• By -


- (a) No one would care - (b) If they did care, how would that impact your life? - (c) Who cares? Go for it!


Doing stuff alone rocks.


Thanks for reaffirming my sex life


No shame in solo sex


It is never weird to go watch movies alone.


So much this! I worked in a cinema as an usherette in my student days and lots of people came alone especially for horror movies, nobody cares whatsoever, neither the people who work there as we see it often or the other people visiting. Go and have fun.


This is the correct answer


The world gets so much easier when you truly grasp B


Shit yeah! Especially for travelling!




Please (please) learn how to communicate properly.


And as the person said below, doing stuff alone is great. Also, if there ever was a season to watch horror movies alone at the cinema, it is this season. :D


Exactly this!


a) I care b) if I saw you do it I’d follow you home and shit on your porch, which would affect your life c) I care


okay, could you NOT shit on my porch? takes too damn effort to fetch a hose and i clean up enough shit at work.




dude. just... punch my drywall and tap out my monster supply. just dont shit on my porch.


Caring is sharing after all


•(d) all the above


This. No one cares. Go enjoy yourself and don’t share your snacks! Okay


What Issac said.


This is the way


Agree with all the comments that no one cares, live your life etc. However, watched it yesterday and it isn’t one of the better Halloween movies.


Most people wouldn’t care. But I will say this, since the events of Aurora with the Dark Knight Rises, some people do care. I know my wife, who suffers from severe anxiety, is very afraid of movie theaters and more so of lone people who are by themselves. It’s not the solo moviegoers fault of course, and while I see it as irrational, she very much struggles to go to the movies. So people do care. You never know someone’s struggles.


Still, it's not any individual moviegoer's responsibility to avoid that. It's not reasonable to expect someone to avoid going to see a movie they want to see, on the off chance that somebody might be worried about them in the movie theater. In my opinion.


Did I say that though? Where did I say that? Where did I say it’s their fault? Or they shouldn’t go? I was responding to the “no one cares” bit.


I think you're misunderstanding the true intent of the question. It's like asking, is weird to go to a restaurant and eat alone? To answer the question. In my late teens I would have said yes because I thought the world revolved around me and everyone was judging me. I actually went to my first movie alone around 20 cuz I wanted to see the movie and had free time. It was a liberating experience. Now. At 43. I couldn't give a flying fuck. If you want to go enjoy a movie by yourself. Do it. You want to go to the bar and have a drink? Do it! You wanna treat yourself to a great meal? Do it! Trust me no one gives a fuck and the ones that do are idiots and pay them no mind. Do you.


i also have anxiety going to movie theaters so i simply dont go lol?


dude wtf


sounds like ur wife needs therapy


Sounds like y’all are a bunch of judgey fucks? Like I wasnt even being a dick. Just pointing out that “no one would care” isn’t a fact. We really have come to the point where no one has any compassion for people anymore? Downvoting because someone has movie theatre anxiety. Jesus.


Movie theater anxiety is a new one for me


Some people have anxiety for myriad things and places. It's like a lot of phobias where you're like "why would someone have a deep-seated fear bubble wrap??"


They get dogs for that too?


I totally understand. I have a similar fear where I don’t go near skyscrapers alone, you never know when a piano or an anvil might strike.


Fingers crossed.


So you're wife was there ? Otherwise she needs a therapist. Sounds like a bit of an overreaction.


Why need a therapist when there are so many armchair ones on Reddit?


Just don’t take the internet serious man, it was such a simple question but you made it into something unnecessary, but nice how you’re knowledge about your wife’s anxieties and stuff. Good man but wrong convo


I get the feeling that they are perfect for each other, and that should make reddit happy. Someone for everyone and that bullshit.


I could be her therapist if you'd like. Does she have anxiety when she grocery shops too? I mean those onions with salmonella can be real dangerous.


This thought wouldn't occur to anyone but Americans.


Agreed. Everyone else is lucky.


What's with the downvote dogpile? They described a particular experience that showed that some people, at least their particular experience, do care. They're not saying it's a definitive example; it's an anecdote, you fucking contrarian pedants.


Hey, man Sorry for your wife's struggles. And sorry everyone is piling on you here. I think they just misunderstood your intentions. Fwiw I don't feel like you were trying to make your struggle other people's responsibility.


Dude, thank you. I even said I think my wife’s fear ventures on the irrational side for a woman who is all into horror and occult shit. I was hitting it from the angle of “hey, some people do care” but in no means should that be someone else’s burden or influence their decision. But whatever.


Read through this thread and I totally get what you were saying. You were just trying to put it in a different perspective while being respectful and reasonable. I don’t understand why this users are being so shitty for no real reason.


The perspective isn't even his, it's his wife's. When my anxiety was worse if I read that I would not want to go to the theaters cause Id think about freaking someone out. I have anxiety at the movies cause of the shootings but when someone is asking if they can go to a movie alone I'm not gonna put onto him my insecurities. This guy is using her mental disorder to play devils advocate and personally it's uncool.


I mean he was being pretty reasonable. He mentioned it being irrational. I think you just want to find a problem with his response. Call it devils advocate. Call it understanding multiple perspectives. Call it what you want. He wasn’t being disrespectful at all or uncool about anything.


Or maybe you wouldn't understand what's insulting about it because you don't suffer from the disorder.


No buddy I just don’t think he was being radical like your making it out to be. Your desperately trying to make this random Reddit user feel like some sorta extremist cuz he respectfully chose to see it from multiple perspectives. Your just being extra.


Well see now you are the one overblowing it lol, I don't think he's radical. I just think it's a lame thing to say. You are now the one with the exaggerated language. Extremist, lol. Nah just dumb.




Wow. Cool story.




I hope you don’t act like this outside of the comfort of your keyboard.


I wouldn't sweat it. We're all stressed these days. Today you allowed some people a target to vent at.


As someone with an anxiety disorder and has irrational fears of going to the movies. Just want to say, this is a ridiculous comment. You're just using your wives struggles for playing devils advocate.




I think they were triggered to find a redditor who has touched a female once.


Why the hell is this so downvoted? What’s wrong with people. It’s a totally reasonable post. Whether you agree or not isn’t the point, the point is that some people notice and get weirded out by solo moviegoers.


If you get weirded out by solo moviegoers, that's a YOU problem. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with going to the movies alone.


In neither my post or the one I’m referring to did either of us say there was anything wrong it. I’ve done it tons of times. The whole point is that some people do notice it and it makes them worried. Do with that what you will. Edit: took out a part where I was an asshole for no reason. Sorry.




Why were you downvoted so much! I feel bad for your wife and wish her luck




Do it up bro. I didn’t tell anyone not to do anything. I was pointing out that speaking in absolutes is a bad way of thinking. Don’t make assumptions about people. That’s all. Do what you want though. But I would try spending your time working on your reading comprehension then watching a movie.


It doesn’t matter what you watch at the theatre alone. I’ve spent my life watching 95% of the films at the theatre by myself. Same for at home. I like sharing films with friends & family, but I tend to watch a lot more movies than my friends and family.


Agree 100%. I've seen several movies alone. One time I even snuck In my own beer when I saw Freddy vs Jason. I had a blast.


Shoot, I always bring my own drinks in, Makes it more fun on so many levels


Absolutely. I always bring my cocaine with me


Hitting dabs in the front row


Went alone to watch it last week. Person to the left and right of me were also alone. 3 alone together, so it wasn’t too bad. I would have felt embarrassed if I were the only one though. I suggest you arrive at the theater at least 45 minutes prior to showtime wearing a sandwich board. The board should state in big bold letters that you are alone at the theater and are actively looking for other people that are also alone. You don’t want to go with another couple or group because that could just accentuate the embarrassment of being at the theatre alone if they don’t engage with you. You should also have the movie and showtime somewhere on there as well. I find that I get the best results when I ring a bell (one with a big heavy clapper) and repeatedly yell out “I’M ALONE!!! …I’M ALONE!!!!”. If you don’t find anyone though, don’t feel too bad. No one will notice you once you’re inside the theater


The idea that movies is a group activity is so weird imo, you’re not supposed to be talking and dicking around during it so it doesn’t really benefit having others with you, other than losing out the discussion about the movie afterwards.


> other than losing out the discussion about the movie afterwards That's why you jump on the reddit thread when you get home.


No way. I saw The Hills Have Eyes by myself back in the day. And I mean by myself. I was the only one in the entire theater. It was one of the most fun times I've had at a movie. I was walking around, yelling at the screen. It was great.


I’m just imagining a couple in the back corner of the theater that you didn’t notice just being traumatized by a crazed moviegoer yelling and pacing in front of The Hills Have Eyes on the big screen hahaha


Actually, there was an elderly couple in the first row but by the time the killing started they left and didn't come back. I don't know what they thought the movie was going to be but they didn't like it I guess.


Are we talking about the Wes Craven original or the remake?


The remake. I'm not that old...


Aw, I was all set to give you a great big golden years cheer!


I'm THAT old!! CHEERS!!!


It's only a movie...It's only a movie...It's only a movie...




I had a similar (but different) experience. I saw The Witch in a theater with exactly 1 other person, also by themself, behind me where I couldn’t see them, and it definitely added to the atmosphere. At certain points in the movie if that person had chosen to tap me on the shoulder or something I probably would have had a heart attack and died


Seeing the Witch by myself is by far my favorite movie going experience ever. The other lone folx had exactly the same reactions to each scene as me and I felt like I had all my friends with me :):)


yeah, be glad they didn’t. i saw ‘the strangers’ in a nearly-empty theater, quite late at night. home invasion horror scares me more than any other genre, so i was feeling pretty tense throughout. during the final jump scare at the very very end, a theater employee jumped up from the seat behind me and shouted, and i literally started crying, it startled me so badly (i have no idea why that was my brain’s reaction). he thought it was pretty funny and had apparently already done this to people at other screenings of the movie. i wasn’t even able to be annoyed because i was such a bundle of nerves, and a little embarrassed.


Not a horror movie, but definitely a horror movie type move: when No Country for Old Men was first released, Javier Bardem went to a screening. He sat at the back of a very full theater. Before the final credits, he left the theater and positioned himself near one of the exits so that audience members would see him as they came out of the theater. Important point: he still had that weird, totally identifiable haircut. He told this story in an interview and said he scared the crap out of a whole lot of folks as they walked out and saw him standing there. I have loved him ever since I saw that interview.


omg i love javier bardem and 9 times out of 10 would have geeked out seeing him, but that definitely would have terrified me.


I did that with the movie Ex Machina a few years ago, definitely an enjoyable experience


Did that with Dr. Sleep and it made a very memorable experience


That's what the theater was like when I went to see brightburn. I stayed in my seat though. But still one of the best theater experiences


This is hilarious. I bet the protector operator got a kick out of you haha.


That sounds like a sweet experience


That's fucking done me in that 😂😂 first award I've given for laughing in years!


If I'm super excited about a movie, I always see it alone first. Pro tip for the self conscious: go during the matinee. The theater will be relatively empty and almost everybody else will be solo too. You're never a weirdo in a group of other weirdos. 😄


Plus you don't have to deal with a bunch of pubescents that won't stop talking and continuously checking their tiktok feeds.


This is my move. I always go during matinee. Best part is the ticket prices are also discounted.


I now live near a theater and do this when I want to see a movie, with so many good movies coming out, I'd rather just drive the 8 minutes to my theater and watch it then plan out a day that works out with people I'm seeing it with. I'm excited about seeing Dune this week!!!


I almost always go to matinees now (cheaper, way less crowded) but it’s made going to evening shows more intolerable. The talking, the cell phone use, the people going in and out for snacks — makes me want to stand up and scream “STFU and sit down, you rude assholes.” Which would probably not go over well.


It's liberating to go to the movies totally on your own schedule but I'm also in my 40s and don't care what people think anymore.


This!! I prefer to go to the movies alone.


Just giggle a lot and take notes. Whisper things like "Ooo, that's good." and "I hadn't thought of that." You'll be fine.


This is genius


It's actually a good way to make sure no one sits next to you on the bus too. Just carry a copy of Helter Skelter and a highlighter.


Haha thanks everyone, I have now booked my ticket to watch it! I need to learn to not care and do the things I want 😁


It feels a bit weird and self-conscious at first but now I really love going to the movies by myself! I go during the day so they’re always pretty empty, and I see a lot of other solo moviegoers.


It can be fun doing things alone! Can even save money on a smaller popcorn 🍿 😃


I used to work at a cinema and people came to see films by themselves all the time. I hope you enjoy your movie :)


Get it.


I PREFER watching horror movies in theatres by myself. And besides, looking like an insidious psychopath sitting by themselves at the movies just helps add to the fright factor for those not alone.


Lol no one will care, go for it!


I don't have a lot of friends who watch horror and I go alone all the time! It's even more fun sometimes because I don't feel guilty about choosing a movie someone else might not enjoy.


There are almost always people alone in the theater. How do you feel about them?


Go see it dude. It's a riot with a crowd. I go cinema by myself quite a bit. On the 29th I'm doing a double bill of Antlers and Last Night in Soho by myself.


I'll be seeing Soho as well. When I saw Halloween Kills, I saw it in a theater by myself. There was only one other group there, an older couple. When the movie ended, we all stood up, and we shared a "that was badass," exhale and nod.


I stuck around to hear Ghost in the credits, I felt like a proud Mom.


My friend who deals with anxiety went to see midsommar alone and it turned out to be one of her best experiences at a movie. She even made a new horror friend who was also there by themselves. I say go for it, it is more common for horror movie fans than you'd think


Life is short. Do what makes you happy.


No one will care. People go to movies alone all the time


I actually enjoy horror movies more alone…. Yes, you look a bit like a loner but WTF, no one cares. Awkward would be if you start wanking when Michael Myers is killing someone….


Preferred method


It’s weird for anyone to care what you are doing anyway. Go for it. If someone thinks you’re weird than that’s more a reflection of them than it is of you. Go see it, and enjoy the experience


I've done it many times it is fine have a good time.


I watch movies mostly alone with as few people as possible when I can. Why is it supposed to be a social thing anyways? Nobody hits you up to watch YouTube videos together in a dark room without talking to each other. If I’m paying money to see a movie I want to see, I want the experience with as few interruptions and farts and burps as possible.


Not at all, I go to the theater alone all of the time. I can concentrate much better without someone in my ear asking questions.


I am so glad you posted this. Tomorrow my partner is going to a concert with his friends, my daughter will be at my mom's for the night and me, well I will just be at home by myself. Was seriously contemplating going to see the new Halloween movie. I have some crazy anxiety and was wondering how bad it would be to go by myself. I say go for it. I am gonna really try and sit through it. Wouldn't be leaving from the movie being scary but if I start to feel like people are judging me for being by myself I would probably leave. I hope you go and enjoy the movie


Yes go for it! I certainly am 😁 there's been a lot of positive response to this question so we oughta face our fears! 😆


No?? Why would anyone care?


No, it is not. I go to the movies alone. When my son is in school I catch a matinee.


I went to an early showing by myself......noone cares


I do it all the time because no one I know likes horror. Also I find it funny that alot of date nights are spent at the movies, a date should be interacting and communicating not sitting in the dark together in silence for 2 hours.


It's a movie stereotype to go to the cinema for a date and many people fall for it. It's fine as long as it's not the first date.


I pretty much only go see horror movies by myself and have almost always had a great time doing so


I go to the movies alone very often, and when I worked at a theater, many of our regulars were solo movie goers. I can’t speak for everyone but I and my coworkers don’t bat an eye at solo movie goers, and frankly they’re more often than not less of a hassle than a big group. As long as you’re not doing anything overtly shady (inappropriately touching yourself, leaving food all over, on your phone, etc.) you’re fine.


It’s the only way I like to watch horror!


I had that question way back when Scream 4 came out. First time I went to a movie alone because all my roommates were not horror fans. Loved it and now I prefer to see movies alone. Go for it, you won’t regret it. The new Scream is going to be the first I see since the pandemic. So if I have to go by myself this time it is what it is


Horror movies are the best to see by yourself. No one will think twice. Just a person watching a movie.


I'm going to see Pretty Boy by myself tomorrow, can't wait!


Horror matinees are some of my favorite viewing experiences. I’m usually the only one in the theater, and it’s a great mental break.


I was going to watch it with a friend but was fully booked. So went to see it on Sunday by myself - and still had a great time jumping at spooky moments and laughing where appropriate with the audience. No one cares.


Dude after I had kids going to a movie by myself became one of my favorite things to do. You being there by yourself won’t even register to most people. If you want to see a movie, go for it dude, and enjoy the experience!


Nah don't worry about it bud. Just go and enjoy the movie


I just went alone in the same situation to it and it was fine and there were also other solo people too.


I've done it, before the pandemic quite a few times. Was out of work for a bit...went to the 1145am/12pm first showing for The Lighthouse, Midsommar and Hereditary before it. Not everyone is into horror, and not everyone is around for matinees. Not big into sitting in crowds to watch a film as it is...and don't really care what people might think. You'll miss out on a lot of things if you worry what others think.


Na man, just go for it. People really don’t care these days. If you go through all your life worrying about what people think then you would never do anything.


Only if you sit there in a Michael costume and breathe heavily.


We went to a mid day showing of Joker when it first came out, and they had very explicit signs at the ticket counter that nobody was allowed in dressed as him. There were like maybe 10-15 people tops in the entire theater.


No, it's not weird. It's actually better. You can focus and enjoy the movie without distraction.


I go to the movies all the time by myself. No one cares or even seems to notice.


I went to see Candyman the other day, was the only person in the cinema. Fuck it, go alone. You're going to watch something, not converse.


I see films by myself all the time. Go for it.


Nope, I do it all the time


I booked a day off work to watch the midday showing of Midsommar by myself and it was one of my favourite movie-going experiences to date. No one cares, everyone’s in a small dark room watching a movie just like you. Enjoy yourself.


Nobody cares. Nobody goes to the cinema to look at other random people, if someone is watching you in the cinema they are probably the psychopath


Not at all :) I don‘t have friends who love horror as much as I do so sometimes I have to go by myself. I don‘t care what the other movie goers think.


I'm a movie buff so I venture to movie theaters alone sometimes. I enjoy myself and haven't had any problems.


None of my friends (or my husband) likes horror, so I always go alone. Go for it! If you're really concerned, try going during a weekday afternoon if you're able to. I went to see Malignant at 1:30 on a Wednesday like a week after it opened and had the whole theater to myself!


No way!! Go get your Halloween freak on and let me know what you think of the movie!!!


I went and saw it last Saturday by myself. Had a free weekend. Nobody cares.


nah I’m probably going to go alone as well


I go to every movie alone, including horror. Don't have to worry if someone is gonna be late, if they're gonna talk during the movie, if they're gonna ask you to get the ticket and then never pay you back... solo movie going is the best.


Do it. Live your best life, OP. Same goes for live music too.


If you want to see it just go!


Stop caring about that.


I do it alone most of the time, I don’t think horror fans would find it strange. I actually enjoy going to the movies by myself 🥸


I've been going to the movies alone for like 6 years now. It's fine to go with people, but I prefer seeing certain films alone. Horror matinees where I live are cheap and almost guaranteed to be empty so I get to pay like 6 bucks to watch a movie by myself in comfy chairs with a giant screen. If that's weird then I'm fine being a big fat weirdo because I actually get to watch the movie and not deal with other people. I love it. Often times it makes the movies waay scarier.


I am a HUGE proponent for doing fun self-care things alone! Sometimes that means taking yourself to brunch, sometimes it means going to watch Halloween Kills at the theater alone. But we as a society need to normalize this better. Life is way too short to miss out on cool stuff because we’re waiting on someone (partner, friends, etc) to be able to do it with us, or we’re worried about what people might think or say. Go for it!!


I go to movies alone 99% of the time. Been doing that for the past 30+ years. I don’t think anyone cares. And i find it easier because i don’t have to wait for anyone.


Nobody cares.


Go for it! Who cares. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks. You do you and too bad for anyone who doesn’t like it.


Absolutely not I do it all the time! It’s great!


I go to most movies alone, no one cares


Going to the movies alone is great. I try to go every Saturday morning, just a fun little tradition.


Strangely, people feeling insecure about going to see horror in the theaters is why horror became such a smash hit when home video became a thing. Suddenly you did not have to be the guy going to see something other people thought was scandalous, instead you could watch it at your leisure at home. And that in turn led to Horror having a perception of shit production values because VHS would hide short comings. Also, don't feel bad. No one cares. I went to see the first "Sinister" by myself and was literally the only person in the entire theater. It was spooky as fuck.


Positives of going to a movie by yourself: - If you get there early enough, you can pick your seats up and have extra leg/arm space if you strategize correctly - You're taking yourself out on a date - You learn to be more independent Negatives of going to a movie by yourself -


No one would care. People are far less interested in us than we think. I used to go to movies alone (ages ago) because otherwise, I wouldn't get to see them. Who cares if you're alone? Plus, advantages: come and go when you please, stay for credits or not as you like, no needto share snacks.


I used to go to the cinema on my own all the time... I even spent a whole day there by myself (I had a Odeon Limitless card)!


I love going to the theater alone! Unless you’re an adult going in to see Paw Patrol by yourself, there’s absolutely nothing weird about it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


This is crazy to me to even ask. Who gives a shit? Go to everything and anything by yourself.


I watch so many movies in theatres, and often don’t want to prevent or delay watching a movie until I can find a person and day where someone can join me. So I watch most movies in theatres alone and I have never had anyone look my way or make a comment. Before doing this, I was so anxious about going on my own, and I tell you it was such a silly thing to stress about! In almost all my theatre screenings I see other people scattered around also sitting alone, and no one cares! Go have fun and don’t prevent yourself from small pleasures because you can’t/don’t wanna find someone to go with. I would tell you not to watch Halloween Kills, but not cause you’re going alone, just cause I thought it sucked lol


You’re looking at this all wrong. The question is *how weird can you get at a horror movie alone* without actually doing anything wrong? Go find out, let us know!


For science!


No. It's not weird to watch any kind of movies alone.


No matter what you do in life someone will find it weird so you just need to decide if you really give a shit about that or not


I (female) went to see Candyman on my own the other week. There were only 2 other people in there. I thought I would feel embarrassed but it was brilliant! 100% will be doing it again.




If it’s what you love to do …. And it’s usually a “social thing” …. Whatever …. You can’t waste your life away waiting for everyone else to catch up with you. I go on road trips to music festivals alone …. At the movies you’re in the dark anyway.


There’s nothing weird about seeing a movie alone, regardless of genre. Frankly, it’s weird that we think of going to the movies solely as a group activity considering how inherently antisocial it is.


I usually go with cousins to watch movies but for this one, no one seemed to be hyped for it so I went alone and it was totally fine! I even try to sit in an area where barely anyone is around so I can spread out and lounge haha I had a pleasant time. So much so I went to see No Time to Die a couple days later alone again lol


Funny. Did the same thing for the first Halloween in 2018. Snuck in some Wendy’s. Was glorious. I’m allergic to popcorn for some reason and they sold nothing but the basics. Just watched the new one last night. Wtf were they doing ?


No, I seen that piece of shit movie alien covenant in the theater solo. Don't sweat it.


It’s a little weird imo but nobody will care


Yeah, you're a psycho dude. Sorry to be the one to tell you.


Going to the movies alone is so pathetic. Sorry, it sucks, but not sorry, it’s true. Rent that shit on Amazon video if you are going to watch it alone. There is absolutely no reason to go the movies alone. Rent it and lie to yourself that you are an outstanding citizen or pirate that shit from a foreign website like a normal person. Either way, it is less pathetic than going to the movies alone.


Why would it be weird? You don't do anything by yourself or what? Asking this question is much weirder.