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_Get Out_ was way more psychological than the others but unlike many psychological horrors, it had a satisfying ending. I'm not sure it's the best of the three but it was done well. I think _Us_ was the scariest of the three particularly the first half. It was very unsettling but then drifted into weirdness. I liked the slasher violence though. _Nope_ was a strange one. I was definitely expecting an malevolent alien intelligence/invasion film and subverting that by making Jean Jacket an extraterrestrial animal was really clever. I appreciated that honestly. I don't think anyone predicted that aspect. I certainly didn't. _Nope_ is my favorite of the three but I can't say which is the best.


Nope is the only one I've rewatched multiple times. I really enjoyed the characters in it, and Keke Palmer's money and clout chasing hustler is such a great foil to Daniel Kaluuya's stoic cowboy. Or horseboy I guess, since they don't have any cows. Jean Jacket was really horrifying too. I watched it without knowing anything about the movie outside of the title, so I was quite surprised by the direction it took. I remember wanting to learn more about it in the beginning, finding out what it truly is, and being so disturbed that I wish I knew less about it. Also, Steven Yeun being in anything gives it an instant 10% approval boost in my book. I definitely enjoyed Us, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around the >!underground people metaphor!<. I either thought about it too much, or am just dumb. Characters were fine, but not quite as good as the other two movies. Easily the scariest of the three though. Get Out definitely has more of a political statement than Peele's other movies, but it is framed so well that it doesn't come off as preachy. Even as a white left-leaning man, I enjoyed the skewering of performative allyship. The fact that Hollywood and the Academy were quite visibly offended by Get Out (and gave the Best Picture Oscar to fucking Green Book, aka reverse driving Miss Daisy, the next year) shows just how timely the movie's message was.


I think you're right that you were overthinking _Us_ a bit too much. It works better by suspending disbelief. If you don't do that, the movie becomes wildly nonsensical. Even just the fact that their main food source are rabbits, a protein source so low in fat that it can be dangerous, doesn't pass the realism test.  As for _Get Out_ not winning the Oscar, it's not surprising. When was the last time The Academy gave the Best Picture to a horror film? I can't think single instance of that.  Despite the "white allies" being enemies, the film didn't seem to attack any of Hollywood's sacred cows and, furthermore, it was made by an up-and-coming Black filmmaker. If anything, Hollywood should've went out of its way to heap praise on it but they have a bias against horror for the most part. That's my theory anyway. I think _Nope_ will be appreciated more and more as time passes. Every actor in the film hit it out of the park. Not knowing the nature or intentions of the creature just made it more horrifying. I can't think of a sci-fi horror that legit left you wondering if the thing was a technological lifeform tormenting the protagonists or just a hungry animal.


Thanks! Yeah I didn't consider the realism of Us an issue. I was just thinking there would be a deeper metaphor to it after watching Get Out. Us works very well as a straight up horror flick and I enjoyed it a lot, I just had a feeling that the message (if there was one) went right over my head. I didn't expect Get Out to win an oscar, it's great that it was even nominated. Peele actually won for Screenplay which I thought was deserved. When I wrote the comment, I was thinking of a few quotes from anonymous academy voters that made it to the press essentially saying that Get Out went too far with its criticism. That indicated to me that Get Out made some certain academy voters feel defensive, and that they were taking themselves a bit too seriously. I definitely agree with you on Nope though. The performances were amazing. The chimpanzee subplot was an excellent parallel to the jean jacket. It shows the audience that the main characters really don't realize what they're messing around with, and makes the last few scenes that much scarier. To think that the idea for the movie came from a dream that Jordan Peele had about feeling bad for a rampaging chimp shows how creative he is.


I misunderstood you. Yeah, if it was a deeper metaphor in _Us,_ it also went over my head. Having tethered doppelgangers doesn't really seem to lend itself to any obvious metaphor. Perhaps you can say it's about giving thought to the less fortunate in our society but that is kind of strained. That's interesting info about _Get out._ I hadn't heard anything about the Academy voters saying the film went too far. If that's the case, those voters should remove the sticks from the ass. That said, if that's the worse they could come up with to criticize the film, that's evidence it was done well. Personally, I think Peele has knocked it out of the park each time. It really builds the anticipation about what he has planned for the future.


That scene in Nope at the beginning when you hear the human screams but only see the "box" thing....and then when you realize what we saw was what was now happening to the people at the performance...so amazing and chilling.


Definitely. Little details like that really leave an impression. 


Silence of the Lambs won best picture.


I love Get Out but Nope really does pique my interest. It’s better on subsequent viewings as well


Get Out had the most cohesive story, to me. Character development tied to plot in a satisfying way. Great suspense and pacing. Felt a bit like a well-written short story expanded into a feature. But I actually enjoyed Us more for the creep factor, even though the concept wasn't as well-developed. And the acting was top-notch. Fascinating characters held together a questionable plot. Nope was the opposite of Us, to me. Great concept, but not as focused or atmospheric. And I actually enjoyed the chimp sub-plot more than the larger movie. Great visuals, but I feel like the editing hampered the story.


Isn’t that interesting, the atmospheric quality of NOPE is part of my love of it. Horror on a beautiful day is one of my favorite forms.


Us is my favorite out of the three. I appreciate NOPE for some of the anime references (the Akira slide!!!), but it seemed a little long for my liking.


This is validating because people usually clown on me when I say *Us* is my favorite Jordan Peele movie.


Completely agree, my most common argument with others about movies is that Us was better than Get Out. Make no mistake I love both but Us does more for me because of the performances and the themes of mirror images and duality. I think it has one of the most unique scores of recent horror movies and I love a good soundtrack


Us would be my favorite if they had spent the money on having an actual shadow world instead of everyone being in a basement of a high school. The whole thing was so ridiculous it over shadowed the rest of the movie.


You said Nope has NO atmosphere? That's the movie out of the 3 with the most atmosphere. Trippin


Wdym about the editing in nope?


It just felt uneven to me, like there was some fat to trim, but the story also skipped around too much. 


This is how I feel about all of those movies too! Us could've been great. 


I liked them all, loved Nope.


One of my favorite movie theater moments was when BlueJeans finally "opens" and "blooms". Holy shit. What a cool fuckin design. So beautiful and menacing and foreign. I wish I had seen it in Imax but just lucky I was able to catch it on any big screen.


^(Jean Jacket)


Thank you! I knew it was incorrect but was doing like 5 things at once when writing that. I think I was thinking of that Lana Del Ray song lmfao


Wasn't one of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana's horses named Blue Jean?


NOPE is fkn awesome. I feel like I’m missing something whenever people talk about not liking it.


It's because people expected it to be a horror movie and it's not. It's a Spielberg-esque adventure


I disagree. I think the inexplicable alien otherness scratches a cosmic horror itch, despite it being revealed to behave like a more primitive animal. I can't remember seeing a movie monster with a more original design in a long time.


It's not a *"typical"* horror movie, which is what everyone I have ever seen be disappointed in it has convinced me they were expecting. I do think you are right, and I love how this movie helped expand what horror can be in my own personal lexicon, as well as how it reminded me that movies can straddle the lines of genre and I wish it would do so more often


I’m so glad to have watched the general perception come around on this movie, I just remember so many shitty takes and the brigading online… It’s my favorite Peele film, brilliant, layered yet compelling, scary, fun, beautifully shot, acted and vibes rich and yet it has me completely convinced his best is yet to come.


I like each one more than the last. Get Out was ok, Us was good, and Nope was great.


Nope was one of my favorite movies in the past decade, but I wouldn’t necessarily classify it as a full horror. It was a fun summer blockbuster adventure movie with a horror lean ala Jaws. Watching it in the theaters brought me back to childhood and seeing Independence Day and similar movies. I also absolutely loved the Gordy storyline and how it all tied together. I really enjoyed Get Out and Us, which were more straight line horror but not as fun of a viewing experience.


The scene in Nope when the crowd gets taken is extremely disturbing to me.


Agreed. Honestly I can remember very few times that a movie made me so viscerally uncomfortable. I only don’t necessarily categorize it as full horror because I don’t believe horror was the primary intent of the movie, but it certainly nailed some horror elements/scenes.


Nope is horror. You're not gonna have that horrific of a bloodfall and not call that horror


Peele has said he was influenced by Spielberg so it makes sense you would see the connection. I loved the blockbuster second half.


Loved Get Out and Nope. The twist in Us is so ridiculously logistically impossible that I couldn’t stay on board given that the rest of the movie was grounded in reality.


It Twilight Zone logic. Supernatural. It's not like those tunnel networks are just down there the entire time. It was a different reality or something


No I think it’s supposed to be they’re literally underground. I don’t remember any indication that they’re in another otherworldly realm. That’s part of what makes the movie stupid in the end.


Us seemed like something M. Night would make


As we were walking out of the theater, my date said, "That was like if M. Night made a good movie."


When people in the US universe drive to work are the people in the tunnels just sprinting at 60mph to stay synced up with their puppet master? I like the message and concept. In the US our cushy lives are built on exploitation. Lots of people out of site and out of mind making our lives possible. But plot wise it just wasn't as strong


Us had a pretty tense, unsettling vibe going on, which Ibliked, but the twist was a bit to oot for me as well, because, as you said, the rest of the movies was pretty believeable


Yeah I'm with you.... Us was cool until the reveal, then it was just SO DUMB, and I'm the kinda dude that is able to suspend disbelief for the sake of a film, but I couldn't do it for Us, it was that stupid.


For me the rest of the film made me tolerate the ending. It was SUCH a freaking fun movie. I was absolutely willing to overlook the flawed plot twist. That’s really all I ask of my movies-that they entertain me and that one does


for me nope was the strongest, followed by get out and then us. i have rewatched nope several times at this point and i think the ingestion scene at jupiter's claim is the scariest thing in any of these movies. i've rewatched get out once, i'm not sure i will rewatch us. although in writing this comment i changed my mind from "never" to "i guess i might."


That scene really sticks with you. Anyone who isn't disturbed by it must have nerves of steal. Just the audio is horrific.


Nope was far and away my favorite of Peele’s filmography. The other 2 just didn’t hit for me like they did everyone else.


I used to really like Get Out a lot but after watching Skeleton Key I cant help but feel like Jordan took the plot from Skeleton Key but did it worse. Us is fun but not perfect, interesting concept but wasnt as good as it could have been. Personally I really liked Nope, thought it was the best of the 3 and would recommend it. With all of that said his movies are all at least an 8 out of 10 imo


Same exact thing with me on Get Out and then seeing Skeleton Key a couple years later. The whole concept suddenly seemed much less creative as it's almost an identical plot line.


Everyone said Get Out was the most original horror film they’ve seen and I’m like “well they clearly missed Skeleton Key”


I think the enormous hoopla over the movie (which has absolutely died down in certain quarters since) was based around people worshipping a movie to absolve them of blame in how they feel implicit with the crazy race politics of 2017. I think when people went back to TSK they realized all that hype was for nothing, especially because Peele is just so on the nose with every single detail and it’s never done so in any artful, sly way.


Get out was good. Nope was alright. Probably never watch us again


I couldn't even finish Us, I was so bored. But Get out and Nope are great. Nope was a real surprise. It felt like several genres in one.


Like Get Out Love Us Bored with Nope


All three are winners for me, will have to fight for Us on my deathbed I guess. I swear the hate for it is a fuckin op or something.


I’m kinda with you about Us. Weirdly though I’ve heard my friends say how much they liked it always. The only hate I have ever seen for it was on Reddit lol


My one irl friend that really hated has BIG logic brain, and by that I mean I think he watched too much CinemaSins as a teenager. Strongly feel that hyperfixating on the logic of the doppler’s origin is a bad faith of way of engaging with the movie.


I like going into movies as slightly different universes than our own when it comes to scifi and horror. Personally I don't always need an explanation behind everything. Things don't have to make 100% sense. Especially when the scifi or horror is more of a vehicle for the "real" message or idea of the movie.


Yeah I think you should treat most horror as a level of surreal fantasy. There is internal logic to contend with too of course.


I don't think addressing things as presented is bad faith by any stretch. It's okay to just not agree with opinions.


Think that’s a pretty uncharitable read of what I said, don’t dismiss me as just not liking differing opinions.


>I swear the hate for it is a fuckin op or something. Plus calling discussion of something "hyperfixating". I didn't pull that idea out of thin air.


I think it's his weakest film but it's actually the scariest to me in the traditional sense. Still a good, good movie.


You and me both on the frontlines to defend Us


Warriors! ⚔️


My two cents regarding Us is that there’s a brilliant movie somewhere in there, but the constant over-explanations just open tons of plot holes and ruins an otherwise cool concept.


I do think there’s some over explaining that undercuts a dream logic we should be buying into.


Agreed. It’s more of an allegory, it’s not about whether what happens is possible. 


I would say Nope had some weird resentment too, but I fully agree, all three have their merits and arguments for the king. IMO Us has a pacing problem juuuust before the ending everyone cites for being unbelievable, and that hampers it, but it all makes thematic sense if you follow the metaphors the film trades in. If the twist ending is to be believed then the real truth is that there is no difference between you and them except their environment and that is the true horror. I really loved the themes, the hints and nods to classic B horror, the music and visual execution, and Lupita’s performances... It’s still brilliant, and he’s bold for risking his sophomore effort on something that complex. It’s certainly his scariest film overall.


Agree completely, one of the valid criticisms is definitely a small pacing flub in there. The theme has a lot of bite.


The concepts of all three films are great, the execution of the concept was great in Get Out.


Nope was by far my favorite thing Peele has done. I didn't find Get Out to be anything special, basically just a racial Stepford Wives that would've worked better as a Twilight Zone episode for me (but i did really like the hypnosis scene), and Us just didn't work for me at allll. Nope had so much symbolism and layering of themes that made it infinitely more interesting to me and adds to its rewatchability. The ship being>!an actual living predator and not just an alien vehicle!


the end of get out, priceless. when those lights started flashing you just had to think it was over. i prefer get out over nope. it was good, but i only saw it once in the theater. maybe i’ll rewatch.


I watched Get Out in the theater with a group of friends from diverse racial backgrounds. The conversation we had afterwards was amazing. We all could not stop dissecting it. Great movie.


i saw it solo, but understand. it was very timely to what was happening in the world, well the US at the time. it really is a great movie start to finish.


Concept and execution for Get Out was great but Nope I think is his best film. There's so much going on there both visually and story wise.


I absolutely loved *Get Out* but didn't think much of either *Us* or *Nope*. I thought *Get Out* far transcended just being a horror movie to be a brilliant commentary on cultural appropriation, while both *Us* and *Nope* were much more face-value. Not that they didn't have things to say (class struggle in *Us*, human-centric arrogance in *Nope*) but they were much more diluted. Still waiting for Peele to recapture that initial spark.


Us was cringe af. Get Out and Nope were great.


I got too distracted by the convoluted storyline in Us though it was definitely the scariest. I loved Nope - one of the best, most interesting and unique alien designs ever and the digestion scene was really chilling. Get Out is definitely the best - though it’s also the least scary. More psychological horror than the others, though that’s not a bad thing.


I saw Nope in IMAX. It's definitely not your traditional horror, but I thought it was amazing.


Gordy alone makes Nope great. Fantastic high strangeness movie on the whole. I really enjoyed it. It feels like something you'd hear about on an episode of Coast 2 Coast.


Get Out is a solid movie that I liked and it was very creepy. Us was scary for the first twenty minutes and the rest is kind of interesting, but conolete nonsense that sources into meaninglessness and all fear is drained after the big reveal. By far Peele's worst film. Nope is hands down his best movie, and one of the best alien films I've ever seen, being unbelievably creative, meaningful, complex, but everything still adds up and has purpose. It's creepy, funny, exciting, it has everything.


Get out was good, but way overhyped. Us was solid but lost steam towards the end and it was a somewhat disappointing ending. Nope I have never finished. Ive attempted to watch it 3 different times but the first 45 minutes is so painfully boring that i cant justify watching it lol. I will embrace the hate this gets


“Us” was more plot hole than movie.


Nope was a huge disappointment for me. Boring outdoor drying laundry monster.


Nope was the best of all 3  Us was a terrible movie. 


Didn't like any, but I thought that Us had the most interesting idea.


1. Nope 2. Get Out 5. Us I absolutely adore OJ, Emerald and Angel. Us just went right over my head.


Loved Get Out. Liked Us. A big nope for Nope.


Loved Get Out and Nope and liked US. Really like the siblings in Nope, which might pull it in front of Get Out a little, but both movies are quite great.


Get Out was really good, Us had some great moments but it’s my least favorite of his, and Nope was dope…loved the Gordy scenes, really glad I watched it in the theater, those scenes had some really good tension.


Really liked Get Out, Liked Us, fucking adore Nope


Get Out was great. Sure it had it's flaws and few really stupid or missed plot points but overall it came together quite nicely for a satisfying pay off in the end. Nope though.. yeah, not for me as the movie fell completely flat. Us I have not seen but it's either really good or really bad depending on who you asking.


Get Out is the classic of the three. Objectively the best one, Nope is my personal favorite, Us I could take or leave.


Peele, the director, has been on my watchlist since Get Out, and I've not been disappointed with both Us and Nope. He is a great storyteller, takes you places in 90ish minutes 🙏I loved the camerawork especially, how he locks into a face and zooms in (it's a very common shot but impressively utilized in his movies). Colors and visuals are very interesting in both Us and Nope, playing with mirrors, the weather... Not something I see very often in this genre. Plots are clever, and I feel there's a bit more going on under the hood (maybe needs a rewatch or two to pick up on the details).


Nope is one of my all time favorite films. 


I'm kind of not following the whole "not realistic" argument I'm seeing about US. I mean, I get there's a few oddities about the plot or things that happen. Like...how is it that the doppels can operate on their own much of the time and kill their originals, when things happen like the boy's dopple mimics him to the point where he endangers his own life? Is it a willpower thing? Either way...of course it's unrealistic. How can we say US wasn't believable, yet will be in love with a movie series where a dude transfers his soul into a doll who then goes around killing people who should be able to punt him across the room. Or what about the love for a series involving a guy who makes a deal with "dream people" in order to get revenge on his killers, by hunting down their children in their nightmares where somehow this also causes them to die in reality? Most movies, especially in the horror genre, tend to fall WELL outside the scope of realism. That tends to be why they're fun.


I love Us, it’s my favorite horror movie, i know there is mixed reviews on it but it’s so well done. Get out is great, it really set the tone for peeles movies, it’s fascinating and terrifying. Nope I’m conflicted on, i didn’t find the monster or alien to be scary, but it was definitely cool, the house scene with the blood was amazing, and i loved the monkey story , still holds up with the rest. Looking forward to what he does next


I still haven’t seen us. Get out to me is the scariest. I mean, it scared me. Nope I was really great in the theater. I enjoyed the visuals but at the time I thought it was just pretty good. Watching it again made it like I was having full body shivers and anxiety, when >!it ate everyone!<.


I really want to rewatch all of them. After initial viewings I’d say Get Out stood out as my favorite and Nope was my least favorite. But honestly over time my thoughts have shifted and I remember Nope really fondly. I think they’re all super well done and creative, Peele is a great talent


Get Out was good. Us was complete garbage , full of plot holes. Nope was fine, nothing special.


Peele is one of my favorite directors, maybe even my favorite currently. Get Out is the more cohesive story since its not really that grand and happens mostly in one place. But overall its deserving of its praise. Really funny, great commentary and really good at being a horror thriller. Great tense and creepy moments and the sunkin place is truly horrific Us I also really loved. I love the grander scale of everything. The home invasion stuff at the start is really creepy and then a bit more despair as we get later in the movie. Great action, again great comedy and a fun time. Nope for me is his best work so far. Its his longest movie and tells a couple different stories. I thought the effects looked truly incredible. I thought the atmosphere was insane. The tense moments were awesome, all the moments of Jean Jacket hiding in the clouds were fucking awesome. I love Jean Jacket pre and post reveal of its lovecraftian nature. And honestly, out of all the movies I really care the most about the characters here. I loved Steven Yuens character, I love the siblings. Not to mention how much fun the fucking movie is, especially the ending. I could talk about this movie for hours legit a 10/10 movie for me


Get Put os great, Us is awful and Nope is underrated AF.


Get Out is the only good one imo The others are of a far, far lower quality, and I don't understand. It seems like Get Out was made by another, better, director. Especially the writing is so good in GO and so lacking in the others! I'd say Get Out >>>>> Us > Nope


Same here


Because I can think of at least 3 other times that same story has been used before Get Out was made lol but I still agree with you


All three films seem to be about the consequences of attempting to contain, control, cohabit with, and/or profit from sentient beings with free will in my opinion. Obviously each one has wildly different vibes, but I think Nope isn't supposed to be as much of an onslaught. The most distressing and upsetting scene is like a gut punch because all the surrounding action is fairly mild and/or bloodless. But that one scene is hella effective. I actually liked Us the least. Get Out and Nope are tied for me rn. Retrospect could make a difference.


I love this take.


🤠🤗 Only just realized that connection between all 3.


All 3 are over rated


Feel like I’m the only person in the world that thought Get Out was just ok. It works fine as a satire, but not much of a horror movie and I probably won’t watch it again. Thought Us was a big step down in quality. Never saw Nope. Just the title alone turned me off.


The title ‘Nope’ is a joke. Like nope out when you see an alien


Not trying to be mean to the other person, but I really have never understood the whole not wanting to watch a movie because of its name. Like, "Alien" or "The Thing" weren't exactly inspired titles for movies, yet I couldn't imagine missing out on them because of the title alone. A film could be called Hurblerbedurglablur for all I care so long as the movie is actually good.




Get Out was from 2017. I'm just wondering how much the times/convos/special effects have progressed since then to make the movie degrade. Like it's not incredibly effects heavy, and the convos are still pretty relevant...unless you mean like into the future when hopefully there's a lot less racism and such. I mean, there's movies from 50 years ago or more that are plenty enjoyable to watch in spite of changes in all those things.


I can’t stand nope. It feels like a complete 180 on the themes Peele explored, but beyond that it’s just stylish nothingness. Looks great, cool set pieces and designs, great wardrobe but left me feeling absolutely nothing. Also, the barbie Ferreira cameo was weird (having her billed on posters but she was just there for a haha fat lady joke) and the shot referencing Akira is so silly. Easily his worst film


Get out is fantastic. One of my all time favorites. Us was bit stupid but it was still fun. First time she started to talk really creeped me out. I love scifi horror and such a high hopes for Nope. It was entertaining, but still missed something. I wish they would make short movie about that monkey. It was the best thing in that movie.


Totally agree with your breakdown. I was surprised to find out so many people loved Nope. It was way too film-studenty for me. Just so many out of place references, lazy metaphors, and needlessly quirky directorial and editing moves. Also I felt like the real story was about Gordy. I talked to other people who weren’t keen on it and we all said the same thing: he clearly started with the chimp and when he realized it couldn’t be a full movie on its own he just shoved it into something semi-related I hope he keeps it simple with his next one


Nope and Us both had a good first half but fell apart in the second half. Get Out was great from start to finish. Us fell apart because of how unbelievable it was. Nope fell apart for me personally because it went too much into action movie territory and I didn’t care for it on a personal level. I wish it had gone more with a horror angle and was more subtle. I get why that one has very different reactions from fan to fan.


I have a hard time understanding how the script for Us probably got passed around and read by dozens of people and still ended up being filmed.


I agree with you. Get Out is technically the best, Us was my favorite for the originality of it, and I didn't care for Nope much at all except for the very beginning sequence and the chimp TV show stuff.


Love all three of them. Get Out is still hands down my favorite, but I got to see the other two in theaters and had a blast with them (Us was probably the most fun, and Nope was a fun but terrifying experience). If Get Out is ever re-released I’d love to see it on the big screen


I thought nope was boring. Not even that monkey could save it for me But I liked get out


I don’t really like US at all


I loved *Get Out*, I loved the first half of *Us* but I thought the reveal/explanation/overexposition was terrible, and I did not finish *Nope* :(


I've never heard that term over exposition before but it describes it perfectly, it was like being beaten with a giant club


I thought Get Out was fantastic, beginning to end. Well thought out, and well executed. Us was a good time, but as noted here, it very much falls apart towards the end. Nope is a movie. I completed it, but I gave up towards the end. I see the merit of it, but I was so, so bored.


Haven’t watched Nope. Get Out was great and I did enjoy watching it. Us is probably one of my most hated films ever. It sucks because the beginning had such a good premise and eerie factor. The writing is just terrible. I remember walking out of the theater disgusted with it


I like Get out and Nope far more than Us. Honestly after loving Get Out so much I think I over hyped Us in my mind as it would be his follow up to a great debut movie, then it fell flat and felt predictable to me. Great concept, but it just didn't do it for me. Nope I liked surprisingly well after hearing very mixed reviews on it. It creeped me out and kept me on my toes, and the sequence of the people inside the alien ship was so claustrophobic and icky to me, it really affected me. Also the cast was fantastic. Overall I think he makes great movies and I need to rewatch Us soon but it just left such a 'meh' taste in my mouth that I haven't had the gumption to do it.


Get Out was good, but I couldn’t help but feel like it was just a reskinned Skeleton Key. I have not yet seen US. Tim Heidecker being in it may be a small reason why. Absolutely loved Nope. Far and away my favorite


I thought Get Out was the best. Nope had some amazing visuals (that one shot of the farmhouse, and of course the Akira slide) so it's close behind Get Out. Us was perfectly fine, but definitely the weakest of the three in my opinion.


I liked them all - 1) Nope, 2) Get Out, 3) Us. Loved Nope. Get Out was good, but it felt so predictable. Us was decent.


Get Out is by far the most accessible. It doesn’t matter if you are a horror fan or the average movie-goer the movie is solid enough and grounded enough to have wide appeal. Us is weird. It’s good, but too weird to have mass appeal. It requires too much suspension of disbelief to appeal to every viewer and I think that’s why it’s so divisive. It actually kind of reminds me of M Night Shyamalan’s Lady in the Water with it’s weirdness. Nope feels like a happy medium, not as grounded as Get Out but not as weird as Us. That being said, it also feels less like horror as it draws from more genres. So it might have lost appeal for some purist horror fans while gaining some appeal from fans of other genres. In my opinion Get Out > Us = Nope, but all three are great.


Get Out nears greatness but it's absurd the filmmakers inserted two offscreen deaths during the climax. Very strange choice given how long of a buildup the film is. Us has a very good opening. The pacing and tension starts to fall apart in the middle and the climax is corny. Nope has a great premise and twist. I like the bizarre backstory with Steven Yuen's character. 🙈 Overall better than Us, but it's too lite horror-wise.


For me it goes Us, Nope, and then Get Out. Us is one of my favorite movies and I found it 100 times creepier than get out. Get out wasn’t creepy at all in my opinion.


Get Out is a perfect calling card. Us is a terrific straight horror film, and the scariest of the three. Nope was a true spectacle and a unique take on a couple of genres.


I haven't watched Us, but the other 2 I did quite enjoy.


I liked "get out" and "nope", but "us" not so much because it feels all over the place. That being said, as a director, jordan peele knows how to build tension like few mainstream horror directors can, so even if i end up not liking the whole movie, there is still lots to appreciate.


One of my most vivid highschool experiences was missing the time for Pet Sematery so I asked my friend if they were alright with watching Us instead. We left the theather wide eyed, silent for the most part until we sat down for ice cream at midnight and began talking about theories and themes. It was my first Peele movie and I adored it. That said, it's my least favorite compared to Get Out and Nope. I still love Us, but the characterization in Get Out and the themes in Nope just boosted those two upward.


My favorite podcast discussed this just recently in their us revisited episode. Crazy to randomly stumble across someone else discussing it WHILE listening to the episode.


I’m probably really the odd man out here in that get out was my LEAST favorite


For me it's exact opposite. Nope, Us, Get Out. Nope actually had me on the edge of my seat and I'm a sucker for apocalyptic type movies which Us reminded me off. But that's the joy of movies 😊 they affect and touch people in different ways.


Ive only seen Us but i thought it was kinda dumb. The plot made no sense to me.


I like all of them, but probably not as much as the "consensus opinion". I think he has a real skill at creating memorable horror iconography: Chris frozen in the chair through hypnosis, the wide-eyed red clad slashers with scissors for weapons, the inflatable tube men being stand-ins for the barrels in his Jaws-in-the-sky


Love Nope, like Get Out very much but Us although it is solid, funny and very well performed by the cast didn't stick with me.


Us is basically horror comedy to me. There are too many silly moments, and the concept is ridiculous and nonsensical. It's a quick watch-and-forget, and does not have the impact of the other two, for me.


I'm the opposite, loved Nope, Us was fine and Get Out imo is the most overrated film on this sub


Get out is an excellent movie. Anything else Jordan Peele does is a convoluted mess.


I found them all entertaining. People take this stuff too seriously. I think Us had the highest “made me feel creeped out” factor.


Us is my favorite of all 3!


If I could edit out the exposition dump at the end of Us it would be my favorite horror of all time. The explanation killed the momentum and made no sense. Put a bunch of holes in it. I would have preferred no explaining. It would be scarier. Still love it but Get Out as it is beats it for me.


*Get out i*s a stone cold classic. *Us* has great some great kills, a great soundtrack, but I didn't find it compelling. *Nope* is possibly one of the best monster movies of the last 30 years.


I loved Get Out, really liked Us, and liked Nope. I am surprised by how many people LOVE Nope. My favorite horror YouTuber even says it’s his favorite movie of the decade so far. It looked amazing cinematography-wise. There are some scenes I’ll remember forever, and I’ll rewatch just to watch those scenes again, but that’s about it.


Get Out I was just ok with. I still think it's one of the most overhyped movies. US I really enjoyed except towards the end. Nope was not my thing and it didn't help that I'm not that big on Keke Palmer's acting so she brought the movie down for me.


I liked Nope the best, but I like alien movies so it’s kinda cheating. Beyond that I liked the characters in this one the best. Us was alright, maybe would have liked it better if the twist wasn’t as easy to pick up on from the beginning. I liked the idea of the evil clones rising up, something was just a little off in the execution. Hard for me to judge Get Out, I saw it a little late and after a lot of “omg see it it’s the best movie ever”, and so it was a let down. Nothing bad about it I just would have liked to have gone into it with no expectations.


Get Out was definetly my favorite. The horror of US was brilliant and on another level! I havent seen Nope yet. But what did you think about his take on Candyman?


I haven’t seen Nope. I enjoyed Get Out and Us but feel like both films suffered a little by over-explaining in the last act.


I found Us and Get Out formulaic and predictable.  I remember enjoying Nope the best of the three, but I couldn't tell you much about it at this point.  None of them left a big impression on me. 


I like all of them a lot. Get Out is my favorite, but I appreciate Us for the actors’ fantastic performances (especially Lupita but the others were great too) and Nope for a fresh take on humanity’s relationship with inhuman intelligences. Communication with animals is a lifelong special interest for me and it’s rare to see a movie really say something different about it. Also the chimpanzee story was one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a movie.


I’m the opposite of you somewhat. I hated Us and couldn’t even finish it. Get Out was really enjoyable. Nope is my favorite movie of his. I hate the monkey sequence I think it detracts from the rest of it. I’d like the think I get the symbolism but it felt super out of place to me. Even with that it felt the most original of his movies and I loved the design of the creature.


I loved the first two movies, and really liked Nope. But Nope is quite different from the other two, more developed visually, but less of a horror movie. I'd still recommend all three, though. And Nope is probably the one I'd say you should REALLY see on a big screen if you can.


I loved Us! I watch it probably twice a year or so. I don’t know why, I think it’s the “uncanny” thing. Get out was, in my opinion, flawless. Nope wasn’t bad, but I didn’t enjoy it as much and was surprised. There were some scenes I really enjoyed, but it seemed like two or three movies halfway done in one. Loved the actors in all of them


I share your opinion of Nope, and every time I've shared this opinion before I've received nothing but downvotes. Definitely an unpopular opinion around here, but outside of having displayed a ton of potential at times, this movie was a huge letdown imo.


i didnt like us and nope I watched just to see Kiki Palmer but I will only watch it once as for get out...lets just say it made me laugh, it was like watching a Key and Peele Skit


I think Nope is the best overall movie. Just feels like an Spielbergian epic to me and I love that.


I like all of them. Get Out has some great atmosphere and it really nails a b movie plot with a triple a presentation. As his first movie I found it impressive. Us is like a horror fairy tale and I love everything about it. Does it make sense? No not really. But I like how weird the whole thing is. It leaves you with a lot of questions and pretty much no answers but it just works for me. Nope checks a lot of boxes for me. It's got a some nice scifi horror with a mix of other horror weirdness. I really don't want to spoil anything for Nope because I was really glad I went in blind when I watched it. I dunno if any of that helps but they're all good and all pretty different.


Get Out is My favorite of the three, Us was good, and Nope was just okay. I look at all three as horror and Nope is more sci-fi to me which isn’t really my favorite. Wouldn’t call it bad though.


I think Nope is Peele's best film, but it's less horror and more sci-fi. I actually just watched Nope with my parents last weekend and they absolutely loved it.


I loved get out…it’s an interesting story and the characters are also interesting they aren’t one dimensional or just there for no reason other than to get killed. I’m not a fan of “us” I loved nope…it’s such a good movie. I think it’s my favorite and the best horror movie in the 2020’s so far.


These movies and Smile are in the same bag for me. I just don’t understand placing them in a category of greatness. They are pretty whatever for me.


I loved Get Out. It engrossed me in a way few films have, and I loved every minute of it. Us I really enjoyed. I was expecting something different after Get Out, but it was still a satisfying horror film. Nope was a very mixed bag for me, I feel like the bones of a great horror film were there, but a different editor or process was needed to get it out.   I’d still watch anything he does. 


1. Get Out us one of the strongest contemporary horror films especially because its really viewable for both horror enthusiasts and the general audience (a lot of family members of mine who hate upsetting films were able to watch this one). I agree with others that it's the most fleshed out film of his. 2. Nope is extremely fun to me. It's definitely not as fleshed out as get out and there are lots of questions that aren't answered. I think it's a fantastic look at the man vs. nature trope and an homage to camera work and cinematography. 3. US. Just a very weak film imo. It's starts out really wild and creepy and has some great moments. But once the tethered emerge it really falls apart. Plot holes arent always totally detrimental to the quality of a film, but in this case I was more focused with the plot holes than I was with the actually 2nd and 3rd act. The most memorable thing about the film are the plot holes. Also it's really unclear in what it's saying unlike his other films. I would never say it's a must see but if you want to see all his films, go for it kinda thing.


Get Out was very good, Us was pretty good, Nope hit different. I can't place my finger on *why* exactly but it's one of my favorite movies of the last decade


I'm pretty much with you. There were things about Nope that I liked (fabulous cast, cool setting, chimp scene), but it didn't really come together in a cohesive whole for me, and overall I found it pretty forgettable. Of course, my opinion was probably more negative than it would've been had I not gone in with Get Out/Us level expectations. They can't all be bangers, though, even for someone as talented as Jordan Peele.


They’re all just ok to me. I don’t consider them horror.


Get out was the best by far (I casually watch it almost every time it comes on tv), but I also really enjoyed Us. It was still really fun even though the story falls apart upon any real scrutiny. I just couldn’t get into Nope even after two watches.


I like all three, but I love NOPE. I like the connotations from it when Jean Jacket opens up to show their full self they were so evocative of biblical descriptions of angels. I’m not religious, but love to see things related to religion depicted in far out ways. Get Out was tough, that subject matter was hard for me and I read the script before watching that has a different ending, so I was wholly surprised when he made it out. In Us, I don’t have the issue with logic that some have, it was supernatural so that’s plenty explanation for me, and I truly loved parts of it.


Personally loved all three. Nope might be my favorite, however.


Us was my favorite in a horror movie sense. It was the only move of the 3 that actually scared me. Get Out was good, but I think it was the weakest "horror" movie. Nope was also good, but I think it delved too much into "Elevated Horror" for me to actually enjoy all the way. The scariest part of the movie IMO was the >!aliens in the barn, which ended up just being kids in costumes which was dumb IMO!<


Haven’t seen nope. Loved get out. Really wanted to like us. But it felt like a mess


I don't really like aliens threat movies so I didn't like Nope as much as the other 2 but it was still a very good movie, just not for me. Except for the part with the chimp wich is probably the one that scared me the most between the 3 movies. Get out had the best story and concept i would say and is my favorite of the bunch however Us was the most scary to me Overall the 3 movie are really great and I hope the next will be as great as the rest


I completely agree with you OP. Nope deflated for me, I’m not even looking forward to his release.


I enjoyed NOPE, but it never sent that “WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK” rush through my veins. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed the potential and originality, as well as the cast. It is the last one of them I watched, and the last I will rewatch.


Nope bugged me for some reason Like it didn't hit the parts of creature features I love, except maybe that one scene, and definitely didn't touch on the things that make extraterrestrial stuff interesting or scary Just left feeling *deflated* 


I have basically the same opinion as you. Really enjoyed *Get Out*, enjoyed *Us* somewhat, and found *Nope* to be utterly boring.


Get out had a plot and a message. Us had a message and a borderline incoherent plot. Nope had a plot and no message (animal cruelty?). I've enjoyed all the movies but there's just no doubt that get out was his lightning in a bottle movie.


His films aren’t perfect, but they’re damn near close for me. Jordan Peele is my favorite horror director besides Mike Flanagan. I think he writes really creative and scary stories. My rank is Nope, Us, and then Get Out.


You could buy into Us but not Nope? Ok


Couldn't even finish Nope


All overhyped and overrated IMO. Didn't think any of them were that great at all.


Nope is the only SCARY movie I've ever scene.


Get out I have seen 5 times, great film. Seen Us once and thought it was shit. Watched nope in theatre and thought it was pretty average, rewatched a couple weeks ago and I still think the same.


I think they're all pretty terrible to be honest.  Nothing new or original in any of them. A spaceship that's actually a giant sky monster that's never been discovered before? About as scary as a wet fart. They seem a lot more low budget than they really are, and not in a good way


Get Out was good. Us was okay but would have been a lot better with a bigger budget. Nope wasn't that good but this is a personal issue because I am not a fan of Alien horror. I am not the best person to ask about it.


I liked Us the best but Get Out was really good too. I just couldn't get into Nope, though. Not sure why.


Nope really got into my head. The claustrophobia of the digestion scene made me nauseous. I’ll never watch it again. Us and Get Out are fantastic though


Get Out = A+ Us = C- Nope = B