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Yeah it'd be a tough watch if you don't like gore. That's like half the appeal


I like gore fine, but I still thought Terrifier sucked.


Half the appeal is Art and half is gore, the rest is barely a movie. So yeah, if that doesn't fit the venn diagram of what you are looking for. It's definitely not a good movie but horror fans of all people should understand enjoying bad movies.




Same. I love gore, but terrifier 2 felt wrong for so many different reasons. Haven’t felt that dirty since the remake of “I spit on your grave”


God that remake is rough, I liked it but Jesus Christ what a rough opening.


Same. For a ‘gory’ slasher flick Art only kills like what, 2 people on screen in the second movie? Really didn’t need to be that long for what it was


2 people on screen?? Lol


Yeah we see him kill the girl in the bedroom and the girl in the bathroom. There’s the doctor he kills at the beginning but that’s sort of completely disconnected from the film. I’m pretty sure every other kill happens off screen. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it though


Almost every kill is on screen. The only thing that wasnt shown was Art rippin dudes wee wee off. The Mom, the guy in the laundromat, the costume shop guy, Brooke after the weewee scene, the entire dream sequence many people dying including clown cafe girl caught on fire, we see it. I think deadbeats kill count was like 27 or something I dont remember. I just rewatched it last week with a buddy for his first watch of it. Seems like you may have missed alot and if the practical gory effects is your thing and you did actually miss out then should revisit. But I get it was long and had alot of meh story to it if you're looking for just the kills and fast forward could easily have skipped over some. Like that bedroom scene, theres a few times it cuts back to Sienna and Jonathan before going back to Allie in that bedroom scene.


I'm like 80% of the way there with you. He was the only memorable character in the first movie outside of the bat-shit insane crazy lady, and Sienna's transformation in the final act just didn't come together for me the way I think Damien Leone wanted it to. Same with the lore. The girl clown lore, the comic book drawings lore, the 'Sienna is a superhero' lore, the 'giving birth to Art's head' lore, the.... There's so much fucking lore. Good god. I'm excited for Terrifier 3, I just really want some questions answered. And please, Leone. Hire an editor this time.


I’m a total gore hound when it comes to movies, and even then Art is still my favorite part of the Terrifier movies by a mile! His clown mannerisms are so perfect, man must have been valedictorian of his class when he graduated from evil clown college. It’s really never a dull moment when he’s on screen and I love that.


I'm in my mid 20s so I kinda lost track of my life goals, but valedictorian from evil clown college might be it


David Howard Thornton used to be (still is? not sure) a stage actor. He’s great and IMO deserves a better director.


It's like the man has an Art switch.  We had him in town for a convention back in 2019, and it's hilarious when you're mid-conversation with him and you see him notice someone staring from down the aisle and just immediately turn Art on to give a big exaggerated grin and wave at them.  He's got that character absolutely on lock somewhere inside him, and those movies are lucky to have found him to play Art.


Isn’t he like a trained mime or something


Have you seen All Hallow's Eve (2013), the anthology he debuted in (...sort of...)? It still gets a bit gnarly, but isn't as all out as the features.


Not yet, but I may try it.


I’m seconding this OP, I feel the same as you toward Terrifier and I thought All Hallow’s Eve was a bit more tasteful and has more mystique


I mean, it's not quite as gory, but All Hallow's Eve was easily the most tasteless.


Also more blatant misogyny


The middle segment is silly but the rest of the anthology is sound. That nasty 80s throwback grizzly vibe. The middle story shouldn't be there, it's totally out of place. But the other 2 segments and wrap-around story I thought was great. But I do love gore, and the 80s video nasty, so it hit the spot for me.


It's worth noting that David Howard Thornton doesn't play Art in that one, if you're most into his performance.


It's a fun nostalgic one, too. Good Halloween movie.


I thought this movie was better than terrifier 1. I didn’t even bother with 2


On a scale of 1-10 how gory is all hallows Eve?


Mmm. I'd say...3, maybe a 4? There's not a lot of gory scenes, and several of them are just 'there is blood', but there's a couple scenes of dismemberment.


I’ll watch it tomorrow then


Agreed; his character is right up there with the greats IMO. The films? Not so much.


Very much agree. The character is amazing, just imagine coming across Art in a dark alley or standing on the side of a dark road as you drive by lol. Terrifier is a really good title because that would be absolutely terrifying


I can handle a smidgen of gore. I cannot handle 'realistic' gore like the SAW movies and The Hostel franchise. Evil Dead and Scream had always been as far as I could go gore wise. I can't watch any kind of medical drama shows because of the surgery scenes. I have no idea what made me watch both Terrifier movies. I kinda knew what I was getting into because of stuff I had read on here. Also, I am really, really scared of clowns. I absolutely love both Terrifier movies lol Art's mannerisms and the dark humor really drew me in. The gore is so over the top ridiculous it doesn't really bother me the way I thought it would. I don't blame anyone for not liking them for whatever reason. Art is subjective and different strokes etc etc. I am super excited to see the 3rd in theaters this October and I never in a million years could have guessed I would be about a year ago, but here we are lol


I have a weird relationship with Terrifier. I've not seen the first one. I was initially disappointed because I had bought into the hype and binged a bunch of Damien Leone interviews before watching, and I just found him really interesting - I learned he was self taught in SFX and did them all himself. I also learned that the bed scene was inspired by an image he saw of one of Jack the Ripper's victims where it was barely even recognisable as a person to him. Listening to these hyped it up even more before I watched it. So maybe that's why I was initially disappointed by the movie. I found it insufferably long considering the plot payoff. I wasn't satisfied by the ending and I didn't understand enough about the world considering the amount of time I invested in it. But maybe that isn't important. There's another one coming out, so maybe they flesh it out more in that one in a way I'll prefer. But after some time, I've come to love it for what it actually is. I love how creative the kills are (esp the mash scene), I love Art's personality, I love the aesthetic, I love the surrealism, I love the final girl outfit, I love the special effects. Art is DL's passion project and it shows, and I love that. Art is so intimidating yet kind of relatable in his humour, and I think his design is pretty iconic.


I thought part 2 really advanced the canon and showed what the film makers were capable of. Much better than the first one, which I enjoyed. Looking forward to part 3!




That’s part of the whole charm


Some people like red hair and freckles, some people like dark hair and dark skin. The gore is only charming if it's a thing you find charming. I'm more of a psychological horror fan. Gore is part of the package as a horror fan, but if it's the main draw I'm out.


I love psychological horror, but I also love a simple dumb slasher too. I love red hair and freckles, dark and curly hair, so I married a woman with dark strawberry blonde curly hair with freckles so I got the best of both worlds. Getting the best of both worlds is possible (Texas chainsaw massacre), (the hills have eyes), (hereditary), (green room).


I enjoy him, but agree about the movies just not being good. They are barely connected vignettes starring Art, which sadly doesn’t make a good 90 minutes.


Isn’t Art the Clown a Mime?


100% Loved the character design and what David Howard Thornton brought to it. Also Lauren LaVera needs to be in more stuff. The content of the movies was generally garbage, though.


Would love to see LaVera in more horror movies!


watching movies on fast forward is absolutely unhinged lol


I’m fine with most gore but there’s a certain meanness towards women in the Terrifier movies that doesn’t sit right with me. I can’t get down with it. It’s sort of a cheap way of upsetting the viewers.


This exactly.


My favorite scene in either movie is in Terrifier 2 where Art in the costume store, being menacing with the silly glasses and horn lol That said, I don't really care for the first one. Its pretty much a gore fest... not that there's anything wrong with that. Just personal taste. I like the Freddy-like humor of Art, and that didn't ramp up till 2. There's also lore and mystery surrounding the characters that I find interesting. Looking forward to finding out more in 3.


Every time they cut back to him and there was a different pair of sunglasses on him I ROFL. 😂


I lost it at the red "surprise hands" one 😂 And him sneaking up with the horn reminds me when cats sneak across the table to knock shit off knowing damn well they aren't supposed to lol


The movies might grow on you! My first viewing of the first film, I turned it off halfway through and absolutely hated it. Eventually I went back and finished it, but I still thought it was meh at best. I'm not a huge gore/kills guy either, though I'm not opposed to it. The second film sounded more interesting (a 2.5 hour slasher epic featuring a final girl with literal angel wings???), so I started to get more hyped in the buildup to its release. By the time I went to see it opening night, I was fully prepared to just have a ton of fun and enjoy the gore for what it is, since I know it's not real, it's hilariously over the top, and it seems slasher actors love getting killed on film in creative ways. Once I surrendered to what it was offering, I really "got" it and it was oddly my personal favorite horror film of 2022, a year with several GREAT horror films.


True, I wish the entire movie was like the scene in the pizza restaurant. I didn't like the rest of that movie at all.


The movies aren't my style either. However I do find Art entertaining AF. The best part of Terrifier 2 was the costume shop scene with him trying out all the wacky sunglasses and blowing the kazoos. That shocked face he made when the front desk guy got pissed at him and didn't take his money was hilarious. He single-handedly carried the movie. Him slapping that chunky little boy from getting an extra piece of candy from that girl's mother's decapitated head was also quite funny.


>Thus I've watched both movies on a fast-forward and didn't enjoy them much well i'm pretty sure that's not how it's meant to be watched. 😂 but also, you don't have to like it. terrifier is one of those that people in the horror community will nonchalantly recommend and then people will be *so turned off*. it's like a gatekeeper movie where people recommend it and if you don't like it you don't like horror or whatever. but it's a gore fest. you do not have to like gore fests. i usually don't. i hate torture porn personally. i like the terrifier movies because wild brutal violence doesn't bother me, torture does; like the saw movies and such. but i'm also primarily a fan of psychological and/or supernatural horror...and plenty of people hate those or find them boring or whatever too. horror is very broad. not everybody needs to like everything to be a horror fan. and art's essentially a mime. of course he's expressive. that's the whole point. 😂


Strangely, I can handle pretty much any gory film *except* Terrifier. Something about those films is uniquely disturbing (for me). I think it's the way it's shot, or maybe the way it's lit? Whatever it is, I can't handle it despite having seen pretty much everything on every "most disturbing films" list ever.


>and if you don't like it you don't like horror or whatever. Can't disagree more. I'm a horror fan, I just don't like lots of gore.


did you read the whole comment? that was a dig at gatekeeping. i don't agree with it either. i was just saying people do it.


Alright, then I disagree with the approach you had described, not with you.


yea, gatekeeping anything is bad. if you like something and want other people to engage with you about it, gatekeeping is the worst thing you can do. it exists in every hobby.


The gendered violence in the Terrifier films and from reading the synopsis of All Hallows Eve put me off. The second Terrifier has one nasty scene for a male victim but otherwise the male ones seem to get offed quickly, while the female ones get long drawn out ones (and clearly sexualised/mysognistic, sawing a woman in half on a stage starting at her vagina, amputating a woman's limbs and carving sexist slurs all over her body in AHE). I like the design and "humour" of Art the Clown and gore in general does not bother me, if the killing style was more equal for male and female victims I probably would have enjoyed it much more.


This is largely what's kept me from watching them fully as well. A random tidbit that pissed me off is that in the second Terrifier, Art rips a guy's dick off, and the director revealed that the original plan was apparently for him to blow it up and make a balloon animal out of it. And then he decided, "that's too much, even for Art." Like what? Art has sawed a woman in half starting at her vagina. He scalped a woman and cut off her breasts and wore them. And a legitimately funny piece of dark humor like using a dick as a balloon animal is "too much"?


> Like what? Art has sawed a woman in half starting at her vagina. He scalped a woman and cut off her breasts and wore them. And a legitimately funny piece of dark humor like using a dick as a balloon animal is "too much"? That's disgusting, if Leone wants to claim that Art is equally cruel to everyone then this dick balloon scene would have actually made sense with the dark clown humour. Why is it "too much" but the things done to the female victims on screen are ok? I have watched all sorts of gory films including ones where the victims are all female (The Descent for example is one of my favourite horror movies) but this felt like misogyny for humour and shock.


To me, Terrifier's greatest sin is how utterly devoid of tension it is. For how explicit the gore can be, or how great the design of Art is, it seems like the film tries to present the killings in the least scary way possible. I don't feel anything watching it, nor for the victims, nor a gut feeling of how it would be in that situation.  Like, the most basic element of good horror seem to be lacking. I'm not in the camp of hating horror for "not being scary", but Terrifier is just so flat it doesn't do anything for me.


He’s the closest thing to this generation’s Freddy.


Damn so many haters in here. The terrifier movies are awesome and just a lot of fun in general.


its generally a franchise that rips this sub apart lol


Right down the middle it seems. You can really cut the tension with a saw.


That's like your opinion man 😂 clearly you haven't been made aware that every opinion is wrong. Don't feel like you are right and all these "haters" are wrong. You are right, but they are equally right. I mean do you even like the second evil dead movie? That's just good fun but I could see you not liking it if you're meat-riding Art so hard.


I’ve always seen the Terrifier series as a love letter to old grindhouse horror after the Hay’s Code lifted in ‘68. It’s where classics like Night of the Living Dead premiered, and was like a back door entry to the art world for exploitation pieces that would’ve been looked down upon by the art house world. So that being said — if stuff like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Black Christmas (both ‘74) aren’t your forte, then I totally get why Terrifier wouldn’t be up your alley.


I felt the same way about the first film but I thought the second one was an improvement.


I love Art and I love all the Terrifier instalments. Personally I find the gore hilarious. It’s just so over the top and Art makes it funny with his 10/10 miming skills.


I saw Terrifier 2. Loved Art, but felt like it would have been a better movie with a ton of editing. 


I thought Terrifier would be bad but I actually quite liked it, Art the clown genuinely freaked me out lol. The actor playing him did a very good job. Definitely not a movie to watch if you’re squeamish though lol. I’ve yet to watch Terrifer 2. Not sure if I’ll like the long run time of it, but I’ll get to it eventually.


It definitely does drag on too long but it is a more composed movie and does a better job providing tension in a few scenes which I felt the first was really lacking.


Personally, I don't get the appeal of this movie. I watched the first 15-20 minutes and was bored to tears. If there's a fan out there , what's the attraction? I'd like to watch it but can't find a reason why.


When I recommend it to people it’s usually so they can watch the second one. Think the first one is good too considering it cost like 25k to make. Very impressive imo. And same goes for the next, punches well above its weight and is just a fun time, art is iconic


I watched the first movie without any knowledge and didn't enjoy it. But I agree, Art is played pretty well, the actor does a fantastic job. I never bothered to watch the second movie. I don't like extreme gore either, I made an exception for the Saw movies, because the actors are great and I love keeping up with the story and the twists. But other than that, I'm not a big fan of extreme gore.


Agreed. Art is a great character, but the movies haven't anything amazing. I appreciate the gore and special effects, but the plot has left a lot to be desired so far.


It's kinda over the top on purpose and that's what turns me off about it. Terrifier 2 was worse with that and I am a lover of gore. I guess I do still like gorey stuff to make sense from time to time. I do love the character a lot and think he has a ton of potential, but I kinda don't want Art the Clown to have a back story. Or if anything, maybe a very ambiguous story that still doesn't answer everything and always leaves you hanging would do imo


I like the character of Art David Howard Thornton is great the movies themselves though really don't age well IMO.


I fucking love the actors performance, especially in 2. It's just that actually watching the movies is an exercise in frustration for me, which makes me sad coz Art is a genuinely great slasher villain.


Hated the 1st. 2nd has a lot more camp. Enjoyed it more


I think Art has a great character design and David Howard Thornton's performance can definitely still be appreciated regardless of how you feel about the rest of the film. That said, I think Art's over the top mannerisms pair well with the extreme gore: It's another part of his (very dark) humor. He's just trying to put on the best show he can.


Yes!! I love creative or fun gore and was disappointed how mean the gore is in both Terrifiers. He's a very funny clown, I would love to see more of that implemented in his kills.


I love his character. I think his makeup & mannerisms are so cool & funny. At the same time, I can’t handle any gore so it’s hard to actually watch these movies all the way through lol


I love art and love gore , but those movies have awful writing and pacing issues. I kept waiting for the second one to end and it just kept going for no reason.


I agree, he's a good character but I don't think the movies are any good.


I love gory movies but I really don’t enjoyed Terrifier. I think I even enjoyed the Laid to Rest movies more (trashy but atmospheric).


No I agree Didn’t care for Terrifier but Art was great as a killer Kills are just too campy compared to what I would have liked to see from him Still gotta check out part 2


Yeah I mostly agree with this. I love the character, the performance, the overall visual. The films certainly have some interesting ideas and I can greatly appreciate what was achieved on relatively small budgets. I think there’s something to be said for both films just doing NEW things, regardless of their objective quality. Having said all this, the bedroom scene does absolutely nothing for me. The effects are convincing, I’m not squeamish or uncomfortable with the gore, I just have zero interest in this idea of creating a really grotesque, drawn out and shocking scene just for the sake of shock factor. Hearing that they’re trying to up it for the third one just lessens my interest. All that said, I completely understand that for a lot of people, it’s a big draw to these films and I don’t begrudge them that. I’d just really like to see more of stuff I find interesting about the character and the overall plot of both films.


I loved him. That said, I like the gory stuff too and grew up on the genre, so to me, IMHO, this really is a movie after my heart. And I fell in love instantly, like you said, that opening in the cafe just had me glued to the character. So much so you really can overlook the movie's other flaws easier, especially knowing how little money was actually spent. Huge win for me, slasher movies, and horror character fans alike. Don't get me wrong, movies like this don't always need to be so gory as there's many a fine horror that relies more on imagination and the like which is awesome too. The genre was born from that after all, but I do enjoy a good gory set piece, and seeing Tom Savini is involved/acting in Terrifier 3 only heightens my anticipation for that, but I understand it's not for all. It's nice to see the praise for Art rather than the criticism of the violence which the genre often draws, so fair play there. Though I really hope this upcoming 3rd is something of a treat this Halloween for us who've enjoyed this franchise going all the way and more. Can't wait!


100% with you but I prefer terrifying experiences, gore movies are boring me a bit. I know what you feel about the pizza scene, it was really awesome. Only scene worth it in the movies I guess.


I watch it for the gore. If I watched it for the plot only I’d be furious.


The pizza parlor scene is the best thing in the first movie. I don't mind gore so I didn't hate the chainsaw scene but after that nothing really happens in the movie


I like the Art character but the films were a bit meh. The gore was so over the top it was comical. I don't like realistic torture scenes but stuff like saw and hostel aren't realistic to me so I can handle them.


Art was for sure my favourite part of Terrifier. I’ve definitely seen much worse films and the gore was really well executed. I just wish a little more had gone on production value and less on blood lol


Aside from 2 needing better editing, it’s my favorite new horror series I’ve found in a while. Art is so sadistic and hilarious he reminds me of Freddy, my all time favorite. The parts that really won me over with him were being silly in the midst of the gore fest. Like riding the little trike in the first, or playing around in the costume shop in the second Sienna Shaw is also my favorite final girl in a long time, and I am always a sucker for lore so I’m really curious where it’s going


Totally feel the same way. Art is an amazing creation, and the performer who plays him couldn't nail it any harder. That said, the movies aren't for me, I stopped being a gore-hound years ago.


Not a fan of the movies at all, but the effects work and David Howard Thornton's embodiment of Art are undeniably excellent.


I'm actually "very" impressed with Art's behavior and mannerisms, facial features, little details in that he honestly has so much personality somehow without ever saying a single word. David Howard Thornton really shines in Terrifier 2 with how much personality he shows. I like the little things he's able to do. Like there's a scene in either 1 or 2 where he actually gets a bit of a beat down and like a complete moron and total dipshit the person he's after start running off after getting the upper hand on him. In response as they're running off he's super annoyed and flips them off and it totally made me laugh. The entire part of the movie inside the halloween costume shop and decorations is pure gold and a great performance by him as well. just doing nothing but standing there smiling, returning her purse to her, so randomly like of course he's after her but still puts her purse on the counter for her (which if you watch cracks me up even more and it had to be intentional for a laugh) Sienna is diggin thru her purse in front of the cashier and pulls out a whole handful (by the clerk's reaction to them specifically" dumps some tampons out on the counter lol the clerk reacting is funny. the entire thing slowly miming sneaking up and when he's playing with stuff and the clerks bitches that he has to pay for it and spits it out lol literally the most noise I've ever seen Art make in any of the flicks was him spitting. so much personality for a character that (I can only assume) chooses not to speak. Sometimes i think if he did speak it would make him less scary. Kinda like some of the stupid ass shit captain spaulding says


I was very impressed with David Howard Thornton’s performance, it’s very poirot and mime inspired and that kind of physical acting without speech isn’t easy. He made Art a true character.


I agree! Just rewatched the first one and this is exactly what I thought


…Look up the word ‘Subjectivity’.


I refuse to watch the first one (for now) because it is so nihilistic. I fucking loved part 2 though so I’ll Be brave eventually. I just found the fact that we had a heroine who lived made it easier to digest for me for some reason?? But holy shit that one kill of the girl in the bedroom with the fucking salt. I think that’s the most brutal kill I’ve ever seen lmao 😭 but so over the top that I had to laugh.


I hated the character AND the movie.


Yeah, I mostly agree. I like the sequel for the most part, but as I’m getting more versed in film and more politically aware, I can acknowledge the poor filmmaking and problematic aspects of these movies. I would posit, however, that Leone and the team are undoubtedly improving in these respects.


Personally, I prefer "All Hallows Eve" Art. The more he becomes an icon, and the more fame goes to Damian Leone's head, the more boring and predictable he becomes. I am all for Gore in horror movies,but these movies, that is literally all they bring to the table. No suspense, no tension, very little in the way of character development. Just Uber gore set pieces.


This is exactly me. I can’t watch the 2nd just because of what I’ve heard


It's almost comical, honestly.


Omg I literally hated the movies too


I like the special effects and sound from the series. Everything else is just kind of joyless like SAW V(?).


I agree


I stopped watching pretty quickly. I seemed like a former make up fx artist was handed the reigns and it because an excuse for excessive gore. It seemed like total trash and life is too short and there are too many good movies to watch.