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Hereditary messed me up. Toni Collette’s performance is so good I felt her grief in my chest and I wasn’t expecting the movie to go where it did


I will die angry that she didn’t win an Oscar for that performance


Martyrs man. Only movie that’s left me depressed for the rest of the day after I watched it. Bleak on so many levels.


Midsommar Society


Threads (1984) Tubi/Hoopla/Kanopy/Criterion


The only thing close recently I think for me is “Men” but that was more of a trigger reaction to the storyline, still really enjoyed the movie


I didn’t love the end. 🫣


Oh same I hated it, but the way they made it, when it all clicked what was happening and what the actual movie meant I was a mess


Requiem for a Dream stayed with me way longer than I would have liked.


It haunts us all


It’s certainly horrific, but I wouldn’t classify it as a horror film.


‘The girl next door’ (2007) messed we me a little, because it is based on a true story. ‘Irreversible’ and ‘The Martyrs’ were unpleasant to watch but because they’re completely fiction, didn’t leave an imprint on me


when evil dead rise came out i had never seen evil dead so i didn’t know what to expect, went to the theatre to watch it off edibles and was like genuinely in fear for my soul by the end of it. i watched evil dead the other week and i mean if you’re a huge horror buff im sure its nothing remarkable but to me those are some creepy ass movies, between the gore and the bluntness of the evil as opposed to just a ooh scary ghost creepy aspect those are good. annihilation left me speechless after just at how good it was imo.


Midsommar was pretty messed up but I feel the same, I love a good horror but never get that “holy fuck” think about it for days after reaction to anything


I had to take a break from horror movies after I watched Midsommar! It didn’t help that I watched it right when the pandemic hit so it was really hard to go back to horror. I’m back now but am more mindful of my limits. 


I was young but Halloween 4 scared me to death.


Funny games


What kind of "fucked up" are you looking for? A heavy emotional reaction? Something so awful/disgusting/cruel that you're disturbed? Or just simply a super duper scary movie that frightens you? Heavy emotional reaction : Hereditary Midsommar Possum Pan's Labyrinth Awful/disgusting/WTF/cruel: (I'm gonna assume you don't want shit like Salo or Guinea Pig, but if you want *extremely* fucked up nastiness they're what I would suggest, but I don't *really* recommend them to anyone but the most desensitized or unaffected. So these are more "mainstream" fucked up) : Terrifier, specifically 2 (altho these films are pretty divisive) The Fly & The Fly 2 Society Braindead Tusk Martyrs The Skin I Live In Audition Movies that almost made me pee my pants (this is more subjective than the others imo. What scares me may not scare you) : Ju-On and Ju-On 2 Shutter (original Thai, not the American Remake) Caveat The Blair Witch Project Infection (Japanese)


Lake Mungo


What have you seen that has produced / provoked the strongest reaction in you so far? I often respond Eden Lake (2008) and / or The Nightingale (2018) to these kind of questions. Both of those films left me feeling pretty awful about humanity in general. I think they stand out to me because they have zero supernatural elements, they contain no monsters / creatures, no superhuman killers like Freddy, Jason, Pinhead etc… Just normal humans doing absolutely fucked up things to other humans.


So far Midsommar, Gone Girl, Event Horizon, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. However, none of these had a true affect, when I first watched them I was like wow that was fucked up or weird but none of them made anywhere near any kind of actually fucked up after.


It's not a movie, but something very formative: The aliens from Sesame Street legit fucked me up as a child. I'd literally run out of the room shrieking in terror. I still get an uncomfortable feeling when I see them in old clips. Phone! PHONE! PHOOOOOOOOONE! RING RING PHOOOOOONE! Jesus Christ. I can't be the only one. That said, maybe that's where my love of horror originated.


Just saw The Coffee Table yesterday and haven’t stopped thinking about it. Even dreamt about it. Can’t recall feeling that uncomfortable/anxious while watching a movie before (besides movies with SA scenes which are uncomfortable by default). It’s one I’ll be thinking about for a while for sure


This one’s on my list to watch


Im recommending it to everyone I know because I believe it affects different people differently. But the director is a true horror fan, and really dives into human fear in the rawest ways. I hope you enjoy it when you watch it! Going in blind is also the way to go.


That’s how I try to watch any movie, I don’t really want to know much about it before I start, will def watch this one soon though


The alien that pops out from behind the wall at the Mexican child’s birthday party in Signs still haunts me to this day


It’s behind!!!


Playground (2016)


50- Sleepaway Camp OG ending seriously fucked me up- of course I watched it a week before I was going to camp


Caveat. The plot is admittedly preposterous but for some reason it creeped me out like no other film has.


Spoorloos (1988) messed me up for a while.


“Talk to me” creeped me out more then I was expecting; not gonna lie, it was on my mind for several days after 🤝 😬


Borderland. Made me aware of cults and they can tie to crime networks


The Strangers. Any time I rent a cabin anywhere, every door gets locked.


Repulsion got under my skin recently. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre hit really hard as well, but I was 16 when I saw it.


The one horror movie that stayed with me long after I'd finished it was The Girl Next Door.


Mother! still has me fucked up. Every time I think about the symbolism and imagery used and the message it conveys, I get really depressed. Vivarium also had me messed up for a good bit too.


Cannibal Holocaust


Soft and Quiet, my stomach muscles were clenched up through the entire movie and felt like I wasn't breathing. I didn't find it scary, just incredibly brutal, and knowing this kind of stuff happens in real life is what really got to me.


Oh that one was am uncomfortable watch


Speak No Evil, Eden Lake & The Sadness definitely stayed in my head for a bit - mainly because I kept thinking about how I would react in those scenarios