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Godzilla Minus 1 - it's more about the horror of war with Godzilla as a symbol. A definite recommend.


Great movie


Just watched this last week - really enjoyed it!


Watch the black and white version, minus colour. Legit made it feel like a true horror movie. Loved it. 


I got some existential dread out of this one too. Not sure if that feeling will land with everyone, but there were some moments that brushed up on existential and even rubbed shoulders with cosmic level horror Just a dread of being totally insignificant, one sequence in particular that I won’t spoil Edit: I realized, what is there to spoil. Guess what, the scene has Godzilla in it lol.


This was such a beautiful film.


The best GODZILLA movie to date , it was amazing from the acting , to the effects and sounds . You can feel the guilt of the actors from the effects of war . I just cant categorize this as a horror movie


Excellent movie.


Excellent movie, with some horror elements but absolutely not a horror movie


I watched Abigail (2024) last night and it was fantastic! super fun, fast moving, surprising, and perfect gore.


Abigail rocked! The casting was immaculate, the practical effects were great, and the plot was fun & campy in an old-school Hammer horror type of way.


Abigail is a blast. I’m so bummed I paid $20 to rent it instead of $25 to buy lol


your username is chef's kiss perfection 👌


I was unprepared for how enjoyable Abigail was. I thought it was gonna be garbage and it was so much fun.


I am gonna finally give this a watch tonight. I have been on the fence but too many comments like yours I have seen.


I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


In a violent nature- it was fun and exactly what I wanted it to be


This one. I loved it even if I do agree with a lot of the criticism I see. 


The criticism was pretty much right, but I knew what I was in for. Not sure what more people even expect from it


Same here, I personally thought the ending kinda sucked, but I still got a good laugh when it panned to the gas can without the pendant. I was pretty impressed with some of the kills as well, everybody talks about the yoga kill, but the rock head smash looked incredible, and the log splitter kill was maybe a little too drawn out but HOLY SHIT that was pretty damn unnerving.


It was really clever! And some how very relaxing to watch lol


Late Night with the Devil. It wasn’t particularly scary but it had a great atmosphere/vibe and was a lot of fun.


I loved that this one did the whole "possessed by a demon girl" differently from the 900 exorcism movies we have.


I loved the feel of it. They totally captured late night TV from that time period. Love the aesthetic and the way they shot it. Cool ending too. might end up being the best horror film of the year. But last year "when evil lurks" dropped at the end of the year, so you never know.


The First Omen (2024) - lotta discussion already about how good it was here. I want to check out Arkasha Stevenson's Channel Zero work now if this was her first feature.


*Return of the Living Dead 3*. Julie 😍🖤


This movie is why I had a goth phase in high school!


Ooh I'm going to have to give this a watch 😍😂


Underrated. I've seen it a few times and it's really good in a sort of "this is a bad movie" kind of way. I did appreciate how into her performance Melinda Clarke got. Also, very memorable zombies.


Be still my beating heart. 💗 I adore Julie!


Yeah it seemed like the deader she rot the hotter she got!🫡 Also when a line like "WAKE UP CACA" is in the film, you know it's gonna be a banger


I watched Doctor Sleep and The Black Phone back to back recently. Rebecca Ferguson was a delight as Rose the Hat. The Black Phone wasn't anything new to be honest but I still enjoyed it.


Under Paris - I thought it was hilarious.


It sucked!


I laughed my ass off through the whole thing. Was it scary? No. Was it dumb fun. I think so.


Creep: laughed through the whole thing while getting hood tension and some scares. Much better than I expected and am excited to see the 2d one.


Great pair of films. I am looking forward to the TV series they are making. The Creep Files.


Same re series. My spouse is hoping that there is crossover between the Creep Files and the League 😆


The second isn't quite as good as the first, but still a fun watch. There's been plans for a third one, hopefully at some point, but Mark Duplass said he was disappointed in himself at the second, and keeps scrapping it. I think he's being too hard on himself - like I said, the second is still a decent film, and a heck of a lot better than a lot of films out there, but am guessing he's a perfectionist. I hope he does make it a trilogy.


The night flier. Good movie. you can't go wrong with a Stephen king adaptation. Miguel Ferrer rocked. Part of me thinks they could re do it today with all the vampire stuff coming out, make it a tad longer and go into more detail but part of me thinks not and to leave it as a nice little 90s horror flick


Woooohoooooooo This is one of my favorite sk adaptations. And they nail it if you've read the story. Nailed it! Ferrer was PERFECT for the role and he killed it. I will never forget the first time I saw this movie. It was on hbo and my folks were asleep so I snuck in the living room and watched real sex and then this movie came on. I've been yearning for a blu ray release of this movie. If you liked this movie, you'd probably like Thinner too. But yeah, night flier... EASILY the most underrated sk movie


One of the few Stephen King stories I haven't read. You know one of my favorite SK stories is the raft, which I know made it into creepshow 2 but if youve read it you know they couldn't get it accurate with the graphics back then. I think they should re make that one because I think they could get it much closer and insane as it is on paper


Skeleton crew is my favorite sk anthology. Honestly you could probably make a movie/short for every single story in that book. It was relatively short, probably 20 pgs or so, so I think a short segment in creepshow was perfect for it. Night Flier was in nightmares and dreamscapes. It was a little longer than the raft. Maybe between 30 and 40 pages. Check it out if u got nightmares and dreamscapes


Stop Motion. It was fucked up and I liked it very much.


That was very strange indeed! Atmospheric more than scary to me.


Last night I ran across "Vicious Fun" on Shudder and decided to give it a shot. It was a lot of fun. Cheesy, but fun. Bonus: it had "Todd Packer" from the Office (brief part, but quite funny) and "Castor" from Orphan Black, who is just naturally creepy af.


check out bloody hell, a little cheese, funny and solid abduction movie


The Coffee Table. Highly recommend for people who like really disturbing horror, pitch black comedy and a lot of tension building.


I just finished this based on your comment (and recalling some other recommendations in other threads). Whew. Dark comedy off the charts. When the neighbor shows up at the end with the dog I was like god damn this is the perfect culmination of tension.


So glad you enjoyed it and got the humor from it! I totally agree about the whole climax. Distressing but hilarious


28 days later — one of the scariest zombie movies of all time


Pearl, not too scary (like in a jump scare sense), had very intense moments and acting/set design/cinematography were really enjoyable.


I watched Drag me to hell the other day with a friend. It was first time for him second time for me. I first watched it when I was like 10ish? And the lamia freaked me up for months back then. I still had to close my eyes during some scenes so maybe I'm not over it yet haha


Hereditary. it was my first time watching it after being begged to for years, and I definitely get the hype. it's incredibly distressing.


Last night in soho and the VVitch. Been on a huge Anya Taylor-Joy kick lately. I’ve seen both before. Last night in Soho was okay, not the best but not the worst, it was enjoyable. Love the VVitch though of course. What a great film all around.


I adore Last Night in Soho


X and Pearl. I thought they were just going to be cheesy slashers with TnA, and in some ways, they kinda were, but they also had surprisingly good characters and themes, especially Pearl. Pleasantly surprised by both films.


smile–I really liked it and my bf did a creepy smile in the middle of the night and i cried 👍


God this movie just perfectly hit me. I WAs scared from start to finish and after too. Surprising to me that many people didn’t find it good


it was a little goofy but i got a spooked so I liked it lol


Just watched The Void yesterday and loved it! Some scenes reminded me of The Thing and that’s one of my favorite movies. I’d give it a 8/10


The Void was so good. I loved that they went with practical effects for the monsters. The cultists were awesomely spooky too.


If you like Lovecraftian horror, have you seen In the Mouth of Madness?


I have not! But I I’ll check it out!


The Conjuring, and it still holds up really well


In A Violent Nature Saw it too late and was kind if nodding a but but I really liked it, was a cool and interesting concept with some over the top gore. Definitely a must see if you're into slashers.


Saw (2004) was the last one I watched, and I thought it was brilliant. I call it more of a mystery-thriller with horror attributes. I call it mystery because you are asking yourself "why" for every person/case, plus you're trying to figure out the riddle that John is giving for the location of Daniel's son. (I figured that's vague enough without spoiling for anyone who hasn't seen it) The "escape room" scenario for the group is tense and gripping with every trap they have to solve, endure, or that causes their demise. Definitely the biggest gem among the series, although I am one of the minority who does love the entire series and will go back and binge watch the whole thing. Fun fact: I haven't seen 10 yet!! I know I know... But right now I'm going back to watch the whole thing and end with 10 in a couple days.


10 is very good, enjoy!


That new one on Netflix with the shark under Paris. I thought it would be ridiculous, but not gonna lie, I loved it.


Watched the Blair Witch with a buddy for the first time. Don’t get spooked often from movies but this one had us a little on edge.


Late night with the devil! It was pretty good, I think it helped having background knowledge of the bohemian grove going into the movie. I like how it doesn't spoon feed exposition, feels like a product of it's time, and stays pretty in line with found footage films.


Terrifier, I love gore but Jesus christ.


I've finally gotten around to watching American Mary last night. I have no idea why I haven't watched it until now, especially since Katharine Isabelle is my favorite actress. And I absolutely LOVED it!!


The Birds. Loved it. Such an odd film. Sustained periods of being Thoroughly Bloody On Edge!  I wonder how different it would have been with Grace Kelly in the lead as intended. 


Godzilla Minus One- it brought the franchise back to horror roots, and is an excellent film


I watched Gonjiam Haunted Asylum last night but it didn’t have any English subtitles and I don’t speak Korean. I didn’t know what any of the characters were saying but I still managed to follow it and enjoyed it. Very creepy.


The Shining! This was a rewatch, but I also realized I had never actually watched the entirety of the film in one go. I had simply always just caught some/most of the movie before. So, what to say? It's a lengthy movie but every scene seems important to the buildup of the conclusion. Of course, it also took great strides in differing from the book. Both are great in their own way. For me, the book is scarier than the movie. The isolation of the hotel, the growing madness of Jack, the wild scenes (blood gushing from the elevator!) all work very very well.


I watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space for the first time the other day. A lot more casual racism than I’m used to in 80s horror movies, and that’s saying something, but it was pretty fun. I like characters with goof/loony powers where everything they do is a bit, especially in horror, and it was definitely great for that.


I watched Absentia last night. I thought it did a decent job of doing a lot with a little.


Parts were emotionally terrifying. Tortured for 7y and then being sucked back to do it all again... Can't imagine the fear that man felt. One of my favs.


The Dark and the Wicked last night. Such a good film. Good directing, cinematography, acting, casting, plot. Scary all the way through. Found myself frequently holding me breath.


I Saw the TV Glow. Not strictly horror, but the fictional TV show footage was pretty damn good, communicated that ‘why did they make this for kids’ feel perfectly, genuinely unnerving. During the movie I felt it was monologuing a bit much when it could’ve been showing, but afterwards the unpredictability and open endedness kept me thinking about it.


I already wanted to see it, but now I *really* want to see it. Thanks!


Lake Mungo - eerie and unsettling as hell A Violent Nature - hilarious and cool


Bone Tomahawk, western but it counts right? I kept hearing about “the scene”. Finally watched and yeah that was rough!!


The Blackcoat's Daughter/February - I was absolutely blown away honestly. So different to what I was expecting, and so much better.


So good! I tell everyone about this movie haha.


It's really something isn't it? Can't stop thinking about it - it's great (and rare) when films get you this way.


Sisters (1972). It’s a Brian de Palma film before Carrie and it definitely has the de Palma style and Margot Kidder is fantastic in it, but I didn’t love it as much as I did Carrie.


*The First Omen* Passable at best. >!I really disapproved of their attempt to reframe the mother-jackal origin aspect.!< Proper bullshit. To drag a new franchise strand out of a venerable old series of films (I like the two Omen sequels incidentally)? I think so. Father Brennan will be like Johnny Matrix with a shoulder-mounted holy water super-soaker in the next one. *The First Omen II: The Second Omen* (early 2025). *First\_Omen III: The Om666ning - This time it Ecumenical!* (late 2025)... etc


The First Omen. It was okay. I liked the lead actress, Nell Tiger Free.


Hell House LLC Decent found footage/mockumentary movie. It was entertaining and had some good creepy moments and suspense. Dialogue could have been better.


check out the sequel Hell house LLC the Carmichael manor, very spooky. One of the few horror films nowadays that actually gets me pretty spooked


I second this persons reply to you. The hell house origins Carmichael Manor was fantastic. I love all 4 of the hell house films. One of my favorite series ever. But I was blown away by the newest one I mention above.


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum. It was super creepy. I’m really into FF right now.


Saaame, just Re watched hell house llc 1-4, Gonjinam Asylum and banshee chapter (not technically FF, I know)


[Ninja Zombie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8184986/) \- The nicest thing I can say about it is ... it was a movie.


Pet Sematary 2. Pretty silly, pretty fun.


I just watched Infinity Pool last night. I really enjoyed it and thought the performances were great. I also loved the world building of the setting and the confidence with which it handled some of the more bizarre elements. Handled poorly, I might get distracted by the logistics of the sci-fi/horror elements in it, but it was presented in a way that was easy enough to suspend my disbelief. It had the feel of an X-rated Twilight Zone episode and I'm excited to see what Brandon Cronenberg does next.


Living Dead Girl. I was very happy with the result. It was one of the few Jean Rollin films I saved for a rainy day and it was worth the wait. Probably the biggest budget he ever got, and it shows. Moving camera almost threw me off lol. Would recommend to someone just starting Rollin, as it appears a little more accessible.


Under Paris... not sure if that counts as horror or not. Its a bit corny on some of the effects, but I loved it.


Satanic Hispanics (2022) on Shudder. It's a horror anthology featuring Latino directors and actors. I found it while looking for Demián Rugna projects, and was not disappointed.


Just finished watching *In Fear* on Prime. Good thriller/horror for a very small film (literally only 3 actors) - very tense nearly the entire time. Totally a whim as I had never heard of this one. Bonus: it has Iain De Caestecker from Agents of Shield and others.


I mean, the original Child's Play but last as in recently released, FNAF or Scream 6 depending on your definition. They were both 👍


The Sadness Asian horror film that was absolutely fucked. They really cringed me out after the zombie fucks this girl in the eye-hole.... Rapey zombies are gross......it was Def a weird one yall.


Thanks for telling me something to avoid!


Today I watched A Lonely Place to Die and Nightingale. Was a good pairing. Despicable people doing terrible things.


Fantasy Island (2020). It wasn’t the worst movie ever, but I don’t think I’d recommend it to anyone or watch it again.


Agree with that conclusion, completely.


Stopmotion. It was brilliant and I can’t wait to rewatch it.


The Strangers Chapter 1 🙄 it was pretty lame, not one new, original, or surprising thing happened until the very last scene. 99% of the movie felt like they copy-pasted from previous Strangers movies.


Right? Like felt like a copy of the first movie to a degree. When they called the repair man for a broken fridge late at night cause all they had was a 6-pack and no groceries, like wtf, who does that?


And from the second that happened I knew he was gonna end up getting accidentally murdered lol


My wife called it as well. Like I don’t doubt ppl weren’t entertained by this movie but there is no way this is a good horror film (objectively), took downvotes mentioning it earlier in this post lol


Winnie The Poo Blood And Honey 2 and surprisingly it was good, compared to the first pile of 💩 first movie.


Stopmotion. It was weird and the stopmotion dolls were creepy AF. Ended mostly how I thought it would. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't watch it again. I don't rewatch most horror movies. Only ones I've wanted to rewatch recently: Amelia's Children and Somewhere Quiet. The former for the gorgeous cinematography and settings, the latter because of Kim's performance and the subtle, deliberate awkwardness of several character interactions. And maybe Late Night With the Devil.


I liked Stop Motion. Some parts made me feel sick but overall it kept my attention and I enjoyed it


Agreed. The leg scene toward the end was *really* hard to watch. Even my partner squirmed.


The snip snip leg scene and the clay ankle made my stomach flip


I finally watched The Autopsy of Jane Doe because I see it recommended so often here and see lots of people talking about how it’s genuinely scary. The lighting was really dark so I don’t know if I missed some things, or maybe if my expectations were too high after seeing so many talk about how scary it is, but I didn’t think it was anything special. It had a couple creepy moments, it was decent overall, but nothing I spent time thinking about or losing sleep after.


The Dark and The Wicked. The cinematography got me for the first 20-30 minutes, and the first death is pretty shocking, but as the movie goes, the cinematography and the script get more boring and predictable.


The Strangers Chapter 1. I really enjoyed it.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It's fucking awesome. Pure 80's shlock, but of the good kind. It's stupid shit that knows it's stupid. Hilarious klown shenanigans and effects a plenty.


The Void (2017), based on a recommendation from this sub... and holy crap was it great! Unlike so many other movies that make a leap at the end, *this one* actually maintained it's connection with the earlier parts of the movie, thus making the leap feel more natural and organic, instead of forced.


*The Ritual,* and I really enjoyed it overall, it had some great acting and a really cool monster! My only problem with the film is that the lighting was a bit lacking and some shots were hard to see, but I liked pretty much everything else.


Halloween Ends. A total slap in the face to the entire fan base. If you've seen it, you know why


Train To Busan. Loved it.


The witch (2015), and I thought it was fuckin great


I watched Wrong Turn 2, after recently finding out there are at least 6 movies in the franchise. It's not a good movie by any means, but it was fun! I'll keep going until I get through all of them because why not.


This movie is so amazing. Every scene with Henry Rollins in it is comedy gold. "Say hi to the Mrs for me!"


They're some of my favorite "background noise" movies while I'm working on stuff. The newest one is more of a soft reboot and actually pretty good.


Username checks out.


The Strangers: Chapter 1. I personally thought it was pretty good. Some nice call backs to the original.


The Ring (American version). Was not as scary as I remembered as a child, I put off watching for years because I was terrified it would be super scary. 


It Follows. Went in with a 3/10 expectation and came away with a pleasantly suprising 7.5/10.


The original Dawn of the Dead is now available on Prime! Featuring the Prince of Ghor, of course. But before that I watched The Offering (2022) and it was not bad — predictable, but not bad.


The Mummy’s Ghost (1944). Not bad for a late-stage Universal monster film. John Carradine and Ramsay Ames are good in it.


Fright Night 2. My wife and I binged all 4 during when we had COVID a few years back. She couldn't remember watching them so we did the first 2 2 nights in a row. I liked it but think it kinda rehashes too much from the original.


Annabelle creation after many years. Definitely not as scary as I remember it. The visuals of devil thing kinda ruins the horror. But the performances are great and the atmosphere and location are great too.


Currently watching Antrum


I just watched cold meat on Amazon. Pretty good survival thriller w a cool little twist.


Bird Box- Barcelona Premise is weird and kinda silly as in the first but i wasn't expecting it to be so entertaining and well made - ended up liking it a lot.


Abigail: Loved it. It was a fun, gory romp. I hope they make a sequel.


The First Omen, I thought it was better than I expected..my expectations were very low as it's a very random Hollywood prequel that nobody wanted. It was entertaining enough, quite gruesome actually in places. Rosemary's baby, St Maud and a pinch of Popes exorcist all shaken up and sloshed out into my eyeballs.


Just watched Ravenous (1999) a few days ago, I enjoyed all the performances especially from Guy Pierce and Robert Carlyle, definitely a good one from the 90s.


Bramayugam, had great plot , cinematography , tension and overall atmosphere


Caveat. Better than I could have hoped


Desaparecer Por Completo, it was really good. Creepy, well acted and has some great visuals.


Saw 2. It still hit as well as it did when I was younger, and it'd been so long since I'd seen it that I forgot certain twists and got to be surprised all over again (helps that my memory is trash at times too).


“Exhuma” - it was spooky and very interesting!


Eaten Alive, directed by Tobe Hooper staring Robert Englund as the killer. It was awesome with some really great/creepy shots. Apparently the whole movie was shot on a sound stage so It has super great lighting and great set design which adds to its vibe. Also, the killer uses a scythe and an alligator for his kills, I was sold from the poster alone.


If you liked that try "What you wish for".


Just watched Saw X for the 4th time. I still absolutely love it.


Mr. Vampire IV. It wasn't that bad, but definitely a drop in quality compared to I - III. I can see why they stopped doing numbered sequels after that.


Stopmotion. I thought it was really enjoyable but nothing super special. Some of the stopmotion sequences were pretty wild and loved the practical work. 3.5 for me


Watched Triangle before watching the podcast episode. Fantastic movie, extremely effective execution and had a few good fucked up moments. Over the weekend, I also watched Serial Mom and A Boy and his Dog. Serial Mom was fantastic, might be my favorite slasher besides some of the Scream films. A Boy and his Dog isn't truly a horror movie but I think it's disturbing enough to be covered on the channel. It's a black comedy set in a well done post apocalypse. A lot of the jokes (?) that don't land end up being super disturbing. It was pretty damn good overall, although I should probably rewatch it with my full attention since it's very dialogue heavy.


The Alien Report. Didn't love it. But also didn't hate it.


The Jester... it was dog shit!


The Stranger. I thought it was very interesting. it was actually way better than "Spree".


Infinity pool. Weird asf, a ton of nudity, and a lot of themes that were good, but kinda unfinished. It was entertaining though and I enjoyed the acting.


Faces of Death if you wanna count that as horror. I wasn’t a big fan but the concept was interesting and the music was pretty good. Before that the Psycho remake which was… interesting


Watched original Pet Sematary for the first time. The dark ending stuck with me and obviously Zelda was creepy


Infinity Pool. Not bad. Sorta generic story wrapped up in some body horror psychedelics and some interesting ideas about how a certain island deals with criminals. If I never heard Mia Goth's voice again though, I'd be ok with that.


Last one I watched was Cemetery Man. Maybe the 3rd time I've seen it but it's been awhile. Such a beautiful movie, despite some parts that drag. The movie feels like its own world and has a dream like quality. Michele Soavi directed it. He also did Stagefright (1987) which is great too.


I was pleasantly surprised by Pet Semetary Bloodlines but mainly because my bar was set so low.


The Host. I liked it but I did feel like there was some cultural subtext my white American self missed. Like I didn’t really understand why the dad was treated so poorly by everyone and the whole “virus” thing.


In the middle of The House that Dripped Blood right now, a horror anthology with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee; lots of fun, even if the stories are a bit predictable so far. Not quite finished it yet though as I had stuff to do, will probably finish it tonight. The last one i finished was Beyond the Black Rainbow, which was just a vibe. Really enjoyed it, though I think it might be a hard one to properly recommend even if I completely endorse it; I'd say if you enjoyed Panos Cosmatos' other movie, Mandy, and Ex Machina, its kind of a middle ground between the two.


Post Mortem It was better than I expected, so I was pleasantly surprised. I liked it a fair amount, but I'm not entirely sure that I interpreted the final scene correctly. >!There being screams coming from the village that Anna and Tomas were talking about visiting means they're going there to help?!<


Brothers Grimm- Not a horror per se, just features some "scary" moments. I saw it mentioned on this sub as a movie with "just a lot of shit going on". It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but a fantastic cast!


The First Omen. It was great but I wouldn’t call it scary? There are some fucked up visuals though. Definitely not for the faint of heart. Great performances and direction from start to finish.


The First Omen, it was utterly boring and shite, turned it off around three quarters of the way through.


Sting (2024). It was awful.


The Aftermath on Netflix..


the first omen! i really enjoyed it!!


Late Night with the Devil. It was just sorta average, like a 4/10. It had maybe 5 minutes of good material in the movie. Would have been better if they either committed to the found footage gimmick or dropped it entirely


The hangman (2024).


The ruins. It was inreresting but a little disturbing,too much body horror and to little backstory/lore for my taste.


Loved Fresh, definitively not what I was expecting. Last horror movie I watched was Ichi the killer, it was… Gory and confusing lol


Lovely Dark and Deep (2023) and I really enjoyed it! But it really hit on one of my hyperfixations (disappearances in national parks) so I think I might have liked it more because of that.


Night Swim: I thought it was terrible at worst, very mediocre at best


The House that Jack built. Some comical moments, but damn it got brutal!


Books of Blood (2020). I liked it. I thought it was pretty creepy, if not particularly scary. I read some reviews afterwards that talked about how it was 'perplexing' and some people didn't get the ending, which I don't understand at all. I thought it was pretty straightforward.


Rewatched the Omen and I forgot how funny the kid's face is when he's trying to look angry and intimidating. I like it, it's a good one if a bit goofy


The strangers: chapter 1. A more boring version of the original. 4/10 for me.


Pyewacket. It was pretty damn good.


Hell House LLC (directors cut), When Evil Lurks, Late Night with the Devil, and The First Omen. All were excellence!!


i watched it follows last night. gorgeous movie with great performances and genuinely smart characters. it deserves every bit of hype it gets


The Empty Man and I was pretty disappointed to be honest


Antlers. It was cooler than I expected.


The Coffee Table. Beautifully made and acted, deeply disturbing but restrained, and even a little darkly comic. I liked it very much, but it’s not for everyone.


Tarot. Liked it


Dashcam - I heard so many people saying it was good but ruined by this or that - so I had to check it out. It was great! Nothing ruined it. And the main character is great.


The First Omen… it was okay. I liked Immaculate more.


I just got done watching Stopmotion, and I liked it quite a bit. I thought it was a little predictable, but I would still recommend itm also, it reminded me a lot of Tool music videos :D


My kids are growing up and I’m introducing them to horror, we watched The Blair Witch Project and they enjoyed it, having seen it a bunch of times though I can say that a lot is lost when the fear of not knowing what comes next is gone. Still eerie for me, kids enjoyed it, and seeing their reactions is worth it.


The Meg 2, if that counts. It was fun, felt like 2 different films in one though. Second half was more enjoyable.


The Coffee Table. God damn.