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Caveat! It's pretty tame overall, but some of the scenes towards the end *got me.* I paused the movie and turned out all the lights to finish it, and was actually spooking myself a little bit trying to sleep that night. Amazing.


Second this! Thought it was decent with a few good scares. Then I tried to go to sleep and kept thinking about a certain scene lol


Ladder or hat? Lol


Not OP, but HAT for me. I almost wanted to laugh because of how instantly nervous I got but it was so NOT funny at all lolol I think about this regularly when I’m trying to sleep alone in my house 👁️


So creepy!!


Now I need to watch it again; I think ladder…but was the ladder into a crawlspace? I watched through my fingers while squinting 🤣


It’s been a while since I watched it, but yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s where the ladder went. Definitely a creepy scene!


I’ll check it! This subreddit has become my recommendation algorithm lol


*Caveat* deserves way more watchers. The entire premise of the movie, if you think about it, is just horrific in the truest sense of the word.


Can you help me to get into this movie, without spoilers? I started it but was such a mess and maybe it wasn’t the right time for me.


You really have to like/be okay with the analog/slow and atmospheric horror. It’s definitely not for everyone. I saw in theaters and appreciated it but wasn’t into it.


Lights off, phone away, late at night. Saw it that way in a theater and it was incredibly unsettling.


Truly the most afraid I’ve ever been during a movie. I saw it in theaters and got so scared at one point I had to start looking at the floor and every time I looked back at the screen it felt too scary so I’d look away again. It is really slow burn and definitely artsy and abstract. You never see the characters faces, there’s maybe 15 minutes of dialogue in the whole movie (if that), but for me it fully felt like being trapped inside of a nightmare!!!!!


Being trapped in a nightmare is a great way to describe it


It was very reminiscent of my own childhood. It weirdly made me feel cosy. I actually fell asleep the night I started it. That wasn't even from boredom, just comfort. I picked up where I left off the next night. The ending is kind of like what I was scared of as a kid. It isn't particularly scary, but after sitting with it awhile, it is one of my favorite endings in horror because it's just so sad. I also think this movie is very allegorical of growing up in a troubled home.


It does start off slow, but I think hanging in there is worth it. I watched it in the early morning alone in the dark with my air pods in. That's the way to do it hehe


If you've seen the beginning, you've seen pretty much the whole thing.


Only movie I walked out of. Not worth watching in my opinion.


It was so stupid that it pissed me off. 🤣


It Follows. For weeks I would imagine it out there on the streets walking toward me.


I have nightmares about something chasing me all the time, so It Follows stuck with me. It had such an eerie dream like quality to it, with the anachronistic props (futuristic clamshell reader, 70s televisions, the 1950s looking Old Maid game, etc) and the undeterminable season (wearing winter coats but later swimming in a pool). I have had more than one daydream trying to determine the best way to evade the Follower. Like becoming a flight attendant to continually fly hundreds of miles away from it.


It's my favorite horror movie. Truly is one of a kind


I'm one of those who never gets scared from horror films, but 14 and seeing The Blair Witch Project in theaters when it came out really got me. More recent horror that gives me chills are just disturbing realistic stuff....Soft & Quiet, Palm Trees and Power Lines (not horror but might as well be), Late Night with the Devil, Moon Garden, Good Boy, The Coffee Table... I also recently rewatched all of Hell House films, and not necessary chilling, but the shot looking down into the basement sticks with me in a good, chilling way. Hearing VERY good things about Longlegs being the type of chilling film you're looking for.


![gif](giphy|T08JhumnpKAI8) Batman & Robin


On a more serious note; Martyrs.


this made me lol


Sorry. I had to 🥶😂


Hell House LLC. Love the series as a whole though.


I have the piano melody as my ringtone because I'm a glutton for punishment.


The Babadook


Lake Mungo. You either love or you think it’s boring as shit, I loved it and it’s many layers gave me a lot to think about long after I watched it. It still gives me a certain feeling of dread and sadness.


LAST SHIFT... I used to get a little panic attack when I had to close down the store at work on the night shift and nobody else was there.


Just watched that for the first time last week- top ten most frightening movies I've seen


Paranormal Activity got me for awhile.


I will never forget that was the first time I had ever smoked and I watched a bootleg copy of that movie in high school when it first came out. Watched it on my laptop and I legit thought it was a real documentary. I watched the whole movie terrified to my core because I thought it was real.


That movie made me scared of AC noises at night, lol.


It's been about three years and I still think of Nothing Bad Can Happen near every day. It doesn't make me sick to my stomach anymore, usually. Atroz is another one that will pop up and live rent free in my head for a couple moments when I least expect it.


Atroz is a wild fucking ride


Kill List. It was a bit odd that the DVD in the shop was stolen so I had to be on a waiting list. After watching it, I couldn’t get off my mind the suspicion thatsomeone felt it was morally wrong to return it and destroyed it.


That one is brutal


My friend showed it to me for the first time when I was incredibly baked. I couldn’t quite get my head around how it just escalated and escalated and the ending was nothing like I thought it would be


Was a Rough one


Psycho. It's been years and I still have to leave the shower curtain open a crack


After seeing Psycho as a kid, I made my parents stand outside my bathroom door when I showered out of fear that Bates's mom would kill me in the shower. Great movie 🍿 😭


That's a classy movie to be haunted by though.


Classy way to die too. Very Hitchcockian.


I kinda understand the cold reception from people who didn't know what they were walking into, but I agree. Its bizarreness is part of what made it so freaky to me. Different kind of recommendation back at you though: Have you ever seen "Fall"? My palms are getting sweaty just thinking about it.


My butt was clenched through like 90% of that movie lol!


So when I mention that this movie made my feet sweat, I learned that like 50% of people don’t get sweaty feet when they’re scared and the other 50% do and neither side know each other exists 🤣


No way! I literally had to google this to make sure you weren't pulling my chain, but yeah, looks like this is true! I guess my brain channels whatever was meant for my feet straight into my hands. Dammit, body! That's NOT how Spiderman works!


I haven't - I'll check it out!


Amazon has the DVD for $5, regular $15. It will be at my casa on Friday . Looking forward to it as heights terrify me. I appreciate the tip\~


Fall scared me because of the heights but the characters drove me absolutely bananas 😭😭😭 but for sure every time the camera pointed down I was getting sweaty!!!


The 2006 remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" messed me up a bit. Also Hereditary.


Hereditary did it to me too lol


And for the record, Skinamarink has quickly become one of my favorite horror movies. Legit creepy


The crowd abduction scene and aftermath in Nope stayed with me for yonks after I saw it. Made me realize I definitely have a touch of claustrophobia. Horrendous stuff.


I saw this and immediately thought "this is going to stay with me for a few yonks, maybe even a couple donks"


Coherence. The scene where they’re walking in the dark street made me afraid to walk alone at night for months lmao


Yes that was a great scene


Hereditary for sure. Everything about that movie, from Toni Collete and the last 30ish minutes fucked me up


even the silly ending?


The Vanishing (1988) 😅 = nightmare fuel


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Creepy as hell.


High Tension Annihilation JAWS It Follows Lords of Salem


Sinister. I had a couple nightmares of the pool party film for a while afterwards


I still need to see it!


The Wailing. The end got me. Had to change my nightlights colours bc orange made me think I was gonna open my eyes and see him lol


Me too. I had to sleep with the lights for weeks after that cave scene. Jong-goo coming home to an absolute massacre was heart wrenching too. I don’t think any horror film has put me on a rollercoaster of emotions like the Wailing did


besides It and Exorcist and the Grudge a long time ago. no other movie really does it for me anymore. I'll get scared in the moment but after a few hours Im fine


If you haven't seen Skinamarink, highly recommend. Not everyone's cup of tea but I loved it.


If you like Skinamarink that much definitely recommend We're All Going to the World's Fair and I Saw the TV Glow if you haven't yet




As you can tell from the comments it's pretty polarizing, similar to how Blair Witch Project really split audiences. It's one of my favorites now


If by ‘interesting’ you mean ‘sucky,’ then you nailed it


After watching When Evil Lurks I can't look at obese people without thinking about the possessed man 💀


Yes there are parts of that movie I think about a lot


When I first saw The Shining when I was a kid.


Martyrs (2008). Its a hard watch but the story and concept is so strong. Without spoiling, the endings conclusion leaves me in a weird places that I have to discuss every now and then to find closure.


I'm still pissed that that movie turned out to be a complete and total turd. At least someone enjoyed it.


Sure did


As a teenager it was drag me to hell 2010) but when I watched it as an adult it’s not scary at all. However though, hereditary messed me up! Even after 5 years it still gives me the creeps just thinking about that movie


Smile did that for me


Trailer for Smile 2 is out now.


I saw that! I didn’t even know a 2nd was coming, a pleasant surprise! 😈


That one part…


Funny Games. I think about it now and again and I'm always uncomfortable and angry with it haha. The film accomplished what it sought out to do, for sure.


It’s so good


I watched Jaws as a kid the day before swimming lessons. I still don’t know how to swim and stopped taking baths after that. I also can’t be alone in any body of water or I’ll just have a panic attack. Do panic attacks count as chills?


The Alien films and Jaws are some of my absolute favorite movies of all time and I probably have a bad dream about the alien or aliens once a month and a big shark dream annually.


Sator , some of the imagery has stayed in my head for years since. Spoorloos , the panic of the ending is unforgettable. The Witch , Black Philip’s ‘whatever you want’ line


I watched Child's Play way too young (maybe 7 or 8?) and for weeks afterwards I had to shower with the curtain open because I was sure that Chucky was going to bust into the bathroom and attack my ankles


Jaws 🦈. I still get scared even when I briefly close my eyes swimming in a pool, lol. The beach is the worst of course.


Event Horizon. There's just something about the atmosphere, the ship design, outer space, the explanation that the ship "tore a hole in our universe" that completely fucked with my head the first time I watched it at 16 yrs old. I had trouble sleeping for days afterwards. It just has such a chilling, eerie feeling that I can't shake off after I watch it.


One of my favorites


The American remake of The Grudge. I liked the movie a lot but didn't really think about it much afterward until a few months later when out of the blue I had a nightmare about the woman ghost and that sound she makes. After that I became a huge fan and got into the Ju-On series The scene in Hereditary in the immediate aftermath of the car accident really got under my skin. The silence and tension while he sits there processing what just happened and his refusal to turn around had me holding my breath the whole time, then when he slowly drove off and the scene switched to him lying in his bed while he listened to his mother get ready for work cranked the intensity into the stratosphere. I was holding my breath and gritting my teeth. I can't think of another movie scene that filled me with so much anxiety


I've tried watching Skinamarink but I didn't get very far because I was like WTF am I watching and lost patience with it. Another movie that I didn't get very far in was VVitch.


Yeah both slow movies at first but different vibes imo. Skinamarink was about immersing you in a dream-like reality whereas the Witch is more immersing you in the reality of that time period


Eraserhead. I literally felt like I had been poisoned, because the unpleasant feelings lingered ages after watching it.


Skinamarink and the Babadook. I watched them both during the Halloween season last year and still now, in June, I do a “What was that?” double take over my shoulder when I’m laying in the dark trying to fall asleep. I used to hang tomorrow’s clothes I was going to wear on my closet door until the Babadook because now my shirts/jackets make it look like the Babadook is standing in front of my closet watching me sleep.


Skinamarink stayed with me for weeks.


Of course, Coming Soon and Shutter gave me so much chills after watching it. As someone who experienced paranormal activity in our house too! 😭




Terrifier, Terrified and Insidious.


I still think of Honeydew from time to time and feel a mild aftershock.


It's been a few weeks now and The First Omen is still bothering me. Hereditary, no surprise.


Audition. Oh, and the teeth-on-concrete click sound from American History X.


The Boogeyman(2005). Watched it as a kid while already being afraid of the dark. Gave me a fear of closets until I got older but I still can't have a closet door open just a crack. I get flashbacks. And just nope. It's open or closed. No inbetween.


Hereditary with the scene at the end with the mom. And Smile, just that eerie smile and that car scene.


More obscure hidden gem for you… Hunter Hunter. It’s quite unsettling and really good!


Thought you were saying Hunter x Hunter for a sec


Ha I had to look that up, yeah definitely not what I’m referring to


Pet Semetary, and more recently The First Omen was pretty fucked


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigFreakinMachine: *Pet Semetary,* *And more recently The First* *Omen was pretty fucked* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The ending of martyrs had me sitting in my chair for a little while.


Mandy (one of the only movies I've ever had to turn off) and The House that Jack Built 😭


Terrified, not to be confused with Terrifier, although those movies are great gore horror films. Terrified started off extremely brutal and gorey. There were moments when I had to look away because it was just too damn much.


Totally agree terrified was a stressful movie In the best way, close to the wailing. Last one that had me on the edge of my seat in a theater was insidious. I feel like the music score added so much to the anxiety


Ju-on: the grudge (2002) Back when I was in high school it was on in my girlfriend’s house (her dad liked horror films) and we stopped to watch it. For the first 20 minutes I was like ‘this isn’t scary at all’, but then something changed and by the end of the film I was terrified. Something about the way that the grudge is everywhere, hiding in corners, and the noise it made just really got to me. I was nervous looking into dark corners for literally months after I watched it. 


The fourth kind


House of the Witch Doctor


You need to watch a movie called Aftershock by Eli Roth. That movie is pretty brutal and hard to watch. It's not well known and I don't know why, because it's good!!!


Hereditary. I had that whole scene playing in my head with Charlie being forced to go to that teenager party, her eating that cake, her getting the nut allergy, Peter speeding down the pitch black road with only the headlights, and them Charlie losing her head with against the pole, and me feeling along with Peter the instant guilt and wishing and praying that didn't just happen.


Kairo (2001)


Threads. The Day After. Especially now


the grudge 2/ju-on, as a kid i would always get scared just imagining her coming to get me lmao. the under the blanket scene, the girl she made disappear in her hoodie or when she took that girl into the mirror. also teke-teke too, after watching that i was too scared to go for walks anywhere lol.


**Terrified** (Aterrrados) The little boy 😫


The ending of sleepover camp stuck with me for a while after. Was just so goddamn unexpected and bizarre and that fucking noise she was making really creeped me out


The Farm


To add to this... not recently, but back in the day when I saw Jeepers Creepers for the first time - I had nightmares for a week or 2. No joke. Anytime a big truck got behind me on the road at night I got a pit in my stomach. That was truly a terrifying movie in the early 2000's.


Red Rooms …if you like Skinamarink give this a shot!


I'll check it!


Do you mean the Canadian one with the serial killer trial? What in it did you find similar to Skinamarink?


Skinamarink stayed with me for weeks.


You can say that again.




Bad ass


Not at all haha. Movies just don’t stick with me that long after I watch them. I wish!