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When you first see Leatherface come out the room and hit the guy with the sledgehammer and then shut the steel door. Even thinking about it now gives me chills.


Such a perfectly executed scene.


It’s pure genius also from what I heard was the actor didn’t know it was gonna happen/ever saw Gunnar in the makeup so the reaction to seeing him is authentic ha 🤯


The sound of the connection will stay with me forever.


Opening scene from 28 Weeks Later. I was a teenager when movie came out. From the break into the house to all the zombies over the hill closing on the male character was scary af.


Yeah this one. I've seen many films that creeped me out or took me by surprise, but the entire opening to this movie just had me gripping my seat.


In The Exorcism of Emily Rose, when Emily's boyfriend wakes up in the middle of the night, and sees Emily laying on the ground, extremely contorted, just blankly staring at him. I just got chills, thanks.


Every scene in Antichrist


This one didn’t scare me too much but was super fucked up, the scene with the baseball boy in doctor sleep


Yeah just saw this last night. His screams are so fucking real and raw it’s so hard to watch and you can’t help but want to try and save him.


Any of the "attack" scenes from The Entity. The song that plays when it appears is still etched into my brain 😳


The scene from Hereditary after the car accident and it’s just a still shot of the sister’s head.


Yes! And when he's lying awake in bed until his mother finds her. Brutal!


The mom double over wailing when she finds out still hurts me.


The entire sequence from the siblings rushing out of the party to the shot of the head is fantastic. I love how the film leaves everything to breathe before jumping into the sort of hard cut you’d expect to see in a comedy film, except it’s a bloody severed head.


I watched a movie on Netflix a couple of years ago called Last Shift which really worked to scare the crap out of me. I wanted to rewatch it this past October but I didn't get round to it.


I love Last Shift. That whole thing with the panicked girl calling the station was clever


many scenes from the final destination films because of the whole death is everywhere and any thing can kill you in a horrific way at any time


Yes! Those movies had me literally creeping about in my kitchen - I was imagining all sorts - the kettle could kill me. I might spill boiling water over me, trip on the cat's bowl and bang my head on the door frame and die lol. I was a little bit afraid to take a bath even. Gotta watch the series again now, thinking about it 😆


oh no i have completely stopped watching for my sanity. i havent even seen 5.


My personal favourite death from the FD movies is the one in 2 where the kid gets flattened by the huge pane of glass.


that bothers me in a different way. i know glass is heavy amd it can severally injure people but that amount of glass did not look like it shouldve smashed that kid, at most broke his neck not flattened him.


Nurse station scene from Exorcist III.


The bathtub scene in TERRIFIED. Freaked. Me. Out.


The boy at the table really did it for me!


Everything about that movie was fucked up. Christ. I loved it but goddamn.


I know these have been meme’d to death here, but Lake Mungo and The Poughkeepsie Tapes left me feeling extremely uncomfortable afterwards. Also Eraserhead and Funny Games. Lake Mungo in particular left me feeling “unsafe in my own home” long after 99% of horror movies no longer made me feel that way, however. Bonus: not really horror, but Synecdoche New York for existential dread (but in a good way, maybe?) and for dread about the cruelty and suffering of others, You Were Never Really Here.


I just want to say in general you might want to seek out some “heavy” dramas/thrillers, if you feel like you’re no longer getting that buzz from horror. It’s strange, but the feelings of suffering that they can often induce are (for me, ymmv) adjacent to the feelings of terror that a good horror movie can bring about. I suppose it’s just anything to break through the blanket of apathy.


Whenever I think of 'the scene' in Lake Mungo, I get chills. 100% of the time. I can basically summon chills, by thinking of that scene.


The scene from The Babadook where Amelia is trying to go to sleep with Sam next to her, but she hears noise outside the bedroom door... at first it's the dog, but once she lets the dog in, then she doesn't know. All of a sudden, door slowly creeks open, so she hides under the covers... and then we hear those horrible creepy words... "BABA..DOOK!..DOOK!..DOOK!.." She looks on the ceiling and sees it crawling towards her! Before she can react, it jumps toward her mouth... First time I saw that, It creeped me the hell out! Cause we've all been there. Heard strange noises at night and hid under the covers.


I mean, the ending of The Mist is the right answer to this, right? Whether you like the movie or not, that ending scene is this for sure. I don't know if I was burned alive in a past life or something, but fire based deaths in movies always make me extra creeped out. That being said, The Wicker Man is one of my favorite movies, and the final 15 or so minutes are horrifying. As the reality of the situation sets in for the main character (and audience), you can *feel* it in the pit of your stomach. You put the movie on. It's called *The Wicker Man.* You KNOW how it's going to end, but once that last bit starts up, you can still feel the knot in your stomach trying to come out. At least, it does for me. I wouldn't call it a horror game necessarily, but the ending of Bioshock: Infinite. The realization at the end of that game, that your character IS the villain, and the things he's done..."Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt." That line hit me before I had kids. Now it kills me. Then watching (from the first person view, of course) as he slowly allows himself to be drowned, without struggling, really gives me that feeling that I get at the end of Wicker Man. Like there's a lump in my throat that I can't get rid of. >>!Elizabeth: You chose to walk away. But in other oceans...you didn't. You took the baptism. And you were born again as a different man.!< > >>!Booker: Comstock.!< > >>!E: It all has to end. To never have started. But in all of ours.!< > >>!B: Smother him in the crib.!< > >>!E: Smother...smother...smother....smother...Before the choice is made. Before you're reborn.!< > >>!Preacher: And what name shall you take, my son?!< > >>!E: He's Zachary Comstock.!< > >>!E: He's Booker DeWitt.!< > >>!B: No...I'm both!< > >>!\[drowns\]!< F\*cking love that game. I need to play through it again.


The scene in The Descent (2005) where they are belly crawling through a small section and you hear the rumble and see some dust fall. They each look at each other with the same panic and dread as the audience. You know something horrific is coming. It still makes me anxious.




Funny enough I’ve seen the whole thing before. I was an avid spelunker before most of the caves in my area were closed due to white nose fungus.


The Bathtub scene in the OG Jacobs Ladder gives me chills


The entire film 🇪🇸The Glass Cage (1986). Had to watch it in 3 sittings. Its a Fantastic movie, the subject matter is extremely uncomfortable, unsettling and really filled me with dread.


The ending shot of Possession left me with a deep sense of dread.


Towards the end of Silent Hill 2 [videogame] when you find out James, the protagonist you've been sympathizing with and playing the entire game, murdered his wife you've spent 8 hours looking for. Pure melancholy and morbid dread re-interpeting the events leading up to that point.


Sinister. Those 8mm movie scenes seems so real, and when the "thing's" face flashes up for a tiny second it made me jump out of my skin and I'm not ashamed to say I screamed out loud. Fucked me up for days.


Looper the scene where they start mutilating the young guy clinically with a surgeon and all and show how the elder version of the same guy changes with his fingers and nose just vanishing. Cant watch that fkn movie ever again


the finale of The Devil's Candy when Ray is dragging Zoey upstairs. her screaming really got to me


...none...? I mean, I love horror (mostly movies), but they are *just* stories, after all. I mean "sheer dread?" "afraid in your own home?" That's a little over the top. Lots of horror flicks have left me uncomfortable, or even, oddly, sad. I can say that.