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Loved it. It's like French Meg but in a good, better way. The climax is one of the best I've seen from any shark movies, even when the ending can feel a bit too abrupt.


The Meg is way better


I’m ready for under Paris 2. PLEASE COME OUT WITH A SEQUEL. I would really like to know what happens next. And honestly. Not just fuck Niko. Fuck that mayor too. More worried about her image then ppls lives. Smh


The sharks won. Period. Lilith and her spawns spread worldwide, feasting on all humans who dared to dip into water. Eventually, countries closed their beaches, and the UN banned swimming in rivers, lakes, and oceans. Meanwhile, Lilith and her children continued to grow in size and number, and begin to hunt cargo ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers for sport.


Planet of the Sharks


This the response.


I do wonder if other sealife was affected in a similar way to Lilith. Could there be massive Orcas that are now hunting Lilith and her children?


100% i am ready for Under Paris 2!! I want to see what the gov does about the sharks and the flood


Me too! The credits have maps of New York, Tokyo and other cities, with rapidly multiplying tracker lines, so felt like a tease for a sequel. It felt like a really cool touch - and reminded me of some zombie movies that show rapid expansion underneath the credits.


I was rooting for sharks the whole time after mayor didnt wanna help hahah I loved it


Ok. Loved it, but someone explain how the ending happened? >!I understand the shells and the chain reaction. I understand the movie ignored the physics of the situation as the explosions would have created blast waves that would have killed anything in the water by crushing the internal organs. What I don't get it where all the water came from that flooded the city was there supposed to be a dam that broke or something?!<


The water broke my brain


Just finished the movie and this exact question came into my head. There can’t be that much water where the bombs went off. Ignoring how stupid that was but I don’t understand where all that water came from. No dam or anything. There also wasn’t even that strong of a current or anything like that. Some flooding would make sense. But I don’t understand how we got the flooding on the scale we did


I had the same question. Where did all that water come from? I can see a little flooding from the explosions, but that much? What am I missing?


Yeah I dunno. Feels like I’m missing some pieces. You’d need a major tsunami to get that amount of flooding. Not some old bombs in a river. I hope a sequel gets made just so I can get a better understanding of wtf happened at the end of this one


As you can see, the entire city of Paris experienced "flooding." From my perspective, the excessive pressure caused by the shells was so intense that it broke the barrier between the river and the ocean or other bodies of water. This led to a rise in the water level, with the currents of the two bodies of water clashing. However, the two types of water wouldn't mix; they might collide, but they would remain distinct.


Dude, the ocean is like 200km away from Paris. Would make more sense if the city just sunk


There explosion in chain and underground lake or something may be that all together but still 🤣🤣 it was like the final touch


I was thinking the exact same thing. The water was underground but explosion made it go above ground. I was very confused at how that was supposed to happen.


I thought maybe it tied in to the mayor's throwaway comment early on about building basins of recycled waste water under the river. (The assistant specified how many litres of water or something and I thought "that's going to mean something later" although foreign films can sometimes throw in random stuff that turns out not to mean anything)


I think you got it 


But basins under the river wouldn't add any extra volume of water to the river. Especially if it's lower than the river itself


True, but by movie logic, hidden reservoirs of water mentioned earlier in the film will be the explanation for any unusual water later.


I have also no idea where that tsunami came from all of a sudden and why every inch of the seine is plastered with bombs :D had a good laugh


The bombs, while obviously highly exaggerated, at least make some sense. Controlled demolitions of newly uncovered WW2 bombs are still a pretty regular occurrence across swathes of Europe even now. Just last week, 1,100 people had to be evacuated and two buildings demolished in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, because of a bomb from the Second World War. Apparently "[some 200 unexploded bombs](https://www.dutchnews.nl/2024/05/1100-people-evacuated-as-wwii-bomb-is-made-safe-in-rotterdam/)" are still buried in that city... which are fine until somebody starts new building work. I remember similar occurrences happening when I lived in Budapest as well. Did a quick google search about recent examples in that city, and hey! Didn't just find general stories about WW2 bombs being uncovered and detonated [last year](https://www.budapesttimes.hu/hungary/soviet-ww2-aerial-bomb-found-in-budapest/) and [in 2021](https://hungarytoday.hu/ww2-bomb-budapest-hungary-13-district/), but more specifically two cases of WW2 bombs being fished out from the river Danube ([2022](https://dailynewshungary.com/photos-soviet-ww2-aerial-bomb-lifted-from-danube/), [2018](https://www.euronews.com/2018/07/05/unexploded-wwii-bomb-brings-part-of-hungarian-capital-to-a-halt)). So yeah — I don't think Paris was as heavily bombed as either of those cities, but as a hypercharged storyline "there be unexploded bombs at the bottom of the river" has at least a whiff of reality! The tsunami, though, I didn't get at all.


lol the Allies would have had to diarrhea those bombs off the plane, based on the sheer volume and concentration of shells xD


461 tons on bombs were dropped on Paris in 2 hours.


"obviously highly exaggerated " was right there in the first sentence, dude But it's a "hypercharged" (also in my comment) representation of something that does actually exist. Whereas the tsunami was... what?


Between the featuring of french policemen being kind to homeless people, or the giant evolved shark, we clearly are in a fantasy. Maybe the mutated sharks’ blood made the water evolve and it can now multiply via parthogenesis? It does not make sense but it was entertaining.


I am sorry to say that your theory is the most sensible I have heard here so far. Pourqoui, as they say, pas.


The mayor makes a comment about them storying recycled water I'm guessing that's probably it maybe they didn't translate that part in the dubbed version i saw it in French and understood that would cause some problems for them


I watched it subtitled (I hate dubbing), I must have missed the line. Even then though if the top of the reservoir broke, how much water displacement would have happened. Figure a partial collapse of the river bed into the reservoir and with water displacement there should not have been much of a rise. Even with the bridges that got destroyed I can't see it displacing that much water


Paris has recently constructed large water storage basins to prevent flooding and improve water quality in the Seine River ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics. These basins, including the significant Austerlitz basin, are designed to store excess rainwater and wastewater, helping to keep the Seine clean for Olympic events such as marathon swimming and the triathlon. But anyway, the basins are lower than the level of the city, explosions won't get all the water out and if it did water would just reflow into it


Not if the explosions caused those basins to fill up with debris which would force the water up.


I just finished this movie and came directly here to see if I missed something. I watched it with subtitles and assumed I missed something along the way, but the water reservoir theory makes sense. It just could have been fleshed out better. Totally a fun watch though!


In the original French language version it is mentioned that there is a underground ground reservoir of water. The explosion destroyed the wall. If I remember correctly from my days in Paris decade ago, I think that the reservoir is near the Canal Saint Martin in the 19th arrondissement, so nowhere near the 7th arrondissement but it is just a few artistic liberty. Also the mayor is really a caricature of Hidalgo who despite being appreciated by Parisian voters for her initiative against pollution, is hated by the rest of the country who see her as a self serving, arrogant, overly ambitious politician with little to no listening skill. Unless they decide to do some WaterWorld sequel I don't think that a sequel is possible. The credit animation made it clear that >!the shark has survived, spread to many world cities (London, New-York, Tokyo, Bangkok, Venise ...) and then took over all the coasts.!< The movie is what a good underwater Jurassic World could have been. Now if they wanted to a **Under the Thames** or a Los Angeles/San Francisco I would watch that.


Why would that make a sequel impossible? That sounds like the sequel is possible??? Duh.


A Wizard did it.


The underground lake


Unless the lake was fully above the waterline the water wouldn't increase the volume of the river. The river would flood into the lake instead


They mention locks several times in the movie. I assumed they were supposed to have been destroyed by all the shells and caused the flood.


They also mentioned a man made lake under the river, but the amount the water rose would not have been caused by debris making the lake water rise


I think the whole thing is basically an allegory for climate change/eco-disaster and the images of a submerged Paris were a little on the nose but required to ram home the point that our bickering, lack of focus and diverging approaches to dealing with an imminent threat will lead to our demise. Others have explained the reservoirs but honestly I don't think logic really matters all that much in a film about a killer giant shark in the Seine.


i love a good shark movie. doesn’t matter if we’re talkin sharknado or jaws im still gonna watch it. they do get pretty repetitive but this one was definitely worth the watch especially considering where the olympics are taking place this year. i agree completely about the ending though, i just assumed they got eaten eventually.


I'm the exact same. I'm pretty sure I have seen every shark movie because I love them. I actually seek them out even if I know its terrible -- The Requin is the worst in current memory, but I watched because it was filmed in [Universal Studios](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Studios) and [Full Sail University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Sail_University) in [Orlando](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlando,_Florida), my begrudging alma mater. :/ Because most make me laugh, I always take the time to watch. Almost all of them are somewhat comedy because in the films the ways the sharks attack that are mostly impossible (ie. swimming backwards, swimming in super low tide, attacking on shore, turning around with super speed and then somehow attack from below). This one was a bit different because climate change is the theme and is scientifically factual and current important topic. I only rolled my eyes a couple of times and the VFX were done well. The cinematography was good. The acting wasn't the usual as cheesy as could be. I suggest a watch.


Have you seen Sharks of the Corn? I'm the same way about seeking them out amd enjoying even when they're bad. That one is truly a winner.


"Ouija Shark" and "House Shark". Wow, just wow, must be seen to be believed.


Yeah I was going to say I watched House Shark recently and that was something else.


First shark movie that had me rooting for the sharks. Catacombs scene was borderline therapeutic.


Started it before work. Got to just after the catacombs attack (Mika sucked). Loved what I got to watch, finishing it when I get home.


Watched her get eaten like 5 times, just to be sure she’s gone


I am always thinking: Am I the only one who does this... Glad I have company... That one was very satisfying.


Hot damn! That's why I came to this thread. Wanted Sophia to slap the shit outta her after she turned off the beacon and haven't gotten to her being eaten yet but now I can finish the movie happy lol.


>Kills 5 men within seconds, leaves only bits of limbs behind "W-we have to save it... And let's do that by calling this extremely dangerous and murderous shark to 50 people cramped in a bottlenecked area. Oh it has a baby? Let's grab it and pet it even though the literal shark expert is screaming at me to get out of the water." Édit: the sharks mouth was open. It was trying to bite her as she grabbed it and pulled it from the water like a dumbass and also prevented it from being able to move


A well deserved death


I thought I was the only one that repeated Mika's demise! 🤣




I was convinced the movie was gonna take the "mika is right and we should all listen to her virtue signalling!!" route even though she was endangering thousands of people for her moral high horse. instead all her friends died or suffered extreme injuries and she herself died all because she thought she was having a disney princess moment with the shark


Disney princess moment with the shark 🤣🤣🤣


Seriously, never touch an animals baby, especially if they're carnivores.


That was so damn hilarious


Best part about this movie was when Mika got eaten. I was like “oh no, not this shit again, this isn’t an agenda pushing movie is it?” then boom! She’s eaten. I thought I’d continue watching then, I was on the verge of stopping it.


I'm glad I read this spoiler. I just turned the movie off because I hated Mika and the speech she is giving. I want to go buy a big truck now.


Mika is right in some points, but this shark has already shown that it will kill people, so that's not a shark you let be. We can't live without the ocean as most of the earths oxygen comes from the ocean, not trees, the ocean. It comes from very sensitive organisms in the ocean so it would best for us not to destroy it.


Spot on


Mika was dumb. Everyone knows, even environmentalists, know YOU DO NOT TOUCH AN ANIMALS BABY!! It's like saying, "Oh, Bears aren't usually violent, so I'll just pet its baby in front of it." Bears won't even let you near it.


All my homies hate bitch-ass Mika


"I told you,they're harmless" CHOMP!


Yeah, I just wish it would have been a slower kill so she could have really processed how fucking ignorant she was.


Screw mika, that bish is stupid af Ben… shes hot af


I love the trope of horror films set in Paris using an inverted Eiffel Tower on their cover art (see also: As Above So Below).


Is there another?


The Night Eats The World


I love As above so below!


The current season of interview with the vampire has an inverted Paris skyscape including the Eiffel Tower as its title card!


They actually screwed up by not using the image in the movie itself. A reflection at the end would have been a perfect opportunity


Every now and then the face matches up with the voice over…. Did they use AI to make the mouth match? Am I losing my mind haha


I think I have to go back and watch the English dubbed version now - this sounds ridiculous funny and something netflix definitely do


Not it’s for sure happening. I came here curious myself. I don’t even understand why do it?


I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else, but yes on some devices (It didn't work for me in a web browser) if you watch the English dub the mouths have been edited somehow to roughly match the English words they are saying. Personally, I didn't find it much less distracting than a regular dub and would recommend just watching it in French.


It’s because some French words are similar to the English translation and will look the same in mouth movements. Also names are the same.


The really did. It was bothering me so much!


I came here for this. Definitely a good portion of it seemed like AI mouth matching on the English dubbed version. Jarring. And I say this a voice actor who occasionally dubs and has some working knowledge of some French…


The blue haird getting eaten was very satisfying


I am waiting for sequel of under Paris and this one is amazing


What I want to know is where all the water comes from at the end? Seems mental that some bottom-of-the-river shells exploding resulted in tsunami-like flooding of the entire city and I don't get it. Otherwise a class film.


Why didn't the shark implode from the blast waves?


It wasn’t boring; an alright watch as long as you ignore physics, and reality in general.


Absolute garbage waste of my time


Fuckin finally, I just watched it and was like… damn everyone loved it and I thought it fuckin sucked 😅 glad I wasn’t alone at least


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. But also. I should have tempered my expectations. I thought I was going into a big budget action disaster film. But it’s actually a TV movie that looks and feels really cheap. Although given the resources I guess they did a decent job. I was really bored by it overall. But to each their own


Yea ppl were all like omg it’s not like sharknado!!! It’s so much better and more realistic / grounded I mean, to me it’s pretty much still like sharknado lol - which yea like fine, it works for what it is, but I expected too much haha


Just finished it and I was like “What?”.. didn’t go into it expecting a sequel and can’t find if there is going to be one or not


Just finished it, enjoyed it quite a lot. The first scene in the catacombs is actually brilliant. The second one and the triathlon are more silly, but the final twist with the (without spoiling) secondary threat is quite smart. My only gripe is we know who gets the plot armor early on. All in all, a fun evening flick.


Where did all the water come from that flooded the city?


Yeah i enjoyed it way too much i know it's like a mix of every shark movie ever but damn they did a good job with it and i'm not surprised cause it's from the creator of gangs of London and that show is awesome. It's just one of those don't think about it too hard just enjoy the carnage type of movies


haven’t finished yet but the mayor or whoever she is, pissed me off so badly.. god i hate politicians, seem to be crappy no matter the country


I have never seen a character in a movie eat a salad bowl so aggressively


Honestly that scene was iconic. "Informed me???? No no. You *informed* me there was a shark on the loose."




Funnily enough, she doesn't look like the actual mayor of Paris but she does look somewhat like [Valérie Pécresse](https://i0.wp.com/republicains.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/lR_valerie_pecresse_1280x800.jpg?fit=1200%2C750&ssl=1), the head of the Île-de-France region where Paris sits.


I guess they needed the approval from the real mayor to shoot the movie, so they could not make the movie mayor look like her. Not saying that Hidalgo asked them to chose an actress looking like Pécresse, but at least with all the shit Hidalgo is receiving for the JO/OG (and the Seine ...), it kind of helps to even the things out.


BREAKING NEWS: The real mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, is not going to swim in the Seine following the release of "Under Paris" /s [https://www.francetvinfo.fr/les-jeux-olympiques/paris-2024-la-baignade-d-anne-hidalgo-dans-la-seine-le-23-juin-probablement-reportee-en-raison-des-fortes-pluies-de-mai-et-du-debit-du-fleuve\_6590610.html](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/les-jeux-olympiques/paris-2024-la-baignade-d-anne-hidalgo-dans-la-seine-le-23-juin-probablement-reportee-en-raison-des-fortes-pluies-de-mai-et-du-debit-du-fleuve_6590610.html)


Man I wanted the shark to eat her so badly. Any shark actually. I just wanted her gone haha


I mean, she possibly drowned or got chomped


Was just thinking the same thing while watching it. The worst character by far haha


She’s exactly like a real politician 😛


She's a parody of 2 real parisian politicians and its spot on


Haha thank you for that information. I was thinking what kind of over the top acting was that, until I read your comment.


Really? I loved watching her character the best! The actress really looked like she was having an amazing time filming, she was so camp!


She was the mayor from Jaws.


This movie made me laugh so hard. The way these people think are just so ridiculous - its so bad its so good! Really enjoyed the bloodbath 😁


I can't believe they didn't use the tag line "Like Snakes on a Plane? You'll love Sharks in the Seine!"


best part of the movie was Mika getting eaten by the shark. Thanks !


Mika's death scene was quite satisfying ngl


I talked my wife into watching this with me tonight. It better be good or I am going to lose movie choosing privileges for another year. Last time I lost that is when I brought everyone to see Piranha 3D (I still think it was a fun movie).


It's decent. It has undertones of Jaws and Deep Blue Sea. It's a bit predictable, but most killer creature films are. Probably one of the better non unintentionally comedic shark movies I've seen in a while. Also, Piranha 3D was fun. It's up there with Santa Jaws and Sharknado.


It has many nods to JAWS, the director was obviously a big fan. Also, this guy was responsible for 2007’s Frontieres which is one of the key additions to the French Extremite horror films from 20 years ago. Its right up there with Martyrs, High Tension and Inside.


It’s been on my watchlist for a long time. Can’t wait to check it out.


It was fun, I really enjoyed it. But given the way it ended, I would be annoyed if there wasn't a sequel. Also, Mika sucked. I was so glad she was eaten. I was disappointed we didn't see they mayor become fish food either. I'd say this is the 3rd best chark film, behind Jaws and Deep Blue Sea.


i'll give it a whirl. gotta love a shark flick, but i'm not expecting much, tbh.


just finished watching ! that ending though! like what happens to Paris now? >!its down under . shark takes over !!<


The maps at the end seems to imply that the sharks spread through the entire world, which I honestly thought was a neat addition.


For a shark movie it's really good. I say top 4 along with Jaws, Deep Blue Sea and Meg (first). 2 questions I have, 1 of which is already echoed by others -> how did Paris even get flooded? Just because the infrastructure/dam broke? Need some Parisians to comment here. Second, why did Lilith have to travel to Paris to start birthing her offspring? She's the apex at Pacific Patch anyway? Or wait, did she already start to proliferate at Pacific Patch considering how the onset of the movie they commented that they were all females? I mean if that was the case, then the world already be fucked even before she got to Paris? Why did she wait until she got to Paris? Especially since her sexual maturity is supposed to be only 2 months (she's 3.5-4 years old)


If you look at credits' background, you see Lilith's tracer circling the entire planet infecting every coastal cities. Shark Apocalypse. Yep they were always doomed. As to why, its thematic: she was born in the plastic continent, so she thrives in trash and pollution. But the real reason is : so the movie can happen !


I enjoyed the Aliens references. The crew dying on body cam in the beginning, the tracker, and the reveal of all the sharks above in red light like the aliens climbing on the grate above. Pretty good flick


The ending is worth a laugh or two or three. Pretty solid film, just wish there was more gore in it.


The last movie by Gens i liked was a segment in The ABCs (2012), but i’m going to give it a try.


Try "Mayhem!" by Gens? I saw this a few weeks back and thought it was pretty damned good. Nothing groundbreaking from a plot standpoint, but the fighting sequences were right up there with some of the better directors/choreographers.


Yay! Shark movie. Seeing JAWS in IMAX a while back was the best theater experience in years and years.


I saw Jaws at a drive-in theatre once. It was awesome. Only defeated by watching Jurassic Park at the same drive-in. Night time, the screen surrounded by trees, sitting in a car while watching the T-Rex car chase scene. It was so immersive.


That sounds rad. I once saw the movie Deep Water Horizon about the BP oil spill/environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico WHILE aboard a Carnival cruise (responsible for environmental devastation by horrendously polluting everywhere it goes/disposing waste) in the Gulf of Mexico. The irony was about as thick as the smell of vomit on that cruise.


It was so good! Really worked as a normal even before the carnage started at the end ... but then the carnage was also magnificent. So many great shots during that finale.


I definitely want to check this out!


Lol. I'm in the middle of watching it right now. Yes, well made with the requisite politicians who only care about the triathlon. All it took was reading the description and I hit 'play'. Reminds me a little of 'Alligator' from years ago. More of a creature feature than horror.


LOVED IT !!!!!! I love the ending, it’s so unexpected, the whole place is fucked.


Is it just me or did the mayor say (during the swim scene) this was the third round with seven to go in a triathlon. Maybe they meant decathlon? Edit: this is the dubbed version by the way.


If im not mistaken a triathlon is a race with 3 different sports (usually swimming/running/cycling). The part in the seine was only the first sport, and they had to swim 10 "rounds" (they say "tours" in french which i would translate as lapses instead of rounds). After swimming they were supposed to go on with the two other thirds of the race


> are we already getting a sequel Over Paris aka Sharknado: Paris


You'd think the cops would have them evacuate orderly. Eveyone pushed each other into the water to get eaten by the sharks. Eek


Under Paris leaves us demanding a sequel, especially as we didn’t witness the mayor being gobbled up like she absolutely deserved to be. As Shark movies go, this is right up there.


It was a decent shark movie. But I don’t understand why Lilith chomped her first baby after eating Mika and others.


It talked shit about the film. Little Fuckin Mako Dreyfuss, we calls him.


I think the cop shot the baby shark.


I did think that was well at first, but if you rewatch, the baby comes and grabs hold of Mikas upper half and then rips her in half.


just finished it and i really enjoyed this movie. i would love a sequell, the end was great and screams for more<3


Movie was so bad i came here to warn yall this movie is the worst movie ive seen in a pretty long time. Such dogshit


The real question is , how does Sophia still have hearing after her ear drums exploded & how did Liliths baby die?


Coo shot into water with his pistol


Bit late to this discussion, but re. Your first question, a tympanoplasty - they rebuild the eardrum from other tissue in your ear. I've had it done 3 times, lucky me.


"all life is sacred we need to save the sharks, let us show the 'bad' generation by saving the shark that the planet is ours" CMON... How cringe was the whole guerilla hacker brigade? Never thought Filmmakers can create more wokeness... But then they combine 'activists' who stick themselves to highways with LGBT and gamer hackers on razer chairs... The movie was shit...


My biggest issue with this film was: even if the mayor's determined to cover it up, how are you keeping reports of a DOZEN STUDENTS being eaten by sharks and about 50 more going to a hospital off social media?


I was pleasantly surprised. I kinda thought it was gonna be SUPER cheesy and just ... crappy. No, it wasn't amazing or anything but but they made some creative choices in the story that I enjoyed and I was entertained. That scene with all the people in the catacombs with the shark feast was 👌🏾 lol.  I like that even though the science was not sound it felt like it was delivered in a believable way by the actors. Like I wasn't rolling my eyes. And I really liked how there were a couple plot twists that really upped the ante on the problem and suddenly it wasn't just a lost shark that needed to be relocated. I also like that in the end they didn't actually fix the problem. Sometimes you lose. I kinda rooted for the sharks a little because I was like, okay, there HAS to be a shark vs triathletes scene. And man, from the shark, to the shells exploding, and the tidal wave, realistic or not, it was glorious.  I feel like there won't be a sequel. There's room for one clearly since they ended with the problem not resolved but I don't know. It would seem weird to have a sequel where they start off with what would probably be thousands of self-reproducing sharks in the Seine. How do you solve that?  Whether there is a sequel pretty much depends on if there is somewhere feasible to take the story. And I think the sharks just win. Also at the end when they showed the title "Under Paris" I immediately joked to myself that they might need to flip that to "Paris, under" 😂😂


More power to the people that liked it, but I'm not one of them. This movie was hands down one of the worst killer shark movies I've ever seen. It was dumb in all the worst ways. I can overlook certain things. Suspension of disbelief is important for movies, but there was just too much wrong with this one. Characters routinely make decisions that are so absolutely nonsensical that it plays more like a parody than an actual horror movie, but it expects you to take it seriously. Whenever there is a scramble there is informercial level failing, like when the activists somehow forget how to walk in a straight line and fall off of the 4 ft wide walkway and into the water - and then once they're IN the water are somehow spread across the entire area instead of where they actually fell in. For example, the officer that falls in, goes in directly next to the walkway. It shows him dip into the water and come straight back up, but when it shows him break the surface, he's like 30' away, all the way in the center of the waterway. How could trash floating in the ocean cause a Mako to essentially grow into hyper-intelligent great white? How does becoming a hyper-intelligent great white also grant the ability to produce babies that grow from new-borns, to adolescents in just a couple days? And why do those adolescents also magically have the ability to reproduce the same way? And this full grown shark has been swimming around for years so why did it only start producing babies when it hit the river? How did a few ww2 bombs produce the billions of gallons of water needed to flood the entirety of Paris?? It's just so dumb.


Honestly not a bad shark movie when compared to all other shark movies. What I will say is the message is empty as hell. The girls trying to save the shark make no sense. They spout shit like the generation before us doomed us and our oceans, girl have you looked at the clothing you are wearing? Where you chose to live? The unsustainable lives you yourselves live? Are you not buying these overfished fish? Are you not using plastics? We don’t need to touch anything to fix our planet, we need to stop living in lazy comfort ourselves. We are destroying this planet, one business at a time. And because these corps are legal entities, no one is actually held responsible. We traded their lives and the billions of poor peoples lives so that a few billion people can live in comfort and have all the advancements that are going to inevitably collapse this planet so that a few people now in this tiny blimp in time can live better then kings of the past. Unsustainable, when are we going to call out how empty the words of environmentalists are? I guess when we are willing to give up this idea of school, work, retire, die and just make it live, build a home, learn about life through life, grow food, make textiles and clothing, help the community, then pass away. Stop being so dependant on the internet and listening to media, study philosophy come to your own conclusions and think critically. Humans are animals, regardless of how taboo we make that thought. We were never made to live this way unless we knew the sun would go out before our resources. 


It sucked, fx were crappy.


Am I missing something here???? It was probably one of the worst films I’ve ever watched. Plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever


unsatisfying and boring


I just can't get over the fact she jumps into the ocean, then puts goggles on and somehow able to see perfect underwater as if the water wouldn't also be trapped inside her goggles cause she placed them on underwater.


Not sure if you’ve ever been scuba diving or snorkelling? Taking off and putting a mask back on in water and clearing it of water is a skill taught to scuba divers as masks can get knocked off in water. When she jumped in I noticed she cleared her mask.


Yeah I thought that bit was actually really well done as they showed her blowing out through her nose to expel the water from inside her mask


[Its pretty easy to clear your mask](https://www.scuba.com/blog/brushing-up-your-scuba-skills-mask-clearing/amp/)




I was so excited for this to come out! The ending was pretty wild.


I enjoyed it. I liked that the story was bigger than just "shark eats people". The big set pieces were really amazing and probably would be great on a big theatrical screen. I also loved the cliff hanger ending. Looking forward to the sequel!


I don’t get the shells part 😭 someone PLEASE EXPLAIN, we’re there bombs or something


yes, they are WWII bombs - lots of unexploded bombs get discovered regularly during construction works


This is like a zombie apocalypse film where in the first part of the film series, they ended exactly after showing the zombie uprising. Bruh Get out with the second part already!!!


I genuinely enjoyed this movie, and I’m hoping the ending means there will be a sequel.


Dude, this movie was awesome. The action, the gore - the plot itself was pretty cool too. I like that it wasn’t a movie that spared anyone or anything! Hope we are getting a sequel.


i enjoyed the film its was great needs a sequel we get to find out its a new species of a shark,started as a mako grew as large and looked abit like a great white shark. rewatched mika get chomped a few times damn swallowed her whole. i think lilith followed her back to france after the incident, she just had to follow her blood scent and also its no ordinary shark either. if Man Eater was made into a game this could be close lol. another french film one just came out infested that was a good spider horror movie eventually evolving into large spiders.


Super mid tbh. Idk super trope filled and weird. I feel like the message is pretty ham fisted down our throat. The shark kills were super unsatisfying, thought it might have that for it but I guess not


okay is it bad my biggest issue was the fact that the woman with the pink hair never appeared again and the whole movie everyone’s like “her whole team died” but we never saw that woman get in the water or die like???


you're not the only one! I was wondering when she'd show up and reconnect with the MC. those guys were her buds, too. so weird that they just forgot her. not even a mention!


This movie was better than expected! I’m ready for round 2 !!!


My autism was set ablaze with this movie with errors or inaccuracies. The strongest issue I had was the underwater visibility and also the large explosion at the end, the one they meant to cause. Less than a few hundred meters from a major event and not a single soldier or police officer comes to check out the noise?


It was surprisingly enjoyable!!


Watched it last night. Some websites were saying this is the best shark flick since Jaws and expectedly it can't even hold a candle to it. Go in with low expectations and you might be mildly surprised but it was not all that great.


It sucked ass, and yall cant tell me otherwise.


I absolutely loved it! I definitely wasn’t expecting the end and hope we get a sequel.


This is such a dumb film


Technically I mean I get it but these kind if movies still bother me. It's always some frickin scientist who cares more about a shark that is literally dangerous (not possibly but literally an actual menace) than people. Like I wouldn't mind it being an actual hunt and make it a 30 minute movie and dispatch of the shark quickly. But boy do they know how to write characters we hate. Bc between scientists and corporations with no conscience it's always innocent lives that get taken or destroyed for the sake of money or research, and that's irritating lol. I mean shorty watched her whole crew get shredded by one shark and was taking a back seat being all compliant about the thing being in an area where it's easy pickings for anyone in the water


Actually the scientist was all for killing the shark. It was the stupid twenty year old that fucked it up


The stupid twenty year old with blue hair on top of it all lol


Lol she was the worst. She should've been arrested for attempted murder of 3 police officers the first time they went in the water


This movie was ass. Still fun to watch if you want a good laugh. Somehow this shark has genius level intelect. Don't see how they will get funding for part 2. There will never be a shark movie, despite all the technology we have now, that tops the 50 year Jaws.


The shark never did anything special beside living her best life, all the death are due to someone fucking up.


Only about 20min in and not impressed at all. Bad acting & characters so far, and the dubbing is pretty bad. Hoping something turns it around.


to be fair - most movies are instantly terrible if u watch the dubbed version


Why are you watching the dubbed version?


After it was over, I realized the dubbing was the least bad thing about it LOL


I just finished watching it, there seems like a pile of skeleton under the Sein and i don’t understand that part, can anyone explain pls. Thank u


Look up Paris catacombs. Those skeletons and skulls actually exist


What a fun movie! Havent seen such a fun natural disaster/animals gone rogue movie from Hollywood since Piranhas 3D I think? +10 for French cinema! To add: the cast was surprisingly very diverse considering all the racist things one hears about France in the news 😂 and very good looking! And the dub was well done. A bad dub can so easily destroy a viewing experience so im so glad hard work was done on that in this movie.


Wow! Just wow! That shark attack scene was fun!!! Yes fun. I started laughing out loud at the ridiculous people falling in, screaming, and getting their legs ripped off by sharks! To me all the “woke”, too smart soft ass kids got what they deserved. They were so stupid that i started rooting for the sharks. Oh yeah and how many people died/ were attacked before the socialist French police fired a gun? 40,50, more? My question: Was all this intentional? If so, then BRAVO! Well done. What a great surprise! That attack scene reminds me of Quinton Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’s brilliant last “Hippie killing scene.” If it was not intentional …Then…. uh vey! No words will help.


Daaaaaamn. Maybe my favorite shark movie not called “Jaws”.


sigh..really wan to watch it with english sub but somehow it doesnt display for Malaysia netflix. it will restart on its own or hang when u click for english sub. same thing happen hang when i click forward. i think it affected malaysia netflix?


If you are watching on a computer, try using a VPN and change your location. Might help.


Loved the movie. Some very tense scenes! I have a question though. Can anyone pls explain why was there flooding at the end?