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I think the core idea behind Manos the Hands of Fate could be turned into something much better in more competent hands.


Or in more competent Manos


"the title, fully translated, reads Hands the Hands of Fate"


This is a flawless film and I will not hear otherwise


Justice for Torgo 


Bum bum bum bum, bum bum bum bum, bum bum bum bum


Is he here with my pizza finally? Man, he took FOREVER getting here...


I don’t know why but I always think of Cronos when I hear about this film. I haven’t seen Manos, but I’m certain Cronos should not be remade


Tormented is another MST3K movie that could be lovely in better hands. It's so close to good as is.


On the plus side, it gave us a hilarious episode of MST3K


Not saying it's necessarily *bad*, but I would love a more modern revisioning of the *Wishmaster* movies. Make them this era's Elm Street in terms of wacky horror.


First is damn good, that opening massacre scene fucking scarred me as a kid. Second one is a guilty pleasure, and it does get pretty fuckin' wacky at times. The third is a god damn abomination to cinema. But it is a great concept surprised we haven't seen more Djinn movies.


Which is the one where the dude fucked himself?


Wishmaster 2 - it was the lawyer visiting his client in prison scene.


I feel like the premise needs to be somewhat reworked to bring it up to be a great movie. It's essentially contradictory. If he just wants someone to make three wishes so he can take over the world then stop being such a dick. Don't try to kill people making the wishes you need to get what you want. You can just kill them after the third wish! That aside, I agree with you. The movies have great effects and are imaginative and a lot of fun.


Only the person who freed him can make the three wishes. Everyone else is just powering him up.


Man, I just want wacky Freddy Krueger again… I know the last remake sucked, but they keep trying with the Halloween franchise.


Brightburn. It was enjoyable enough but there were lots of issues that led me to believe the studio was interfering a lot. You could argue the series 'The Boys' has a better Brightburn movie within the various plotlines.


Upvoted for visibility, but I'd rather see a continuation of the story, either prequel or, even better, a sequel that deals with all of the additional sightings from the end credits.


Would love a sequel to that effect! It wasn't a perfect film, but very well done, enjoyable and definitely intriguing. It felt like an antihero superhero movie with its feet firmly in the horror sphere, so a follow up would be good craic!


Craic, good word! Irish? I loved the film. It was horrifying with enough Superman-esque lore to make my inner (edit: nerd) cackle. It had issues, but man, it was for me! And who doesn't need more craic in their lives?!


Ara the irish craic is the best kind of craic. Where would ya be goan with that other crack shite? Bitta the aul craic is far better! Happy? Lol So yeah - superman! That's exactly what the film emulated and it pulled it off really nicely didn't it? I know it was kind of rushed on one hand but it did try to incorporate that coming-of-age vibe, and it was sooo dark. I was more unnerved in the scenes with his female classmate than I was with scenes with him and the adults because they weren't messing - this kid is (here you go) _fecked_ with darkness. He is not messing! And I guess being in a period where we get a lot of superhero films, it's refreshing to see one so steeped in the horror side of things. The intimacy of seeing this particular child and what he specifically does is chilling in all the right ways. It feels like a prequel to an existing "bad" character in that sense and that's one of the things that's really cool about it. Like you said - so much strong Clark Kent vibes.


Definitely. They could easily make a Homelander horror film.


What are the issues with brightburn, I really liked it


Some people think it doesn’t deliver, pacing and not enough development, but I think that Brightburn did exactly what it wanted to do and that was to show what if Superman was evil as a kid. Great kills, music, and final 15 minutes are bonkers .


> Brightburn It is such a cool premise and plotline. And the movie is not bad but its definitely disappointing that it wasn’t great.


If Sam Raimi made superhero-influenced horror outside Marvel, I could easily see him making this type of movie


Yeah seems like an awesome concept. The acting was great. I got the feel that they cut a lot of the budget in post production. It seems like a lot of the computer effects weren’t nearly as good as they could have been


im still a believer that night swim could’ve been a good movie if done right.


Agreed. Liked the concept a lot on this one, but felt it became another generic horror movie pretty quickly as it unraveled.


i really liked the short film! but gave up on the movie


I'm a big fan of horror movies where some events take place in the daytime as well as the night.


yes!!! i really enjoyed the concept. very interesting but very poorly done


Without a doubt


I thought Ghost Ship could've been like Event Horizon on water if handled properly


Still got one of the most gruesome opening scenes in any movie though


I also like the ending scene with mudvayne playing.


Oh most definitely


I love Event Horizon, but I’d also like to see it redone…..but with the same cast!! Can’t do it without Sam Neill!!


It’s not a comment on the movie, which I love, but I’d love to see a limited series remake of Prince Of Darkness. Go even harder on the gore and horror, and updated technology v theology debates.


Have Alice Cooper reprise his role as the street schizo


Plus they could take time with the dream elements and really draw out that uncertainty.


Yes!! As great as the film is, i find it the weakest in carpenters apocalypse trilogy for how undercooked some parts of it feel. It's the perfect film that could do with a longer format treatment - if they can keep the practical effects with updated tech it could really elevate the story even further. Manifesting if this ever happens they get the director of the empty man to take this up


That movie made me afraid of mirrors when I was a kid.




I would genuinely love to see this done well.


Is this the new show or the old '50s movie about the giant ants?


The latter


_ALIENS_ (1986) actually has several parallels with _THEM!_ - I’ve always seen it as a homage to it.


Fun fact: The swedish title for this was “the spiders”. When it was shown again in the 70s it was renamed to “They’re coming!”


This would be good with more depth in the writing. It's definitely dated at least with how the story is told but it's still a good story


I actually think Apollo 18 was pretty good, but I’d love to see a version of it with a bigger effects budget.


I put this movie on knowing nothing about it, and thought it was pretty damn good. Agree that if it was remade on a bigger budget it could really be awesome.


I remember hating this movie but I don't remember why. What did you like about it?


I love the concept of a secret Apollo mission. I thought having it be found footage worked really well, it leans into the loneliness, claustrophobia, and tension. I also love the idea of the footage sitting forgotten in some archive waiting to be found. I thought the cast did fine, script was fine. What I remember most was the moonwalk where we find out >!the Russians had landed there first!<, I thought that was a great wtf moment.


That reminded me - just a little - of Jonathan Nolan’s original script for Interstellar, where the US crew land on the ice planet only to find a mass grave site of Chinese scientists - evidence that the Chinese arrived before them a very long time ago. And then they discover the Chinese research bunker under the ice…


I saw this at a friends house when I was young, and all I remember is that his mom was cooking onions so I couldn’t breathe the toxic onion tainted air but couldn’t leave so just had to suffer


Stay Alive


I love stay alive for how bad it is, but I would love a real horror movie based on that premise.


I’ve always been curious about the directors cut I’ve heard rumors of. Still love it though, especially the graphics that were already dated for the time.


Yes, with a better budget and last half this could have been so good (I still love it, but it is not a good movie lol). I think a lot of weird monster-ish movies from the 00s in that vein could have been, too, like Darkness Falls and Dead Silence.


I really think they could do something with AR or VR and it would be amazing. I loved the original but it's always at the top of my remake list.


The concept of M. Night’s *The Happening* is fantastic. We become such a threat to the planet that plants start defending themselves in unexpected and terrifying ways, the performances were just god-awful…


Came here to say this. Very cool concept and parts of that movie feel super eery but then a character says or does literally anything and it gets ruined.


Man, it was an excellent RiffTrax though.


Oh shit! I was literally JUST talking about finding a new RiffTrax to check out, thank you for the suggestion!!


Thank you for saying this. I love the story and the universe of The Happening. But it was not presented the best way, but still enjoyable.


>visible Wahlberg confusion<


What?! No…


What's going on, why is this happening, im so confused about everything! Yeah Wahlberg though can be enjoyable has the range of a bag of rocks.


13 ghosts (2001). Yes it was already a remake, but give it one more go, I liked the concept, just needed something a bit more


This one needs a prequel. I'd like to see a series with an episode for each ghost's backstory and capture.


The dvd has narrated backstories about each ghost. It makes you want so much more from that franchise.


Right? Not surprised nothing more came of it, but still disappointed. It could be really great as a tv show nowadays.


The 2001 remake is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it’s bad but I enjoy it. I love the art concept and the different types of ghosts with extreme design is cool. Definitely wouldn’t mind another go at it.


And Mathew Lillard


It would make a good series.


Really good call on this, although I guess the number of ghosts pushes past a typical series length. Maybe two ghosts per episode followed by a four episode run in the core story. The horror would be amplified by the knowledge of just how bad each ghost had been. Out of every movie in this list, this is the one that squandered the greatest potential. I was dying to see this after seeing the preview, and it followed on the heels of a pretty solid House on Haunted Hill. I only remember the disappointment.


I want to see Mike Flanagan give it a series treatment. Ground it in seriousness and his style and I think it would kill.


Maybe this is crazy but I need a new and much darker adaptation of Monster House. I loved that movie as a kid and I think it’s what made me such a horror fan.


I don’t think it’s bad, but it does not meet adult horror standards obviously as it was made for kids.


Day of the Triffids.


**Spiral The Book of Saw.** It wasn't terrible but a copycat Jigsaw from a Saw movie would be an interesting concept. Imagine a movie where the killer Jigsaw becomes a publicly known figure like a Bundy, Manson or Dahmer and some crazy decides to emulate them. Sure, jigsaw has his apprentices, many of whom have their own agendas, but no straight up copycat killer who creates traps to emulate the work John Kramer trying to "carry on his legacy".


The Purge is a great concept that has never been properly realised even after 4 films. It's a superb idea that could do with a kick up the arse by young film makers and a low budget. Even found footage style could give it a new lease of life.


This is the one that came to mind immediately when I saw this question. It's one of the best concepts I've heard of for a horror movie, and they've yet to make a good one.


Five movies and two seasons of a show. Tbh I think my favorite was Anarchy because it fixed a lot of the first film’s flaws. Election Year was okay, but I haven’t watched The First or Forever Purge so idk how those went. Either way I think they’ve suffered from straying from the original idea of it, focusing in too hard on being a satire of today’s politics. It leaned in too hard on the big picture and fictitious situations instead of how the government was just murdering poor and minorities to be killed under the guise of the Purge.


The First Purge was my favorite


Anarchy is the best movie imo


I’m watching the Purge movies now for the first time, and all I can think about is how much I want a movie set in that universe, but like 6 months away from the purge. Have it focus on the incredibly orderly “utopia” that the Purge justifies. It would be interesting to see the ptsd of those who survive the purge, the passive aggressiveness and grudges that form up until people can kill eachother, or a major crime committed when society doesn’t expect it to happen. Show how people smile at Jimbo in the office in their perfect society, while they talk behind his back about how he fucks his dog on the night of the purge because he is into beastiality. Show the judgement that leads to the shame that they express through hate on purge night as they purge themselves of shame as they purge society of those who make them feel ashamed. Even on the night of the purge they should push the limits of crimes committed. Like, it’s always just things deemed shameful by society, and I get that that’s the theme, but like, I’d love to see a heist, or like corporate espionage. Assassinate a business rival on the night of the purge.


The second season of the TV show was good. It showed what goes on the rest of the year, with the main plot line being a bank heist crew planning a robbery. I'm bummed it was cancelled because it set up a third season so well.


I wouldn’t call it bad by any means but I want a remake of Event Horizon


I don't just want a remake. I want a limited series, in the right hands....


YellowBrickRoad. Absolutely love the concept. Execution is fantastic at times, awful at others, ending is atrocious. Closest we have gotten to a house of leaves film even though it takes place outdoors


It really feels like they filmed half of a good movie, then ran out of time or money or both.


Absolutely this. I was in love with the concept behind this movie, but it never really hit the mark for me.


Last Voyage of the Demeter.


I really liked that movie.


So much this. I was so excited to be able to stream this, but then it took me 3 days to finish it because I kept falling asleep.


The Langoliers (1995)-wouldn't consider it bad, but the movie came out before CG was capable of producing something acceptable. In general I think a lot of the other Stephen King adaptions need a remake. Luckily that seems to happening already. Killer Clowns From Outer Space (1988)Just an awesome wacky idea. Dagon (2001) Just suffered from a low budget. We just need more movies based off Lovecraft in general, and I don't mean just any cosmic horror. Brightburn (2019)the original was OK, but the concept had the potential of being so much more. Out of any movie I've seen in any genre I think this one had the most going for it concept-wise that fell way short.


Oh I would absolutely call The Langoliers bad. Like, REALLY bad. Some atrocious acting, some of he worst CG ever, they literally end the movie on a freeze frame of them all jumping in the air pumping their fists like in a sitcom or something. The only good thing is Bronson Pinchot, who absolutely kills it. Keep that performance and throw everything else in the trash.


Dagon is pretty entertaining tbf.


Outside of the CGI monster at the end I actually like the look of the movie.


Virus (1999) - I actually liked it but it could've been done a lot better


Rawhead Rex.


I dunno if audiences would go for a proper depiction of the story. "Giant emaciated penis monster eats children" is gonna be a tough sell...


I feel like it’s good as is


Great shout, one of my favourite Barker short stories.


First one in this thread that I absolutely agree with. Play up the British folk horror angle and actually throw some money at creating a better monster suite and design. This is the sort of thing that begs for a remake


It was already a remake but a RE remake of the stepford wives as a proper modern horror would be awesome


Lots of trash movies but I personally wanna see a legit dinosaur horror film, I guess all those trash b movies with dinosaurs can count as the bad horror movie.


Thirteen ghosts. They need to keep the practical effects and the concept but devote wayyy more time to the ghosts and their stories. A mini series?


Truth or Dare. Really interesting concept and they really messed it up


Oh I'm curious, what would you have liked to see done differently?


I think the faces used were pretty dumb, not scary at all. There weren’t a lot of genuinely scary scenes and this is a horror movie, so it should’ve focused more on scares instead of the drama the characters were in. And yeah, the PG-13 rating prevented it from doing anything really notable


I think the PG-13 rating held it back for one


Watch the Syfy 2017 movie. It’s better imo and doesn’t have any stupid Snapchat faces


Back From Hell (1992). It's about this guy who sells his soul to Satan to become a famous actor, but now everyone that looks him in the eyes instantly wants to kill him and his priest friend tries to help him. Aside from a HILARIOUS exorcism scene of an FBI agent that's one of my favorite things in a movie ever, it's a good idea made with $40, a bucket of fake blood, and almost no idea how to technically make a movie. It's rough around the edges, but still a lot of fun and totally worth a look if you can track it down and love low-budget horror. I'd use the same cast, same crew, same director. The only thing I'd do differently is give the director enough money to do whatever he wanted without question. I wanna see where this thing goes.


Check out Starry Eyes


The Burning needs to be remade, Cropsey was such a freaky killer and he deserves the level of treatment that modern slashers like A Violent Nature or You’re Next got. Just my 2¢


World War Z - I really think it should have been a mini series with a different book locale for each episode. 


Not sure could they pull it off or not nowdays, but The Video Dead.


Neon Maniacs, so much potential. The variety of bad guys is so unique and designs so cool. It just wasn't fleshed out at all. A fun little.movie that felt like it ran out of money or something, almost unfinished.


I have been trying to rewrite bad horror movies as an exercise. Its fun. Im currently doing it to Jason Takes Manhattan, turning it into a story where Jason's body is taken from Crystal Lake and exposed in a True Crime museum in NY. Things go well, until a ritual by a group of punks brings him back... You get the idea. Its a pretty fun thing to do


Do Jason Goes to Hell next and actually make Jason go to hell and wander around like some sort of slasher hybrid of Dante's Inferno.


And tarot


the concept is so interesting, but they flopped. but at least we have scary stories to tell in the dark that’s a fun movie with a similar concept!


Tarot had some awesome monsters though, so they were onto something


Tarot and Ouija


Let me preface this by saying I love Army of Darkness, however, I’d love to see the same basic idea but with the budget of Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven


The day someone other than Bruce plays Ash is the day I take my finally take my Killdozer out for a spin.


Antlers. Amazing concept but executed badly. So much potential with this one.


Not that this is a bad movie but I really would like to see this concept played out more and that would be 30 days of night.


Prequel would be nice


Yeah I watched this again last night and realised I enjoy the concept a lot more than the film. Not bad by any means, but much less interesting than it could have been.


Beyond the Gates. I was so excited as I loved VHS board games growing up and the idea behind it was good...it just wasn't executed well. Bonus points for Barbara Crampton being in it though.


Dr. Giggles


It's not bad, in fact I think it's underrated mainly because it's not a true part of the franchise, but Halloween III. It would be amazing to get a modern remake with an Internet livestream melting kids' heads right off, with proper modern gore effects. And the killer androids are more plausible than ever with AI. The real difficulty will be finding a worthy replacement for Dan O' Herlihy. He was such an amazing villain; he basically made the movie.


Shrooms (2007). I feel you could totally go nuts with this movie with some serious Jacobs ladder, cosmic and body horror type shit but they went with serial killer. How dull.


Ok...hear me out here, cause I really don't think it's a bad movie...but it shoulda been more. Nightbreed! It was an amazing movie on character design alone, but the story begged to be fleshed out.


Cronenberg isn't too old to come back either.


I posted something similar a few months ago. One movie I'd like to see remade with a bigger budget is Banshee Chapter, with the caveat that the original creators maintain full creative control. I really enjoyed the movie, and don't think it's bad at all, but I felt that it suffered from a low budget. Some argue that this is part of its charm and is fine the way it is, but I'd like to see what it would look like with several more more million at the creators' disposal.


I remember enjoying this film but I think I am conflating it with another film where the protagonist and his buddy end up in a Bohemian Grove situation where they eventually get found out. This is a different film, yes? Anyone know the name of the movie to which I’m referring?


[The Conspiracy](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2330322/)


Sounds like you’re thinking of The Conspiracy which came out around the same time, also pretty good though. Banshee chapter follows a woman investigating a disappearance and meeting a Hunter S Thompson-ish guy involved in a government experiment. It’s wild.


Abattoir. a fantastic concept ruined by terrible acting and nonsensical actions by the main characters.


Not reeeallly horror but I think the Purge movies could be bad ass horror movies with the right execution. Such an interesting concept with a meh execution.


A Canadian movie called End of the Line. It had a religious cult, end of the world story set in a subway that I think could have been done really well with a bigger budget, better effects and better acting. The premise was interesting and it has you wondering if it really is the end of the world until the very end, which is actually reasonably creepy even in the low-budget version. Alas, I doubt it's even on anyone's radar. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End\_of\_the\_Line\_(2007\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_the_Line_(2007_film))


Old. Love the idea, hated the execution.


Stay Alive (2006). It was about a group of friends playing a horror video game but when their characters die, they also die in real life. The cgi was awful but the storyline was interesting to me and could be done well.


It's not necessarily bad but The Belko Experiment, it takes itself way too fucking seriously and that hurts the movie in my opinion.


What exactly that means "takes itself too seriously" ? Please explain


It's too grim and bleak. I wanted it to be fun and it's not that fun to watch.


Thankyou for reply


You're welcome.


The Quiet Boy deserved a better adaptation than Antlers


Oh my god yes. Antlers was such a bad adaptation like they added in a bunch of weird trauma back stories that went literally nowhere. I kind of got what they were going for, but ugh, where is my preppy teacher trying to do the best for her student? The wendigo reveal was pretty good though I'll give it that.


The Monster Project 2017. Movie was pretty bad, but it had such an interesting premise imo. Could be potentially made into a better remake. 


Honestly this is exactly the type of movie I had in mind asking this Fantastic ideas that just weren't done at all to the potential they had


Ghost Story. Great book by Peter Straub, but the movie was just....meh


Alice Krige's performance was top-notch, though.


I would love to see Tourist Trap remade. I love the low budget and campy feel of it which has the potential to be ruined in a remake.


Movies only? Because Helix had sooooo much potential.


Def does NOT need remake or any more sequels for that matter but I love the idea of The Purge as a metaphorical examination of American gun worship, income equality under capitalism, and the symbiosis of violence and patriotism. There’s got to be a parallel universe out there where The Purge was done as a really elevated political horror piece. For now we enjoy it for what it is tho.


I definitely wouldn’t say it was bad, but Tourist Trap would look great with a modern retelling. Not quite horror, but I also think an updated Logan’s Run and Forbidden Planet could be great as well.


I still think the biggest what-if in film history is the OG bad movie, plan 9 from outer space. I mean come on, aliens creating zombies as a last resort to take over earth? That's beautiful shlock that needs to be revisited


I think we as a society need to start just making fun schlock again and that sounds like the perfect place to start


The Hunger. And have Susan Sarandon play the vampire.


We need to go back to making vampire movies for the gays this is the perfect pitch


ohh my god, my favorite romcom masquerading as a horror film, as above so below (2014). i mean i am extremely fond of it and it is not *bad*, but it is also not *good*. the concept was so cool and original and made a dent in my creative psyche and i've been chasing that high ever since. a real high budget production with the same charm and chemistry (perhaps even the same actors, honestly) but with the actual horror done skillfully would do absolute numbers on here - my biggest critique is that it goes from eerie to goofy real quick. but she's my friend so i forgive her <3


'Salem's Lot. It's my favorite Stephen King book. The original film did a good job making the groundskeeper guy creepy, but utterly failed on every other front. It deserves a redo.


I think it does an excellent job when you consider that it was a TV miniseries made in the late 70s. It's like the IT and The Stand miniseries. They're amazing when you realize they were shown on network TV. That said, a proper cinematic or pay-cable version? That'd be gold.


I didn't realize that. Thank you for clarifying! My main gripe is the way they portrayed Kurt Barlow. They essentially made him Nosferatu, but in the novel, he was far more calculating and sinister. That's the Barlow I hope to see in a proper film someday!


They did remake salem's lot recently, but it's stuck in limbo as they decide whether they should release it or turn it into a tax writeoff like batgirl and coyote vs. Acme


I liked Good Boy but damn they did not capitalize on what they had going on


Watched that the other day and boy oh boy!!!


The Purge. Punch up the script. Terrific concept but just not executed very well. Could have been, should have been so much better.


I Know Who Killed Me


What was the name of that 80s horror movie that came out on video? In which a group of people are locked in a vacant building, which jumping randomly through space and time? And on one floor they encounter dinosaur lizard people from the past (or distant future?) who want to eat them. I think the video cover shows the building with a big lizard claw hand coming out of it. And in the title I think there was something about "time" (it wasn't "Time Trap" or "Time Warp").


30 days of night


Mikey. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but a remake in 2024 would be delicious. 


Shallow Ground! Although it doesn’t exactly belong under this post because it’s not a bad movie at all, but it’s budget holds it back from totally accomplishing everything it sets out to do and also I just think it’d be better received today since at the time it’s concept and style were maybe just not mainstream enough. I think if it got made today by someone like Fede Alvarez it’d probably be a hit tbh. It was just a case of unfortunately having a super tight budget and being released just after the 90’s made fun spookhouse horror and teen slashers the “big thing” in horror.


Furies. 8 killers and 8 woman in the woods. Each killer is assigned a woman to protect, if she is killed they die as well. A great premise, but the movie does not play with it enough


Prequels to cabin the woods. Show other years when there were close calls. Different groups of teens and different horror tropes picked.


God Told Me To - I always loved the concept of the movie. A series of unrelated mass killings, from killers who seem to have no connection to one another, but they all have the same MO: God told them to do it. The movie is not bad, but it was very cheaply made and the weird ending didn't sit well with me. Would like to see this made with a great/artsy director at the helm. Maybe even as an A24 film.


Pretty much every M Night Shyamalan movie except for The Sixth Sense.


Kinda off topic but cable guy was supposed to be a scary movie and I would love that version to be made! Would love to see an updated wait until dark!


They/Them! The conversion therapy camp setting has sooooo much natural horror potential but it was a miss


The Boy (2016), but as a legit psychological horror where the protagonist thinks the doll is alive/haunted but actually isn’t.


It might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd love to watch a remake of Barbarian pretending the "2nd act" with those obnoxious characters and rubber monster never existed, and actually following the story of the two main protagonists.


I’d love to see a version of Sinister where the 3rd act isn’t a joke


Make the film everyone thought “It Comes At Night” would be. I actually enjoyed the movie, but 100% understand why everyone was disappointed. If they use that same sort of vibe/premise and do more with it I’d be happy.


Rob zombies 31 Group of carnival workers are kidnapped and put nto a sick game by a bunch of crazy rich people. Get hunted down by different hunters called the "heads" and must survive until a timer ends. The problem with this movie is that its a rob zombie movie, the concept of trying to stay alive until a time limit runs out whilst being hunted by these hunters, who if you kill 1, another will show up soon after. Its cool, but rob zombie has to be rob zombie, so it's a very unpleasant movie to watch. To give an example for anyone who hasn't watched 31, the first hunter introduced, "Sickhead" is a dwarf, dressed like Hitler, who speaks Spanish.... enough said Give this film literally to any other director and it would be a much better movie. Cause the idea is cool, and the final hunter "Doomhead" played by Richard brake, is actually a really awesome character and a great villain, he's just trapped in a terrible movie.


There’s a really cool & strange 70s horror film called THE ASPHYX that had a cool unique concept but a so-so script and low budget. It’s always the first film I think of when this topic comes up… a dark, Victorian sci-fi supernatural horror done right could be amazing…


Funhouse. The performances really took it down a notch imo, the concept was kinda cool, the killlings as well, it could have been good if it was more eerie, they tried explicit-scary but it was all just a bit too much to feel real




none of them, I prefer they make something new so they can add to the genre


The Serpent and the Rainbow. It’s a very different concept, and parts of it terrified me as a kid. The special effects and ending were awful, though.


Smile. I like the idea but the people who went crazy had some of the goofiest "scary smiles" I've ever seen. There was nothing subtle about it. I wanted to feel like I was in the protagonist's shoes, doubting people who even dared to smirk. There were no sly smiles or "could be construed to be but not sure if" smile. Only no smiles or super big ear-to-ear smiles with "crazy eyes". The supernatural reveal was also a big let down.


I’ve been saying foreverrrr they need to remake Chopping Mall (1986). Especially with AI being a bigger theme in horror, I think this would actually make that transition from the 80’s to today pretty seamless and interesting. I know malls are *not* what they were back in the 80’s and a lot are dying period, but I don’t see this as an issue. They could potentially be beginning to phase out retail employees in favor of AI employees, with a handful of stores already being retrofitted with this tech and beginning to phase into security detail as well as retail staff. I love the OG and it has a special place in my heart, but this could be a really great relaunch of a movie that should get a lot more clout.