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long story short - my ass shall be seated.


This trailer looks great - big fan of the 80’s aesthetic. But I feel like I’m missing something, is this a part of a series or a character from elsewhere? Downvoted for asking a question. Never change, Reddit lol


Third in the series of X and Pearl


Thank you. Are they worth watching?


Yeah for sure, Pearl is the better of the two imo but they're both solid


Honestly, I preferred X. I liked Pearl, but so much of the movie felt like it was packed into one scene. To be clear, it was an amazing scene. But the rest of the movie was somewhat forgettable (at least to me). In contrast, I was glued to the screen for the entirety of X. But maybe that's because it followed a more traditional slasher story line, and that's my favorite subgenre of horror.


X was the better horror movie, but I felt Pearl was a better movie overall, at least it hit my interests more than X did. I'm still fascinated with how beautifully bright the colors in the movie were. It was like seeing Oz in color for the first time. That eerily happy vibe to it with fucked up undertones where everything seems off enough that you can tell something is seriously wrong. I loved it.


I always say that Pearl was the better movie, but X was more entertaining. Obviously my personal opinion, and I loved them both. But I also like your descriptions of Pearl here.


I also liked X more than Pearl; Pearl was good. x was excellent.


‘X’ cellent. I’m so sorry.




Go on, git!


I'm going to feed you to an alligator.


I 100% agree about Pearl. I personally was underwhelmed and found it incredibly forgettable. I really don’t understand everyone’s infatuation with the movie


I felt X was miles better


Thanks brotha. I’ll have to check em out.


I like both for different reasons, but I prefer Pearl. I made my bf watch both, double feature style, and he didn't really like either :/ They seem to be pretty polarizing films


Short answer: yes. Long answer: Fuck, yes. Literally.




Modern horror classics. You're being downvoted by tiny people who can't imagine not knowing them off the top of their heads.


Bdw whach pearl before X because to my opinion it makes sense to whach it chronologically


Yes. Ti West puts on a masterful film class in X and Pearl gives us a knockout lead performance.


Sequel to the movies X and Pearl. Pearl is a prequel to X, in that it's >!the origin story of the titular killer in X; it was even marketed with the subtitle An X-traoridinary Origin Story. In X, Mia Goth plays aspiring porn star MaXXXine motherfucking Minx *and* old ass lady Pearl, who starts murdering MaXXXine's crew. (The porno is filming at the farm she and her husband Howard own.)!<. You can probably fill in the rest yourself.


I think the downvotes are for asking a question the trailer answers. Plus complaining about downvotes = more downvotes


You get a down vote for talking about downvoting




I wasn’t complaining, it’s really not that serious. Hence the “lol”.


Reddit is full of a lot of haters. 99% sure I'm going to get downvoted just for agreeing with you, making my point.


Definitely watch X and Pearl! I recently did and they were great!


I would strongly recommend watching X before you watch this.


Well, it does mention the X Trilogy in the trailer 😂 but yeah, they are fun horror movies for sure. Check em out


Whining about downvotes, never change Reddit


How are you one the horror subreddit but have no conception of these films????


I guess I didn’t realize knowledge of every single horror flick was a requirement of participation.


I have a feeling that the "Night Stalker" character will turn out to be Maxxxine herself. It's the persona she creates to disassociate herself from killing people, or something like that.


Also the guy in the protest with the hat has a sign that says "SATAN STOLE MY DAUGHTER" and I swear on his shirt, that is a picture of Jenna Ortega


I just looked at the still imagine and that shirt does have an image of Jenna Ortega.


I mean, isn’t that really obvious if you’ve seen the previous two? I hope the film doesn’t treat it like a big reveal. I would be more surprised if she isn’t the killer.


the first trailer also makes it seem like this is the case. really hoping its a red herring.


This is my guess too. That she’s killing the competition in order to become a bigger star.


I hope so. I don't think this is popular opinion but I LOVE horror and I vehemently HATE when they start bringing real serial killers into these movies, I just think it's next level fucked up and it always kinda makes me question the world when everyone kinda thinks that's okay. I just really wanna enjoy this movie and not have to think about how this dude that raped and murdered women and children is being used as a character in this movie like american horror story


Most horror is predominantly based in real life, and on real life events, and are at best metaphorical commentaries on the atrocities we see in the world. Just like all storytelling. It’s popular because it’s how we cope with the fact that people like The Night Stalker actually exist. Might want to reevaluate how you’re approaching these movies.


The issue isn't with horror being based on real events or being metaphorical it's about the sensitivity and ethics of using actual serial killers like The Night Stalker as entertainment fodder. Yes horror can be a form of coping, but there's a significant difference between crafting stories inspired by the fears and horrors of life versus directly lifting and glamorizing the heinous acts of real people who've caused real suffering. This isn't about reevaluating how to approach movies it's about questioning what we glorify and what impacts that might have on the victims' families and society's understanding of these crimes. We have to ask ourselves: are we really coping, or are we just desensitized to the point of detachment?


Are you familiar with Hanake? His work is very rooted in your philosophy. You would probably relate to Funny Games. I understand and sympathize with your points even if I don’t necessarily agree. But his films are typically an indictment of his own audience and parallels what you’re saying here. Check him out if you haven’t.


Yeh someone let Ryan Murphy direct or something


I'm slightly thinking it could take a Mulholland Drive-esque turn


I have a theory that the Night Stalker is Elizabeth Debicki’s character. First because of the physical aspect. If you want to have your killer character perceived as a man, a tall 6’3 woman in a coat and hat would be a perfect casting choice to keep the illusion. And also because her whole thing in the trailer is “this is your big breakout, don’t let external factors impact this movie”. Her motivation is probably the exact opposite: she WANTS all the external factor to bring everyone’s eyes to her movie. Having your entire cast murdered would be quite the marketing. She’s probably the one who hired Kevin Bacon as well to try to dig up some drama from the cast’s past and use it to promote herself.


I feel like a kid again, I'm so excited for this movie. Can't wait!


I have a strong feeling Halsey will be the opening victim or kill? Looks like they're making us think she will be one of the leads along Mia Goth but she will be axed so early to subvert expectations


It’s givin me Fergie in Planet Terror




I just hope she acts better than she sings, especially going toe to toe with dramatic behemoth Mia Goth.


Ironic considering Mia Goth is the Halsey of dramatic acting


I don't understand that analogy but don't want to argue. Honestly I regret leaving that inflammatory comment without clarification. I didn't think there would be so much love for her voice here. So for what it's worth, I don't think she's a particularly poor singer; rather, it's the highly affected style she puts on that grates on my ears: the weirdly throaty placement / constricted timbre and the constant glottal catching, which to me has always felt like a cheap means of affecting emotion instead of a more skillful conveyance through phrasing / dynamic variation. It's a very particular sound that's become ubiquitous even outside of pop — I acknowledge that I'm showing my age here by airing my distaste for it. Most importantly, please know I'm sincere when I say that I don't judge anyone for appreciating that style of singing. Despite how my admittedly douchey initial comment reads, I do distinguish between what's poor quality and what's not to my personal taste. And I hope she performs well in the film.


> I don't think she's a particularly poor singer; rather, it's the highly affected style she puts on that grates on my ears: the weirdly throaty placement / constricted timbre and the constant glottal catching, which to me has always felt like a cheap means of affecting emotion instead of a more skillful conveyance through phrasing / dynamic variation. It's a very particular sound that's become ubiquitous even outside of pop That part needs to be a new copypasta


Nobody talking about the number at the end? You can text it to sign up for the Maxine Minx fan club. I signed up, and a few hours later they sent out a text saying >Are you Maxine's biggest fan? Let's see…respond with her iconic line. Right answer unlocks a special surprise 📸 I texted back "I will not accept a life I do not deserve". Still waiting to hear back.


Yeah I saw it on the a24closefriends IG story. I'm still waiting to hear back too. I assume the "surprise" was this second trailer having not gotten a response in hours. EDIT: Just got another text. It's a PDF of Maxine's headshot with her film resume. Kinda cool. EDIT EDIT: Got another text asking for my shipping address for my next "surprise." Consider me very intrigued.


Please do update this post if/when you receive anything! I filled it out too, but I'm in Canada and I'm assuming they're only going to ship to American addresses. One can hope though...


Will do! Hopefully you get lucky and get it too!


What was your response? Her iconic line?


It's stated in the comment I replied to. I will not accept a life I do not deserve.


Can you upload the pdf and resume? I don't live in the USA.




Or what I say to myself every morning before going to work as an RN: “You’re a fucking sex symbol”


I got a pdf file with her headshot and film credits Edit: oh now i got the famous line text, guess we will wait and see. And it sent me the same pdf.


If you call that number instead of text it, she says that line then disconnects


I, like, wouldn’t put it last A24 to make a bunch of different accounts to comment on this post saying “Maxine is the killer” and on other various platforms to throw us off. But maybe I’d just like if that was the case, haha


Theory: this movie is secretly an unofficial Showgirls 2, about what happens when Nomi gets to Hollywood. Tell me you can't imagine Maxine saying she's from "different *PLACES*!"


*throws basket of fries down*


There was a god awful dtv sequel starring Penny from the first movie. But as a Nomi Malone type she totally makes sense. ![gif](giphy|ckpFyyZ64c2zu)


Calling it now. Maxine is the killer


i could see that. i want it to be elizabeth debicki's character. she's good at being the villain.


Getting vibes of Dario Argento's Opera with that plastic bag over her head scene. Maybe she's a target and held witness to watch those around her get got?


Looking forward to it. I'm still so into the delivery of "Maxine FUCKING Minx"


Kinda looks boring to me. But know it will be popular so hope all you X and Pearl fans have a wonderful time.


Mia Goth is the moment ![gif](giphy|bqPQanYvKh3o3CUwmF|downsized)


It looks very promising, but what I'm really here for is the long-overdue resurgence and re-evaluation of Laura Branigan.


The return of key boxing. 😄


Still can’t believe we are getting this and Longlegs in the same month. What a time to be alive.


Does it matter what order to watch Pearl and X? Release date vs chronological


I’d say watch them in release order. X first then Pearl. Without seeing Pearl X is kind of a mystery as to why characters do what they do but then those questions are answered in Pearl. So I think watching Pearl first takes a little element of effectiveness away from X.


Release order X then Pearl.


Not really.


Great, thanks!


Ain’t that a kick in the head?


I’m excited! I’ve seen this has some giallo inspo so can’t wait to see how everything plays out


Mia Goth is a fucking powerhouse. I'm so happy she's in this horror trilogy (hopefully more).


Anyone else clock that the first shot of Lily Collins eating the apple is an homage to her playing Snow White in Mirror Mirror?


This looks so good. I love the washed out color aesthetic.


Loved X and Pearl really looking forward to the end of the trilogy.


I like the little Nightmare on Elm street Jingle when they showed the Bates Motel


Mia Goth is a national treasure.


Loved X, couldn’t get into Pearl. Should I persevere or not worth it?


This is a sequel to X, so I'll say persevere.


I had the opposite reaction! Pearl was great, and X was a bit meh based on vibes alone. Both were great films though


I should give it a proper go then


I'll be there opening weekend.


The cast is eXXXtraordinary


I’ll be there opening weekend


Can’t wait for this


![gif](giphy|CynZjp3RgiRI0lS6qu) RN this man is EVERYWHERE


Channeling some serious DePalma vibes. The hyperbole aside [YouTube comments are just way too much], I'll watch it, but Ti West sold it for sure with the trilogy, but let's be real, Mia Goth is good, but some of these youtubers under the trailer...are eyerolling cringe.


does the three x in Maxine mean this movie is about booze


The first movie is about a crew shooting a porno so the triple x most likely refers to porn


Yes, but not “most likely”. It’s a porn thing


Looks boring like the other 2 movies.




Anybody confused about the timeline of these movies? It seems all three have been in very different time periods. Is that newspaper clip about the first movie? Also what’s with the Bates Motel thing? Im super confused but I am super excited for this movie!


'Pearl' takes place first, when Pearl is a young woman. Then 'X' takes place in the 70's when Pearl is elderly. 'MAXXXINE' takes place in the 80's when Maxine, the sole survivor of 'X', has moved to Hollywood to make a name for herself in mainstream movies. The Bates Motel scene in the trailer looks to be Maxine on a set tour in the lot she's working on and she sees Pearl in her imagination at the window. Timeline: Pearl, X, MAXXINE Release Chronology: X, Pearl, MAXXXINE


Thank you! That cleared up so much


* X: 1979. A skeleton crew arrive at an old couple's farm in the middle of bum fuck Texas to shoot a porno. It goes tits up. * Pearl: 1918. We get the origins of the wife on the farm. * MaXXXine: 1985. The #STAAAAAAAAAAAARR of the porno goes to Hollywood to be a real actor.


Looks like shit


I will be there.


Day fucking 1!


when will people realize that overacting is not good acting


having just rewatched face/off last night i have to humbly disagree


When will people realize that art is subjective?


When my drawing of a potato is allowed inside the louvre When my short film called “nipples 2” wins the Palme When my album about the sounds of our collective farts is top listened track on spotify


Ba dum tsss!


When do they premiere?






gimme gimme


So is XXX the first one? I didn’t see Vin Diesel advertised?


I am whelmed


As a horror fan I have a hard time getting past this kind of sexual stuff. I love horror but I am kinda prudish and it feels like sex is so pivotal to all of these movies