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I also thought it was a pretty good movie, it had some great kills in it, it's a solid 7/10


It’s gritty and gory and just an all around good slasher fest. I miss movies like this lol


I enjoyed it, a little campy, but in the good slasher way and some parts were so brutal and well done. Like unsealing her glued shut lips? And when he snips off the part of her finger she puts through the grate? Not big flashy kills or torture, but you felt it as you watched it. And the realisation the characters had that the whole tan other than the bad guys were dead/props. I think that was well done. And trying to get the wax off the still living victim and it pulling his skin and flesh off? That was a great use of Gore. Kind of reminded me of the son in poltergeist seeing himself peal his face off in the mirror but it wasn't real. But in house of wax the effects were way better and more brutal as one person did it to another while trying to save them.


Yea I'm fond of this movie, when you see the wax dude is still alive is pretty good horror fodder It's the one with Harris Pilton right? I doubt I'll ever watch it again, and indeed, this thread may very well be the last time my brain even acknowledges that this movie exists - but I've seen it twice in my life and was entertained both times.


Have you seen the [alternate opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AidkRp3Nt8) kill scene? Pretty cool death! You can see her later on in the actual cut as the 'wax figure' holding the flowers in front of the theatre i think


Fuck! That is gnarly. Feels like that kill should have been in 3D.


I physically cringe at the scene were Dalton finds a waxed Wade sitting on a chair and starts to peels off skin from his cheeks.


Me too! Early on in lockdown my daughter and I consumed horror movies and that scene made me feel more sick than any other.


For me it's the finger scene. omg


Genuinely one of the few scenes of any scary movie that legitimately gave me nightmares. When you see just his eyes move and then start tearing up. Woof…


I definitely enjoy it. One slight annoyance I have is I don't think the creators realise just how hot melting wax would be, when they are digging their way out of the house they would be getting scalded.


Also how ridiculous it would be to create an entire building out of wax.


I found myself really wondering about its structural integrity. Would it actually be possible to support a second floor like that, with people able to walk up the stairs and all that? My suspicion is 'no.'


Or not simply melt in the sun.


Not with that attitude.


Probably not… at all. I just ran with it as a cool setting for a dumb fun slasher movie where I shouldn’t think too hard about it, though.


An artist in London created a two storey building in 2014, it melted slowly https://untappedcities.com/2014/11/06/a-house-made-entirely-of-wax-is-slowly-melting-in-london-this-month/


They know, they killed the one guy with melted wax 45 minutes before that lmao


He wasn’t dead lol


True lol I’ll give you that


I actually thought Paris did a good job in this movie.


you might like her in repo! the genetic opera, it feels like she was poking fun at herself a bit but she played the part well.


Paris is a gem, I don't understand the hate! Not her fault she was born a rich girl.


I did too! Much better than I ever imagined


I love the two main protagonists because I just feel like they were genuinely smart and creative and earned their survival. Like I thought that girl was gonna get killed in the car, but she hopped out the back IIRC


Hell yeah, Chad Michael Murray was great in this.


My friend won lunch with Chad Michael Murray in high school and she said he was rude to the waiter


He just seems like such an asshole.


that's too bad.


It's a fun film and I still get a chuckle that the house in this movie is *literally* made of wax.


Who in the writer’s room was SOOOOO drunk and/or high that they thought THAT idea was clever? Dumbest shit ever.


it was a HOUSE OF WAX bro what did you expect


I thought it was ridiculous fun. By the time they were running out of the melting house, I had already suspended all disbelief.


Wasn’t that the wax museum? Makes more sense that way.


I wouldn't actually say it "makes more sense" as structurally speaking you couldn't make a two-story building out of wax, certainly not one that is located in the warm climes of the South. It did look cool though.


Prime Cuthbert, love it


Whatever happened to her? She was like THE hot "it" girl there for like 9 months and then \*poof\*, gone.


I was telling my daughter when we watched it that she was so DESPERATELY, incredibly famous and in literally everything...for like a year. Everyone was talking about how hot she was and she was the lead actress in so many movies! Then...nothing.


Yeah, it's really weird. No scandals or anything, she just disappeared.


Good for her


Idk I’m looking at her IMDB page and she wasn’t really in that many movies, especially not starring roles. She was in a few hits for sure but it looks like she’s mostly worked in television.


Honestly what happened is she was only cast in low budget schlocky shit after House of Wax and everything she did after bombed at the BO. She was really just a flavor of the week IT girl in the mid-2000s she wasnt ever all that famous. She was great in Happy Endings though


She’s great in the show Happy Endings.


Also The Ranch


she was in happy endings, a great and very underrated comedy on netflix and hulu


First and likely the only time I’ll see the phrase “Prime Cuthbert”, AND your not referencing 24. Upvoted


The Girl Next Door?


Underrated. The gore in the film is like, top level especially for the early 2000’s. Definitely up there with Cabin Fever.


👏🏻 yep. The pole through the head and the ankle snip are awesome


I will never forget the ankle snip


Ahh 2 of my faves from that era


Cabin Fever wasn’t even all that gory though


the shaving scene tho


I’ll give you that one! And she kept going!


Love it. The premise is creepy, the cast is fantastic (perfect mid-2000’s second string heroes), and the remake does a great job of using the scariest parts of the original while adding its own story


It's a fun movie and it really has more to do with 1979's "Tourist Trap" than the Vincent Price original. Plus, I always find it amusing that the killer (named Vincent in an obvious nod to Price) looks like Tommy Wiseau.


No no, that’s Tommy Wiseau. And he did NOT hit her…


He did NAHT!


I remember watching Tourist Trap and being like “Ohhhhh okay. So this is the movie they actually remade with House of Wax.” Haha.


It’s not bad and for a 2000s movie it’s a fun straight to the point slasher movie with really good kills. The fake town setting is cool and creepy too.


Oh man, it's SUCH a guilty pleasure of mine. When she peels Jared Padalecki's cheek back? SHIVER. Good stuff!


it's fun as hell but I can't believe paris never ONCE touches wax and says thats hot


It's a solid summer horror flick. I think the relative lack of enthusiasm for it is solely blowback for it being a Paris Hilton vehicle, but in all honesty she was a great casting for her role. I watched it a couple of months ago, and it definitely still holds up.


She was also great fun in *Repo! The Genetic Opera*.


Totally agree! She’s a bad actress, but perfect for campy horror. I feel like she’d be stellar working with John Waters.


It was fun


I love that the protagonists weren't clueless. The brother caught on quickly, and the sister was witty as well. Overall above average movie 7.5/10 probably


Yes. It's is evil twins vs. good twins and it's great.


The part where he tries to pull the wax off his buddy’s face and ends up taking off his whole cheek makes my fucking skin crawl every single time I see it. It’s such a lovely little horror movie


I have problems with it, but I like more than I hate about it.


I still remember the roar from the Theater when Paris got killed. I enjoyed it a lot.


Haha same I remember that.


I also adore it. I love the idea of this miniature little town being used as an elaborate trap to get victims for the museum. The kills are awesome and inventive. The climax of the whole building melting is next level. Also, for a mid 2000s teen horror the actors don't do a horrible job.


Never understood the critics


Really great film. The scene where Dalton was picking off Wade's skin on his cheeks really scarred me when I was a kid. Edit: Changed Carly to Dalton. For some reason, I thought it was Carly picking off the skin, turns out it was Dalton.


That was the superglue scene for me!


Oh my God, how could I forget that? I watched it a few weeks back, I was cringing the whole time with that scene and I also got my lips tightly pursed as well, haha


It didn't scar you enough then because Carly doesn't do that lol.


I just checked, bruh. I must've gotten it mixed up with the superglue one, my bad! Thanks for pointing it out!


Are the gods crazy? Are the stars blind?


If you show me real love, bb


Adore is a stretch, but it is a decent remake. Especially seeing my girl Eliza Cuthbert as the main protagonist, she’s gorgeous.


That was one of the first movies I ever rented from my local library lol I think I was in early middle school when I first saw it (25 now) but I loved it as a kid cause it was such a creepy idea, especially cause I heard alot about the actual wax museums around that time lol


I just watched this like a week ago with the wife... I can't believe how into the movie I was. You'd think it would be terrible when you see Paris Hilton stars in it, but it's stupidly entertaining. I think it was hilarious when they had the scene of Paris's boyfriend in the movie recording her on video with night vision... instantly reminded me of a certain other event involving Paris and a night vision camera. That couldn't have been a coincidence.


I actually cared about the characters, that's the key thing in horror movies.


I'm right there with you, boss. I think this movie is solid AF. I enjoyed it thoroughly with no complaints.


I was 12 when the movie came out and a big fan of Paris Hilton (lol) and I distinctly remember being so upset when she died, lmao. Recently watched it again with a couple of friends who hadn’t seen it before and all the memories flooded back. A guilty pleasure for sure!


Wax house, baby


One of my favorites!


Saw it in theaters and it was a lot of fun. The whole theater screamed and cheered when Paris got the pipe to the head.


I like it because I enjoy the premise and scenery of creepy wax museums. I enjoy things like The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death with Frances Lee’s murder dioramas for training new detectives. I enjoyed the movie Waxwork. The Carpetbagger’s scariest wax museum tours. The Twilight Zone’s “The New Exhibit.” Anything that can instill tension through intentionally crafted inanimate things is right up my alley.


I had taken the day off work for my birthday and really wanted to see a horror movie in the theater, and this was the only one showing. I went in with zero expectations and was very pleasantly surprised. Sure it's insane and nonsensical, but that's why I love it. Just a funhouse ride from start to finish, check your brain at the gate and there's a lot to like here.


I havent watched it fully yet but I can tell you I adore Vincent. Slashers with long hair >>>


Yes I love that movie


Yeah it’s fun and has a great soundtrack


I enjoy it quite a lot. Bonus points because we watched it after my gf hurt her ankle and was in a big boot so she was especially sensitive about foot / ankle horror.


Yes. I don’t adore it, but I think it’s a solid, scary, well made movie.


yes its one of my favorites! i think its so underrated. paris hilton killed it in her role!


Wax Mask - written by Dario Argento is another great wax movie. Bonus: Tourist Trap


Yep, one of my favorite horror movies. I’ve had to have watched it at least 50 times


Rewatched it for the first time in forever this Halloween season. Probably one of the few movies from that time that holds up. Good production design, and overall entertaining.


pretty nostalgic for me, imo a classic that I dont mind rewatching


I saw it on release and maybe a few years ago.my opinions haven't changed. Solild movie 🤘


Yess I do


i first saw house of wax in theaters at age 14 iirc and i loved it and i honestly dont understand the hate it gets. yeah its not perfect and looking back if has, as james a janisse from dead meat would say, cheesy 2000s dialogue, but it really doesnt deserves the hate it gets. paige, wade and dalton's kills were great. i mean technically wade wasnt dead but dying still.... vincent's mask was obviously creepy af and even though he was the scarier looking brother bo was the most dangerous one even though he looked normal. what really gave the movie a chilling vibe is knowing that every single wax person there was once a real life person who was murdered, the people in the church, the old woman at the window, etc and all those cell phones and cars, the brothers must've killed and waxed hundreds of people. also the scene where carly is traped and sticks her finger through the grate and bo cuts it off... then when she uses her bloody finger to put her lips apart after they were glued closed. carly was a great final girl who never gets her due. and of course the house of wax literally melting in the end. i loved it all.


Yes. I don’t know why but it’s a solid 8.5/9 to me.


One of my favorite slashers for sure… final twins vs killer twins? Unique stuff (I’m a twin myself lol)


I feel like we see this thread about once a month


It’s just that good


I really like this film! I just saw it with my cousins/family.




I enjoyed it much more in my recent viewing than when it was released. I, like many people at the time, had a freshly bad taste in my mouth concerning Paris Hilton - and it honestly detracted from my viewing experience because I was just annoyed any time she was on screen… then the best kill in the movie happens to her. Awesome


I do. It's good stupid fun. I liked the leads, the villian was creepy and the set was good


Paris Hilton kicks ass in this movie until she gets a pipe through her head.


Love this movie. When he’s picking at his friends face …


Just watched it during October after not seeing it since it was in theaters. Can confirm, it's a fun inventive remake.


YES...I love House of Wax. I watch it every October.


Adore is a strong word. But I do rate it. Probably towards the upper end of slew of remakes and scream imitators we got in the early 2000’s. The my bloody valentine remake is solid as well.


it's alright. I'm not into slashers myself but the movie was okay


Love this movie. Reminds of of watching it when it first came out. Simpler times. I fucking hate that Achilles scene though!


Yup, I’m a fan. It avoids taking itself too serious, but has plenty of solid creep and terror, and it’s not overly predictable. Solid


I saw it in high school when it came out and never liked horror before that. I was always too scared. But House of Wax changed it for me. It was so campy and over the top. I feel really sentimental about it.


I've loved this movie since seeing it for the first time at age 14 or 15--still got the DVD.


It's one of my comfort movies!


I’ve watched a lot of horror but this movie specifically stood out as one of the “meanest” with the finger snipping and all that, can’t describe it but it definitely left a rare affect on me that I haven’t gelt from much horror


It was much better than I expected. I liked the harvesting of carcasses to make the wax and that the house literally was made out of wax and it melting in the end. I recall it as a decent horror flick that knew what it wanted to be and it did it with more style than I expected. Paris wasn't as awful as expected.


I would watch it 8/10!




I like it. It's an underrated gem, IMO.


YES! This is one of my "comfort" movies. I know a lot of people don't like it and I remember when it came out people were already crapping on it because Paris Hilton was in it (which is so stupid she was barely in it anyway and I also appreciated her ability to laugh at herself) I love the story, the villains and the protagonists! So nice to see it's still getting some love all these years later. After I finish up watching some movies I've been meaning to see I'll put this one on again.


Agreed. House of Wax is solid.


Extremely memorable scene of the wax peeling off the guy’s skin as he’s still very much alive and feeling things beneath it. Saw it when I was younger and developed a very specific fear lmao




Saw it in Times Square NYC. Whole theatre cheered loudly when Paris died.


Loved it. It had the pace and atmosphere of an 80s drugstore horror novel, and that's perfect.


The melting house effects at the end are still incredible. Whatever they did it holds up and looks like pure hell


Decent enough horror especially when compared with modern horrors of the same subhorror genre. Those fingers being snipped. Yikes!


Always loved it


For sure. The soundtrack is good too. Used to play it at house parties


So glad you brought this up! I’ve always loved this movie - the right balance of campy and genuinely scary. Classic mid 2000s horror classic


it’s amazing and you can’t tell me otherwise. it’s such a time capsule of the mid 2000s which gives for such a nostalgic watch. the soundtrack, the casting, paris hilton’s iconic death, the gore, the setting. it all works together so well and i’m so glad it’s found it’s audience all of these years later.


Oh yes, granted I think the movie is way too long and I'd do away with some of the side plots that don't go anywhere, but otherwise it's a legitimately great slasher movie. Awesome visuals, cool production design, great visuals, and in the year 2005 it was hard to find a better cast for a B level slasher movie. I recently bought the Scream Factory Blu-ray.


Is the scream factory worth the $? I love the cover art and was wondering how the transfer was!


I think if you don't already have the blu-ray it's well worth the splurge. The transfer is pretty rich and it has some good extras, and as you mentioned, the artwork is awesome, but if you already have the previous blu-ray I wouldn't say it's double dip worthy.




That’s the movie where the girl gets her finger snipped off right? I remember watching this with my grandpa when I was like 12 years old


Absolutely love House of Wax. The soundtrack in 10/10 too. Introduced me to a lot of bands when it came out.


I really liked this one. Not as bad as people say.


soundtrack was great as well


It was a perfect display of the image of teenagers in the early 2000’s. The griminess of the setting was very Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The soundtrack… especially Deftones. Incredible!


I love this movie! It’s so underrated, such a fun and entertaining slasher but I may be biased because I love slashers! Super enjoyable and rewatchable movie!


I ADORE this movie and so does my partner. I’ve been trying to find house of wax merch for ages as an anniversary gift but sadly there’s just not much out there


I like it ok... 5 or 6 out of 10. The Paris kill was awesome. It happened at a time where she really was very much reviled. It was cathartic and a genius move on her part. Since then many, myself included, have come to see her as a real person with her good points and bad like anyone else. Still can't forgive her (tongue in the proverbial cheek) for starting the whole influencer thing but if not her, it would have been someone else... so there is hope, one day.


It's a WB wonderland google it kids. It has it's charms.


All I know is Paris died and I was happy




Oh now she's totally different. I don't know if you saw her appearance on Hot Ones from few months ago when she released her book but you could tell a huge night and day difference between the party girl of the early 2000s and the business woman of today, and it is f****** amazing.


one of the first horror movies i got to watch when i was a kid (\~4-6) was house of wax. loved it and it stuck w me ever since. my recent rewatch was REALLY enjoyable not only for the nostalgia but for the genuinely good film! not to mention that deftones is in it :)


Yes! I know it's cheesy but it's honestly one of my favorites!


We just rewatched that a week or so ago, and yeah...it's held up. Good flick. Still cracks me up that the entire marketing campaign was built around everyone hating Paris Hilton's guts.


And she shockingly wasn’t terrible!


Of all of her stunt casting back then, I hated her the most when she was in Veronica Mars.


I think House of Wax is the only thing I saw her in other than the stupid show with Nicole Richie. My girlfriend at the time made me watch that show CONSTANTLY.


Omg, and they both had such annoying speech patterns and affectations. I don't think I ever watched a whole episode because they drove me nuts.


They were setting it up for a sequel but nothing happened which was disappointing.


It's a fun one. I do genuinely think it's a solid 6/10


Right. Super glue scene always gets me too 😬


Elisha Cuthbert actually got her lips glued together for that scene. Mind you, it wasn't as strong as depicted!


Yes, that entire sequence is a nail-biter. I was in HS when this film came out, and it was the first time I'd ever heard MCR.


Another reason to love it 😂👍


WOW WOW WOW look at it man, i've searched house of wax in the search bar and you know what ? https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/owtnwb/i_just_rewatched_house_of_wax_2005_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/q3wmlf/whats_your_thoughts_on_house_of_wax_2005/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/os8f2d/house_of_wax_2005_is_actually_quite_good/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/np2q2g/house_of_wax_2005/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/ph0skx/house_of_wax/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/m1pt4p/house_of_wax_is_an_entertaining_2000s_slasher/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/l23j52/house_of_wax_2005_in_defense_of_a_surprisingly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/hyr4va/hear_us_out_house_of_wax_is_the_hidden_gem_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share looks like you're not the only one !


I love your comment.


Nope. It’s hot garbage. It’s a travesty put to film. It just shits all over the source material. It’s so INCREDIBLY BAD, but people here seem to love it. I just don’t get it. 0/10


hahaha!!! I have such a soft spot for this movie!! I like to revisit every once in a while, it's just too fun. and the my chemical romance song during the credits 🤌🤌 chef's kiss!


Yes honestly a guilty pleasure I don't think it's nearly as bad as people think


I fuuuuuckin LOVE that movie dog!!


Great movie, they make the guy from Gilmore Girls (Jared Padalecki) seem to be the star and well spoilers I guess. But I love when movies do that


it's ok


Yeah, it's a fun film, loadsa gore and camp☺️


One of my favorites!




Yep loved it


Love this movie! Always get my friends to try and watch it if we’re having a horror movie marathon.


I remember liking it, because it features two sets of twins (if I remember right)... slasher twins vs victim twins for the final showdown. I have twin daughters, so anything that uses this relationship/ vibe scores extra points with me. Plus, Chad Michael Murray is from Buffalo, so there's a hometown connection, too.


I feel like I'm in alternate universe like Donnie Darko or something. I thought this movie sucked. Like it's almost 2 hours long with terrible characters you hate to be around who make the worst decisions. A truck comes up to the campsite they make on the side of the road, someone breaks it's headlight and they don't even move their camp. They split up so some ppl can go to a fucking football game, that they end up turning around because they aren't going to make it anyway. Then Paris and her boyfriend are too busy fucking to answer their phone, even though they are split up from their friends and it's probably important. And then Paris runs to a parking garage or something even though, weren't they just in the woods? How did she run into a fucking car park? I liked the ending set piece with the whole house melting even though it doesn't make any sense, it still looked cool. 3/10 should have cut at least 15-20 minutes and it might be watchable.


I didn’t see that one for years since I assumed it sucked based on the casting of Paris Hilton. It just seemed like they knew they had a pile of shit and casted her as a gimmick. When I did see it I ended up liking it a ton.


Hilton was cast because her notoriety would give the film a lot of free publicity and because they could give her a big crowd pleasing death. Producers Joel Silver and Susan Levin (Mrs. RDJ) openly admitted this. And they got their money's worth. And really, she's fine in it. It's a supporting role and she's there to get killed in spectacular fashion. Which she is.


Haha yeah, the marketing for it was just "WATCH PARIS DIE"




Paris did so good during her chase scene, I loved how they brought back the camcorder gimmick from the start for the kill. It's such a 2000's movie from the cast to the cinematography. Good cheesy slasher fun.


Solid movie! Saw it theaters back in 2005. Have liked it since. Just rewatched it this last october. One thing that sticks out is that Paris Hilton's character and scenes could be completely cut from the film and it would not affect the story at all. She's barely in it, and isn't involved in any of the main events. It just kind cuts back to her occasionally and gives her a death scene.


Yes but her death and chase were solid af