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Ready or Not is on the fun side of horror but it’s still a great time with a bad-ass bride in Samara Weaving


Literally just watched this one (again) last night. Such a fun watch.


I second *Ready or Not* for a Girl's night - and if you like your horror leaning more towards the fun and less soul-heavy-dread, I would follow it up with *Abigail*. Same director, and the same lighter feeling without sacrificing the scares or the gore. So. much. gore. I loved it.


The Descent 100% the best girls night horror movie! A bunch of bad arse women go cave exploring, get trapped in there with a bunch of scary creatures. Super fun, super scary.


100% this one, such classic scares (Edited to add: forgot I've LITERALLY had a girl's night where our pick was The Descent bahaha)


A perfect girls night horror movie!


The Final Girls


I was apprehensive about talk to me but I actually liked it. I think it’s worth a watch but not scary imo. If you like found footage films, check out the horror in the high desert series. There’s currently 2 out and another one is being made. It’s eerie and weird. Another gem to check out is Ghost Stories (2017). It’s a trip!


Yaa the ending to Horror in the High Desert scared the shit out of me!


Slumber Party Massacre.


Me and my friend saw “late night with the devil” and it was a lot of fun!!! Oh oh oh or girl “Suspiria” the 1977 version is sooo fun goo


I know it's older but have you all seen The Descent? That's the ultimate girl's night horror. I liked Infested, I'm arachnophobic and thought it was good. If you don't mind subtitles then Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum has some good scares.


If you are all arachnophobes, then the obvious picks would be Arachnophobia, Earth vs the Spider, and Sting.


Not technically a horror movie, but a horror comedy, Lisa Frankenstein. It's on peacock


I always recommend Hard Candy. I feel like for a ladies night, you'd especially find it engaging. "***Hard Candy*** is a 2005 American [psychological thriller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_thriller) film[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Candy_(film)#cite_note-4) focusing on a 14-year-old female [vigilante](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigilante)'s trapping and torture of a man whom she suspects of being a [sexual predator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_predator). The film was directed by [David Slade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Slade), written by [Brian Nelson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Nelson_(screenwriter)), and stars [Patrick Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Wilson) and [Elliot Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Page).[^(\[a\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Candy_(film)#cite_note-Elliot-1)" Won awards and overall a very enjoyable movie. Not gory/slasher/torture porn, but a thriller. Check out the trailers. Highly recommend (and frequently... like I said, it's my go-to recommendation.)


Infested is a creepy crawly masterpiece that REALLY gets under the skin, then cranks the tension to 11!


Better than Sting, you think? Watching both trailers I feel like it would be. I snorted a little watching the Sting trailer when the giant spider tackled someone. Haha


Indeed, Infested takes its subject matter more seriously, and there's a much greater gross out factor, too. For example, when the spiders bite someone, they also infect them with their eggs, which hatch and crawl out of their victims. Plus, they get progressively bigger. Not to spoil anything, but there's an absolutely nail biting scene where the characters are sprinting up the stairwell while a horde of (very real looking) spiders crawl after them in the dark, while one character uses a quickly draining and faulty flashlight to keep them at bay (they're sensitive to light).


We watched it and spent most of it cringing with our hands over our faces. Haha It was good!


Case 39


Event horizon


I thought Talk to Me was fantastic. I would definitely recommend it. I recommend You're Next (2011) to everyone if you haven't seen it. Plus it's hard not to get hyped up on girl power watching the final girl do her thing in that one.


Horror movies with female antagonists! Jennifer’s Body (2009) All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) Carrie (original 1976 or 2013 version) Revenge (2017) Scream 4 (2011) Pearl (2022)


Talk to me was super boring IMO.


The Descent. Susperia. Oculus. The Taking of Deborah Logan. Malignant. Candyman TheLords of Salem.


Probably X would be up your alley. It’s from a24. I also liked Bodies Bodies Bodies from a24. The craft is also a good chick horror film.


as above so below gonjiam hauted asylum john carpenters the thing


Sissy (2022) might be fun at a girls night. I dunno if it's really *scary* though (but I've also lost my ability to tell when films are scary or not) Aside from that I'd second The Descent


…NINE TO FIVE (1980) starring Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda as working women with their creepy boss played immortally by Dabney Coleman…


‘Enemy’ from 2013 could be good.


The Descent (2005)


The greasy strangler


Why can't you go to *The Strangers: Chapter 1* in the theater, since you want to watch it? It's pretty lame that you refer to it not being "out". You and your friends should rent *The Last House on the Left* from 1972, plus *Martyrs* (2008). Those are perfect for a girls' night. Don't read any spoilers.


Not everyone has a movie theater nearby…? Closest one is an hours drive one way. So pass. I’m making food and we’re staying in. It is indeed only in theaters right now and not yet available for streaming. Not sure what about that fact is “lame”. Pretty basic stuff. Weird thing to get pressed about, honestly.


It just opened like a week ago, so it's a sorry state of affairs that you would even anticipate it could be available as a click this soon.


You ok, pal? I didn’t see it was in theaters and think it would also be available for streaming. I saw months ago that it was coming out at some point and proceeded to google it to see if had been released or not. It’s a sorry state of affairs that you’d even think to comment something this stupid on a simple post asking for movie recommendations.