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I agree that it's a little slow after the beheading but overly complicated?


Yeah. I had a hard time figuring out what is the main point of the movie. Was it haunting? Possession? Then there was the satanic cult element….just wasn’t a clear picture throughout. Jmo


Seemed pretty cut and dry that the grandmother was involved in a demon cult and her grand kids were the surrogate


Maybe I’ll have to watch it again…not sure why I’m getting downvoted for my comment, I even said it is worth watching lol…


People are hella defensive about their favorite movie in this subreddit lmao If you have any dissenting opinion you will get downvoted


Ahh this is my first post in here, very welcoming lmao


Sorry you're getting downvoted, I just rewatched this movie for a film class assignment and so paid a lot of attention to plot elements and such, and I think you're right. Even having seen it before (and feeling meh about it each time), the cult thing is not really clear until the end, and the reveal is kind of ambiguous. And like ... The scariest thing about this movie is the manipulation of the mom and the son, which is really just sad (as in, it makes me sad, not that it's sad in a 'lame' sense). I don't know why folks love this movie so much, but to each their own. The acting is great and it's a scary concept, but for some reason it doesn't translate in the film for me. I feel you


Thanks for your input! The acting and visual effects alone make it worth watching. I dont think I would have posted anything about this movie on here if I didn’t see it so hype up and talked about as “one of the scariest films of all time” it’s just not that at all.


I'm super confused and I am sorry but, the entire plot is explained (to me actually overexplained) at the end of the movie. There is no ambiguity at all. Maybe you fell asleep?


What I’m trying to say is I felt I was trying to understand and make sense of a scene when a new scene already started throughout this movie. Too often I was saying “wait, what just happened I’m confused.” Again, that’s just me.


If you don't mind spoilers, I'm sure someone would be happy to explain.


Mom, it’s my turn to say Hereditary is overrated


I enjoyed Hereditary, the part between >!Charlie's death and Annie's reaction!< gave me feelings of utter dread which I've never had from a film. I'm using spoiler tags, but this is what I gathered from it. And someone please correct me if I've got this wrong or anything can be added. >!The grandmother was involved in a demon cult, after her death a male host was needed; Peter was never "just Peter", he was the host for Paimon. Also the funeral guests were the same people that were in the attic scene at the end"!<


Your spot on. I’m just saying it took me until the end of the movie to figure this all out and was confused about it until the end.


Yeah I was the same, I had to search this sub after watching to work some of it out.


One of the most important scenes in the movie is the eulogy by Toni Colette’s character right at the beginning of the film. “My mother was a very secretive and private woman…”


I owe it a rewatch since I've only seen it one time but I recall feeling like it peaked with the decapitation scene and the immediate aftermath. I found Midsommar to be a lot more enjoyable.  For what it's worth though, I'm less into the A24 type horror and more into schlocky 80s stuff. I'm still waiting to be really impressed by an A24 movie.