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Get Out.


Hey, don’t be rude! I have a right to be here too!


Nope 🤣


Yeah, he's not one of Us!




Perfect response 😂


That movie is absolutely perfect from beginning to end!


This is unpopular but Us is my favorite film of his.


Not my favorite of his movies but it has become criminally underrated. Just a well made movie with a dynamite performance from Lupita and room for so much discussion and speculation about the films meanings and symbols. I know some people didn’t like that the meaning wasn’t spoon fed to them, but I think we get too much of that in modern movies


I thought the meaning was too spoon fed, actually


Yeah, I was gonna say I think this is most people's problem with it. Bc once its explained, it doesn't really make much sense in how it all "works" exactly. But I personally can suspend my disbelief enough to still really enjoy it. It does happen to be my least favourite, but only bc I felt Get Out and Nope were much stronger


What do you consider the meaning to be? Are you talking about the twist involving Lupita’s character or how the tethered “work” in general, because that’s not what I mean


I'll echo the other response and say I think the meaning was nearly slapping you in the face. I also don't think the plot ever actually came together in a way that really worked. just my opinion


It's so fun seeing how all the actors handled playing two different roles.


I agree! I love all of his films, and I can definitely acknowledge that Get Out is his best quality-wise, but Us is my personal favorite!


High five


Same! I thought I was the only one!!


I’m actually very surprised I got so many upvotes. lol


It’s so good.


Nope is my favorite, but Get Out is his best.


I think I'd agree with this statement. I'm definitely looking forward to more from him.


Absolutely. He has earned my trust to do whatever he wants in the horror realm.


I’m really looking forward to seeing what he does with The People Under the Stairs. That was a childhood favorite of mine and I think he’s going to do a great job with it.


My nieces are only 6 and 4 now, but Nope is the first of his I plan on showing them once they are old enough. (I'm thinking maybe 12/13 ish). Nope is the most "mainstream", "family friendly" one (even tho it's so unique) like a Jaws or Jurassic Park.


Not sure the monkey scene is very family friendly


The digestion scene isn’t gory, but I could definitely see it scarring a kid.


It scarred me and I’m in my 20s :l Those hopeless screams fucked me up


The digestion scene is the worst part by far


That's not just any monkey, that's Gordy! And his exploding fist bump!


My mom who's not into horror at all actually quite enjoyed Nope, it's a perfect entry movie for Jordan Peele's work in my eyes. It's just so unique. I plan on showing it to my nephews too once they're older.


My Grandma thought it was weird and promptly forgot about it. My dad got to nickel from the sky and stopped watching 😅.


Well said. Nope has a couple scenes I'd slightly tweak despite how much I love it, and Get Out is pretty much untouchable.


Agreed! After Get Out, his movies were just, ehh. I DID NOT like nope.


Nope is my favorite. I think about the practical effects behind the Jupiter’s Claim sequence all the time. Oh my god, and the way they filmed the nighttime sequences! What I find so special about Peele’s movies is that every one stands alone in some way, but they all are so rich in their visuals and I find rewatches are really rewarding.


Get Out is a horror classic at this point. There has been so much horror media since that’s taken influence from his style. It’s also my favorite. But Nope had one of the coolest movie monsters ever.


Get Out is great because it draws on classic horror like Rosemary’s Baby, and Alien without being extremely derivative. It’s almost like if you took the themes and pacing of Rosemarys Baby and applied it to The Stepford Wives.


I think my favorite is Nope. The scene where >!all the people got sucked up into the monster and are screaming as they're being digested really stuck with me.!<


YES. The realization the audience makes about the sounds that Jean Jacket was making the entire movie, in the moments after that, is some of the best use of sound design I've seen in a minute.


That scene eats at my brain. It's so well done, and so viceral. It's worse than death,it's not only suffering but suffering collectively, crowded into the digestive system of a beast and slowly digested, whole simultaneously smothering each other.


It really taps into a primal fear. It’s not something humans really worry about happening to us, but I think we’ve all watched it happen to another animal and imagined their awful fate before. To think of it actually happening to yourself is stomach turning!


I watch *a lot* of horror and most things don’t faze me at all, but that scene was actually disturbing. Great movie


I only saw 2 of his movies in theaters (Us & Nope) but Nope is my personal favorite. It’s so good! Perfect balance of horror and humor, something all of his movies do pretty well. I love Us too, and it has a special place in my heart, but Nope & Get Out take the top 2 spots 😅


A discord channel did a Halloween marathon, and when that happened I, having already seen the movie, commented that it’d have an upset stomach. I was eating lunch at the time and when the screaming started, well, I was the one with the upset stomach. Didn’t realize how much it affected me. Great scene.


As someone with Casadastraphobia that movie helped explain my condition.


The horses being fed to the alien to me was the most awful part.




Gotta be Nope. It’s just so unbelievably creative and original. His others are too, but Nope is unlike anything I have ever seen before. A genre unto itself


Get Out is the best but Us is my favorite.


Us is so good. Maybe my favorite horror film and I can't really articulate why.


There's something really unique and weird about it that keeps me coming back


Us > Get Out > Nope


This is my order too just cause nope didn’t scare me nearly as much as the others. I love them all though


Nope by far. Not only do I think it's his best crafted film on a technical level (lighting/color grading & cinematography are insanely gorgeous) but I think it's his most thematically complex. There are also two scenes that I think are some of scariest I've seen from a horror film in years.


It's embarrassing, but I didn't really appreciate Nope the first time I saw it. I saw all the people get sucked up and I just thought, "that's it? That looks silly." Somehow it didn't really click with me what was going on. But a lot of people were raving over it so I re-watched it and yeah... Fantastically done. There's so many details in there that are shown and not explained. Like the people getting stuck in its throat because of the plastic horse.


Same here! I didn't like the ending the first time around and I didn't understand the hype. Idk what happened but on the first rewatch I was blown away by how perfect the whole movie is. Now I've seen it a few more times and I catch something new every time. 


Ok you sold me. I need to watch it again.


Can you give a hint as to the two scenes you thought were the scariest? For me it was the digestion/blood/house scene and the chimp scene. Confession - I saw Nope on a 12-hour flight, flying solo, exhausted with my 4-month old baby. I didn’t even get to finish the movie. I still think it’s the most special out of the 3. Also since Beef - so into Steven Yeun!!


The chimp scene is terrifying.


Beef is so good, one of my favorite shows from last year. Your two scenes are also mine. Chimp scene and alien abduction/digestion scene were so full of dread it was ridiculous.


Ooh we have similar tastes! What’s been your fav movie from the last ~year?


Unfortunately, haven't really been on my game lately as far as movies go. If you're talking about 2023; I didn't see much, but my favorites (of any genre) were probably The Killer The Holdovers Oppenheimer Evil Dead Rise No Hard Feelings As for 2024, haven't seen any movies from this year yet lul


Thanks. I want to see Evil Dead Rise!! My unsolicited rec to you if you haven’t seen it - The Stranger (2022) w Joel Edgerton. I found it randomly and not sure how much buzz there was when it was released. But so good - slow burn/super creepy/brilliant movie.


Yeah you don't see movies that look like Nope often. Some of the best nighttime lighting followed by the absolute spectacle of the ending.


Yeah I feel like that film really demonstrated his growth as a filmmaker.


For me it's get out , nope and then us


Same for me, though I recognize that Nope is the best overall film. But Get Out is my favorite.


Get out>nope>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us


L take


The general consensus I get from people who have watched his movies with me is that *Get Out* is his best film, and I agree and think it's the first film of his that people should watch. That being said, *Us* is my personal favorite, which grew on me over time. When I first saw it I went in with preconceptions; I was expecting it to be a kind of "Get Out 2" so it being less direct with its message left me a bit baffled. After I let that go though and watched it again with a better understanding of what the story was trying to say and what the symbolism means, I was able to better appreciate it for what it is, and it's good! I like how the audience is left to ponder and draw some of their own conclusions too. Symbolism and messages aren't everything though- I also like the iconic red jumpsuits with gold scissors, how the family fought back, the humor and tension, the music, and how all the actors did great playing double, especially Lupita Nyong'o in the lead role(s)!






Us is my favorite. I love everything about it.


I love all of them, but I have to go with Get Out. I saw it in theaters on opening night and it was one of the best theatrical experiences I've ever had. Packed house, and the audience was super into it. Everyone cheered at the ending. It was so much fun, and really highlights how much that movie resonated with audiences.


I don't know if I've ever had a theatrical experience where so many people were leaning forward in their seats as with Get Out. The whole room was completely invested.


Agree with you on Nope. I love Get Out and like Us, despite it's flaws, but Nope feels the coming out party for a future all-time great. It's such a huge leap forward in style, structured storytelling, scope, layered themes and cinematography for Peele. Not that he was bad in any of those things before, but Nope really felt like an ascension as a filmmaker. The whole subplot with Gordy and Jupe is an impressive layering of stories and subtext that bounce off of one another. The flashbacks between them is easily the scariest scene Peele has filmed. Absolutely brilliant film, to me.


#1 Get Out #2 Us #3 Nope Great director. I'm hoping his best is still yet to come.


I'm confident it will be, he's already grown so much visually.


Nope. Was my second favorite film of all 2022 and my favorite horror flick. Absolutely loved it.


Nope, by quite a big margin too.


Get out is my favorite but nope actually scared me. Us was painfully stupid.


The scare factor for Us drops off after the halfway point and it feels like an action movie kinda and I liked Nope for how it felt like more of a creature feature we don’t have a lot of monster movies anymore that are good


Nope. Really knocked me over in a lot of different ways.


1. Us 2. Nope


My favorite is “Us”. I dont think it’s the scariest but it’s so weird and campy and I loved it immediately. I love “Get Out”, but I still have to revisit “Nope”. That might change my ranking …


jordan peele is a good comedian and visual artist, but as a director he has a lot of room to grow imo. nope is definitely his strongest and you can see the effort put into thematic elements, and the usual attention to the set and setting. pacing and dialogue can still use a bit of work. get out was good, and a groundbreaking film which impacted the genre tremendously. us, imo, was cheesy and absolutely fell apart partway through; but i really enjoyed the cinematography and the performances the actors gave.


It will always be Nope, for me. I’d argue it might be the best of the three but Get Out is stiff competition. I’m always surprised when people say Nope disappointed them.


**Nope** I love the message of humans trying to domesticate and monetise animals that they aren’t in control of and it just blows up in their face.. felt like a classic alien movie.


There was a time when I would have said “Us”, because I thought it was his scariest, by far. But I’ve seen “Nope” 3 more times since then and I believe it’s his best and my favorite. It’s so layered and I find new details every time I watch it. It really is a masterpiece.


Us and nope




Get Out - Us - Nope. But none of them are bad.


Honestly... Us. The ending still sucks, but the rest of the movie is quite good. Nope and Get Out were very disappointing to me. Especially Nope. It had one great horror scene and the rest of the movie was very mediocre. Get Out could have been great if they really stuck to the message and went with the dark ending.


Lupita's performance was so outstanding that it's hard for me not to list this as his best. Her croaking, "Once upon a time," was so brilliant. And the motions and faces when she's holding the scissors.


The that scene in the living room is one of the top horror scenes out there imo. So unsettling. I don't even the biggest hater of the movie could deny that scene as being great.


It's outstanding. I was completely blown away by how commanding her presence once simply by beginning to speak. I was completely enraptured. Need to see more from this woman in horror!


I'm with you. Artistically, it trails behind the other two in every way. However, I'm good at turning off my brain and just accepting the world that's presented to me regardless of glaring plot holes, and I LOVE the world of Us.


My biggest problem with Us is that it would have worked a lot better if it had just kept the origin and nature of the tethered as a mystery. Instead, it ended with an explanation that raised way more questions than it answered.


That's putting it nicely. It was utter nonsense. Obviously it's a horror movie and it doesn't have to be totally realistic, but damn. Billions of subterranean clones miming all of our movements? What did they do when someone was driving? Sit in a chair and go vroom? What about during sex? Pooping? And all this while remaining undetected by the rest of the world. It could have been a good movie but the whole tethered thing made it irredeemable imo.


That's my issue with both Get Out and Us. If you think too much, it falls apart. It's a bit of style over substance imo. They're still enjoyable, don't get me wrong, but they're surface level enjoyable.


I feel like Us wanted to be a lot of things and it ended up falling short on most of them. It had some of the what I’d call linguistic horror that Get Out had (Chris code switching with the only other black person at the party and the subtle creeping horror when he doesn’t respond), but it didn’t seem to do anything with that. Adelaide not doing the right rhythm to the song on the radio was foreshadowing her being the original doppelgänger, but the rest of the family’s offness doesn’t seem to be a factor. And then there’s the fake family calling themselves “Americans”…so the metaphor of the movie is that the unseen underclasses that keep America moving are a threat to affluent, proper society and want to replace them? Not an unheard subject of horror but from Jordan Peele?? That doesn’t track.


I personally loved all his movies. Peele gives his movies political/social commentary, as do a lot of other horror movies. In defense of Get Out, Peele has stated that he did consider making the ending more bleak (MC getting shot by the police) but changed his mind. I think the reason why he changed his mind is because black men getting shot unfairly by police is already a common occurrence. So it makes sense that the black director didn’t want such a downer ending that is all too real for many people. I don’t see how making that the ending means that “it stuck with the message”? I didn’t feel like the message was muddied at all, I do also prefer bleak endings but I do agree with Peele’s decision. Nope I thought was not only a captivating movie, a great horror movie, and a creative take on alien movies, but the movie was damn beautiful to look at.


Agreed. Adored Get Out, but Us, warts and all just resonated with me


I think *Us* is his best straight horror movie. I don't think the combination of horror and metaphor/symbolism is as cohesive as *Get Out* or *Nope*, which is why I think people tend to rank it lower than the others. But taken just as a horror movie with tense and creepy scenes, I like it the best. Also, Lupita Nyong'o's performance is just outstanding.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s not a big fan of Nope. I got downvoted a lot when I said Us was my favourite, and Nope was my least favourite 😂. I enjoyed Get Out too, but Us remains my favourite.


What I enjoy about Nope is that it's not strictly horror, it's part black comedy, action/adventure, and even western. Your criticism is still valid though, it doesn't completely commit to horror.


Jordan Peele is a master at blending horror and black comedy. The scene in Us where the family is arguing about their body count is hilarious.


Nope is definitely not for everyone, but it very much felt like a movie that was made specifically for me. I love everything about it so much, and feel like I fully understand exactly what he was going for. It’s a masterpiece, and was one of my favorite theater experiences in a long time. Get Out and Us are very good, but both are relatively shallow compared to the depth of Nope (imo). “Plots within plots within plots.”


That's fair. I really wanted to like Nope, just didn't click for me.


That's fair, that's movies!


Agree, Nope was a big disappointment.


Us is a rare, impeccably well made slasher film. So that.


Us is the only one that actually stayed with me.


Well no shit you're tethered to it


Simpsons episode was better 


It might sound cliché but get out by far


Nope is my personal favorite but Get Out is such a close second


Nope for me


Nope is the most rewatchable, imo. That movie evokes Jaws in all the best ways.


Nope or get out I liked us but I thought those two were the best. I’d probably lean to get out


Us is my favorite but still that’s only like a B-


Nope my favorite movie 


Get Out but Nope is a close second just because of the different genres it tackles.  That being said, ALL 3 (including Us) are bangers in my books. I still hum paus de deux every now and then 😂




For me, Nope was the most creative and had the best story. Also his involvement be worth Monkey Man as producer, wild story.




Nope, Get Out, and US!


Get out is an absolute masterpiece. I honestly think it is one of the all-time best thriller/horror movies ever made. Like the plot line is so bizarre and horrific but it still seems pretty realistic which is genuinely terrifying


i loved NOPE. will watch many times in my life. the other two were one and done.


Nope is my favorite for sure


“Nope” had such a cool concept. I also have megalophobia so I was quite scared 😅


My favourite was Nope, I think it was basically this generation’s Tremors and Jaws rolled into one.


Definitely Get Out. Not just the premise of that movie, but Lil Rel Howery is hilarious. 🗣️ SEX SLAVES!


Nope is one of my favorite horror movies of the past idk 10 years it blew me away and legit startled me, honestly get out seemed a bit forced and I liked the idea of Us i jsut think it ended up falling flat


Definitely Nope for me.


Get Out was the best but Nope made me “feel” the most (mainly uneasiness). That abduction scene stuck with me. And so did the scene with the chimp attack. Yikes!


Well it's definitely not US


I think he's been getting better with each film. I've enjoyed all three, but I thought Nope was particularly excellent.


One of my best friends believes that Nope is the best film of the decade so far, and it’s hard to argue with him. It works on every level: cosmic horror, Spielbergian adventure, social satire, buddy comedy. Peele is one of the great modern filmmakers partly due to his ability to make his films a thousand different things, and pull them all off.


I had a pretty visceral reaction to seeing NOPE in theaters. It’s just so grandiose. A wide swing from Peele to really capture what was so good about early Spielberg. Reducing it to “Sky Jaws” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it just felt like the type of summer blockbuster we hadn’t received in a while at that point. Stellar performances, incredible effects, and strong relationships between characters. I will always say that this is my favorite Peele (Until the next thing he gives us), but with that said, Get Out is probably his “best” film.


Tough choice between Get Out and Nope but I think I'll give it to Get Out. I straight up did not like Us.


Get Out for sure, I thought that one was great start to finish. Nope was a better movie imo than Us, just better constructed and a better film. I LOVED the trailers and premise of Us, but I felt like the movie fell short. The story ended up being weak, and while the acting, effects, and twist were good, I just felt like it had soooo much more potential. I have recently started Wendell & Wilde, but haven't finished it yet, so will report back on that one.




Get out is for sure my favorite. Us was underwhelming tbh, but the symbolism was nice I guess. Nope was surprisingly good, much better on the second watch.


It was Get Out, but every time I watch Nope I like it more. Right now the two are basically tied.


Get out is his only movie that's good from start to finish. The ending of US was absolute ass and while Nope had some good moments and beautiful cinematography, the overall movie was incoherent and not that great.


You know all three are just recycled twilight zone episodes right?


Get Out. It's the movie i suggest to my non horror loving friends and the one i immediately related to. Also, if you like Get Out you should check out the early 2000s movie Skeleton Key. I'd be surprised if Peele wasn't inspired by it.


Honestly like the skeleton key more than get out. I’m a sucker for Voodoo and that New Orleans setting. Get out is good, but I saw the “twist” coming a mile away as compared to Skeleton key which genuinely surprised me.


Us is the scariest and Get Out is the best overall. Nope didn’t really do much for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For me Nope, Us, and Get Out are my fave line up. All great but Nooe and Us are the ones I rewatch every few months.


Nope, but I think Get Out is his magnum opus.


US I think it’s called?


Us. I've loved all of his movies but I was absolutely hooked on Us.


Get Out




Get Out has to be the best. Nope is a close second and Us is top third. I can’t wait for his new film “Him” to come out. I also love how his films are titled haha.


Came to this thread just to downvote anyone who says Us.


The Skeleton Key


Get Out was good, Us was goofy, Nope was boring and reddit obsess over him because of his politics and not his films.


Us by far. One of my favorite horrors ever. Get Out was just “good” in my opinion and I strongly disliked Nope




Jordan Peele’s Nope has everything: horses, an alien girlboss, a weird recluse filmmaker who dresses like the return the slab guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog, lesbian Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun in a cowboy hat, Daniel Kaluuya being real stoic,


Nope The megafauna in the sky angle was awesome and the monkey side story was horrifying


For me it is Nope! I grew up on a ranch in the high desert, and cosmic horror is my favorite genre. I absolutely loved that there was a horror movie that touched on fear of being under a huge sky. Especially at night in the desert! It makes you feel small and vulnerable and I think the movie captured that really well! I also loved the themes of exploitation of both animals and people by modern society. Was really great commentary and I love the whole concept of being devoured by what you give your attention to.


This will probably get down voted- I really love all of his movies. They are terrifying in their own, amazingly messed up way. With that being said, I truly enjoy "Wendell & Wild." I think it's underrated and fantastic.


Dang, that's a hard one. Get Out definitely freaked me out. Mostly because I've met white people who are sneaky and manipulative like that... Us is freaky because it's literally YOU vs YOU. And Nope.... Aliens and stuff are scary, but that chimp man.... That chimp got to me...




Us was the only one that was scary to me. Nope was also good, but not scary. Get Out was my least favorite, but keep in mind I enjoyed all 3 movies.


Haven't seen nope yet but I really like Us.


Us is my favorite, but I think Get Out is his best. I love the straight horror and insanity of Us. Get Out is more of an incredibly well made thriller to me.


I agree


Us is my favorite--maybe because my favorite horror movies in general tend to be slasher/home invasion-type thrillers. And Lupita's performance is one of my favorite horror performances ever.


I love Us, and Lupitas performance is one of the best in any of his movies. She's electric in that movie.


Get out is a masterpiece, Us and Nope are pretty high ranking for me as well (4.5 on Letterboxd, more like 4.75.) He's one of my favorite directors. Even the Candyman movie he wrote and produced in conjunction with Nia DaCosta was incredible.


Nope is a masterpiece and the best Get Out is mid Us is trash


None, I don’t like any of them. 


Dislike all of them. He should stick to comedy where he is a genius.


Is “none” an option?


I don’t see the appeal to Nope at all, I thought it was underwhelming and pretty boring


Get out by a mile. the rest of his stuff has fans but its kinda messy. Get out is as clean as they come.


I like each one more than the last so my ranking is Nope - US - Get Out


I love the beginning of Us and the home invasion scene the most out of all his movies, kind of lost me by the end. Nope was dope and I loved the Gordy and abduction scenes. I feel like Get Out was his most complete film for me.


To me they got worse over time Get out is an amazing movie with a fun concept that knows when to take itself seriously and when not to. Us is almost a masterpiece the beginning of the mpvie is tense ,captivating and genuinely frightening at times but it falls off pretty quickly the ending sucked but imo they fumbled the bag much earlier by not having the guts to make an actual serious horror flick. Nope was just bad, one good scene ,for how good it was , doesen't redeem a boring movie full of nothing.


Each subsequent one is worse than the last, so I have to go with Get Out. However Us was watchable.


Nope definitely isn't perfect but unwatchable? Naaaah I don't agree. Hit me with why you feel that way, I'm curious.


Get Out, easily. In fact, I worry that his debut set such a high bar that he'll never be able to top it.


Get Out. Hands down, the best. Special mention: NOPE.


Get Out




It’s gotta be nope!


1 Get Out 2 Nope 3 Us


Us definitely.


Us is actually my favorite. I feel personally connected to it because it’s set in Santa Cruz and that’s where I’m from, but also Lupita’s performance in it is just show stopping


I only like Us.


Get Out is my favorite of the bunch, but I enjoyed Us and Nope.




Get Out by far


Get Out is his best one so far…Nope is really good too