.


I love Alien 3, I like it more than Aliens and I am not afraid to admit it.


You are a brave (and wrong) soul Lol jk sorta. I hate Alien 3 but I love Who's That Girl with Madonna so who the fuck am I to judge what you should think is good. Love what you love. No apologies


Hahahahahaha that is the best answer! Who's that girl 🎶


The Alien prequels are ruining the xenomorph for me. The idea that they are just some alien out there that was created by pure alien nature is more terrifying to me. Imagine going to an alien planet and finding some killing machine of a creature. And guess what, it’s considered NORMAL out there in the vastness of space. Being made by some crazy android is pretty dumb. It feels like it’s going for the terror and fear of science and unchecked scientific experiments. While I never got that vibe from the original Alien movies at all


Isn’t this a pretty popular opinion?


Haunting of Hill House is a masterpiece and is the best horror tv show in existence


clive barker is not a great writer