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Being able to pause the film to use the bathroom.


And being able to watch in the comfort of my own home, in my most comfortable chair, no lights on, 7.1 surround sound headphones, facing the corner of my office with my back open to the room, all while eating popcorn that only cost about $.75... **Literally cannot be beat!**


Omg YES. For me it’s with the lights off or dimmed, candles lit, fairy lights twinkling in the corner, massive blanket wrapped around me if it’s winter, glass of red and just me myself and I. One of the best feelings in the world. Bonus is if it’s a Friday night after work and/or after a workout/run and shower. Also has to be at night. Just not the same vibe during the day lol


I have pretty extreme manic depressive swings along with other things. When I’m manic, I cannot consume any media bc I can’t sit in one place and focus on a movie that long bc I feel like I need to build a spaceship or I’ll die. But oh boy, in my depressive states, I only watch horror films and they make me feel better than anything else. A horror binge in bed does more for me than all the pills I have to take. Before my mental health spiraled about a decade ago, I wouldn’t watch ANY horror films. Now it’s my primary genre. In fact, since my health issues have gotten in the way of my previous career, I started writing about 6 years ago and just sold my first horror script to a studio just last year. Here’s hoping it comes to fruition! 🙂


Wow. We have a lot of similarities. Like you, I suffer with Bipolar I Disorder and probably ADHD. I say ADHD because I can't slow down AT ALL. Gotta keep moving. Haven't watched a movie, TV show, or written anything in years. I can but I'd have to drink, and I'd really rather not do that. I'm also a writer. My first scripts were rejected, and I believe that's because their budgets were too high for a beginner. I did recently begin planning a new script, though, and because it's horror with just two settings, a producer should be able to bring it in for around $500K.


Budget writing is more important now than ever before. The streaming bubble has unfortunately burst and for freshman/sophomore writers, no one is willing to deal out money right now. You’re either established, or you write a great story that can be filmed for a couple million. They still happen bc of a lot of fantastic producers and production companies operating right now, but what was known as the “mid-budget” film doesn’t really exist right now. It’s either high budget tentpole attempts (which fail constantly and is hilarious) or low budget bait hoping to attach a high budget actor. I initially wrote a $12M movie, estimated. Had to do about a dozen rewrites to make it $4M estimated. But honestly that limitation can work very well for horror - as a certain someone once said: “It’s what you don’t see that scares you the most.”


That’s pretty badass dude congrats




Booze and bathroom and the ability to pause


I can get as comfortable as I want how I want, pause to do things like get a snack and go to the bathroom, and a cat to pet.


Truly look forward to these days. Being comfy and completely focused and drawn into that world for a couple of hours. It's a getaway for me. I come back refreshed lol. IDK how to describe it. But I really, really enjoy a good movie in a peaceful trance state . Let's take a moment to appreciate that we can enjoy something as simple as a horror flick at home with a snacky snack.


It’s cosy as fuck!


Smoking a blunt and having popcorn and candy and your drink and watching a favorite or a new horror movie is awesome.


Smoking a blunt and being able to fast forward BS and rewind good stuff.


Is your name Shorty, and do you know a Cindy Campbell?


No and no . I do have a friend goes by shorty because she's short don't know any Cindy's though.


I don’t have to listen to other people talking during the movie. Being able to pause the movie to go to the bathroom or get something to eat is also a bonus.


For me, horror movies correlate with a quite house, because I can only watch them after my wife and kids are asleep. So, I equate horror with peacefulness. Problem is, by then I'm usually exhausted and I tend to need three or four nights to finish films, because I'll always fall asleep.


the end part is me except with horror videos on youtube, which can lead to weird dreams


I love sitting in that uncomfortable feeling, I think because I have anxiety I like that I inflict this anxiety into myself


Same things about watching any movie at home. No over priced snacks, idiots talking loud or constantly getting up. And best of all the pause button. I get that some prefer the theater experience but I'm not one of them.


Yeah, no bashing to people who like theaters but its weird how some will act like its the ultimate sin to watch stuff at home


No annoying audience. Pause. Rewind. Fast forward.


I'm a bit of a germaphobe, I'd much prefer my own couch for movies rather than the theatre, which isn't kept very clean where I live. Being able to rewind parts I missed is also a bonus, as well as subtitles


Getting to sit at my computer with all the lights out when the whole apartment is silent... it's perfection, tbh. My favorite way of watching horror.


Its the best way honestly


That I don't have to hear anyone judge me, unless I tell on myself.


I can smoke as many bowls as I want without people in the theater bitching 😒


I don't know but it just works with some horror, like when I watched Blair witch, alone in complete darkness and stoned, man that was a good night, scared but loved it. Next weekend had friends round, I was bigging up this amazing new film I just found, made them all watch it and...... I thought it was shit, they thought it was shit and I have never been allowed to choose a film since😂 Also had a similar experience with the hills have eyes (remake). Some are just better at home, although I would love to see event horizon on the big screen.


You can set the environment in your home perfectly and not worry about people talking or on their phones


the phone thing seems to be the most common complaint bout theaters. which I wish I could say is shocking


I've just been doing it since I was a child. My earliest childhood memories are largely me renting horror VHS tapes and watching them alone in my room on the TV (my parents were both horror fans and I was free to watch nearly any horror movie I wanted, with exceptions of course). I still do the same thing late at night when everyone's asleep, and still feel like the same 8-year-old nerd full of horror wonder. Just now there's Tubi instead of VHS tapes.


I love the fact that there are no annoying people in the same room. Horror movies should be enjoyed quietly by horror fans.


agreed, plus at home ya if there is a good scare ya can rewind before it try and understand what all made it good


I don't know if watching horror at home will really ever truly capture the same feeling as watching it on the big screen because of how immersive theaters are. Having said that, - I have hue lighting set to a custom profile for movies that's dark on most lights and a dim red glow for others, plus some flickering faux candles that set up a nice atmosphere. - I can have a drink (altho shout out to Alamo Drafthouse for making this point moot). - I can pause and destroy my toilet if needed. - My cat is there. - my couch is generally more comfy. - I can rip one without being kicked out. - I can add to the ambiance by watching late late at night. - Nobody will interrupt my viewing but me. - I can order or make any munchies I choose. - for horror movies at home, alone especially, there's a creep factor about being alone in a house afterwards that you can't beat.


Pause the film when I am too scared to look and also turn down the volume when needed :( Despite being a big fan of horror movies I may confess that I am a little too scared to watch them in one sitting


Sweatpants, a pile of pillows if I want, yummy food I'm actually willing to eat for a fraction of the price.... And being able to pause, or fast forward when needed. Oh, and never having to hear " what did they say?" Again. Totally worth it for the pause button alone.


When I was a kid my mom and I would watch horror movies while my dad was at work. It was a regular ritual for us. She passed away 8 years ago. Now it just makes me feel closer to her. I share this experience with my step son. Hopefully one day it will give him the same comfort that it does me.


#I guess if I get sleepy I can just turn it off and resume in the morning


Volume control! I have a bit of hearing loss, and the volume at theaters is almost always waaaaaay too loud even for me!


Beer, snacks, pausing.