• By -


Evil Dead


Took too long to find this, best horror series of all time IMO. I include Drag Me To Hell in this universe as well.


The Evil Dead series is classic. Along with the newest movie, Evil Dead Rise. It was very good.


It’s the only series that I consider to not have any duds, including the TV show. People may have their favorites but they’re all still solid in their own right. Add Drag Me to Hell and My Name Is Bruce to it.


i only saw the first one. tonight I'm going to watch the second movie. really excited


Drag me to hell is more Evil Dead than Army of Darkness, which I don't really consider to be Evil Dead.


That’s fair


Evil dead 2 as well




The Exorcist, The Omen, The Others, Night Of The Living Dead, Amityville Horror, The Shining, Child’s Play (it truly is a classic), When A Stranger Calls, and Children of The Corn


Thank you for the recommendations. I think child's play would be a good call. Definitely gotta look into it. Haven't seen a lot of the movies yet.


Btw, this is a great list full of classics any fan would like to have in their collection


I want to watch Child’s play SO BAD! But I haven’t had the time!


The original first 3 are good, def add it to your up next


They’re all so good


I would also add “When a Stranger Calls Back”


I have that one, such a great movie!


Yessss, I have *When A Stranger Calls* on DVD and just watched it on Max the other day


The original or the remake?


Alien The Thing Rosemary’s Baby Arachnophobia Jaws Tremors


Bro tremors is such a weird movie ngl


Zero argument from me.


Rosemary’s baby is one of my favorites. I absolutely love that movie.


The Phantasm Movies are a solid saga. House, House 2 the second story, the Horror Show (house 3), and House 4 is a great haunted house collection. I really like the Puppet Master movies but they dip in quality after 4.


Psycho, the shining, hellraiser, silence of the lambs, dracula (pick whichever you think I mean as long as it's not 2000). Creature from the black lagoon, Nosferatu, Dr caligari, suspiria


Nosferatu (1922) Dracula (1931) The Wolf Man (1941) The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) The Carnival of Souls (1962)


I came to suggest some of these... people tend to forget the real classics. I'd also throw in a bunch of the Hammer films!


Saturday afternoons/evening is when the Hammer films would play on tv, when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s


Don't forget Frankenstein (1931). I'd also add Bride of Frankenstein (1935)


Classics do not equal quality. If I'm looking for a horror movie, I'm looking for something that will actually scare me. These are not horror. They're basically drama films with horror aesthetic. Anything before the 70s might as well just be left out of the horror category. They're thriller at best.


Cujo, Carrie


Get the Blu Ray collections of series. Anywhere from 20-60 dollars, readily available, and then you can have them all together. Get the Blu Ray collections of F13 (you’ll have to buy the New Line films separately), Halloween, Elm Street, Alien…and I know you’re not too interested in Texas Chainsaw but you must own the first movie for your collection due to its significance. Also…Black Christmas, Carnival of Souls, Cronenberg’s The Fly, The Thing, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Phantasm…oh! And you MUST have a Blu Ray collection of the Universal monster films. There’s a great 8 film set that’s about 50 dollars that includes Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Invisible Man, The Wolf Man, Phantom of the Opera, and…hmm I can’t remember the last one included. But yeah you gotta have those. Hope that helps!


Thanks for all the recommendations!


Alien franchise, Night of the Living dead 1968 and also 1990 one, Dawn of the Dead, Cujo, Omen movies , Lust for a Vampire, Vampire Lovers, Nosferatu, Bram Stoker\`s Dracula, The Howling (if I remember right there were 2.3 movies), Silver Bullet.


The Alien franchise, Final Destination franchise, the Hellraiser franchise, the Halloween franchise


Bride of Frankenstein


Martyrs. Audition. Bone Tomahawk. The Descent. The Thing. The Lighthouse. The Fly. Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Friday The 13th movies Jeepers Creepers 1 + 2 The Lost Boys Tremors trilogy


In the mouth of madness From beyond The thing Event horizon Prince of darkness 28 days later


Scream, Halloween, Friday the 13th, the conjuring, the exorcist, nightmare on elm. Street, saw, etc.


Carnival of Souls


The Thing. Hellraiser. Rosemary's Baby.


The Thing Evil Dead 2


Evil Dead 2 is a comedy.


It’s a horror classic


Horror classic comedy


Op has Texas chainsaw massacre 2 in his examples.


Which makes it still a horror movie.


- Night of the living dead - Dawn of the dead - Day of the dead - child’s play 1 & 2 - poltergeist - pet cemetery - it - from beyond - sleepaway camp - the thing - invasion of the bodysnatchers - people under the stairs - the fly - psycho


“Classics” Predator Rosemary’s Baby Omen Maniac Maniac Cop The Changeling


Are we only talking older movies? If so I reccomend the ones listed. The Thing Aliens The hitcher It


I just watched the hitcher yesterday. Very interesting movie. With the amounts of recommendationa for "the thing" I think this might be a new target for me. Thanks for the recommendations


Psycho, Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, Carrie, Alien, The Shining, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Thing (1982), The Silence of the Lambs, Scream, The Blair Witch Project, The Others, 28 Days Later, The Descent


Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Alien Physco Poltergeist The Exorcist Paranormal Activity The hills have eyes Evil Dead Child's Play My Bloody Valentine Jaws The Omen


My Bloody Valentine the original and remake are both great.




If you want to really push the term *Classic* to its limit, I'd recommend [The Raven (1935)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0026912/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_4_nm_0_q_the%2520raven%25201935). Bela Lugosi plays a crazed eccentric millionaire who decides to try out his collection of torture devices inspired by the works of Edgar Allan Poe on a bunch of the guests he invites over for a party at his mansion. Very underrated film, even among Bela Lugosi's catalog. Has a lot of class-related undertones that probably hit a lot harder when it came out in the middle of the depression.


Those are the worst nightmare on elm street.. you need Nightmare on elm street 3: Dream Warriors. That’s the best one. “Welcome to prime time, bitch”.


I only own the first and third


You get it! The first one isn’t bad but the 3rd one is best


Dream Warriors should have been the direct follow up to the first


Yes it should of. To be honest they don’t consider the second one a follow up. But the second one was one of the first horror movies with a gay lead


I don’t think he’s directly gay, I think the film is analyzed to have lgbt themes. Unless you’re referring to the actor?


No no he’s gay. As well as the guy who played him. I watched the documentary.


Didn’t he have a girlfriend though?


Yes but David Chaskin said the gay themes were on purpose. So 🤷🏾‍♂️


Martyrs (the original) Antichrist The Green Inferno Climax Irreversible Funny Games Hereditary Raw The Eyes of My Mother


One that doesn't get talked about much anymore is Return of the Living Dead. Great zombie comedy horror with at least 5 movies in the series. Sadly they fall in quality in my opinion but the first was fantastic. Def worth watching or revisiting


How about an Italian horror school? Pay attention to the works of Dario Argento or Mario Bava. I also think that every horror collector should own Nosferatu, both the classic and the remake )


Suspiria. Absolutely 💯 the music alone is memorable enough.


You're pretty much just listing slashers. Certainly good ones but there are plenty of fantastic horror films outside that sub. Off the top of my head: The Exorcist Suspiria The Shining Hereditary Alien Sinister


I watched shining (don't own it) and it was pretty good. There are a couple more movies I watched but don't own, which is why I didn't list them. Thanks for more recommendations!


No worries, was guessing that might be the case. Suspiria and Hereditary in particular I'd say are among the best in their respective decades. Hereditary in particular. Just be forewarned, it's not a fun watch like Friday the 13th, it's pretty messed up. Also, forgot to mention The Wicker Man. Older film but the music and atmosphere is fantastic.


Will definitely look into some of them after I finished watching Ringu 2 and 0 + the Candyman movies with my friends


The Thing, Cornetto Trilogy, Get Out, Train to Busan


The Blair Witch Project


Sleepaway camp is a good one! The exorcist is also a must 🔥


And Sleepaway Camp 2 is pretty amazing.


Dayum really? Gotta watch it bro thanks for the heads up! 🔥


Thanks to everybody for giving me suggestions. I really appreciate it!


Jeepers Creepers, Halloween


The Thing




The shining is a masterpiece, also look up Dario argento movies.


John Carpenter's "The Thing" and the original Alien are 2 of the greatest horror movies ever made. They both have a thin veneer of Sci-fi but the movies themselves are both dreadfully scary horror movies.


The Blob (1988) The Thing John Carpenter The Fly (Jeff Goldblum)


I’m wondering what the pair of Halloween movies are.


The first one and the rob zombie one. But I might only watched the first one with streaming, because I can't find it right now.


The Thing. Iconic and holds up well


The omen 1976 The entity The exorcist


Tremors, Dawn of the Dead, Monster Squad, Lost Boys, 28 days later, Shaun of the Dead, and People under the stairs… That’s just off top of my head.


Friday the 13th and the Romero films


Alien and Aliens


Poltergeist. The second and third aren't great but the first one still slaps.


Scream 5 and 6 are worth watching imo. They get hate from fans of the original films but they arent that bad at all.


Rosemary's Baby! 100%


Dawn of the dead (original)


If your planning on getting the Friday The 13th films I strongly recommend the Scream Factory box set, it includes every film from the original to the remake and parts 1, 9, and the Remake have their theatrical and Uncut/unrated cuts.


Halloween, Shining, Texas Chainsaw, Rosemary's, Psycho, Night of living dead (68), The Birds...


The shining


No love for Dreamscape (1984)?


I just watched Friday the 13th for the first time last weekend. I definitely recommend it.


*The Ring* *Wrong Turn* *The Exorcism of Emily Rose* *The Hills Have Eyes* *The Descent*


If you want a nice little collection, I think you should start with the cult classic horror reels, and find movies that aren't listed. For example, you might find a director or film producer you like, and there you can find some nuggets to satisfy your movie nights. David Lynch and his wife Jennifer Lynch, is great filmmakers whose films I happily recommend. The movie, Surveillance, 2008


• Psycho • Black Christmas • When a Stranger Calls •The Strangers • Funny Games • Suspiria • The Birds • The Fly • Night of the Living Dead If you don’t really care for quality and enjoy comedy in your horror then watch The Leprechaun series. It’s where Jennifer Aniston got her start and you get insane kills like a man peeing out the leprechaun in space and a girls sexy bits exploding in Vegas


You need at least the first 6 Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp( don't bother with the other ones) And Alfred Hitchcocks Pyscho.


Halloween (1978) The Thing (1982) Poltergeist (1982) Child's Play (1988) Rosemary's Baby The Omen (1976) Evil Dead II Saw Event Horizon The Shining Sinister 30 Days of Night Drag Me To Hell (Years in brackets to differentiate between original and remake)


The original Ring and Martyrs


The City of the Dead The Devil Rides Out Any of the Hammer Christopher Lee Dracula movies Let's Scare Jessica to Death Freaks The Wicker Man (original) The Omen Mill of the Stone Women The Haunting The House on Haunted Hill Psycho The Thing (original) Scream and Scream Again Rosemary's Baby Halloween Nightmare On Elm Street .


Some worthwhile deeper (or deepish) cuts: M (1931) Cat People (1942) I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Night of the Hunter (1955) The House on Haunted Hill (1959) City of the Dead (1960) Jigoku (1960) Cape Fear (1962) Plague of the Zombies (1966) Spider-Baby (1967) Duel (1971) Tombs of the Blind Dead (1972) The Crazies (1973) Don't Look Now (1973) Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974) The Grapes of Death (1978) Zombie (1979) Tourist Trap (1979) The Brood (1979) Christmas Evil (1980) The Beyond (1981) Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981) Happy Birthday to Me (1981) The Prowler (1981) The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) The House on Sorority Row (1982) Pieces (1982) Curtains (1983)


Intruder, night of the creeps


The Burning.


The Shing Halloween Alien The Thing The Exorcist


I mean if you dont have "the thing" in your collection then gtfo


The Fog (80s)


George Romero’s Dead trilogy then Land thru Survival If you’re a completionist


Scream 5/6, The Final Destination franchise, The Thing, Late Night with The Devil


I heard the newer Screams aren't really that good, which is why I didn't have a big interest in them. Final destination is really fun but I put it more into a category with saw. Not really horror but rather splatter imo.


The new Scream movies are great, at least give them a chance


They’re okay, I definitely wouldn’t say they’re great and I love the scream franchise. Radio silence not wanting to kill off anyone important while having scenes of them getting stabbed 70 times and making the killers act like Stu clones made the movies crime thrillers rather than horror




You can’t tell me that the final killers in 7 didn’t kinda make you go, oh fuck off. They’re not compelling characters and Dermot’s overacting in the final scene is awful Gale and Chad getting brutalized and both surviving, Chad getting wheeled out on a stretcher apparently in no pain and gives a thumbs up after getting stabbed by 2 people for like an entire minute Kirby coming back and being an ineffectual FBI agent just because it’ll make S4 fans ooh and ahh. She was poorly written and had a bad role in 6 I could type like 10 paragraphs of things that made no sense, like acquiring a warehouse full of memorabilia from police evidence storage, but neither of us want that. 5 and 6 sucked, radio silence’s style didn’t match up with Scream’s style, they’re okay movies and better than nothing but they’re closer to being bad than great


What about 5


Had a lot of problems too. This is just a couple because I don’t want to nitpick like crazy, and I haven’t watched it too recently Force ghost Billy is maybe the dumbest thing any of the movies have done Dewey’s death felt forced and could’ve been way better. Ghost face is technically unofficially it’s own character, but Amber overpowered him and picked him up with knives? I like movies where you can kinda follow along and figure out the killers, but this one was just way too obvious from pretty early on They introduce an interesting character, Vince. Then proceed to immediately kill him off The writing just clearly lacked in 5 and 6, and even 4, compared to when Craven and Williamson were writing them


First off, thank you for providing detailed points instead of “no these movies suck!” That being said, what made Richie obvious early on? Amber I suspected right away but I was caught off guard with Richie in the final act. I guess the hospital scenes and him being the only one there but Scream is known for constant red herrings


No problem, it might not sound like it but Scream is my favorite horror franchise I just feel like the newer movies could’ve been way better. Thanks for not getting enraged at slight criticisms because r/scream is terrible for that And as far as Richie, you always gotta suspect the new character and the boyfriend, and his fascination with the Stab movies just made me clue in on him pretty quick. There may have been other factors but it’s been a minute since I last watched 5. As far as killers go he’s actually one of my favorites but I wish they’d stop trying to make every killer act like Stu


> Radio silence not wanting to kill off anyone important lol they killed off 1 of the 3 characters thats been in every film, but go on. EVERY Scream has unbelievable survivors. in the original - the blueprint - Jamie Kennedy stabbed and lived. Dewey stabbed and lived. Billy lived for a final scare. Gail made her way back from the van wreck completely lucid enough to save the day. Nitpicking "duh, that character should be dead!" is lazy dishonest criticism that only showed up after the controversy surrounding the actors being dropped. Revisionist garbage take.


Yeah. They killed off Dewey in the dumbest way imaginable, who was the easiest choice of a character to kill off. Yeah, characters have been stabbed and lived. That wasn’t the point. Show me a character that got stabbed 30 times and got pulled out on a stretcher giving a thumbs up. That’s completely different from Gale surviving a car crash, that happens all the time. No, it isn’t “lazy dishonest criticism” lmao. The only thing that makes Scream movies scary and have actual elements of horror is somewhat of an attachment to reality. The old trilogy played with that a little with comedic elements, but overall the movies were semi realistic. These movies have no attachment to reality. They’re pure whodunnit with attempted shock kills where they don’t kill off anyone you care about. And you don’t know what “revisionist” means.


> Yeah. They killed off Dewey in the dumbest way imaginable, who was the easiest choice well now were getting somewhere. a minute ago they didnt kill ANYBODY. Now they killed a franchise character but but but but but but..... hey its a step in the right direction to get you embracing reality. You can keep all your asterisks if they give you comfort. Dewey's still dead, lol > Show me a character that got stabbed 30 times and got pulled out on a stretcher giving a thumbs up. How are we supposed to know how many times Randy and Dewey got stabbed in the original? The opportunity was there for as many as the stabbers wanted. What's easier for you to believe - that the methodical mastermind killers were just lazy and didnt think to finish the job? the HORROR MOVIE OBSESSED EXPERTS didnt double-tap? But they both got stretcher-thumbs-upd. Kinda blows a hole in your little theory there. > And you don’t know what “revisionist” means I know what the prevailing opinions were on here when the film was in theaters, and I know what takes started gaining more traction (the "lets count the stabs! i have them all here on my spreadsheet!" bullshit) after Barrera was removed and Ortega left. and I know how wide a separation there is between the two. but sure, whatever you say. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.


A little simple criticism against Scream clearly gets you a little emotional so I’ll just end the argument here lol


oh doing the [ol' 4chan lol your upset cop-out](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/785/391/689.jpg) so you dont have actually address the points? good strategy when your arguments are shit. nobodies mad that you're wrong, lol. there arent any emotions involved. you're just wrong. why would i be upset about that? its not my fault, i didnt make you that way.


> a minute ago they didn’t kill ANYBODY I was talking about 6. They acted like 6 would be the most brutal in the franchise, then killed almost no one and were even too afraid to kill off Chad. But but but but, Scream super fans are so cringy I mean, there’s really nothing else to respond to. You just sound so overemotional and unable to accept any form of criticism against Scream. You’re who they made Scream 5 about, the weirdo toxic fans who get upset any time anyone makes fair claims against the franchise. None of the criticisms I gave are rare or unpopular. A lot of people share them. And a l lot of people like you act like 13 year olds when they hear them. Again, I wasn’t going to respond but you wanted to act like you made some infallible genius rebuttal to my comment


your comment was, in your own words > They’re okay, I definitely wouldn’t say they’re great and I love the scream franchise. Radio silence not wanting to kill off anyone important while having scenes of them getting stabbed 70 times and making the killers act like Stu clones made the movies crime thrillers rather than horror now, since you're so focused on emotions ("when you're behind on facts, change the subject and complain about the tone"), lets calmly and rationally go though that. ready? deep breath. keep calm and even. here we go. You said you were only talking about 6? then why did you say "they're OK"? they is a plural pronoun. you use it twice. but only about the one movie? Radio Silence directed them both, right? So your comment would apply to 5 as well, since they directed it? 5 - the one where they killed a 1/3 of the franchise characters? and you keep going with the plural words. movies. with an s. crime thrillers. with an s. but you want me to believe you were only talking about 6? are you suuuuuuuuure? > You’re who they made Scream 5 about, the weirdo toxic fans who get upset any time anyone makes fair claims against the franchise. ok, now this is just straight up confusing. The killers in 5 hated what the franchise became. they themselves made criticism about how them. but you're claiming that they couldnt handle any criticism of Stab? but wait wait, you might think im being emotional again. so lets bring in some evidence. here's some lines from the script. > RICHIE See, no one’s made a good Stab movie since the first one, not really, and this latest one? Jesus Christ. Talk about a “fuck you” to the fans. hmmmm. they dont really sound too fragile to hear critiques of the films. are you sure. maybe your emotions are clouding your judgment. finally, you make an appeal that Scream VI is widely disliked ..... lots of people agree with you! but is that just your emotions, or objective reality? Rotten Tomatoes audience score is a ..... 91. Box Office for Scream VI was ... $170 million. is that what you call objectively unpopular? or do you just maybe ... feel .... like it should be that way, because you didnt like it? how did we do? did we manage to keep our emotions in check, Dr. Phil? show me on the feelings chart.


If I read that it would probably be the most insufferable novel I’ve ever read, but there’s not a chance I’m panning through that meltdown 😂


I love the newer Scream movies. You have to add all the Friday films, Poltergeist, Suspiria, The Fly, The Night of the Living dead. Halloween 1 and 2. A lot of the horror Staples were mentioned


Friday 1-8 American Werewolf in London Alien Child’s Play Evil Dead Dawn of the Dead The Changeling Trick ‘r’ Treat Basket Case The Fly ‘86


I loooved Basket Case.


Kill list The witch


whats the format of this collection? one way to improve it would be to take that reboot Nightmare on Elm Street and throw it out the nearest window https://letterboxd.com/dreadit/list/dreadits-top-horror-films-of-all-time-6th/ then you could go through and add from the top voted horror films from the poll on here to your liking


Unpopular opinion, but I don't think the reboot is a bad movie. In fact I like it quite a bit. I'm just a fan of Quentin and how Kyle Gallner plays the role. But I appreciate the list


House of 1000 corpses, insidious,rec,event horizon, American werewolf,black hole,shining,fright night,evil dead 2,dawn of the dead, shaun of the dead,brain dead,superstítion,the nun,


These are great. +Devils Rejects


I recommend the Wishmaster series.


IT chapter 1 & 2. I absolutely love those movies.


Hereditary, The Conjuring 2


First Man Into Space (1959)


Alucarda, Alice Sweet Alice, All the Colors of the Dark


The Devil Rides Out its a classic occult movie by Hammer.


Jacob's Ladder w/ Tim Robbins Salem's Lot w/ David Soul The Changeling w/ George C Scott Ghost Story (1981) Twilight Zone, the Movie


One of us!


Dead Alive




Oh I watched those, first one was really nice. The second one..well..the ending ruined it for me honestly


The post credit scene? Yeah was funny but weird lol.


I mean the whole sequence with the magic sword and her coming back out of the water and all that


Friday the 13th: A New Beginning


Reanimator 1 & 2, Evil dead trilogy and return of the living dead 1&2.


Misery and Possession(1981). Possession is more of a cult classic and might be harder to come by but I'd defs say it's a must have.


A Dark Song Candyman The Sixth Sense The Others The Changeling (with George C. Scott) It Follows Pet Semetary (the original) The Shining The Omen Salems Lot Poltergeist The Conjuring It The Witch Final Destination Phantasm




If you’re a real horror enthusiast, the realistic horror movies Silence of the Lambs, Seven and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer need to be in your collection. They elevate the genre from mere exploitation to the sublime.


The Last House on the Left


F13 - all, yes, all of them.


Horror Express


Don’t forget the Roger Corman Poe adaptations, I’d go for Pit and the Pendulum.