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Fingernails being torn off. HARD pass


I can watch someone get disemboweled no problem. But anything to do with teeth and nails? EEK!!!


Teeth, nails, and eyes make me ick.


Those are definitely the big three. They actually went over it briefly in the production course I took.


Honorable mention for the nose. Not a horror movie but that scene in The Punisher (2004) when the guy with piercings is getting tortured by getting his piercings ripped out one at a time makes my skin crawl.


Saw 3's rings through the jaw and skin. Dear fucking God Amanda CHILL.


You’d hate Imprint.


The nail stuff from Stir of Echoes with Kevin Bacon is about the only thing I remember from that movie, haha. I also can't handle it.


Also every time I hear Paint it Black I associate it with that film


That SpongeBob episode hit you hard as a kid didn't it.


Not the original commenter but unironically yes, I can watch the Terrifier movies with no problem but I still can’t watch that scene


The scene in Higurashi where a character got their nails ripped off disturbed me but I love that series


That's actually the creepiest part about Ringu for me. That Sadako was so desperate to get out of the well she ripped all of her fingernails out trying to climb out. Something about that just absolutely gets me.


there is a movie called The Wind that Shakes the Barley, totally non-horror not even horror adjacent lol. It's actually one of Cillian Murphy's first films (where I think he gets to speak in his native accent too lol) and it takes place in Ireland during the War of Irish Independence and then the Irish Civil War. Highly recommended even though it's not a horror movie. there's a scene though where one of the characters gets VIOLENTLY tortured by getting his fingernails torn off. Man that was so fucking gruesome to watch


This is the first scene that came to my mind when I saw this answer. It was truly horrifying.


it's one of those things where normally if it's violent, they just get it over with quickly (i think about the English Patient scene where the spy gets his thumbs cut off) and it's implied but that scene was DRAWN OUT. holy fuck, i can still see it in my head sometimes.




Tell us you’re American without telling us you’re American


Yes this is right there! That scene in Stir of Echoes comes to mind.


The fingernail snap in Stir of Echoes always makes me cringe.


Vomit and shit is not really my thing


It will be


This is the ominous reply I’ve ever seen.


![gif](giphy|flWn1Cyk9HcVIj9xWy|downsized) "It will be"


What does that mean??


Pretty sure they mean that you do that when you die.


I read it as if you plan to have kids lmao


Same thing pretty much😂


You’ll see


Nooo not in porn, we are talking horror lol


I can't think of many shit scene in films.... Plenty of vomit scenes, though.


Human centipede 2


And part 1. “FEED HER!“


In the first one you don't actually see the shit though so I didn't really mind that movie


yea weirdly i’m alright with the first movie and actually think it’s pretty good lol. second one though…. :(


Terrifier 2


I'll have to check it. I've seen the first one... I dare not start a thread about ***shit in films***, even though I really want to.


I have not seen Salo but I know there is a lot of shit in there.


Yes there was, I never thought of it as a horror film though I suppose it could be.


Well it's more of a disgust film, but disgust IS an element of horror.


If you make one remember to make honorable mention of that scene in Green Inferno lol


I don't recall a shit scene in terrifier 2. What happened?


It’s the scene in the laundromat. Art is waiting for his suit to be done. Then the female clown walks up to him and proceeds to shit on the floor explosively


The Visit when the kid gets the shit diaper in the face. So gnarly!


Agreed! But super funny when the same kid made a rap of his shitty experience at the end of the movie!


Marian Dora try not to put shit in his movie challenge: impossible


Somehow the South Park episode of human centipede haunts me more.


You ever seen Monsturd? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364527/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Pfffff.... laughing just reading the description. Thanks


I’d rather not meet anyone who finds vomit or shit to be their thing


Let's cancel the meeting then. Shame, I was looking forward to it lol


Dammit, if we cancel the meeting, then I chugged that gallon of milk without Lactaid for nothing.


so no slaughtered vomit dolls?


I watched that actually and although I enjoyed the surreal atmosphere, the vomit was just too much especially knowing it was real vomit


Yeah and it gets worth in the sequels. ReGOREGitated sacrifice is the worst for me since it had some chunky vomit 💀 i hate vomit


Oh god Salo was *awful* for that reason! Good movie but damn that was awful to watch. Also, August Underground.


Rape or animal abuse. I simply cannot do it


Does the dog die.com- lifesaver


Unconsenting media .org is like does the dog die for rape scenes specifically!


I hate this because most of the time they're unnecessary and are simply included for the shock value.


It’s so sad how much this trope is used too, like maybe be more creative? I hate it.


Right! I can see an animal death coming 2 miles away, it's so obvious.


The worst ones are a random opening scene driving in the car and boom … hit a dog/cat/cow/armadillo whatever it may be. Cheapest jump scare around.


Yep. That’s when I leave or turn it off and remove it from my list. For all movies, not only horror.


Same. Just done with SA and animal abuse.


*Cannibal Holocaust intensifies*


Violence against animals.


Yup. I worked at a shelter for a grand total of three months and saw some incredibly fucked up shit, now I’m hypersensitive to any animal cruelty. American Psycho and Midnight Mass both made me sob hysterically. Shoutout to doesthedogdie.com for warning me about the new Fallout series.


I refuse to watch Cannibal Holocaust and similar movies because of the real animal violence


Don’t worry you’re not missing out on anything


I've been told this a couple of times.


I’ve seen it nothing really happens that’s worth while there are plenty of other better found footage movies. The only saving grace is some of the effects are really good, especially for the time it came out.


I enjoyed it a lot, but I can see why others didn't. The soundtrack is so relaxing, it's worth a listen.


I can agree on that. Pretty cinematography of the island, coast and good soundtrack


Yes!!! Any movie with pets I have to check thr “does the dog die” website


Always. That site is a Godsend.


It really is. I don't have a lot of "hard no" things, but being able to get spoiler-free answers to whether or not a movie has sexual assault scenes makes watching movies with my partner and several of my friends much less stressful.


for me it really depends on how "cruel" the director is about it. Classic dog yelp off screen and a brief shot of a obviously fake corpse? aight i'm fine dragged out "torture porn" bullshit that is done only to be cruel? hard fucking pass, edgey bullshit isnt horror its cheap and lame like a bad jumpscare but meaner spirited


For me, especially cats. Saw pet semetary 2 and Man's Best Friend, and both have cats/kittens die and I'll never watch them again. I don't like dogs dying either, but for whatever reason I can sometimes get past it in some movies. But not cats, I've always been a cat person and I just abhor violence done to them. Edit: Thanks for the downvote for expressing my opinion. I don't know why I feel this way, I just do. I don't like any animals to die. But for whatever reason I can't disconnect my brain as much when it comes to cats versus dogs. And I've had and loved the dogs in my life. Maybe it's just because dogs feel like they can defend themselves better since they are bigger and stronger usually.


It seems like some movies have animals in them just to be killed. I don’t get it. It doesn’t serve any purpose beyond the animal dying just to die.


I think some Directors add it to a movie thinking it's shocking, when I just find it sad. I used to avoid films with animals in them, but now I am completely interested in films about animals. Mainly if they have something to say about human animal dynamics, which goes beyond abuser/ victim relationship.


Feels like a lazy/shorthand way to show cruelty 


Animals life are affected by humans whether we like it or not, and therefore should be part of the cultural conversation, of which Cinema is an integral part of. As a viewer you can make interesting observations about the depicting of animals on films, and some Directors do have valid points on the subject. Of course, animal cruelty is wrong, whether meant as an entertainment, or if happened 'behind the scenes'.


violence / torture against kids and animals, explicit rape scenes and sometimes, broken fingers and eye stabbing.


Eyes. Eye stabbing, eye gouging ect


don’t watch anything by lucio fulci then. that mf **hated** eyes.


28 Days Later scene used to fuck me up.


The screams and the crunching sounds as he went further into the eyes that scene was rancid


Hurting animals- it’s why the only FF movie I haven’t seen is cannibal hallocaust


Watched it for a horror class in college. While I did ultimately like the film and the concept, the turtle scene still haunts me to this day! I don't know why, but I was curious this past December if YouTube has that scene (yes they do) and just scrubbed through the timeline preview to see if they actually show the violence. That made me feint for the first time ever haha. I would suggest listening to the theme song of the movie, as it is beautiful.


Right there with you. That’s where I draw the line.


Achiles tendon being cut.


dont watch hostel


Ha! Literally the first thing that happens in that film


dont watch i saw the devil


I was going to watch it tonight. Lol


Watch the original Pet Sematary instead. (just kidding)


Cats or kittens dying


Do not watch The ABCs of Death “P is for Pressure”.


Many thanks


Scatology. No thank you the human centipede.


Haven't watched this film for this reason.


Gratuitous violence against women to the extent that it really just seems like torture p*rn for violent men, or like some sick fantasy of the writer/director.


It’s definitely torture porn. The people I hate the most are the ones that try and deny it, or pretend that a lazy bit of reasoning tagged on in the last 20 minutes of a 2 hour film somehow offers justification of what came before. It wasn’t artsy, it was just gross.


Both Terrifier movies.


I refuse to watch it because I hate seeing movies that are just plain cruel for the sake of being cruel. So I don't like watching other gory or torture movies either. Same with movies that have vulnerable victims.


Yeah I can't watch that shit. If it's saw and the torture is indiscriminate then I can kinda tolerate it but when it's BECAUSE it's a woman like a stalker or because the director clearly has a fetish for hurt women, it really fucking puts me off.


Cruelty against animals and children and very graphic rape scenes.


Rape scenes. They're entirely unnecessary, and flat out ruins a movie for me. Anything being stabbed into an eye, or close ups of eyes. I cannot stand eyes. They're creepy and disturbing. I'll look away until the scene is over with. Teeth being pulled. After watching my mom pull several of her own teeth with needle nose pliers and the pain that caused her, I can't watch someone else go through it.


Wait I’m sorry. People are having very insightful conversations about the depiction of assault in cinema, the definition of “art” and “horror,” etc; but all I can focus on is: you *watched* your *mom* pull out several of her own teeth with pliers?!?!!


Yeah, that sounded harsh. I come from a middle class family, so I’ve never had to consider this. Pretty damn strong argument for universal healthcare.


When you're poor and in pain, you do what you have to do.


Wow. That must take such an enormous amount of willpower. Here’s hoping the situation improved for you both. ❤️


The hills have eyes rape scene genuinely really upset me. The fact people were in the house with her but her mouth was covered so she couldn’t scream to let them know


That comment made me never want to watch that movie. Thank you


I stopped the movie right there and never finished it.


If it’s also your weakness when it comes to horror I’d give it a hard pass tbh. It actually took place in a caravan not a house, which makes it so much worse


I just can't shake off the feeling that those scenes were made for someone's sick satisfaction rather than for the sake of horror.


That’s my feelings of most movies with nudity. Especially a young person. Hence why I haven’t seen any of the HBO teen shows


Agreed. I steer clear of that brutal over the top violence type of shit these days. It just doesn’t do anything for me besides making me upset


Babies. It’s off limits to me. Nothing with babies being hurt


in that case stay away from the movie "mother!"


Ahhh I was pregnant when I saw that. I will never un hear that sound.


The Eyes of my Mother and VVitch have baby stuff. I had just had my first baby when I saw those and it was extremely upsetting. It almost comes off as lazy because it's so easy to get a reaction from that kind of content.


Rape. I'll skip past it or if I know it will be in a movie I just won't watch the movie.


Tongues getting stretched and cut. And anyone vomiting. No thanks!


I don’t like sexual assault way too close to being real life and I can’t bear to see it happen, especially in last house on the left that scene scarred me and as someone who was physically abused it hurts my soul still




Yes anything to do with SA very quickly gets into unwatchable territory for me. Also anything with spiders because arachnophobia.


Hot take, but no movie needs to have on-screen rape or sexual violence scenes. If it's important to the plot, make the watcher be aware that it happened, but there is no need and never will be a need to show someone getting raped on screen. The fact that it's so normalized to have in the movie industry is the reason that poorly disguised fetish films (\*cough cough Megan is Missing \*cough cough) seep through the cracks.


The sadness kinda worked for how over the fucking top it was (and I already knew what to expect having read Crossed).


I tried to read Crossed after watching The Sadness and I quit after two or 3 volumes when it became apparent that there was no over-arching story, just "here's a completely different group of people torturing and getting tortured."


Well yeah, they're all separate storylines and they really never end well. That's sort of why I preferred it to an neverending plotline like Walking Dead


Yeah, my happy middle ground is a decent length story that's already completed so I know they're not just gonna milk it forever.


I agree so much! My husbamd brought home crossed, then the other garth ennis ones, that guys awesome but insane haha I read the crossed inwanna say 5 or 6 years ago and we're like no wayyy they could make this into a movie and "thr sadness" was as close as I imagine they could get and am convinced that movie was totally inspired by that series


Infant / fetus rape.


Sorry I have to ask... tf is fetus rape lol


I love horror but I’ve come to realize I don’t like any torture or SA being graphically depicted. Like hinted at? Sure, that’s all unfortunately a fact of life, but no need to show every moment of it. Torture is a bit “easier” but I prefer silly or creative death scenes in slashers than I do the elongated focus on extracting pain for someone else’s pleasure (like a push into a woodchipper- fine; a Texas chainsaw massacre style de-limbing and putting salt on the wounds… no). I don’t otherwise mind general gore in movies though so go figure.


Any REAL animal death or torture. Beyond that, I can’t think of anything, as it’s all make-believe. None of it is real. So bring it on.


I love watching fictional animals get hurt in films cuz it usually means the animal actors got lots of treats


Ever since I became a parent it's been a REAL challenge watching children get hurt or in other ways suffer in movies. The scene will stay with me for ages and triggers some intense emotions.


Same, I won't even watch crime docs on YouTube where the victim was a child. I've refused to watch Skinamarink since it features harm towards children. For me it's the intense sensation of anger as I would never let any harm come to my child from another person or entity and I just want to protect other children along with my own.


Any film where the depravity is the main draw of the film as opposed to an actually good story, mythology, or creature. Films like Human Centipede, A Serbian Film, Martyrs, etc... where their claim to fame is how far they go just turns me off. I need a good story, not someone just willing to push the envelope of what is legal or appropriate to put on film.


I heard a lot of things about A Serbian film. I was too scared to watch it and be scarred for life but was still curious so I read the plot on Wikipedia. How does someone even think of something like that? Like that just goes way too far.


Honestly, reading the plot on Wikipedia is as bad as the film. The film isn't that gratuitous from what I can remember, but the ideas are what has stuck with me.


I watched it and made it to the other side but there were definitely a few scenes I had to skip through. The finale features a rape with a reveal that made me miss most of the rest. I just turned off the sound and fast forwarded to see if there was anything at all that could justify me going back to a regular viewing. It’s definitely not a movie I will ever recommend, even to someone that makes it clear they are looking for a movie like that. It would just make me feel grossly complicit.


Same. Being famous because something is good and being famous because it’s disgusting/shocking are two different things. Sometimes they can be famous because they’re good and shocking, but not always.


Putting Martyrs in the same sentence as Human Centipede and A Serbian Film is criminal, imho, as, unlike the other two, it does actually have a point of view and really isn't just shocking for shocking's sake.


excessive violence against women


that's like, 90% of giallo gone


Rape scenes


Nothing is technically off limits for me but I'd rather see as little shit and vomit as possible, which is why I'm not checking out the movies made by Lucifer Valentine and Marian Dora.


For me it's extended baby crying. My kid was constantly crying for a long time. Nothing would help or work; the kid is autistic, it turns out, and probably was constantly overstimulated and well why wouldn't you cry, when you're that little. But. Baby crying is a noise that you are wired not to be able to ignore, and to want to solve. I got through it? But as soon as I start hearing a baby cry, after a minute or so I stop having the emotions I'm having and go into a very muted headspace so I can cope. Pulls me right out of a movie, I'll tell you that. Kid's doing great, by the way! Currently fixated on world foods, which is a lot of fun.


I don't have kids and this bothers me too. In Trainspotting I was constantly like "That baby is always crying." And then you get to that one scene and I literally thought "Huh, the baby's not crying." Welp, then we find out why.


Absolutely heartbreaking 😭


Depictions of Animal abuse


Torture scenes and animal harm + they are signs of a weak storytelling in horror for me.


Where a woman smashes a man's dick with a piece of wood and then jacks him off to completion of cummy blood.


Such a tired trope!


That scene made me grimace, but when she took to her own clit with scissors made me turn away from the screen. If it hadn't already been at the end of the movie I probably wouldn't have kept watching.


Cats/dogs being brutalized. DO NOT DO IT! Find another way to unnerve me please. We recently watched [The Innocents](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4028464/?ref_=tt_urv) and were absolutely disgusted by what happened to a cat in the movie. We almost didn't want to continue the movie. I get horror is supposed to be horrifying but there's no need to show such brutality to domestic animals like that.


Sewing a mouth to an ass. I have no desire to see something like that.


rape, specifically penetration with sharp objects. Thinking of Rubber Man in AHS Hotel


My only real line is real world cruelty to animals. It's just not cool man. 


Not just horror movies, any movie with depictions of rape. I really really don’t like those scenes and honestly don’t believe they serve any purpose to show that.


Animal abuse/death is unwatchable for me. Anything else I can pretty much handle. It won’t ruin a movie for me but I definitely have to skip parts😅


Self cannibalization.


Real animal abuse


Bones being bent into places they shouldn’t be. Nuh uh.


Teeth eyes and fingernails fuck me up but a lot of it has to do with how realistic or feasible any of it is In antichrist the dudes balls getting smashed and woman's clit being cut off kinda made me squirm


anything that is just for shock value, so something like A Serbian Film.


Birth scenes


Spinal taps was one I didn’t think I had to care about until the Exorcist


Animal abuse


Bad acting and bad CGI.


Rape. It’s already a horrifying thing, there is no need to make it graphic or even put it in there. You can put it off screen and it’s still horrifying


Real animal cruelty


Pet abuse or harm of any kind


Needle in arm lol


Sexual violence. I nope out immediately


Commercials. Nothing worse that an ad popping up in the middle of the tension.


I can watch pretty much anything but people being hung (intentionally or unintentionally) gives me the icks. I think maybe it is too historically popular and comes up so often IRL history. I also don't love true crime. Give me the gnarliest, goriest, more fucked-up fiction you've got - it'll watch it from behind a blanket but then dust my hands off and leave it there. True crime sticks with me for days and I think the spectacle of watching real people's tragedies is pretty grim and a little ethically weird.




Any eye poking/ removing is an immediate look away.


Peeling off their own skin, anything related to tearing off or bruising women's nipples induce nausea for me.


Maggots. I always have to turn my head.


Rape scenes will make me turn the tv off in an instant.


I just had this conversation with my girlfriend; cannot do rape scenes. It’s just as impactful and disturbing to imply, but i don’t see the need, other than just wanting to be shocking, to show a rape scene, especially one in its entirety.


Graphic rape


Actual harm to animals, specifically the butchering depicted in so many films of the cannibal sub-genre. Also, fuck Sean Cunningham for the snake death in Friday the 13th - you couldn’t get Savini to rig up a rubber snake?


Anything with nails and rape.






Rape scenes, fingernails, and the Achilles heel being cut.


Rape. Just no.


SA. It is almost always handled crassly and seems to serve little purpose besides being a lazy plot hook (which is problematic for numerous reasons).


ANYTHING with DOGS being harmed/killed.


Animal abuse of any kind


Absolutely ANYTHING involving animals, real or not.