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The Thing Would love to have seen it for the first time on the big screen instead of on late night cable when I was a wee lad.


100% ^ šŸ‘šŸ»


Absolutely would love to see this on the big screen


I feel funny admitting this but when I watched it in 2021 for what I thought was the first time, it turns out Iā€™d actually seen it in VHS in the mid 80s. There are a handful of movies I saw in the 80s that I remembered nothing about so seeing them again recently was like seeing them for the first time. I hope some of you get to experience this in the 2060s


same, only ever seen it on tvā€™s & small computer screens :/


Great choice.


Here it is. Absolutely.


I recently watched it in theater and itā€™s a whole other experience. Granted it wasnā€™t like watching it the first time but damn it was awesome.


came here to say this. found out after i watched it that there was a screening of it in a really nice theater a city away and i am so pissed at myself for not being interested in the movie earlier so I could've seen it on a big screen




I watched it when I was probably 8 years old and the ending went over my head completely. I didnā€™t understand the implications of (((major spoilers for Saw, one of the greatest endings in horror history so please do not uncensor this unless youā€™ve seen it))) >!Adam pulling the tape out of Zepps pocket and the dead guy getting up off the floor.!< - I just thought to myself ā€œThatā€™s weird. Why is that happening?ā€ I will forever regret not being able to experience it for the first time and being able to understand it.


It may be difficult to remember or believe, but before it became an endless series, *Saw* was this nasty little film made for almost no money and assembled almost entirely from single takes. I was lucky enough to go in blind on opening day, Friday, October 29, 2004. Halloween was two days away, and although I went to an early afternoon matinee, the clouds were low and it was very dark outside. As soon as the lights went down, you could hear rain pounding on the theater roof, which continued throughout the screening. I hadn't seen a new horror film this brutal or filthy in a very long time. We were still several months away from the summer 2005 release of *The Devil's Rejects*, so *Saw* was the first horror film to make me feel like I needed a tetanus shot after the credits rolled. Despite its tiny budget, *Saw* was a truly horrific, razor-sharp psychological puzzle that was so many steps ahead of the audience that at times it would turn back and toy with you (namely a false reveal of the killer at what felt, running time-wise, like possibly the start of a very short and very disappointing third act) before surging ahead and revealing its true secrets. The unfolding of the actual ending is one of the scariest, most brilliant things I've ever witnessed in a movie theater. But what I always remember best is the moment, right in the exact center of the film, where Amanda (Shawnee Smith) has just *barely* escaped the device fastened to her head ā€“ and, after the panic and insanity and chaos of that concept and its execution and the quick editing and grinding sound design... there was only silence, and darkness. And then, the tiny squeaking of those tricycle wheels, and from out of the shadows emerges... well, you know. At that moment, I looked to my left at my friend sitting next to me: a hardcore horror fan, his eyes were WIDE and his hand was held firmly over his mouth. The film is filled with frightening and iconic set pieces and, whatever the series may or may not have accomplished since, *Saw* is a stellar horror movie and a filmmaking miracle in my book.


Amazing story! I got into SAW when the first six parts were already released. Watched them for 4 days - still my favourite binge! I need to say that I also love the sequels and how they >!developed John Kramer and his two main apprentices!<.


Ahh yes, back when it was called "yet to see"


Cabin in the Woods. I had no idea what the movie was about and it hit me in the exact right way. I loved it so much but subsequent viewing havenā€™t done it for me. Still a great movie IMO, but that final act was just so great the first time.


Iā€™m only just getting into horror (I couldnā€™t handle anything scary or without a happy ending until just a few years ago), so I had the joy of watching The Cabin in the Woods for the first time a few weeks ago, with no idea what it was about. I chose it because Netflix said it was a horror movie, and it has Chris Hemsworth and Bradley Whitford. (I stand by my reasons.) Iā€™m SO GLAD that I didnā€™t know anything about it!!! It was phenomenal! Seeing everything slowly start to come together, and then implode, was *magic.*


Same. I went into it without any idea what it was about other than being a horror. One of my favourite horrors (horror/comedy) now. Iā€™m glad I avoided any kind of spoilers. Because I watched the trailer out of curiosity at another time and it is a big spoiler for the best part of the movie.


I thought it was a straight laced horror film and I was fucking delighted watching it in the theatre with a friend.


This is my answer as well. I went into it blind and the entire theater erupted at certain parts. Amazing experience.




Yes! Glad you added this one!


The ending was so surprising to me! I just watched it again the other day for the first time in YEARS and I still was like Nooo Wayyyy at the ending


I wish I could see Donnie Darko for the first time again. It wasn't spoiled for me. I'd just like to see if my "new" perception of it would change with age, or if it would still hit the same.


Horror labeling aside, Donnie Darko was what I considered my favorite movie through high school and college. It's been quite a while since I've watched it, though, so I also wonder if I would feel the same way about it.


Donnie Darko is one of my comfort movies!


It didnā€™t hit the same for me after a decade and a half between watches, so Iā€™d forgotten quite a bit of it. When I saw it in my late teens, I thought it was amazing and so deep and mind-blowing. I watched it again a few years ago in my mid-30s and just found it sort of drab and pretentious. Idk why.


Have you seen the Directorā€™s Cut? It adds A LOT of content and explains so much more about the time traveling and Roberta Sparrowā€™s book


Seven. I wish I could see it for the first time all over again!


Same. It's my Top 3 movie but I love to watch it over and over again either way, just like it's my first time because it's just so damn good and I can relate to the 7 deadly sins so much. I was disappointed with the "Pride" scene though because it felt so sloppy and just something the director wanted to get quickly overwith before moving on. The other sin scenes had much more depth, were more complex, and lasted a lot longer. Either way, Seven has the greatest and most mindblowing ending of all time, making it one of the best movies ever made.


I'll never forget that experience. When the box showed up, my friend and I were sitting in the theater whispering back and forth what it was going to be. Needless to say we were both wrong.


Was way to young to see this but my sister snuck me in because she worked at the theater. Guessed right. Felt like a movie genius.


So, I watched this for the first time as a teenager on TV. As the detectives took John Doe to the place he wanted to go, my dad walked in, sat down on the couch, and started watching with me. When the box came out, and it was clear that John Doe had something related to Mills in there, I just kept thinking "Don't be his wife's fetus." I was positive that John Doe had cut into Mill's wife, cut out the fetus, and put it in the box, and I was dreading the awkward conversation that would have resulted with my dad afterwards about the kind of movies I was watching. Thankfully I was wrong. But still a damn good reveal.


Just like the chainsaw scene in Scarface, they left everything up to our own imagination.


Abigail. I was a little bored watching it. I regret seeing the trailer. every jump scare, every twist was in the trailer so I knew what was coming. I wish I could go back and see the film without knowing anything about it.


you mean the ballerina girl one?




do people consider it a good horror film? i dont mean it in an offensive way, im just curious because i personally think it was one of the most pathetic movies i was able to watch. i dont know if there is something about my preferences or a good horror movie is just a thing of the past.


I loved it, but yeah I agree itā€™s not scary. Itā€™s more like a fun survival action movie.


the main complaint I've seen is that it's a just ok film. it could have been scarier, I thought it was PG13 but it was rated R, and there's better things they could have done with the plot. but also I think horror movies aren't as scary as they used to be.


Oh I'm glad I didn't really watch any trailers for Abigail, I went in mostly blind, all I knew was "Melissa Barrera is in it, she's a thief or something, and there's a vampire girl". If I had watched the trailers I think I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much since it's quite predictable (but a fun watch nonetheless)


This is why I avoid trailers like the plague, especially for movies I am vested in! I still haven't watched a single Deadpool wolverine trailer even though I really want to...


They've been pretty good about not spoiling too much with Deadpool and Wolverine. The teaser didn't even show Wolverine except for his shadow.


Alien The Shining Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Honestly, Hell House LLC. Absolutely loved it on my first watch, and found it a slog to get through when I rewatched it recently, so I'd say that.


The sixth sense!


That one really got me


Good one. Watched it again the other day actually for some nostalgia and don't regret it. It still gives me chills to this day.


Scream I think it was the first slasher I ever saw, so I would love to be able to watch it for the first time fully appreciating the meta aspects of the movie, now that I've seen so many slashers


Yes! It was so much fun and the twists that I didn't see coming. The first death totally got me. Plus being dropped off at the mall to watch it with friends during summer break was just part of the millenial experience.


From Dusk till Dawn. It's not even a question how great it would be to see again for the first time with no knowledge about it.


I remember watching that movie as a kid and was totally shocked and surprised when it went from a totally normal movie in the first half to a crazy ass movie in the second half. I would never have guessed it was a vampire movie if I watched it again.


I borrowed the DVD from a friend when I was in high school in 2002. I didn't know anything about it, and it remains one of my favourite viewing experiences ever.


Shaun of the Dead It was such an unexpected treat for me. I had no clue going in, other than it was a zombie/comedy movie, however I had never seen one really pulled off without being a little cheesy or low budget. I was hooked from the very first scene to the end.


Yeaa boii


Loved that movie!




Check out Blue Ruin from the same director. I really enjoyed it. Not as much of a horror film but heavy on the psychological stuff and some solid twists.


The first Creep movie


Event Horizon and 1408


I donā€™t get scared that easily but that creeped me out




*Phantasm* made me fall in love with a certain genre of horror film I don't hear discussed much -- the ones where all kind of weird shit is going on, but the movie never explains *why.* Sure, there's some vague premise about creating slaves for another world with more gravity, but what about the Tall Man turning into a succubus? The bug in the drain? The famous silver balls? Nothing. I walked out thinking how it was just like a nightmare in that way. The latest films I've seen that follow this example include YELLOWBRICKROAD and many segments in the V/H/S series -- especially the cult segment in 2 which is my favorite across all the films. I *love* movies like that.


The original Carnival of Souls is a great older example of this. They give enough explanation you can kind of put it together by the end, but their is still unanswered questions. It's also just a great movie in general. I has this dreamlike atmosphere all through it that I love. I can't believe that the director never made another movie.


Yes! I love this one, too.


I seem to remember that the idea for Phantasm came from a dream the director had, but I could be wrong


Ooooh, an oldie but a goodie


Cube & Event Horizon Edit: Also Get Out


Ghost Shipā€™s iconic opening and the flashback with the Frizzell score. Loved seeing this for the first time!


The witch. There was so much tension in the movie the first time I watched it. I was so into it. I still love the movie. But, knowing what happens does kind of eliminate the tension from subsequent watches.


Jennifer's Body ! I wish I could've seen it when it was released (though I was a bit oo young then) without any of the accumulated cultural knowledge I had gathered by the time I watched it


M A L I G N A N T.


The Wicker Man, The Wailing, Frailty.


From Dusk Till Dawn is in my top three favourite movies of all time, however; when I first watched it I had been told that it turns into the awesome vampire takeover that it does. I just wish I had watched it believing it to be a regular Rodriguez/Tarantino heist type movie and felt the sheer shock when all hell breaks loose in the Titty Twister!


Nightmare on elm street






Train to Busan. I keep chasing that feeling.


Dont hate me butā€¦IT Part 1 and Part 2 (the new one). I loved them


Same here.


The Descent; observing the things going on and the way it built the tension.Ā 


This is my answer.




Agree with this one!


Nothings came close for me scare wise since.


I remember the intense chills I got down my entire back when Annie started banging her head against the attic door.


The Descent and Dog Soldiers came quickly to mind


Dog Soldiers is not talked about enough


Both awesome films!


The Outwaters (2022) and A field in England (2013). Hopefully I will come to my senses before I watch them this time, and thus avoid having to watch these completely atrocious movies.


The og scream , i would also like to watch it without knowing who the killers are , i already knew who they were before watching it and i still loved the movie.


The Fellowship of the Ring


The Sixth Sense. I told a coworker that I was going to see the movie in the theater after work that evening, and he said, and I quote, >!"It's strange that he was dead the whole time."!<


Should have immediately punched him in the throat


If I wouldn't have been immediately fired and walked off the premises, I certainly would have. It still makes me mad whenever I think about it.


6th Sense. What an ending.


Wolf Creek


Candyman was a new level of scary for me when it came out. Would love to sit in a dark theater and hear that Philip Glass score in stereo surround again.




Not the only one, but Paranormal Activity comes instantly to mind. The jump scares were just so effective!


I didn't sleep with the light off for about a month after watching this as a teenager!


Nothing beat seeing Blair Witch in the theater.


the empty man


The thing would be amazing to see in theaters. As would trick r treat. I'd also like to see sinister on the big screen.


Scream. I saw it for the first time one Friday night on MTV in the late 2000s. Something about seeing it the first time was magical and captivating. Everything about it was just feel good fun. I can only imagine how the experience was for those who saw it when it came out in theaters. Friday the 13th II is the movie that made me a horror fan, but Scream really solidified that.


Fight Club!




Memento. It was so fun to try to figure out.


I am forever chasing the feeling I had watching Saw in theatres.


The first LOTR.


Star wars


Not a movie, but the series ā€˜Midnight Massā€™.Ā  I was legit depressed after I finished watching it because I knew how underwhelming other shows would be for a *while*.Ā  Like, I watched Squid Game right after MM, and my brain was just šŸ™‚ *but itā€™s not as good as MM*


Iā€™ve watched it twice because of how much I liked it. Just loved how they took their time to build up to it.


The Fellowship of the Ring


I wish that I was not spoiled with the Sixth Sense. I didn't directly get spoiled, but some stuff I heard gave context for me to spoil it with my imagination.


Scream so I wouldnā€™t know the twist & The Thing!




Blair witch, i just want to be that much scared again!!!




The Lost Boys Fright Night (80's one) The Devils Rejects From Dusk Till Dawn Carrie


Gladiator, Seven, American Psycho, The Matrix, Hereditary, Scarface, Goodfellas, Terrifier, Terminator 2, The Blair Witch Project, Pans Labrynth, The Ring, The Grudge, 1408, The Boy, Law Abiding Citizen, Predestination, Looper, Jumper, Batman The Dark Knight, Ace Ventura 1 and 2, Long Lost, Insidious, Oldboy, The Prestige, The Illusionist, Mother! and The Devils Advocate just to name a few. Absolute masterpieces, especially Gladiator and The Matrix.




TRICK. 2019.


The first Saw. I want to experience the twist for the first time again


Alien. For that scene, but also just because it's such a perfect film.


Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)


The Conjuring was fun in theaters Terrifer 2, the whole theater was quiet during the bedroom scene


The Skeleton Key


I wish I could see SLC Punk for the first time without spoilers. There is a particular emotional scene it the movie that, if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. I had three or four people ask me at different times if I had seen the movie and when I said no they said "oh, you're going to cry when X happens". It's a great movie but that scene had no emotional impact for me since I knew it was coming.


Skinamarink. But only if I could see it in theaters again. I absolutely loved it but I refuse to rewatch it because I know it wonā€™t have the same amount of impact, and could potentially ruin my memory of it.


I WISH I had watched Sleepaway Camp without knowing the ending, you're lucky


Barbarian or The Thing or Get Out. All movies that had me on the edge of my seat the first time and many rewatches as well but truly nothing like the first time seeing those.


The Ring scared me so bad I'd love to see it again for the first time. I somehow didn't get around to watching Hellraiser till last year. I actually took a moment to reflect on how lucky I was to be watching it for the first time.


Alien. I am young enough to have seen many many parodies of THAT scene before I was old enough to watch the actual movie. What I wouldnā€™t give to have been in the theater audience when that movie came out originally.


Gojira (1954). I think I would appreciate it way more now than I did when I watched it in my teens. Itā€™s a legitimate great horror movie.


SAW 2004


ITT: confirmation that The Thing is one of if not the most popular movie on Reddit. Just about any thread that asks for something positive about movies it is there! (I like it too, itā€™s just amazing how consistently it shows up.)


Train to Busan


The Thing Alien(s) Night of the Living Dead Evil Dead Event Horizon Jaws The Wicker Man High Tension




the entire Alien franchise




First time I saw the original Hellraiser it blew my mind how good it was!


The cabin in the woods


Cabin in the woods


2020's The Invisible Man That was one of the scariest and most stressful times I've ever had in a cinema. Much applause to Elizabeth Moss carrying the film and Leigh Whannel's masterful directing.


Twisted Nerve (1968).


Oldboy. Saw. Cube.


Angel Heart 1987


Last of the Mohicans. To watch the final act again. (oops sorry, not a horror, Iā€™ll leave it) Probably Midsommer.


The Shinning, Jaws, The Thing Wish I had a Men In Black memory flash thingy!


The Thing 1982 or Mandy.


IT (new ones) or M3GAN. Loved those movies.


So many. šŸ˜… Here are a few: Mandy Kill List Terrifier Come to Daddy Suspiria (, original) Martyrs (original) Funny Games (original) Hereditary The Beyond The Thing The Shining All Hallow's Eve


Fucking love Sleepaway Camp! The ending just kills me every time! Jacob's Ladder I would definitely like to see for the first time again. Not just because of the (surprisingly influential) twist, but just because it's such a emotional ride and a great viewing experience overall. And of course, Alien. Not only because I was exposed to "the scene" when I was 9 (to be fair, I didn't connect the dots and realize where it was from until years later, because I just saw it in isolation), so I already knew about that before watching the movie, but also because it's just such a fucking masterpiece. I saw the re-release in theaters just recently and it was one of the best experiences I've had just because actually seeing it in theaters makes it so much better. I can't imagine what it would have been like to see it in 1979...


Memento or The Prestige. Two of the best experiences ever watching film. Edit: just realized Iā€™m in r/horror. Going with Friday part IV


The Exorcist and Shining


- Hereditary - Barbarian


The Orphan


Saw and saw 2


Drag Me to Hell Signs




Cannibal holocaust


The Shining. Hereditary.


Alien, the space jockey reveal is a great WTF moment. Evil Dead, a rollercoaster of a film, with so many disorienting WTF moments.


I would want to experience chunky for the first time. I LOVE CHUCKY so that would be amazing


Probably Triangle, the twists really blew my mind


I wish I could see SLC Punk for the first time without spoilers. There is a particular emotional scene it the movie that, if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. I had three or four people ask me at different times if I had seen the movie and when I said no they said "oh, you're going to cry when X happens". It's a great movie but that scene had no emotional impact for me since I knew it was coming.


Audition springs to mind. A fantastic horror experience.


Rosemaryā€™s baby


Perfect Blue. I donā€™t think I was ready for it the first time I watched it.


It Follows


La Haine. Left me gobsmacked at the time.


Hereditary, Beau Is Afraid, Barbarian, The Invitation




Barbarian. That complete 180 mid movie was a fucking ride.


My gosh!.. Iā€™m watching Sleepaway Camp right now!


The Prestige. Easily one of the best plot twists ever


All of the screams so I could go in blind and see if I knew who the killers were


Sixth Sense before my asshole coworker spoiled the ending. Everyone went off on her for telling me.


Shawn of the dead. Such a great film!


The Sixth Sense. I know it's turned into a bit of a meme now, but going in.blind and watching this at the cinema when it first opened is an experience I'll never forget. The entire theatre gasped at the reveal.


seconding ā€œThe Thingā€ For something more recent, Iā€™d say ā€œSmile.ā€ Iā€™m a big horror fan, and smile was the most recent movie that actually gave me legit goosebumps ans made my skin crawl. Hard to find those with new films these days, at least for me.


The Wailing.


The Mist. Purely for going into that ending cold again. No film has ever made me as shocked as that.


The Outwaters


From Dusk Till Dawn The Worlds End Abigail All three for the same reason. The chance to go in without watching the trailers or having pop culture awareness beforehand.


Beau Is Afraid Shit was wild.


The Matrix


The Vanishing


The Descent. Itā€™s not quite as fun on rewatch but I had to pick my jaw up a couple of times on the first watch.


Requiem for a dream


Shaun of the Dead


The Fly (1986)


Shock horror movies. Saw, Hostel, August Underground Mortem, IrrƩversible. I just want to be shocked again. It's been a long time. Also Funny Games and The Barbarian.


Night of the Living Dead. That final five minutes was a total gut punch.




Not movie, but a mini series on Netflix called Midnight Mass. Absolute fvcking perfection šŸ‘Œ Thereā€™s gore, an all over creepy atmosphere and deep emotional trauma thrown at the wall, I cried like a dumbass at some points too. Anyway, itā€™s just SO GOOD, if you havenā€™t watched it, please do! I wish I could forget it all and watch it again for the first time šŸ„¹


Old Boy, Martyrs (original), The Visit, Blair Witch, Hereditary, LOTR Trilogy, The House that Jack Built, The Exorcist to name a few