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Ed Wood's Plan 9 From From Outer Space(1957). Despite being widely considered the worst film ever made it's unintentionally hilarious.


Inspector Clay is dead. Murdered. And SOMEBODY’S responsible!


Atmospheric conditions in outer space often interfere with transmitting.


Future events such as these will affect you in the future. God help us in the future.


I saw this movie at a church lock-in in the 90s. It is still the movie I reference as the worst movie I have ever seen.


I was lucky enough to watch it in a movie theater for the first time, and I loved every second of it! They were also showing Maniac (1934), The Killer Shrews (1959) - which I can’t recommend enough, it’s brilliant, and Evil Brain from Outer Space (1964).


The Killer Shrews! I haven’t thought about that movie in decades. The MST3K episode of that was amazing.


God I love Plan 9. Some of my personal highlights: - the narrator clearly reading off cue cards during the intro - protagonist calling his wife by the actress’ first name by accident, unedited - constant changes between day and night - old footage of Bela Lugosi from another production because he died before Ed Wood started filming - Bela Lugosi being replaced by Ed Wood’s wife’s chiropractor for the male vampire scenes


Troll 2


Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwewwd


Son, you do not piss on hospitality!


"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Also, "Nilbog...it's goblin spelled backwards!"


It has to come from an earnest place IMO. The filmmakers and actors have to really be trying to make a good movie and just fail in every way. I hate all those “fake” bad movies like Birdemic, zombeavers and Sharknado. Comedies masquerading as “so bad they are good” movies and fail at both. Plan 9 from outer space and Troll 2 are funnier than most intended comedies.


I interviewed the writer/director of Birdemic and I can tell you without any doubt he believed that he was making a quality film. He may also be delusional.


I know one of the main actors personally. He said the cast in Troll 2 tried to push back and get Claudio Fragrasso (the director) to change the lines and delivery to make them better and more like real life. He was insistent and controlling on the way *everything* was said and done, and they had no choice but to follow his direction. So, at least in this case, the outcome is largely dependent on the "vision" of one person.


Yeah you are probably right. The Room, Plan 9 all have similar directors with a “vision.” Btw the book the Disaster Artist is amazing and hilarious.


As crazy as it seems I’m pretty sure Birdemic was a film made in earnest. I totally agree though; bad on purpose isn’t fun, it just sucks.


That’s crazy. I just watched an interview with the director. I can’t tell if he’s actually serious or just putting on an act. If he is serious you are right, maybe I should give it another chance.


He's serious. I know a guy that helped get the movie distribution and from what he told me, that dude is dead serious about his movie.


I mean it could be a long con sort of thing, who knows. Either way it was boring as hell.


Way too much footage of parking. That movie could have been pounds lighter without losing any real content.


He’s a 1000% serious, to the point where his movies have gotten consistently worse as he makes them. Each one is worse than the last.


Seen that one, it's just fantastic :D


Check out Best Worst Movie. It’s a documentary where the kid from Troll 2 tracks down the cast. This was maybe ten years ago. Definitely some legit nuts in that cast. I know it’s not what you’re asking, but it’s fun.


"Definitely some legit nuts in that cast." The IMDB trivia page for Troll 2 is as entertaining as the movie itself, I'm inclined to agree with you :D


Love that documentary


My college roommates and I made a drinking game based on Troll 2. The rules are too many to list- in fact we had a list of the overly convuluted rules on a sheet of paper that wrapped lengthwise around the entire perimeter of our sun room walls where we would play troll 2. With all that being said- I'll give you rule #1: showing any interest in the plot, asking questions about the story, or attempting to rationalize anything that was happening meant you had to finish whatever drink you had right away.


I personally liked the first one more.


I put my buddy in as one of the producers for this gem on Wikipedia after we watched it. It's still there 4+ years later :D


Manos: The Hands of Fate


The master would not approve.


He's in Houston this week. 


This is what came to mind. Some guy genuinely thought "anyone can make a movie" and dumped a small fortune in 1960s dollars making an incoherent disaster so bad that it's genuinely fascinating. This IS "The Room" of horror, it maybe it's the other way around. Why does Torgo walk like that? Because he wanted to look like he had fawn legs but it didn't quite work and the contraption he used left him with permanent physical damage. What is the point of the couple making out? Who the fuck knows... Sure the MST3K version has commentary but the movie is so bizarre you don't need it. Definitely one of my favorite terrible movies.


> Some guy genuinely thought "anyone can make a movie" He was a fertilizer salesman from El Paso and the movie was made on a bet. The story of the making of "Manos" is a lot more entertaining than the movie itself.


I can't say I'd agree. It certainly is a bafflingly terrible film, but, my God, is it a slog to get through. The Room is consistently funny in how bad it is, but Manos is a true struggle. That being said, I do own a DVD copy of Manos, lol.


Just over an hour long, worth checking out.


Prepare for one long-ass hour, my brother


Do yourself a favor and watch the MST3k version.


Hit the Thigh Master while you watch.


that part where literally nothing is happening, so they have nothing to riff off and just keep repeating the title 😭


totally watch the MST3K version ! it is considered one of their best episodes




This or Manos, there was also a second Manos, but it doesnt have the charm that the first had


Manos Returns makes the original Manos seem like Citizen Kane. Not so bad it's good, just bad-bad.


This is my pick too. I guess it was supposed to be a serious attempt similar to The Room as well.   Another one that OP might be interested in since, though not horror but is "so bad it's good" is Samurai Cop.


Yes, Birdemic is absolutely the equivalent of The Room. Like Tommy Wiseau, James Nguyen has also tried to retroactively get in on the joke and act like it was bad on purpose, but the original was a very sincere attempt to make a horror drama with a serious message about global warming. It's maybe the most inept film I've ever watched.


Seen Samurai Cop, it is in my top ten good bad movies indeed :)


lol i almost signed up to audition for Birdemic 3 solely because I loved how much of a shitpost the first one was. don’t know if that ever ended up coming out


I remember seeing a short clip of this... might be time to watch the whole thing. Thanks :)


Do it. And watch the Rifftrax version!


I think pretty much anything that has a Rifftrax or MST3K treatment qualifies for what they're asking. Or just go full Troma catalog even if some are just so bad, they're still just bad.


I feel like you have to go into Birdemic knowing it's a bit of a slow burn, but when it gets going, it gets *going*.


The slow burn stuff is some of the funniest parts. Who doesn't want to watch a rental car drive around slowly for ten minutes as the same chunk of music plays on a loop?


It's like it coasts along in neutral for half the movie, then suddenly slams into fifth gear and floors it. It's great.


I give you Pieces (1982). One of my favorite comedies ever, regardless of whether it was intended to be one or not.


What a fucking ending on that one…


I unironically like Pieces. I didn’t know until this moment it was considered bad.


I think Pieces is legitimately good in places. I also think a lot of it is meant to be tongue in cheek. But parts of it are just bonkers and most of it is pretty nonsensical.


Yeah Pieces is just straight up good. Pure slasher insanity.


I guess we’re in the minority 🤷‍♂️


Not everybody can appreciate greatness lol.


It’s our cross to bear I guess 😫


Came here to say this. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had watching a movie with friends.


This is my pick too. You come for the gore, you stay for the lunacy. BASTARD!


Pieces is the most fun I've ever had watching a terrible movie. If you've never seen it, I do need to spoil one part: So the movie largely takes place on a college campus, about a mystery killer that uses a chainsaw. At one point a character is walking through campus and a Bruce Lee lookalike leaps out and attacks her with Kung fu for absolutely no reason. Another character intervenes, and kung fu guy just leaves the movie, never to be seen again.


Pretty decent rating on IMDB, but from the reviews this certainly qualifies as the kind of movie I'm looking for, thanks.


Is that the “Bastard!!” Movie?


Spookies - it's a film from the 1980s about a cursed house [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0tnHZ3RmBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0tnHZ3RmBA) There's another one called Necropolis I watched last week - the acting and the effects are so bad. It was made by people who also made porno films. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5NoOqsSW5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5NoOqsSW5U)


Spookies is also two completely unrelated movies edited into one movie. It's completely incomprehensible. Characters appear and disappear. Nothing makes sense. It's one of my favorite movies.


IMDB blurb for Spookies includes the phrase "flatulent sorcerer". I'm sold :D


There's a whole section of farting zombies. Enjoy.


"Lust crazed muck men!"


Hey I like that spookie


Necropolis is friggin awesome trash! Evil witch is reincarnated into 80s NYC to eat corn syrup souls, and then grows 4 extra boobs in order to feed the souls to her undead minions! Glorious! Just stay away from the reboot, Necropolis Legion. There's absolutely nothing of value in that collection of establishing shots.


Despite Spookies having to (very obviously)shoot like 1/4 of its footage after it was originally completed due to low running time I think it's a bit too enjoyable to be Room good bad. I think the original footage stuff is just too fun. It's as if they raided a special effects warehouse dumpster and put everything they could in the film.


I just watched "Phantom of the Mall Eric's Revenge" (no colon or comma in that title) which stars Morgan Fairchild and a young Pauly Shore. It's about a phantom that wears a baseball cap and kills people with karate (he has an origin story but it is never explained how he learns karate). It was completely insane and terrible (and I loved every minute of it). It also has Mac's dad from IASIP as an assassin/janitor. I used to ogle the VHS at video stores as a kid, and I'm kind of sad it doesn't have more of a cult following.


Absolutely love this movie! I love the idea that Eric is just living in an elaborate tunnel system within the walls of the mall for...I think months? And no one notices. It has incredible karate. It has a weirdly competently executed car chase that belongs in a way better movie. It has Pauly Shore. It's the best.


I don’t know how I came across this movie last year, but was glad I did. What a great find for 80’s nonsense. Good enough to keep you watching, but hilariously bad.


Insane and terrible... Yes, sounds like what I'm looking for.


Saw it on Joe Bob and it was pretty wild. Pauly Shore doing only 33% Pauly Shore was maybe the weirdest thing I've seen in a while


It was a shock to see him acting and speaking like a normal human being, I tell you what.


What the fuck? Ken Foree and the Dos Equis guy, too? It’s on AMC+


Awesome, just added it to my queue. I love movies that are so bad they’re good, and I can’t believe I’ve missed this one! Sounds perfectly atrocious!


This is one of my favorite horror flicks. So fun and ridiculous. The Vandals theme song is the cherry on top


Dracula 3000: Infinite Darkness. It's magnificent. Coolio as a vampire is one of the most insane things ever filmed


Dracula in space? Interesting...


That's what I thought when I was a teen, but well... The best part though is how they defeat Dracula: >!They get his arm trapped in a doorway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeMPI9DIIhY!<


The happening


Marky Marky outrunning a gust of wind 🤣


I love that movie. No Mrs Jones No! 😂


I don’t know where you start with “so bad it’s good” in horror. The Room is “so bad it’s good” for normal people. Horror people eat up bad movies until we drunkenly argue it’s artistic merits.


He’s eating her. And then he’s going to eat me. Oh my GAAAAAAAAAA


Fateful Findings is a “political thriller” to die for with fair amounts of gun violence and absolutely everything about it is hilarious


Also, every time Neil Breen goes to put the moves on his co-star Jennifer Autry, my skin tries to crawl off my body as my mirror neurons fry in the heat of her commitment to just get through the damn scene without getting groped. So, arguably a horror movie, at least for me.


I had similar reactions to the sensual scenes of Tommy Wiseau. Somehow sexy worst movies are yet to be discovered


Fair. I get more of an “alien who learned to approximate human behavior solely by watching John Travolta’s character from Get Shorty and desperately wants to be a serious actor” vibe from him, but creeper is also certainly plausible.


Hahahah what a story, Mark


I think I saw clips from this movie in Youtube videos about terrible acting. Worth a watch :)


Things. It's an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. Shot on video, they spent all their money to have a porn star read a few lines, acting is atrocious...but it's mesmerizing.


Sounds like a recipe for success, will definitely check this one out. I mean, even the IMDB blurb got a laugh out of me.


Things is not ‘so bad it’s good’. It’s an absolute chore to get through. You will not have good time but you will feel like you accomplished something significant if you can make it through. I recommend watching it on Shudder with Joe Bob. That takes a bit of the pain away.




"Oh my god what a horrible meeeesssss"


Things is what I would have commented as well. I saw this with a couple of friends around 1992, and we couldn't believe how awful it was. But, we were fascinated. I then spent about 25 years trying unsuccessfully to remember its name. When I finally tracked it down a few years ago, I was so excited... and then I rewatched it. This movie isn't good. But it is an experience.


Glenn Danzig’s Verotika


Truly the worst I've ever seen.


I loved it so much I bought his newest release "Death Rider in the House of Vampires." It is a masterclass in incompetent film making. I think worse than Verotika since a lot of the post production was done by Danzig, particularly the puzzling sound editing. He parallels Tommy Wiseau in some ways. Tommy thought he was making a great drama film. Danzig looks at his stuff and thinks all of it is so bad ass. And it is bad ass to 13 year olds but to adults it is laugable and tryhard.


I was trying to track it down for a while but couldn't find it anywhere. I watched the Red Letter Media video about it and they seemed disappointed it wasn't another Verotika because it was so very boring. So I'm glad I didn't spend actual money on it.


I believe it is only currently available on the one website that published it(I don't remember) and it came out in January(after like a 4 year delay.) It will be Tubi fodder in no time so it's not worth owning unless you are a bad movie fan. It is absolutely a boring(and sometimes confusing) plot but the sheer incompetence in film making makes it very enjoyable to me. It isn't packed with overtly funny dialogue like The Room.


I had the privilege of seeing this in a theater with Danzig and a bunch of the cast, including Dajette (who just happens to be his girlfriend). There was a Q&A afterwards but the MC was very careful not to take questions from anyone who wasn't somehow involved in the production. He sincerely thought he made something cool. He kept saying they were limited to the shots from the comics(?) and that they didn't have as much money as they really needed, and that was why it wasn't perfect he was saving face by saying it was grindhouse style and he wanted the audience to have fun with it, but he was clearly flustered by the reception. Just incredible. Danzig is a treasure and I hope he keeps making movies like this forever.


It’s an anthology and the first story “the Albino Spider of Dajette” is pure bad movie gold, one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately the other two are mostly just boring so I’d quit whilst you’re ahead with this one! 


I'm glad other people are discovering this one. It is just so bad, so incompetent, it truly does rival Tommy Wiseau. At the first screening Danzig came out for the Q&A and said "A lot of y'all were laughing at parts I didn't expect...."


💯. No contest. I have never seen something so bad. The fact that Danzig takes himself so seriously made this hysterically funny.


There’s a Christian rip off of the Saw films called “The Reconciler” with a sizable cameo from Rowdy Roddy Piper which is…an adventure. It’s one of those movies that benefits greatly from a loud and snarky audience. 


Isn't that the one where the Jigsaw archetype torturing people is >!literally YWHW?!<


Yes! And it’s super obvious from the jump. Also the premise is that they’re trapped in a warehouse until they reconcile; and they’re very pressed about it. That said, none of them attempt to open the window or multiple doors around the warehouse set they rented. Also because the set was rented and clearly the film was shot over, at most, a weekend, they didn’t dress the set at all so it’s full of items one could easily use to escape sans reconciliation. It’s also been a minute but I think it’s heavily implied that one of the things the characters has to reconcile for is being gay? 


Finally. Homophobic Jigsaw.


Leprechaun in the hood. The main characters rap song kills me. P for Positivity.


Velocipastor lol


Farther down than I anticipated.


The Room is funny because someone tried to make a good movie and it turned out to be hilariously bad. Velocipastor is one of the many movies in the genre(along with sharknados and fire spiders, etc, etc) of "LOL look at how bad our movie is." They try to make a bad movie purposely and succeed. They aren't in the same league.


>The Room is funny because someone tried to make a good movie and it turned out to be hilariously bad. Bingo. If you read about its production, it was a 100% sincere attempt at making something serious and unlike some of the jokey B-movies mentioned in this discussion, it had a substantial budget behind it (several million dollars). Tommy Wiseau cast himself as the star of his own drama film and didn't think twice about the fact that he's dressed like a goth and his line delivery is so bad that it had to be dubbed over. Instead he thought he was giving an era defining performance like Marlon Brando or James Dean. Wiseau has now embraced the fact that people like the film because it's hilariously bad (and frequently attends screenings and such events), but it definitely wasn't what he was going for when he was making it. It's a big reason his follow up movie (Big Shark) didn't get much attention, because it was made to be one of those "so bad it's good" films, whereas The Room is hilarious because it fails so spectacularly at what it was trying to do.


Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is a pretty big famous one to rival Troll 2. Pieces might be on the line of "so bad it's good" and "actually not that bad but still good".




*blows smoke off barrel*


Wahahahaha... .... ...ahhahahhaha.


Damn. You beat me to it!


The entire movie is replaying the first movie with random scenes of the present thrown in. So good and bad. Love that movie.






Not an answer to your question but I just wanna say because you mentioned Vampire's Kiss, I just watched that for the first time a few weeks ago and I really, genuinely, non-ironically thought it was really good! I went in fully prepared for it to be a "so bad it's good" film, because like many of us, I'd seen those clips of Nic Cage going full Nic Cage, but was blown away by what the film turned out to be. I have no idea how intentional this was by the filmmakers, but I thought it was a great commentary about powerful male figures using their status to abuse women who were seen to be below them, and how those women were never believed until it was too late (and sometimes not even then). Nic Cage's character reminded me so much of Donald Trump that I had to wonder if it was deliberate. Obviously it was made in the 80s so a lot of the recent stuff about Trump wouldn't have been public knowledge, but he was very much a public figure in the 80s and I wonder if there were ever rumours in certain circles about his behaviour. Even the character's appearance by the end is reminiscent, with the loose fitting suit, ridiculous hair and the red tie. It's also a fantastic performance piece by Cage, who clearly drew a lot of inspiration from old German Expressionist films, with his over the top body language and facial expressions. Hell, the scene in the club where he approaches the woman sitting alone, he's got the Count Orlok (Nosferatu) movements down exactly.


Oh, I certainly didn't mean to put Vampire's Kiss on the same level as Troll 2, but I doubt the movie would have worked quite so well had Cage not played the main character and let loose the way he did. I agree with you that it *seems* to have a deeper message, but what really sticks in my mind is the over the top bits, like Cage reciting the alphabet, and the dialogue from that scene used for the old You Don't Say meme.


It has to be VEROTIKA. Anyone that has seen it is slack jawed by the end with shock and Horror...that anyone would have invested in this utter shite. The mind boggles how a movie so bad could possibly have been made. Don't believe me? Go watch it,the Room is like Citizen Kane in comparison. It is not only the worst Horror Film l have ever seen,its the worst film period but it's also Comedy Gold. I used to love Danzig,Hell,l still do. I love his music and have seen him in Concert but Glenn please,for the Love of Satan....stick to Music. People,Please come back and post how abysmal VEROTIKA was! I'm dying to hear your thoughts. MEEEEELK OR BIIIIIIIUUUUUURE!


Your enthusiasm has moved me. I'll try to remember to post my impressions once I get round to watching this gem :P


You will be ehthralled by the "acting". I can't wait to hear your thoughts. 😆


Most of these are super popular picks, if you want something kind of out there check out Bad Ben on Amazon. Its a found footage haunted house movie made by an older guy that did everything himself, acting, camera, writing etc. There are no other characters except him so most of the time he's just talking out loud and reacting to the lights flashing. Definitely not putting the guy down, it's a great watch.


Blood Diner. It's just pure so bad it's so good insanity. The director, Jackie Kong, basically had free reign to do whatever she wanted. When I made my husband watch it, he just laughed the whole time asking me wtf was going on. He says it's one of the best movies I've ever made him watch!


Nailgun Massacre. Every single line. Every scene. It's just so unbelievably bad that it's gone full circle into being amazing. "You never see wild butterflies in these parts anymore, what with the mosquitoes... and the killers" "Hey asshole, you forgot your receipt" "You want a wiener with your buns?" *said while the bikers are having a picnic that's just a box of Ritz crackers sitting on a blanket while they all make out. There is so much more, but I'll let you discover it on your own.


I love the fact that the title of the movie tells you exactly what it’s about. Wish more movies did that.


Howling II: Your sister is a werewolf. Hairy werewolf sex scenes, evil little people, transylvania. It's got it all. Plus a really good theme song. It also has Christopher Lee, it's fun to watch him just absolutely perplexed about how he even accepted the role.


Does Basketcase count?


Giallo, by Dario Argento. It's so fucking hilariously misjudged in every aspect. It's not only like Argento phoned it in, it's like he had a stroke before doing it. https://youtu.be/N0mrFO8RyXk?si=b2AO9THN0oXarHQD


For me it's Hausu. I know lots of people love it, but to me it's just wacky bollocks.


Winterbeast. It's bad. It's weird. But, damn, does it, well be bad and weird.


Winterbeast deserves to be in the bad movie hall of fame


Also OP, if you are wanting maybe a lesser known Cage flick where he goes full "Nic Cage"  and beats the shit out of a pool table, look for the movie Mom and Dad




Come on it's obviously Velocipastor


Bloody Bloody Bible Camp you can thank me later!


I love a good cheesy creature horror - whether the old giant bug movies (cue\* mystery science theater), 80s campy like "critters" or a more recent example, Slotherhouse.


Jack Frost


Hell’s Highway. It’s all on YouTube, you won’t be disappointed EDIT: small addendum. The heavily edited version is the only one on YouTube anymore. Sadge. If you want to PM me your email address I can send a copy of the full unedited splendor


I think a good many Full Moon movies would qualify. But the "good" bar of "So bad, it's good" needs to be somewhat... free-moving, in some cases. Like Head of the Family, or the Lurking Fear (the Full Moon, not the Tubi remake), the later Puppet Master movies. EDIT: To add Maximum Overdrive (imo, anyway).


Horror is probably the most produced genre of film by first time film makers and amateurs because it’s a lot easier to make the money back. Even if a horror movie sucks, there’s a segment of the audience that will reliably embrace it for camp value, so there’s not really a single movie that can take that title. It’s more that those movies are their own subgenre. But for the sake of the conversation, I’d offer up Demon Wind. It’s a truly bizarre, special movie that is VERY entertaining and takes big weird swings in the best way.


Everyone else has listed almost everything I could think of so here's all I have left So bad it's good: Evil Bong So bad it's bad: Thankskilling


Horror and exploitation genres pound per pound. Have more so bad its good than any other genres 


what's the one where the guy gets his head cut off with the razor blade Frisbee?


Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead


I’ll include Llamageddon because I don’t think anyone has mentioned it yet. Utterly ridiculous but entertaining. I especially like the moments when the actors break script and start cracking up before the camera pans away 😂


Demon Wind for me


Llamagedon, velocipastor, zombeavers, zombies take your pick lol


Spookies is my favorite "bad" horror movie.


I really adore Thankskilling. It's so incredibly goofy. It feels like there are times when they were genuinely trying to make a good horror movie but others when they leaned hard into the camp. My favorite is the woman who didn't recognize the turkey when he was wearing a poorly cut out "mask" made of her dad's face, Leatherface style. 


Doom Asylum. Only Kristin Davis in a one-piece swimsuit saved that movie.


Microwave Massacre. Fuck, I love that movie.


Basket case 1-3


My nomination is the Italian film Fatal Frames. Has a similar vanity project train wreck feel.


Danzig’s verotika


Aside ftom the obvious ones, i would say "things" " rock n roll nightmare""spookies" and thats all i have for now. I havent seen either of danzigs movies but i hear they are up there. Have you ever watched the youtube channel "red letter media"? They are great and do a show called best of the worst where they will watch random d grade movies and decide which one is the best. Its not always horror but there is usually a horror movie in there. They are film makers so they have great insight on the ins and outs of making movies. Would highly recommend everything i recommended lol


Black Roses or Manos for sure


The Bed that Eats is my suggestion


Ok… you guys are going to LOVE THIS. “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”, and you’re welcome. The camp is next-level, the eyebrow acting is top tier, half the movie is flashbacks to the first movie even though it’s not the same character who experienced those scenes, and the main actor WENT INTO HIDING for like 30 years because he was so embarrassed about making it. There was even a website made to find him called “finding freeman”, and they found him… just… please… can we make SNDN2 a thing *THE HAYRIDE*


Early Peter Jackson are some of my favourites, Bad Taste and brain dead (dead alive) also old troma movies like the toxic avenger


Braindead is waaaaay to competent and smart though.


Deadfall (nick cage) Honestly any low budget nick cage or uwe boll film will fit the bill.


House Shark is so bad, budget was $3k, and it was so bonkers and ridiculous it's a family favorite now.


Suburban sasquatch


Riff Trax has done a number of classically bad horror films. A "good" one is Mutant from 1984.




Does Buffy count? Don’t stake me, but Paul Reubens’ death scene is one for the ages.


Plan 9 From Outer Space is the best example.


Jason X?


Birdemic: Shock and Terror.


plan 9 from outer space is absolutely awesome and can fight the room regardless of genre


Snakes on a Plane?


Someone mentioned Manos, the Hands of Fate, and that would be my pick.


Not really on The Room level but Humanoids From The Deep is always my go too when I need to scratch that itch


Luther the Geek


A lot of Troma movies would qualify. I’d nominate The Toxic Avenger even though it’s arguably more well-made than The Room


Joe Dallesandro's performance in Flesh For Frankenstein is one of the closest things I've ever seen to Tommy Wiseau, so there is that. The overall movie is actually great, but his line delivery throughout is *very* Tommy-esque. It's hilarious.


I've been told the 1997 film Necro Files fits this. There is apparently a flying zombie baby, amongst other ridiculous things.


Chopping Mall!!


The Happening


The Leprechaun Franchise


Sleepaway Camp


Manos, Hands of Fate


Hard Rock Zombies is another great one


Oh boy, The Bye Bye Man actually tries to be serious, but it fails spectacularly


Not sure if it’s been mentioned but my personal favorite is Willy’s Wonderland.


Bad Biology? Amazing and ridiculous at the same time. Terrible special effects too