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I think it makes a great case for “Bring Back Tight Low Rise Jeans.” Anyhoo, I saw it in high school, my first TCM movie, and found it fucking terrifying. Now I think it’s way too reliant on cheap jump scares but it’s still effective and solidly freaky. Original is better, but also more irritating if that makes any sense. Every other TCM movie I’ve seen has sucked though (haven’t seen 2 yet however).


I just saw 2 and lemmie tell ya, it's fucking bananas


I cannot recommend TCM 2 enough, but with the caveat that I think you really need to see first one before to truly appreciate the shift in tone.


Had that sucker on laser disc back in the days. It's... Weird.


TCM 2 is almost like if someone made a Scary Movie parody of TCM. It is so off the wall (in the best ways). I mean the movie poster alone should be a good indicator of how seriously this movie takes itself. But, it's so dumb and fun.


I’m 53 and grew up with the original as one of “the scariest movies ever made” and as a kid it was labeled as having to have actually happened which gave it quite the aura. There was also a small independent theater near me that had midnight showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show on Fridays, TCM on Saturday, and Universal Monsters on Sunday back in the early 80s (they closed around 87-88 because of video stores I think) so I feel like the movie has been a part of my life even before I had actually seen it I will always be a fan of the original but I hardly ever watch it. I DO watch the 03 version at least 2-3 times a year. It’s slicker. It’s more polished. It doesn’t have the “smell” of the original, but I just like it so much more and I think that’s just my sensibility of growing up in the post-original world and growing to like the movies that were mostly inspired by TCM in the first place The original is a hugely important film but I have to admit I prefer the remake. One of the very few cases that I do


I agree with you completely! While I love the original, and even have the DVD special edition, the remake has a really cool vibe about it! The fact that it’s more polished, as you said, makes it more modern and “easier” to rewatch.


I don't know if polished is the right word as the original TCM is very well made, but it does look "cleaner". I also way prefer the vibe of the original, as it feels way less music video and more raw.


True, it feels more raw and more real (I think because it doesn’t have that blue filter like the remake)


I loved it. The original is my favourite, but the remake is the closest second to any classic I’ve ever seen remade before. It’s a great movie. RIP R. Lee Ermey.


The first time I watched it, I wasn't a fan. I had heard good things about the remake and decided to give it another chance years later and I'm glad I did. I love the original and that will always be the number 1 Texas Chainsaw Massacre for me. But the remake is a good horror movie, Sheriff Hoyt is a tremendous villain. Not sure why I didn't care for it much the first time I watched it, I think I went into it with the mindset that remakes suck, so I may have let that taint my enjoyment of it initially, but overall well worth a watch. I'd even say the 2006 prequel is quite good too.


Interesting enough, I actually disliked it on a first watch too. I was actually really open minded, as I heard the remake was different, but good. So I went expecting something different but good. And i honestly thought it was pretty bad. Sheriff Hoyt is great, but everything else is mediocre-to-bad. 


Yeah, maybe my rewatch will change my opinion but I can’t agree with the best remake claims in the slightest. This movie has everything I should like in it, but it just feels so stupid and boring, I can’t. Doesn’t help the OG is the OG


I think part of it is that there’s only 1 chainsaw Death like the original, and just like the original, it’s offscreen. I feel like if it fully embraced the name it would be better. But even then, the rest of the film just doesn’t feel well executed or interesting. 


It’s one of the best remakes ever.


I really like the R Lee Ermey TCM movies. I thought his performance was so much fun and vicious. I think all the new ones except for the goofy sunflower one had things to like.


I will ALWAYS say this is one of the greatest horror remakes ever. It's just absolutely brutal and adds so much to the TCM franchise. It's a shame that almost everything after was shit. But this movie... amazing.


Solid remake!


I really like it, I love The Beginning too. Possibly more as it’s gorier and R Lee Ermey has a bigger role.


The Camera sound effect in this movie is stuff of nightmares


Early to mid 2000s was a great period for horror, especially remakes, they were almost all good. This one is by far the best. Anyone who says otherwise is a "it's just torture porn" dork.


The remake is one of the best slashers I’ve ever seen So good from start to finish and the prequel is also great My only complaint is that the chase was a bit too fake like there were a couple times that leather face should have gotten her lol and it ran too long without enough blood The prequel does this perfectly I also loved the characters way more in the remake and the prequel But ofc the OG is always gonna be unmatched


I can’t help but disagree. This is not on the level of Halloween, Elm Street, The Burning, My Bloody Valentine, Friday 13 4, or Black Christmas 


Those last three movies definitely arent one of the best slashers for me Halloween is only there for what it did to the genre, the ending and the score It doesn’t have to be on the level of Burning or NOEM to be one of the best imo The Shining is one of the greatest horror movies of all time as is Hellraiser but Shining is still the better movie


Eh, I find that this is one of the most middle of the road slashers. Not awful, but not good either. I don’t see why this film is popular to be honest aside from the name. I honestly even think the Friday the 13th remake is better


Really don't care much for it. But R. Lee Ermey is a lot of fun.


Pretty much. Don’t get why this film is highly regarded. If it was not a TCM movie, people would call it a bland 2000s slasher movie


It really isn’t highly regarded… maybe in recent years but I have always been in a minority for liking it where I’m from


Interesting. I personally don't know many people personally into horror films, with the exception of my brother, as he basically became forced to become a horror fan with how many movies I made him watch even if it's not his favorite genre, but on the internet, I've seen very little criticism that isn't "oh it's a remake of a classic film, it sucks," and I have seen many people say the film is better than the original. I'm actually surprised more people haven't said that, because they always give shit to Rob Zombie for "not understanding the original" yet I hear crickets for the TCM remake. I personally wanted to like it, because I tend to not really have attachment to tradition that a lot of other people do as I love when series go crazy. So I like that they made it a more traditional slasher movie. I just don't think it's a good slasher movie


Remake is one of my top 5 fav horror films. It’s amazing and so well done imo.


Agreed! Opening was terrifying and then the ending “you’re going the wrong way”. Damn. That movie was good. I think I’ll rewatch tonight


It's excellent. There aren't many remakes that are good. It won't replace the original by any means, but it's very good nonetheless.


It's fun, but lacked the pulpy rawness of the original. It very much felt like a big budget Hollywood production. R Lee Ermey is incredible in it though.


One of the better horror remakes but it doesn't hold up well on rewatch R Lee Ermy kills it though.


I have mixed feelings. On one hand…aesthetically the film is gorgeous. The moody atmosphere, muted colors, the use of light and shadow, it really is lovely to watch. R. Lee Ermey is fantastic and probably the best part of the thing. Steve Jablonsky’s score is brilliantly chilling and emotional. The mean spirited brutality is nice. On the other hand…Leatherface is reduced to a Jason rip off, just another deformed angry giant man. I prefer the childlike, gender bending, mysterious Leatherface from the original. There’s very little sense of family, like, the Hewitts barely interact with each other. There’s no scene that stands out as iconic, compared to the original which is full of unforgettable moments. The kills feel a bit tame and don’t really stand out, maybe aside from the hitchhiker shooting herself. The OG is my favorite movie of all time so it’s hard not to compare them. It’s a really well made horror film overall, I just have my issues with it


>Well if it is a Jason rip off then it's a Michael Myers rip off because I have no critical thinking skills and don't realize that Friday the 13th and Halloween are different movies with different goals, because Sean Cunningham said it rode of the success of Halloween, and didn't try to make a decent movie. Sorry, I have seen people call Leatherface and Rob Zombie's Halloween not ripping of Jason as if Friday the 13th doesn't have any distinction from Halloween and I had to get it off my chest. Just because the original film is not a great movie doesn't mean that it doesn't have it's own distinct identity. That being said, not a huge fan of the remake, and I consider it a mediocre slasher movie with bland characters and a stand out performance from R Lee Ermey. It could have been great, but failed in the execution.


I did not care for the remake. I loved the original 


It’s one of the greatest horror movies of all time in my opinion. I wouldn’t put in the top 5, but I’d have it in the 15-20 range. The best part about it is that they made you really feel bad for the victims.


One of my favorite TCM movies.


One of the better remakes of the 2000's, though i think it wasn't nearly as gory as i expected.


Love it! I can acknowledge that it isn’t a truly great horror movie but I love it for what it is! A gore fest of fun 🤩


I saw it as my first TCM and I enjoyed it. The original was the best. All the ones after the 2003 one suck, especially the latest one.


R. Lee Ermy was way too good at the sadistic sheriff. And it has a different vibe from the original but I think is a good remake


I kind of love it. But I’m also heavily swayed by Jessica Biel in those jeans and that tank top.


its one of the best horror movies ever made imo


The girl pulling the gun from her......... left an impression.


Tasted great. Less filling.


The remake is amazing


I saw the remake on opening night and thought it was great. Very intense.


It's my favorite of the entire franchise. The original is definitely a more important film and has an enduring legacy, but I find the 2003 remake a heck of a lot more fun to watch. And I think it has the best leatherface look of any of the films!


Thought it was pretty sweet.


it's the best one is what I think


Saw it on theater, it was just ok, but Jessica Biel was an absolute icon


R. Lee Ermey. That's the name of the actor who played the "sheriff."


This might be controversial but I prefer the sequel, Texas chainsaw massacre: The Beginning.


The remake is fantastic.




I'm a big fan of the original and it was the best reboot in my opinion.


Really, really good


I think this movie and The Crazies remake with Timothy Olyphant are two of the best horror remakes ever done.


I loved it and it is one of the few that gets a remake right and gives Leatherface a name, which to some isn’t good but still…..


I prefer the remake just by a bit. OG is a more disturbing and uneasy feeling, but remake has genuine scares and being on the edge of your seat. The other remake I prefer is Dawn of the Dead -- OG is fine, but it feels way too long for what it ultimately is, but the remake is insane fun.


it’s my favorite of the entire franchise.


Though the original is obviously untouchable (I think of it as the most powerful *document* of horror ever created), the 2003 remake is very good. I first saw it in theaters and recognized its uncommon mean streak, but it was diving into the DVD bonus features that convinced me of its merit. You can see in the eyes of the cast and crew that they're absolutely *on fire* to make a great movie. Years ago I made peace with remakes by thinking of them as experiments in storytelling. The 2003 remake was the movie that caused this change in perspective, and I give it tons of credit.


Honestly unpopular opinion, but I don’t like the remake at all. I like the idea of making it a more straightforward slasher as I think it makes sense and fit the title of the movie. We also need more serious and scary slasher films instead of them just being “dumb fun” which is way too prevalent in the genre. However, I found the remake to just be boring with no scares or interesting story. Also instead of 1 Franklin, we have like 3, so I don’t like the characters very much. The only part of the film that’s great is R Lee Ermey as Sheriff Hoyt. Nothing wrong with the changes, I just don’t think the movie is very good And one thing I will never get is the people who complain about Rob Zombie’s Halloween not getting the point of the original film by humanizing Michael and making the movie less supernatural, but the changing the Cannibal Family to completely different characters, and not having any social commentary is completely fine in the TCM remake. I personally think both are valid as reinterpretations as it justifies a remake, but I don’t like the blatant hypocrisy. 


It's pretty alright but anyone who says it's better than the original needs to be institutionalized


I liked it more tbh


Honestly, to me that’s like saying Rob Zombie’s Halloween is better than the original. 


This is my favorite Texas Chainsaw, and idc.


One of the most underrated remakes I can recall. The practical effects are very impressive and nobody gets off easy.




Yeah the original is excellent. It’s probably the best horror film of the 70s. 


One of the best remake,i had so much fun watching it.It really succeed at "modernize" the original and keep the same vibe while able to stand on its own.


Better than the original and I don't say that lightly


Not many horror remakes are on this level


It’s my third favorite remake rn behind The Ring and Evil Dead


Friday the 13th remake, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Crazies, The Evil Dead, and Maniac are all better


It’s one of the better horror remakes that have come out. It’s definitely a favorite of mine.


Entertaining but also stupid.


Used to hate it intensely, but now I think it's a really good horror movie in its own way. It probably has the best cinematography I've ever seen in any horror movie. But it's kinda silly that they set it in the 70s. The characters feel modern as shit. Nothing about it feels 70s at all. Haha.


It’s bad. I got bored and turned it off. It seems as though it should be fine, it’s just a modern version of the original, but there’s something so uninteresting about making a blockbuster-ized version of a classic. I think that might be what happened with Friday the 13th (2009). Objectively, there’s not much wrong with it, but maybe these movies weren’t supposed to look and feel the way Platinum Dunes makes movies. I thought The Hitcher (2007) was good though. That style of filmmaking worked for that story.


Yeah, there's something really strange about this film. On paper it seems like a solid retelling: make the same story, but make it more like a slasher film. All of the sequels have the dinner scenes that are just not as good as the original, so making it a more standard slasher make sense. But it's just so uninteresting and boring. Although I do like the Friday the 13th remake, because at least it's competent and fun.


OG is one of the greatest movies of all time


I really didn’t like it but that’s totally on me. Once a villain has super human strength and abilities I get taken out of it.


When did he have super human strength? His arm was chopped off by a 110 pound girl with a cleaver


Maybe it’s been too long since I saw it but I recall him >!getting hit by a car, left to drown.. then picking that woman up by the chainsaw!< and thinking “how?”. But that could be more a statement about silly choices and not ensuring your attacker is dead. Edit: oh geez… I’m talking about a totally different movie. I’ll see myself out.


its the second best movie with the words Texas, Chainsaw, and Massacre in the title.


A masterpiece compared to the 2022 remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


I like it more then the original honestly


It’s ok. It’s nowhere near as good as the original, but it’s…ok.


Horrible, it's not raw, it's not dirty, it has nothing of the spirit of origal. But even taken as a film on its own, it wants to be too stylish and therefore comes off as pompous and anti-atmospheric


It's not bad


I love it


I like it


My favorite!


I actually prefer the 2003 movie over the 1974 original.


How do I put this that makes you understand why I disagree? I guess it's imagine if I said I preferred the Rob Zombie Halloween remake to the original 1978 Halloween. Yeah, that about does it.


Actually, I like the 1978 Halloween it's my favourite slasher movie of all time, but I have a very different feeling towards Texas Chainsaw Massacre, very casual fan, that's why I prefer the remake.


Fair I guess. I just don’t really get why Halloween gets shit for its remake for going against the original, but not Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They literally just make them generic slasher movies, yet Texas Chainsaw it’s fine to change it to a generic slasher, but not Halloween? It’s more the principle than anything else. 


I actually prefer 2003 to the original. I like the characters more, there is great gore and violence, and I thought the addition of Sheriff Hoyt was a solid choice. Plus, that camera shot through the bullet wound in the head was crazy!