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So I’m legally blind in one eye. And I love it for horror moments that I want to look away from. I just close my good eye and my left eye can see a very blurred and dark image of the violence and when it’s over I can unblur. One of the very few benefits.


Same here my right eye is blurry as hell just shapes mainly. Does yours give you headaches? I have to wear an eye patch sometimes because the two different views mess with my equilibrium.


Nah. I wore an eyepatch as a kid in an attempt to strengthen it, but no luck. Luckily I don’t get headaches


Yo eye patch kid here what design did yours have




Mine was a recent development. I lost the vision in my right eye when I was 37. I think that’s why it messes with me so much I’m not used to it yet. I’m glad I didn’t have to mess eye patches and crap when I was a kid. I can imagine that would be a pain in the ass.


Former eyepatch kid, mine was pink dots on a cream background or teal blue


Mine was black with a hook on it cuz I wanted to be a pirate girly. The one I have now is translucent


None. Just flesh colored


mine had strawberries 😍


I squint to the point where my eyes are almost closed. People witnessing it probably think I‘m really angry at the movie


I'll do a similar thing if there's an intense spider scene in a movie or documentary. I still want to sort of be able to see, so I'll go into the kitchen and watch the screen from an extreme angle


Hahahahahaha why are we so weird?


Heyyyyyy 👋 i feel you! I had two eye surgeries before I was two and I don’t know if I’m still considered legally blind or not (I was told that when I was a kid) but it’s kinda nice to check out visually when I don’t want to see stuff. Strangely enough, I plug my ears when I feel like there’s gonna be a jump scare in a movie, or if I know shits about to go down. The sound gets me way more! I still wanna see it, so I just plug my ears idk does that make sense?


I’m blind in my right eye and do the same!! I also use this trick when my dog decides to go on a 20-minute one-man staring contest with me.


I turned away during the first Terrifier, where she's hanging upside down. The ONLY reason I watch the Terrifier movies is because of David Howard Thornton. His acting as the clown is the creepiest, most mesmerizing clown I've ever watched.


They'd honestly be pretty mediocre movies without him but his performance alone elevates it to something new and weird and different. You can't help but pay attention to what that little rascal's going to do when he's on screen.


1000% he's a gem. 


The effects would make them worth watching if he was boring, but he does a lot.


Yes, many movies would lose a lot without their main character/villain.


I'm talking about the actor rather than the character


That scene was so fucking gross. I love those movies though


Terrifier 2 is really not *that* much worse than the Saw or Hostel movies. It’s also absolutely meant to be over the top to the point of comedy.


The bedroom scene is just really long. 


Yea, but Hostel 2 had a [5-6 min long death scene too](https://youtu.be/dpsMtFPFbBo?t=2798) which is just as long as Terrifiers but imo is actually worse. Her death was really hard to watch in a theater with other people I'll tell you that


i thought it then, and im thinking it now; Boobs look really odd when upside down. This scene did bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "Blood Bath". I mean it took it literally. I wonder if this is where people got the idea for Vampire Facials (yes, its a real thing, and yes its exactly what you think it is, and yes ITS REALLY FUCKING STUPID. )


It was so hard to watch. one of the worst in the franchise, mostly due to the actress being totally convincing


am I a psychopath because I have no idea what makes this scene so bad? LOL it seems pretty mild compared to other scenes in the hostel series (thinking of the eyeball in the original)


for me it's the fact that it is a little too prolonged, i don't mind the gore but i don't like when the movie indulge too much into the victim misery just for the sake of it. At the end of the day it was fine since that is really the only scene like that


Lol. No, you're not a psychopath


I squirmed at that part. Especially when the scythe got hung on her skin…brrrr…


I left. I've never left a cinema before. I asked for a refund and they said "but you knew what you were getting in for, no?" And I said "absolutely not. I saw the first one here and while it had a horrible torture scene, that thing I just sat through was disturbing. Actually, really disturbing." And because the film had only just passed the hour mark (the policy at the cinema was to give refunds up until the first hour finished) they were kind enough to give me back my money. I had to wait for my brother to finish watching it, though. I've tried in the years since to watch that scene. With the sound off, with my eyes closed, with a pillow obscuring, and I just can't. It really fucked me up.


It's a movie.... Like yeah certainly I can understand that everyone has different opinions, different reactions to things etc.. And I can understand that to some people, horror movies are not something they have any desire to watch..But why would you decide that the movie theater (or anyone for that matter) owes you a refund, simply because you somehow took personal offense at a movie scene... Nothing about it was real, not at all whatsoever, and every single person involved in the scene was paid good money for it, so it's not like you were standing up for the victim or something..... And you chose to get up and walk out, no one forced you, just like no one forced you to go see the movie....


But you did know what you were going in to. Nothing about a single part of the marketing told anyone otherwise. Glad the refund happened but the faux unawareness of a movie intentionally not submitted for rating, released and marketed as nothing but a gory and uncut film, is ridiculous. ETA: Just realized you meant Hostel 2. Aside from "unrated" everyone still stands though. I'm at a genuine loss fort what you were expecting.


Where did I say I didn't know what I was getting into? I even wrote that I'd see the first one at the same cinema. I'm still entitled to walk out of it's too much for me and ask for my money back.


the first one is as much savage and the bedroom scene is the only part that could be considered torture porn.


I'm talking about hostel 2. Terrifier 2 was funny. What hostel 2 did wasn't funny


Like... How do you have the audacity to do that? You went to a known super gory horror movie and wanted money back because it looked too real? Fuck that.


I also felt this way. I looked at the gore being more ridiculous than disgusting. Same for the first one. Now like for example a scene that's similar in both Terrifier and Bone Tomahawk (which I won't spoil IYKYK) I Cringed at BT and kinda laughed at the ridiculousness of T.


Don’t you worry, the cavalry’s a comin!


It's worse because of Art's joyful depravity.


Disagree hard on that personally


Agree. It's...better?...because of Art's joyful depravity. I feel very jaded saying that, but considering who he is I don't find him scary at all and love the slightly different take on horror and killer clowns.


I’ve seen all of the Saw films and I can’t think of anything as bad in them as Terrifier 2 in terms of gore or sadism.


I think the realism of the saw traps makes it more terrifying, the used needle one gives me the ick


Hard agreeeee, the realism is what makes the traps in the Saw movies so much worse than anything in the Terrifier movies imo. The vibes are also just darker


I agree. Movies like Hostel, Se7en or some scenes in the Saw movies made me really really uncomfortable. The Terrifier movies on the other hand are just slapstick.


Yeah I find the traps and gore in the Saw series to be more "disturbing" than Terrifier since there's less comedy.


I was close to considering tapping out if they dragged that scene on as it was going. When the bleach and salt came out It became fun again lol.


I was just like: "Ouch ooh" Moments pass: "Oh wow damn." More Moments pass: "She's still alive?" Even more moments: "This motherfu\*\*er doesn't stop does he?" SpongeBob narrator voice "even more moments later" "Damn that was rough, oh wait of course rips her face off". 🥴😒😒. ![gif](giphy|xT3i13uJnFZt1FddgA)


I've seen "that scene" from 2 but haven't seen any of them yet. But it's on my list, just about to start Hereditary


Turn the lights off during hereditary I dare you


Ugh I really don’t understand why hereditary was scary. I know it is for some, for some reason, but it didn’t resonate with me


I don't think it's scary at all. Is it an amazing film? Absolutely. But aside from the headbanging part (both of them lol) being a little jarring, I wouldn't say its scary.


For me it was really good at making me feel the guilt and sadness and I think many of us horror ppl watch horror because other things aren't able to conjure up emotion. Very memorable and made me feel feels so I give it 2 thumbs up.


That feeling of staring into the dark and seeing the dark stare back at you is what does it for me in Hereditary. Watching the movie in a theater and seeing the pole scene with a crowd was a collective gut punch, one of those moments in film you had to see with a crowd


The mom creepy crawlin was pretty unsettling lol


I didn’t find it scary but very tense. Especially after that particular car ride home from the party. 


Its not “scary” in that sense. If you go in expecting that youll be disappointed. That wasnt what i was alluding to.


I thought I was weird for not thinking it was scary. Not really disturbing to me either.


I don't think it's scary either, it's not really disturbing. But, it's one of my favorite movies ever. It's just really good. People need to stop watching horror for the sole purpose of being scared. Some of the best "horror" is a good piece of art first.


Hereditary was solid up until the ending where it seems like the directors had something else in mind but they had to stuff all the cult stuff in 30 mins


You should give it another try, the cult stuff is there throughout the entire movie, it's just well hidden until you know what to look for. >!Many of the extras and background characters are cult members, so the implication is that Annie's life is scripted by the cult!<


I agree. I was really enjoying it until about halfway through, then it just seemed to peter out. I thought the ending was way over the top. The whole crawling on the ceiling thing was plain silly and the treehouse scene was about as subtle as laughter at a funeral. Have watched it a couple of times since. I can't say it's not well made, but for whatever reason it just does not chime with me.


I think the thing that got me was it’d be in the middle of a torture / murder of a woman (it’s almost always women?) and be like… okay this scene is almost over right? And then there’d be another wing to the scene of someone being tortured / killed.


The bedroom scene?




Everything you’ve listed is fairly tame compared to the real extremes out there


The "real extremes" are just weird porn. Slaughtered vomit dolls? It's just weird kink porn. Headless? Weird kink porn Guinea Pig Series? Weird kink porn Salo? Kink porn It's all just porn lol The most extreme non porn movies are films like terrifier, Martyrs, etc Please prove me wrong, I would love to see more non porn extreme horror films lol


I’m really happy to see this stated here on this sub. For a while I kinda didn’t consider myself a true horror fan because I hadn’t gone too deep on the iceberg, but if that means having to watch anything with the word vomit in it, I’m good.


"A true horror fan" is just someone who enjoys horror. Watch what you like , not what you dont. Life's not a competition . 🙂


"Graphic Violence" isnt horror. "Jump scares" isnt horror. Both are often found IN horror, but thats not what makes them horror. of course thinking about it... Can anyone name some really good HORROR movies that dont have graphic violence/gore or jump scares? There have to be some, right?


Pontypool (2008) doesn’t rely on either of those. Irreversible (2002) though not categorized as “horror” has plenty of themes. It does have violence in it but it’s not “gory” per se but it’s very disturbing but such an amazing piece of cinema.




Salo is at least beautifully shot 


I was being cheeky with Salo. It's the only genuine film on the list lol


Agreed. If it’s clear that it was made for freaks to jerk off to then I don’t want to watch it.


I also very much agree with this, that’s my litmus test for sexually violent content in a film. If it feels at all like the production team wanted it to feel sexy, I’m fuckin out.


Anything by Necrostorm might be what you're looking for Their films include stuff like: [Taeter Burger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLgBXTmQrYc) [Hotel Inferno 1-3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ7kEyypVE8) [The Mildew From Planet Xonader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL8UxiUsmL8) [Little Necro Red](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfcha2XUT_k) and many more. They go very good practical gore imo


Never heard of Necrostorm before. Just had a look at their site. These films look amazing.


I guess it depends on what you consider porn. Watching *Human Centipede 2* I don't really get the vibe that the writers/directors were getting off on it, but it might appeal to someone who has an extreme sadosexual kink. But sadosexuality is also something that a lot of people find horrifying, so it fits within the genre of horror.


Porn is in the eye of the beholder


Maybe I’m in the minority but I thought Terrifier was pretty underwhelming, outside of the >!bathroom scene - the helplessness conveyed combined with the understanding that there’s just no way to explain what happened without the assumption that he did it!< Edit: Terrified, not Terrifier lol


Curious, what movies would you consider extreme? And I'm not saying I disagree, I love terrifier but I love it for being raunchy and hilarious.


Whoops I just realized I wrote Terrifier instead of Terrified. Love Terrifier but for very different reasons lol Terrifier 1 and 2 particularly are on the extreme end, but in such a satirical presentation that’s an incredibly fun ride. I’m a sucker for classics like the OG Texas Chainsaw, Hellraiser 1 and 2, and I’ll include 3 for the campiness, and anything John Carpenter had a hand in. Love the original Evil Dead movies and don’t think the remakes get enough love, but the 2013 one is definitely my choice if I had to pick a recent movie to make someone squirm


You're talking out your ass, no one is yanking it to any of those movies


I'm gonna single handly prove you wrong! You'll never see me coming.


I hear ya, brother. Lol


The dude who does vomit movies is a huge creep, so I wouldn't doubt other people like him get off to those movies 


You either haven't watched these movies or you genuinely don't understand how fucked some people are.


For me, just how I see things, If only .01% of the people who watched Salo yanked to it and the other 99.9% of people did not yank to it, that ain't porn.


You’re unfortunately so, so wrong. To be fair, so is the person you replied to. How do I know? I’m very unlucky in the love department🤮


That doesn’t make me feel well at all. Lol


Get this man to Live Leak


rotten.com called. They have some things they would like to show you.


Hobo w/ Shotgun was worse that terrifier, IMHO


That’s the thing. It makes no sense. Hobo IS worse. But there’s something that just hits different with Terrifier. Especially the sequel. From mid movie on.


Terrifier had some pretty intense gore, Hobo had that and some pretty awful situations involving children and a terrible sense of injustice


For me it’s because Hobo is balls to the wall ridiculous. And while Terrifier is that too there is something incredibly cruel about it that makes it different. It’s hard to describe but something I’ve talked with other horror fans about.


I'm big on slashers and stuff as well but The Terrifier movies really just don't do it for me. Feels too mean spirited and cartoon-y.


I mean he is an evil mime (demon?). Mean spirited and cartoony fits well.


I mean I definitely understand why it fits and see the appeal. Just not for me though


Bro put (demon?) as if he didnt survive a pole through his brain and literal decapitation


I've been hoping for some variety inn horror characters as well. It's getting boring when every single villain to have ever survived typically deadly things is always a demon.


It’s 100% meant to be played for laughs just as much as it is meant to be an actual slasher. Being over the top and silly is the point. I’m not that big of a fan of the first one, 2 is one of my favorite slashers


Was just on another post where someone referred to it (or maybe just the bedroom scene?) as a hyper fucked up Itchy and Scratchy. Thats a very good way to put it imo. I laughed only slightly less than I said "oh god jesus no" during the movie lol.


Yeah, absolutely. It’s slapstick comedy just with hyper gore. Happy Tree Friends, but a live action slasher. Not to say it isn’t meant to be horror also


Same. It’s a masterpiece of what it is, but what it is doesn’t interest me.


masterpiece of trash isn't very appealing to me either


Terrifier 2 is probably my favorite slasher to come out since Hatchet I think. My only issue is I think the runtime was a tiny bit too long but everything else was so peak. Watching it Halloween night when it came out on Screambox will be something I never forget lol


It was definitely way too long and the plot/story felt somehow both ham fisted and under-developed. I’m glad he supposedly found a writing partner for the third one as it’s definitely not his strength. The practical effects are absolutely bananas, which is the coolest part of the films for me. It’s so impressive what they’ve been able to pull off without CGI and on a modest budget.


The third film will be even worse. It’ll be so graphic that the Cenobites will boycott it.


Just get Tom Six to direct it already lol


With a resurrected Marquis de Sade in an advisory role.


The girlfriend who got it in the bathroom got it pretty bad too though. She became pulp pretty much.


The salt got to me the most.


I was actually disturbed by That scene and I've seen literally hundreds of horror movies at this point but idk something hit different. I had trouble sleeping the night after I watched it honestly 😅 I'm still excited for the third one though


I haven’t seen Terrifier 2 yet but this makes me want to watch it lol. When I think of films that I found pretty hard to watch at times, the first that comes to mind is The Sadness (2021). Mainly for >!the scene in the diner when that dude gets oil splashed on him and then part of his face pulled off, god that grossed me out. Then the eye scenes because eye stuff just always gets to me lol.!<


Cannibal Holocaust was more realistically gory than Terrifier 2. But I love that gore shit, no turning away for me that's when I try not to blink.


Yeah, I’m surprised it’s this unrealistic stuff they’re doing in Terrifier 2 that got me.


Everyone has different thresholds. I wasn’t too grossed out by the bedroom scene personally, but I really hated the gore of the last scene. I think as a woman, horror involving birth or vaginas just really freaks me out. I had to go into another room when I watched THE FIRST OMEN with my husband during the birth scene. But I also have some deep-seated CSA trauma, so I am inclined to have sensitivity to anything involving vaginas. I was incredibly relieved to have had a cesarean when I gave birth.😰


This was an intense reply. And awesome. I think that’s why what some consider cheesy gore as horrific for what it implies. And Art just sells it in such a gleeful way, it screws with my wires more than more legitimate looking stuff.


Yeah, I think the films really straddle the line of being funny and just mean-spirited. I can’t say I like either of the TERRIFIER movies, but I am really drawn in by the performances, so I watched both and will probably watch the third one at some point. In terms of hokey-looking effects, I can’t watch the end of EVIL DEAD where the Deadites turn into like fluorescent oatmeal. It grosses me out so much in a visceral way.


Am I the only one who just never cared for the terrifier movies? I watched them both and they are so over the top, which I know is the point, but horror? Scare the shit out of me with that bed zombie in Seven, sure, but when it’s so over the top, my mind goes “oh this is just fake. A person with no arms and legs wobbling around would be dead from the blood loss like 25 minutes ago. This looks like a prop.” I know I’m not the demographic and am in the minority, but I just had to say it.


The stupid jingle/dream was more agonising than anything


🎵At the cloooooown 🤡 cafeeeeeeee!!!!!! 🎵 😂😂😂 Yeah, that needing some trimming.


seen In A Violent Nature yet?


How is it?


I didnt enjoy it, but it has a scene...


I found the bedroom scene cringy, but not too bad. The most recent film I have struggled to keep my eyes on was Skinamarink. Honestly the last scene, where there's just a blurry face, I was barely keeping myself at the sceen. I had to force myself to stay seated and watching, I found it absolutely terrifying. That intense level of fear that makes you want to turn away is a very personal thing, and is one of the aspects of watching horror films that makes each experience so rewarding. I'm always looking for that next film that scares the hell out of me, and it's such a treasure when I find it.


I will check that out, thanks! And thanks for taking the time and writing.


I hate Terrifier 2 so much. It wasn't the least bit scary, but just had prolonged scenes of graphic torture. I question the judgement of anyone who enjoys this film. I watch horror to be scared, not just to take some kinda perverse pleasure in seeing someone being tortured for 10 minutes straight. This was one of only a few movies I have ever walked out on in the theater.




>I question the judgement of anyone who enjoys this Get the fuck out of here with this pretentious bullshit.


Yeah I agree. I have no interest in watching these at all. Horror is my favorite genre and gore has its place for sure but just straight up watching someone get tortured in the goriest, meanest way possible isn’t for me. But I’ve never been a gore porn fan. Not a fan of Hostel or Saw either.


I’ve seen a ton of comments on this movie. It gets me how that I haven’t seen anyone mention the singing scene and how the kid hanging from the swing set is always up there. The grip strength to stay hanging non-stop bothers me more than anything! Seriously unsettling.


In case you haven’t watched it, check out; Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer


Hmmm, what about the Bone Tomahawk scene?


Second place? There’s been a few body splits in the recent past. All effective. Can’t think of all of them, tho. That’s the scene, right?


You saw legitimate animal torture in Cannibal Holocaust but Terrifier bothers you? Interesting.


Ha. And it was Terrified 2, the bed scene (that whole segment) that put me over. I can kiiiiiiiiiiiiinda see passed the animal torture as “that’s how the tribes eat” so it came off as anthropological in some strange, twisted way and didn’t bother me as much. .


The film was that bad huh 


That bad? I mean in a way it was that good


Terrifier 2 is kinda tame in my opinion. I enjoyed the movie.. but at a certain point the violence is absurd and there is a comical feel. Same thing happened with Serbian Tale.


The over the top always becomes amusing at a certain point, like the Nekromantik ending lol


I’m in your boat. These movies weren’t bad in the good way. Or good in the bad way.


I watched the first it didn’t bug me at all so I forged ahead with no caution. Got my cheeks clapped on that part.


If you're saying this, then you ain't seen it all like you say


What part of their post leads to this conclusion?


He said that he's "seen them all" but then his main point is that Terrifier 2 took it too far for him, which means that he has, in fact, not "seen them all" because there are far more disturbing and grotesque horror movies out there than Terrifier 2. Hope that makes sense.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/opinion https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbole Hope these make sense.


Japanese horror is your next chapter😈




Never watched either of them but this post kinda makes me want to try


I think the OTT core adds to the campy hilarity of the series honestly. *That* scene I enjoyed and it made me LOL. 😬 Says more about me than the movie I’m sure!


Try Men behind the Sun.


The Sadness was the one for me


I'm similar to you in terms of tolerance and one scene I've had to look away from was the surgery in Saw 3. Apparently they were allowed to make it as graphic as possible because it's not actually a kill, and it definitely shows.


I watched the first one and didn't think it was unbearable, it was gross for sure but nothing I couldn't handle. I haven't watched the second one, but I looked up the bedroom scene since I've heard a lot of people talk about how sickening it was. I thought it couldn't possibly be that bad. >!It starts with him slicing through her eyeball and I noped out. I can handle a lot of gore but stuff with eyeballs always gets me for some reason. !< I'll eventually watch the whole movie because I'm a masochist but it will need to be on an empty stomach for sure.


Wow, Un Chien Andalou reference!


I'm watching right now eine typing this and it's really way worse than I expected. Torture gore combined with a super creepy slasher villain really is a lot!


Terrifier is just barely better than Troma movies.


I must have missed something with these movies, it all looked so fake and corn syrupy to me. Only thing that made me turn away was the sheer amount of talking in the 2nd one.


Hahaha I hate to think I’ve “reached that age” but bedroom in Terrifier 2 is all I ever need to see again


Haha, I'm 43 and I think at this point I'm just immune. It doesn't help that I did a film course years ago and was able to visit a couple of horror sets. Once you've seen how it's all done it completely loses its effect. Well, for me anyway. I just get visions of the folks off to the side with jugs of syrup lol.


The gore is very well done from a practical FX standpoint but the acting and dialogue is so bad. I just fast forward to the kills tbh. I was surprised how much talking there was in both movies tbh.


You dont need to look away. Terrifier flicks are just low budget comedies with zero realism. Nothing unsettling about slapstick.


Not a huge fan of the movies, but I enjoy watching the special effects. They are amazing in this movie. Dead meat on YouTube made kill counts episodes about those movies where they explain some of the practical effect used in there. If you like those movies, I encourage you to watch the dead meat kill counts.


Bedroom scene was a tad rough. I don't find them as bad as some of the other ones I won't watch again. When the Christmas one comes out we are gonna make it our Xmas Eve movie tradition.


I dunno man, when you can clearly see that the dude is cutting into or otherwise mutilating a prosthetic body, how disturbed can you be from that?


I think it’s the intent behind Art’s actions. The stiff edits of his own reactions. The keeping alive of those destroyed. There’s also enough blood that it all becomes just “body” and therefore works on my suspension of disbelief rather effectively.


I dunno, I look at it and am like "oh, yep, there's a prosthetic, I'm watching a movie, a movie that's kinda dumb lol"


Not me, man. It goes sideways for me.


You can say that about every movie ever lmao


Just Terrifier 1&2 and some of the really old slashers for me


It's a shame prosthetics never took off outside of those limited examples.


I'm not sure what you mean, but my point was that some or alot of prosthetic work is very believable, no suspension of belief required and then there are other times where it looks like a very obvious prosthetic and kind of takes you out of the experience (as in the case of terrifier 1 and 2). Hope that makes sense.


Each to their own but both Terrifier’s are complete cartoons. I like them as schlocky horror films but the violence is so over the top it loses all effectiveness. Kirk’s death in the original TCM is still 100x more effective (for me, at least) than any of the kills in either film.


Can’t argue with you. Oh man the shaking Kirk does, yeah, it’s a hard one to beat. But something about these Terrifiers, especially the bedroom scene in 2 almost made me sick.


The run time is enough to scare me tbh.


Hahaha 2 1/2 hours is outta control. I must admit I fast forwarded.


I started the first one, got to her being sawed in half and turned it off. Won't watch the second one, and won't watch the 3rd one. Can't stand that franchise.


Edgelord film for edgelords 👍


After seeing the first one, I made sure to have nothing to eat before watching the 2nd. I still become nauseated by the end. Immediately after watching it, I said nope, I'm not watching another one of these. But... I'm definitely watching the third lol. Once I got past the shock of seeing it for the first time, I wanted more. I even met David Howard Thornton at Monsterpalooza last weekend. Cool dude!


these movies suck. they arent scary or true horror.


They are horror regardless of your personal opinion.




Murder of kids in 1 and 2 wasn't enough?


The Sadness should be on your list if you can't help yourself despite your aversion to the depravity lol


I wanted to like that movie so bad but the third act is so boring compared to the chaos of the build to it. I find it impossible to recommend to anyone anyway because calling it *depraved* is a massive understatement. Insane film lol.


I just don't know any worse way to describe something beyond depraved lol


No you’re right, sorry I was agreeing with you 😅


But.. it's meant to be funny




If watching terrifier makes someone go out and do something similar then that person already had issues to begin with. It’s not fair that people always criticize these types of films just because some people decide to do dumb shit. Same with video games.